RedCafe Premier League Fantasy Draft - Picks Thread ONLY


CR7 fan
Mar 18, 2002
Final player to complete the team:

Stephen Andrew Bould

Part of the legendary Arsenal back four, with almost 200 PL appearances and won the title in 1998.

Danish Voice

Full Member
Apr 21, 2006
My last pick is a striker and I'm going for

Ian Rush

Probably not the most popular choice, but he managed to score 48 goals in the Premiership for Liverpool and Leeds. He also played a single season in Newcastle without scoring in the league. One of the best strikers in the scousers history, and even though he was about to be overtaken by younger strikers in the early 90's he scored 28 goals in the first two seasons of The Premiership. (14 each season)


Muppet in Training
Nov 16, 2002
Mit der deutschen Mannschaft
My final pick is one of the most versatile players in the Premier League, and one who has had a career more prominent than most others and none more so in the Premier League than at Real Madrid (where he did win a Champions League amongst other things), notably at Middlesbrough, for a start and then at Chelsea and now at Newcastle, where he was even made club captain by Sam Allardyce.

Admirably pleased to be able to pick:

Geremi Sorele Njitap Fotso

Strong, combative, pacy and an exceptional positional sense. He is also blessed with an incredibly powerful and accurate shot that can be very handy for over 30-yard from goal free kicks. This completes a quartet of defenders which has everything - intelligence, combativeness, pace, positional sense, hard work ethic and that should prove a formidable back four in front of a no less formidable keeper - Brad Friedel.


gets teste with iPads
Oct 17, 2007
Bitter Racism
Tim Flowers

Well i was never going to get a world beater, but good 'ol Timmy Flowers was far from a bad player in his day.

Premier League winner with Blackburn;

Making a vast number of appearances for numerous PL teams, and earning 11 england caps.

Also how can we forget he was Southampton player of the year twice!!!

An amazing achievement at such an illustrious club.