Rival Fans: Why are Utd so unpopular?


Full Member
Jan 2, 2015
West Didsbury, Manchester
The debate about fans of local sides being annoyed by "glory hunters" is an interesting one. It seems to be the one cropping up the most often. I know the type and I dont like these people either. They generally think that football started in 1992, that Ryan Giggs is the greatest player to ever play the game and have "interesting" little pet names for rivals like "Liverpoo" and "Shitty" etc....(anybody using these or Manure in respect to us should be rounded up and chucked into the sea) However, I would say that these people are just generally socially inept and normally just like to get under people's skin deliberately or think everything is "banter" and don't understand true love and dedication to a football team. I am not sure they are good examples of typical Utd fans but unfortunately for every 9 decent fans you get one of these and its always the "one" that sticks in your memory and becomes the stereotype. On the other hand, Utd have to put up with exactly the same thing from every casual football fan in the country. You get lads who claim to support their local team because they once went along with a mate on a free ticket and think that somehow makes them a "proper" football fan morally above the London-dwelling, armchair supporting dab-encouragers


Full Member
Mar 17, 2013
Really don't get this analogy. What would Liverpool be? Or for that matter Aston Villa and the likes of City, Arsenal and Chelsea?
Liverpool would be any genre that died in the 80s.

To be honest I said that largely in jest due to have been met with I don't really watch football, but I support United in many foreign countries - which is the same for other football superpowers to be fair, like Barcelona and Real madrid. But I know the reason I always root against United is because of their domination. Fergie almost killed me his last season because every match you would be behind and I would be cheering my heart out for the other team, and then you would win.


New Member
Oct 28, 2015
De Gea's hands
I never think ABUs who hate us so much make us unpopular, instead this makes us more popular since many people always talk about us. they insult, mock, criticize us everytime.. as United fan, I really enjoy these hates.. :lol:


Furry Fecker
Jan 9, 2011
Astride a Giant
Not sure about Spain (think more people hate Real Madrid though), but I know many Germans and they either hate or support Bayern.
The Bayern hate is more to do with Bavaria v Germany, you're unlikely to encounter a Bavarian who supports anyone from anywhere further north than Munich.


likes playing with swords after fantasies
Apr 29, 2014
1.You are the only club to come close to our success. We never want you to do well because you are a threat to us.

2. Your fans are the nastiest supporters I've ever encountered. I'm talking en masse here. Arrogant, entitled, obnoxious, deeply and viciously ugly and violent. You may have decent individuals, but whenever you come together you behave like twats.

3. Fergie. That sour, seething, rod-up-the-arse look on his face whenever you are losing. His bullying of referees, his pleasure in the downfall of others, his indignant childishness, surliness and autocratic intolerance to not getting his way. His sucking up to Blair. Your embracement of the corporate culture and emphasis on image. His irrational hatred and resentment of Liverpool, his treatment of Alan Hansen. The gamesmanship, the win-at-all-costs attitude.

4. Roy fecking Keane. Has there ever been a greater cnut to play football? The fecker should have been imprisoned for his assault on Alfe Inge Haaland.

5. Your tradition of stars over team ethic.

6. A kid I knew at school. They came from Manchester, his Dad a recovering alcoholic, his Mother looked like the Honey Monster. All of them rabid Man Utd fans. All of them were monsters, bullies, animal abusers, filthy scum. Thicker than the thickest pigshit. Neanderthals. Fascist sympathisers. This may have tainted my impression of the club.

7. Liverpool, by contrast. We will have within our ranks violent dickheads, racists, homophobes, wife beaters, but as a group I know of no better fans in the world. We have real passion for the club and our history, we support our players through bad times and good. We have a culture of humour and wit. We were battered in the 80's by Thatcher and the Tories but we fought back. We never gave up over Hillsborough. We have Socialist traditions.
I understand everything is written is your opinion but that's hideously blinkered.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2016
Liverpool would be any genre that died in the 80s.
Punk? Made claims of being the music of the working classes and anti establishment but ultimately sold out to the record companies for commercial success like everyone else.

ice-bionic red

Full Member
May 10, 2013
I love the fact everyone hates us and supports any team that plays us. I also love Jose being our manager and he will love this too


The People's President
Oct 27, 2001
Leve Palestina.
It's this sort of delusion that makes you a laughing stock.

If this is so bad why do Liverpool do it as well? Why did Liverpool become the first professional club to have a shirt sponsor? What could be more corporate than that?

Your real problem with United being so commercially successful is they are just better than Liverpool at it.

They were the first club to sell a second away strip and all.

Christ, I hate Liverpool. And their insufferable fans.


Full Member
May 25, 2013
Really don't get this analogy. What would Liverpool be? Or for that matter Aston Villa and the likes of City, Arsenal and Chelsea?
Liverpool would be heavy metal. The majority would agree (rightly) that it is pure shite but true believers would keep the faith no matter what and insist that it is better than anything else.

Arsenal today - Jazz. Once relevant, fresh, exciting and innovative (in the 90s) now going though the motions and exists for the sake of it.
Arsenal pre 90s - polka.

City- Dubstep. Popular because of capitalism.

Chelsea - Rap. Liked when they were 'underground' and cool. Now too mainstream and in your face. Helps that both have a strong affinity towards violence, homophobia and sexism. Still capable of thrilling when necessary.

Aston Villa - Disco. Last relevant in 1982/83 around the time Bowie made Let's dance and Modern Love.


Full Member
Dec 14, 2012
It has to be admitted that success brings arrogance too. Back in the 80s I worked with an Everton fan and a Liverpool fan and I remember one occasion when the Pool fan came in and said ever so nonchalantly, "I see our reserves dumped your lot yesterday".

United fans can be arrogant too, although I've had the experience many times of being slagged off before opening my mouth. Or people say "You're OK for a United fan"

If anyone asks me whether I've ever been to OT I usually tell them I flew over it once on my way to the Everglades. That really pisses them off.

Inigo Montoya

Leave Wayne Rooney alone!!
Oct 1, 2008
Jealousy. Simple as that really. We're the biggest club in the world.
Spot on.

It was OK when we were a bit of a laughing stock through the 70s and 80s but when SAF awoke a sleeping bear, a lot of opposing teams' supporters couldn't deal with the success and the inevitable glory hunting that came with it.

I think the hatred is less vitriolic than days past what with the growth of social media and the internet.If I'm not mistaken, Chelsea with the Abramovic money are probably the most hated team around


Full Member
Jan 4, 2013
1.You are the only club to come close to our success. We never want you to do well because you are a threat to us.

2. Your fans are the nastiest supporters I've ever encountered. I'm talking en masse here. Arrogant, entitled, obnoxious, deeply and viciously ugly and violent. You may have decent individuals, but whenever you come together you behave like twats.

3. Fergie. That sour, seething, rod-up-the-arse look on his face whenever you are losing. His bullying of referees, his pleasure in the downfall of others, his indignant childishness, surliness and autocratic intolerance to not getting his way. His sucking up to Blair. Your embracement of the corporate culture and emphasis on image. His irrational hatred and resentment of Liverpool, his treatment of Alan Hansen. The gamesmanship, the win-at-all-costs attitude.

4. Roy fecking Keane. Has there ever been a greater cnut to play football? The fecker should have been imprisoned for his assault on Alfe Inge Haaland.

5. Your tradition of stars over team ethic.

6. A kid I knew at school. They came from Manchester, his Dad a recovering alcoholic, his Mother looked like the Honey Monster. All of them rabid Man Utd fans. All of them were monsters, bullies, animal abusers, filthy scum. Thicker than the thickest pigshit. Neanderthals. Fascist sympathisers. This may have tainted my impression of the club.

7. Liverpool, by contrast. We will have within our ranks violent dickheads, racists, homophobes, wife beaters, but as a group I know of no better fans in the world. We have real passion for the club and our history, we support our players through bad times and good. We have a culture of humour and wit. We were battered in the 80's by Thatcher and the Tories but we fought back. We never gave up over Hillsborough. We have Socialist traditions.
:lol: That's rich coming from a Liverpool fan

Point 4, yes, Gerrard should have been in prison for his assault on a DJ


Full Member
Sep 16, 2012
Liverpool would be heavy metal. The majority would agree (rightly) that it is pure shite but true believers would keep the faith no matter what and insist that it is better than anything else.

Arsenal today - Jazz. Once relevant, fresh, exciting and innovative (in the 90s) now going though the motions and exists for the sake of it.
Arsenal pre 90s - polka.

City- Dubstep. Popular because of capitalism.

Chelsea - Rap. Liked when they were 'underground' and cool. Now too mainstream and in your face. Helps that both have a strong affinity towards violence, homophobia and sexism. Still capable of thrilling when necessary.

Aston Villa - Disco. Last relevant in 1982/83 around the time Bowie made Let's dance and Modern Love.
Cheers :lol:


TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
1.You are the only club to come close to our success. We never want you to do well because you are a threat to us.

2. Your fans are the nastiest supporters I've ever encountered. I'm talking en masse here. Arrogant, entitled, obnoxious, deeply and viciously ugly and violent. You may have decent individuals, but whenever you come together you behave like twats.

3. Fergie. That sour, seething, rod-up-the-arse look on his face whenever you are losing. His bullying of referees, his pleasure in the downfall of others, his indignant childishness, surliness and autocratic intolerance to not getting his way. His sucking up to Blair. Your embracement of the corporate culture and emphasis on image. His irrational hatred and resentment of Liverpool, his treatment of Alan Hansen. The gamesmanship, the win-at-all-costs attitude.

4. Roy fecking Keane. Has there ever been a greater cnut to play football? The fecker should have been imprisoned for his assault on Alfe Inge Haaland.

5. Your tradition of stars over team ethic.

6. A kid I knew at school. They came from Manchester, his Dad a recovering alcoholic, his Mother looked like the Honey Monster. All of them rabid Man Utd fans. All of them were monsters, bullies, animal abusers, filthy scum. Thicker than the thickest pigshit. Neanderthals. Fascist sympathisers. This may have tainted my impression of the club.

7. Liverpool, by contrast. We will have within our ranks violent dickheads, racists, homophobes, wife beaters, but as a group I know of no better fans in the world. We have real passion for the club and our history, we support our players through bad times and good. We have a culture of humour and wit. We were battered in the 80's by Thatcher and the Tories but we fought back. We never gave up over Hillsborough. We have Socialist traditions.
:lol: I love this post!

Tell us how you really feel!

I also love that it ended at 7. Where are 8, 9 and 10?

Your own fans threw bananas on the pitch at one of the best players to ever grace your shirt.
Last edited:


Love Island obsessive
Nov 3, 2016
1.You are the only club to come close to our success. We never want you to do well because you are a threat to us.

2. Your fans are the nastiest supporters I've ever encountered. I'm talking en masse here. Arrogant, entitled, obnoxious, deeply and viciously ugly and violent. You may have decent individuals, but whenever you come together you behave like twats.

3. Fergie. That sour, seething, rod-up-the-arse look on his face whenever you are losing. His bullying of referees, his pleasure in the downfall of others, his indignant childishness, surliness and autocratic intolerance to not getting his way. His sucking up to Blair. Your embracement of the corporate culture and emphasis on image. His irrational hatred and resentment of Liverpool, his treatment of Alan Hansen. The gamesmanship, the win-at-all-costs attitude.

4. Roy fecking Keane. Has there ever been a greater cnut to play football? The fecker should have been imprisoned for his assault on Alfe Inge Haaland.

5. Your tradition of stars over team ethic.

6. A kid I knew at school. They came from Manchester, his Dad a recovering alcoholic, his Mother looked like the Honey Monster. All of them rabid Man Utd fans. All of them were monsters, bullies, animal abusers, filthy scum. Thicker than the thickest pigshit. Neanderthals. Fascist sympathisers. This may have tainted my impression of the club.

7. Liverpool, by contrast. We will have within our ranks violent dickheads, racists, homophobes, wife beaters, but as a group I know of no better fans in the world. We have real passion for the club and our history, we support our players through bad times and good. We have a culture of humour and wit. We were battered in the 80's by Thatcher and the Tories but we fought back. We never gave up over Hillsborough. We have Socialist traditions.

You're quite petty...and hypocritical.

No.5 in particular, you had a player called...uhhh...oh what was his name?...ehhh... OH! Steven Gerrard? He's some kind of deity for you guys.

And you know of no better fans in the world? Funny that, since they are fans that support your club. Funnily enough, I think we have the best fans in the world, strange how that works isn't it?

P.S. Your name.

  1. a violent person, especially one involved in crime.

    Need I say more. Love you too mate.



Full Member
Oct 28, 2009
The land of Vuvuzela's
United fans used to terrorise towns and citys in the 70s with the football specials . Thousands of Utd fans descending on away games causing mayhem , local shop keepers and pubs boarding their windows up and closing for the afternoon , United fans had a real bad name and a lot of resentment stems from this also.
Wasn't this a normal theme in the 70's? I was under the impression West Ham fans had the worst away fans contributing to numerous issues with shop owners. Or was that another club?


May 20, 2011
Barcelona, Catalunya
1.You are the only club to come close to our success. We never want you to do well because you are a threat to us.

2. Your fans are the nastiest supporters I've ever encountered. I'm talking en masse here. Arrogant, entitled, obnoxious, deeply and viciously ugly and violent. You may have decent individuals, but whenever you come together you behave like twats.

3. Fergie. That sour, seething, rod-up-the-arse look on his face whenever you are losing. His bullying of referees, his pleasure in the downfall of others, his indignant childishness, surliness and autocratic intolerance to not getting his way. His sucking up to Blair. Your embracement of the corporate culture and emphasis on image. His irrational hatred and resentment of Liverpool, his treatment of Alan Hansen. The gamesmanship, the win-at-all-costs attitude.

4. Roy fecking Keane. Has there ever been a greater cnut to play football? The fecker should have been imprisoned for his assault on Alfe Inge Haaland.

5. Your tradition of stars over team ethic.

6. A kid I knew at school. They came from Manchester, his Dad a recovering alcoholic, his Mother looked like the Honey Monster. All of them rabid Man Utd fans. All of them were monsters, bullies, animal abusers, filthy scum. Thicker than the thickest pigshit. Neanderthals. Fascist sympathisers. This may have tainted my impression of the club.

7. Liverpool, by contrast. We will have within our ranks violent dickheads, racists, homophobes, wife beaters, but as a group I know of no better fans in the world. We have real passion for the club and our history, we support our players through bad times and good. We have a culture of humour and wit. We were battered in the 80's by Thatcher and the Tories but we fought back. We never gave up over Hillsborough. We have Socialist traditions.
:lol: This thread delivered.

Randall Flagg

Worst of the best
May 23, 2009
As a rival fan:

This is mostly the case from my experience. The majority of United fans I know disappeared for around 3 years and now they're back with fresh Pogba shirts winding on about how they knew Mourinho was 'destined' to manage 'the club he loves'. I don't hate the club necessarily. Contrarily, I think United are a decent model of self sufficiency and it is run the right way. The Class of 92 is a really nice story and unusual at this level of the game. I didn't enjoy Ferguson's manipulation of referees and definitely think you got the rub of the green to that end when our rivalry was at its fiercest but I understand that winning was all that mattered and playing to the referees in that regard is a way to win.

Honestly, I see a lot of fans of teams like Spurs/Everton beginning to dislike United more in recent years. I was speaking to a Spurs fan during the Spurs/United game last season who was telling me he couldn't stand the romanticism of United in the media. For example, he remembered Sky had a 'Van Gaalacticos' promotional video and a general assumption that United were always in the title race each season even though every year since Ferguson left it's been pretty clear to everyone who isn't blinded by bias that United were worse than Spurs. Media acting like Spurs/Everton beating United or drawing with them was a huge deal etc. He had a point to be fair and I can see where he's coming from - but that is a temporary thing and the order of United being better than Spurs will soon be restored most likely (albeit I can't see it being this season!)

I wonder do rival fans on here get annoyed when the see many posters believe there is a bias against Utd in the media and from match officials. It even annoys me as a Utd fan because I just don't see it


urinates in helmets
Aug 10, 2000
Special once
Berwick Rangers
1.You are the only club to come close to our success. We never want you to do well because you are a threat to us.

2. Your fans are the nastiest supporters I've ever encountered. I'm talking en masse here. Arrogant, entitled, obnoxious, deeply and viciously ugly and violent. You may have decent individuals, but whenever you come together you behave like twats.

3. Fergie. That sour, seething, rod-up-the-arse look on his face whenever you are losing. His bullying of referees, his pleasure in the downfall of others, his indignant childishness, surliness and autocratic intolerance to not getting his way. His sucking up to Blair. Your embracement of the corporate culture and emphasis on image. His irrational hatred and resentment of Liverpool, his treatment of Alan Hansen. The gamesmanship, the win-at-all-costs attitude.

4. Roy fecking Keane. Has there ever been a greater cnut to play football? The fecker should have been imprisoned for his assault on Alfe Inge Haaland.

5. Your tradition of stars over team ethic.

6. A kid I knew at school. They came from Manchester, his Dad a recovering alcoholic, his Mother looked like the Honey Monster. All of them rabid Man Utd fans. All of them were monsters, bullies, animal abusers, filthy scum. Thicker than the thickest pigshit. Neanderthals. Fascist sympathisers. This may have tainted my impression of the club.

7. Liverpool, by contrast. We will have within our ranks violent dickheads, racists, homophobes, wife beaters, but as a group I know of no better fans in the world. We have real passion for the club and our history, we support our players through bad times and good. We have a culture of humour and wit. We were battered in the 80's by Thatcher and the Tories but we fought back. We never gave up over Hillsborough. We have Socialist traditions.


New Member
Jul 5, 2015
Manchester reds
A recent reason I've heard is because of how quickly we abandoned everything Ferguson believed in and kept throwing money at players like ADM and Falcao who never wanted to set foot in Manchester nevermind play football for us.

If their clubs had our money you'd better believe they'd change their tune from this holier than thou bollocks.

Josep Dowling

Full Member
Aug 17, 2014
1.You are the only club to come close to our success. We never want you to do well because you are a threat to us.

2. Your fans are the nastiest supporters I've ever encountered. I'm talking en masse here. Arrogant, entitled, obnoxious, deeply and viciously ugly and violent. You may have decent individuals, but whenever you come together you behave like twats.

3. Fergie. That sour, seething, rod-up-the-arse look on his face whenever you are losing. His bullying of referees, his pleasure in the downfall of others, his indignant childishness, surliness and autocratic intolerance to not getting his way. His sucking up to Blair. Your embracement of the corporate culture and emphasis on image. His irrational hatred and resentment of Liverpool, his treatment of Alan Hansen. The gamesmanship, the win-at-all-costs attitude.

4. Roy fecking Keane. Has there ever been a greater cnut to play football? The fecker should have been imprisoned for his assault on Alfe Inge Haaland.

5. Your tradition of stars over team ethic.

6. A kid I knew at school. They came from Manchester, his Dad a recovering alcoholic, his Mother looked like the Honey Monster. All of them rabid Man Utd fans. All of them were monsters, bullies, animal abusers, filthy scum. Thicker than the thickest pigshit. Neanderthals. Fascist sympathisers. This may have tainted my impression of the club.

7. Liverpool, by contrast. We will have within our ranks violent dickheads, racists, homophobes, wife beaters, but as a group I know of no better fans in the world. We have real passion for the club and our history, we support our players through bad times and good. We have a culture of humour and wit. We were battered in the 80's by Thatcher and the Tories but we fought back. We never gave up over Hillsborough. We have Socialist traditions.
This pretty much sums up why I can't stand a vast majority of Liverpool fans. This idea they think they are the best fans in the world. Did you hear your supports at Anfield today? All I could hear was the Green Army for 90 minutes.

I've worked in a large office where many know I'm a United fan. The only time I was aware when someone was a Liverpool fan is if they're doing better than United in the league. All of sudden they chirp up with boastful comments on how their doing.

Not quite sure what point 5 is getting at. Fergie sold Beckham and Stam in their prime. We never replaced Ronaldo for a star player. And we kept the likes of Cleverly, Evans, Anderson and Fletcher for much longer than we should of done.

Liverpool has more similarities to United than most clubs. This I expect is why both sets of fans dislike each other.

the unknown one.

Full Member
Jul 15, 2013
The raven sits ever watchful above my chamber door
1.You are the only club to come close to our success. We never want you to do well because you are a threat to us.

2. Your fans are the nastiest supporters I've ever encountered. I'm talking en masse here. Arrogant, entitled, obnoxious, deeply and viciously ugly and violent. You may have decent individuals, but whenever you come together you behave like twats.

3. Fergie. That sour, seething, rod-up-the-arse look on his face whenever you are losing. His bullying of referees, his pleasure in the downfall of others, his indignant childishness, surliness and autocratic intolerance to not getting his way. His sucking up to Blair. Your embracement of the corporate culture and emphasis on image. His irrational hatred and resentment of Liverpool, his treatment of Alan Hansen. The gamesmanship, the win-at-all-costs attitude.

4. Roy fecking Keane. Has there ever been a greater cnut to play football? The fecker should have been imprisoned for his assault on Alfe Inge Haaland.

5. Your tradition of stars over team ethic.

6. A kid I knew at school. They came from Manchester, his Dad a recovering alcoholic, his Mother looked like the Honey Monster. All of them rabid Man Utd fans. All of them were monsters, bullies, animal abusers, filthy scum. Thicker than the thickest pigshit. Neanderthals. Fascist sympathisers. This may have tainted my impression of the club.

7. Liverpool, by contrast. We will have within our ranks violent dickheads, racists, homophobes, wife beaters, but as a group I know of no better fans in the world. We have real passion for the club and our history, we support our players through bad times and good. We have a culture of humour and wit. We were battered in the 80's by Thatcher and the Tories but we fought back. We never gave up over Hillsborough. We have Socialist traditions.
Comes close?

We are more successful than Liverpool as we have won more trophies.

Point number two is the most delusional thing I had every read.


"do the dead, spread your seed and get out"
Nov 10, 2011
6. A kid I knew at school. They came from Manchester, his Dad a recovering alcoholic, his Mother looked like the Honey Monster. All of them rabid Man Utd fans. All of them were monsters, bullies, animal abusers, filthy scum. Thicker than the thickest pigshit. Neanderthals. Fascist sympathisers. This may have tainted my impression of the club.


Full Member
Sep 25, 2012
Miami Beach, FL 33139
It is a mistake to believe that it is because of our success.

United was admired by many in the late 40s and 50s (going by my Dads recollection, he is a Brighton fan) due to Busby's version of football, bringing youth and playing attractive fast flowing football. Maybe because of the war, people were more patriotic and there was a keen interest on fans looking out for the stars from their country. So club rivalry less fierce than the following decades.

When the Munich disaster happened United got enormous publicity (and sympathy) but as we moved into the 60s, United started to get perceived as a circus. We were the big boys in fan base, but not trophies, and many got peeved at United being headlines in the local press at the expense of the local teams. Move on to the hooligan era, and seeing essentially an army of United fans trash places did not help.

United had built up an enormous ABU following well before Fergie and we were not really threatening anyone on the park. Add new communication technology and the ability to broadcast United more often enabled opposing fans to exaggerate anything to do with United. If Keane did something it was major news, if Gerrard, Terry, Souness, Viera did it, not so news worthy.

Add to that rival clubs singing anti-united songs, that were passed on through the ages, and people who have no real reason to hate, just follow the crowd.


Full Member
Mar 17, 2013
Liverpool would be heavy metal. The majority would agree (rightly) that it is pure shite but true believers would keep the faith no matter what and insist that it is better than anything else.

Arsenal today - Jazz. Once relevant, fresh, exciting and innovative (in the 90s) now going though the motions and exists for the sake of it.
Arsenal pre 90s - polka.

City- Dubstep. Popular because of capitalism.

Chelsea - Rap. Liked when they were 'underground' and cool. Now too mainstream and in your face. Helps that both have a strong affinity towards violence, homophobia and sexism. Still capable of thrilling when necessary.

Aston Villa - Disco. Last relevant in 1982/83 around the time Bowie made Let's dance and Modern Love.
Brilliant! :lol:

kirk buttercup

Full Member
Oct 20, 2016
I love the fact we are hated.
Most sports at top levels have a team the rest hate (it's usually the most successful one) over the last couple of seasons it felt like the ABU brigade were starting to thin out and become less vocal, we were more mocked than hated .with Jose people are starting to hate us again and I for one love it.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Liverpool - Hair Metal. Or even Herr Metal.

Denis' cuff

Full Member
May 13, 2007
It is a mistake to believe that it is because of our success.

United was admired by many in the late 40s and 50s (going by my Dads recollection, he is a Brighton fan) due to Busby's version of football, bringing youth and playing attractive fast flowing football. Maybe because of the war, people were more patriotic and there was a keen interest on fans looking out for the stars from their country. So club rivalry less fierce than the following decades.

When the Munich disaster happened United got enormous publicity (and sympathy) but as we moved into the 60s, United started to get perceived as a circus. We were the big boys in fan base, but not trophies, and many got peeved at United being headlines in the local press at the expense of the local teams. Move on to the hooligan era, and seeing essentially an army of United fans trash places did not help.

United had built up an enormous ABU following well before Fergie and we were not really threatening anyone on the park. Add new communication technology and the ability to broadcast United more often enabled opposing fans to exaggerate anything to do with United. If Keane did something it was major news, if Gerrard, Terry, Souness, Viera did it, not so news worthy.

Add to that rival clubs singing anti-united songs, that were passed on through the ages, and people who have no real reason to hate, just follow the crowd.
I think you're a decade behind with that, pal. I supported United thru the 60s and beyond. Back then they were everyone's 2nd favourite team. (Cliched but largely true). The tide starts to turn in he 70s and went into overdrive after Fergie and success. Hoolies? United weren't the worst, we just had more than anyone else and went to other grounds and were the majority. We'd outnumber the middling clubs and only at Newcastle, Leeds and Merseyside were we well outnumbered - but even then would take 15,000'or so. It changed after Hillsboro but the resentment was established. The 67 title clincher at West Ham was like a home game and they've never forgiven us. Munich? You hear about it far more these days than you did back in the 60s. It didn't start to be romanticised until the 70s at the peak of the red Army days.

Another Salford Red, btw. ;)


Full Member
Mar 23, 2009
Don't particularly hate any football club or set of fans, I have a strong dislike of a decent section of Celtic supporters, but that's more my own petty pedantry; the gobshites who make a conscious decision to travel to a foreign country, possibly driving past the grounds of actual Irish teams, to support an 'Irish' team. Anyhow, I digress.

When United were winning leagues every second year, I thought fair enough, your team is winning, enjoy it. You people can slag Liverpool fans for going over the top with regard to Istanbul, but Liverpool fans weren't used to it, especially anyone born from the late eighties on.

But over the last couple of years, the weird sense of entitlement was kind of annoying. It was as if United fans couldn't possibly understand what it was like to be shite (relatively speaking). The amount of people who decided to lose interest, or become completely negative, as if they had been on a barren run of 40 years, was kind of pathetic. Like I understand football for many is a release or a distraction, but if you're going to be taking the piss and being a smug feck when you're team is winning (don't particularly mind that, it's all in the fun) you can't just turn around and say "not bothered" when things go wrong, and then suddenly reappear with a #Pogback.

And poor Fellaini getting booed, how could you?

I also look at a lot of Liverpool fans and see this weird special club bullshit, Liverpool are as corporate/mainstream whatever you want to call it as the next club, atmospheres are shite 80% of the time, plenty of other teams have a strong history and tradition, grow up.


Full Member
Dec 14, 2012
I think you're a decade behind with that, pal. I supported United thru the 60s and beyond. Back then they were everyone's 2nd favourite team. (Cliched but largely true). The tide starts to turn in he 70s and went into overdrive after Fergie and success. Hoolies? United weren't the worst, we just had more than anyone else and went to other grounds and were the majority. We'd outnumber the middling clubs and only at Newcastle, Leeds and Merseyside were we well outnumbered - but even then would take 15,000'or so. It changed after Hillsboro but the resentment was established. The 67 title clincher at West Ham was like a home game and they've never forgiven us. Munich? You hear about it far more these days than you did back in the 60s. It didn't start to be romanticised until the 70s at the peak of the red Army days.

Another Salford Red, btw. ;)
I was at that game too. Bottles were being hurled at us from the back of the stand, lots of blood and gashed heads. After Law scored the penalty I got beaten up by WH fans. In those days we used to sing about having "taken" the Shed ot Kippax Street ! Wasn't it at WH that our bus got attacked last season ? Sorry to see City knocked them out of the cup, I wanted us to do it, always enjoy beating them.

On the other hand, I respect their history of producing good players and usually playing attacking football.
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Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Manchester City
The debate about fans of local sides being annoyed by "glory hunters" is an interesting one. It seems to be the one cropping up the most often. I know the type and I dont like these people either. They generally think that football started in 1992, that Ryan Giggs is the greatest player to ever play the game and have "interesting" little pet names for rivals like "Liverpoo" and "Shitty" etc....(anybody using these or Manure in respect to us should be rounded up and chucked into the sea) However, I would say that these people are just generally socially inept and normally just like to get under people's skin deliberately or think everything is "banter" and don't understand true love and dedication to a football team. I am not sure they are good examples of typical Utd fans but unfortunately for every 9 decent fans you get one of these and its always the "one" that sticks in your memory and becomes the stereotype. On the other hand, Utd have to put up with exactly the same thing from every casual football fan in the country. You get lads who claim to support their local team because they once went along with a mate on a free ticket and think that somehow makes them a "proper" football fan morally above the London-dwelling, armchair supporting dab-encouragers
I think the fact that United, like Liverpool, have lots of non-match going fans in every town and city across the country has a lot to do with it. As a local City fan, it's nothing to do with that and it's purely the local rivalry thing that shapes it for me - if you were bottom of the 4th tier, I'd still not want you to win so much as a throw-in (unless a United win benefitted City in some way). That said, I've got mates who have followed United all over the place and while we've been involved in some heated debates down the years, deep down there's a begrudging respect between us because we've all put a hell of a lot of time, money, and effort into following our clubs. One of them is a former United hooligan but is as sound as they come, and he's always looked out for his City-supporting mates.

But back to the glory-hunter thing - you're right that even match-going United fans get tagged with it and that must be annoying as hell (I know if someone accused me of being a glory-hunting City fan, they'd be swallowing their words within seconds), especially if it comes from someone who doesn't exactly attend too many matches themselves. A guy at work here is a United fan and has held a season ticket for many years. A few years back he was on a beano with some mates in York and they were watching a United game in a pub. An Arsenal fan who was in there piped up to him: "United fan eh? So how many times have you been to Old Trafford then?" to which he replied quick as a flash "More times than Ryan Giggs". Needless to say, the Arsenal fan soon shut up.

I'll also add that glory-hunting fans aren't confined to non-local areas. There are plenty of local glory-hunters - and City are starting to attract them in considerable numbers too - who have never set foot inside the stadium of the club they support and have no intention of doing so. As such, those non-local United fans that actually do attend matches deserve a lot more credit than the local non-attending glory-hunters for putting the time, money, and effort into following the club. I remember a post on here many years ago where a United fan from Plymouth was staying in Manchester after a home game. He got talking to a local United fan in one of the clubs in town who had never been to Old Trafford and was lecturing the Plymouth-based red on how expensive it was to buy a ticket.....while spending a fortune on alcohol.


Nurse bell end
Jun 5, 2008
West Yorkshire
My friend who supports Leeds absolutely detests United, he's a painter and refuses to do jobs in red paint. When his wife bought some pegs he threw all the red ones out. When I asked him ages ago he said it was because of the fans and how arrogant they are. So, needless to say I wind him up all the time :lol: