Robinho sentenced to 9 years for involvement in sexual assault


Aug 13, 2013
People are surprisingly fixated on punishment. Isn't prison about deterrence and rehabilitation?

Lord SInister

Full Member
Mar 5, 2015
where grasses are green and girls are pretty
Personally I think 9 years is too much for rape considering murder only gets you around 20 in most countries. Also the court ordered him to pay the victim 60,000€ in compensation. What the heck? I think 3-5 years in prison and a high six- or seven-digit sum would be appropriate.

sorry but your total disregard for rape victims is terrible.
You are saying a person who forcefully violate someone should be charged with money and some years in prison?

No one deserves to die. Period. I can't express how troublesome I find it that people still support the death penalty in this day and age. Also taking someone's life to me is so much worse than any other violent or sexual crime and that has to be reflected in the sentence.
Same way no-one deserves to be raped or violated sexually.

Pagh Wraith

Full Member
May 2, 2011
Yes. So you think terrorists don't deserve to be killed. Well each to their own.
If you engage them in combat or chase them through the city centre when they're on the loose, then sure, kill them. I thought we were talking about people in captivity.


FA Cup Predictions 2023/2024 winner
May 10, 2009
If you engage them in combat or chase them through the city centre when they're on the loose, then sure, kill them. I thought we were talking about people in captivity.
Yeah so terrorists who are caught deserves jail time and should be let free after their jail time?

Shame no one told Indian govt not to do that to Kasab.

Pagh Wraith

Full Member
May 2, 2011
Yeah so terrorists who are caught deserves jail time and should be let free after their jail time?

Shame no one told Indian govt not to do that to Kasab.
I explicitely stated earlier that murderers should serve life without any chance of getting out. That includes terrorists.


FA Cup Predictions 2023/2024 winner
May 10, 2009
I explicitely stated earlier that murderers should serve life without any chance of getting out. That includes terrorists.
What good that would do except burden on officers to look after scums of the world.


Full Member
Oct 2, 2013
Cape Town
Ligue 1, Arsenal
This thread has turned into the Daily Mail. Devising ever more gruesome punishments doesn't prove you're more outraged than others.


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
They aren't, but they are when they start talking about criminals.
Even putting aside the moral arguments of how criminals should be treated, the only thing that ever needs to be said to immediately shut down the suggestion of capital punishment is that sometimes people are wrongly convicted.

The risk of putting an innocent person to death infinitely outweighs any 'benefit' that could be argued for certain cases.

Jim Beam

Gets aroused by men in low socks
Feb 10, 2017
All over the place
The minimum sentence for rape in Germany is two years. We can argue if that is too low, but 3-5 years is much more in line with the law than the mandatory 25-30 years that have been suggested.
What is the maximum sentence? 3-5 years is nothing. You will get that kind of sentence only if there are some mitigating circumstances in the case. Stop talking nonsense.


Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Manchester City
Crikey, this thread is turning into a car crash - can people just back off from each other a bit?

FWIW, I don't understand how someone can see that 9 years for gang rape is too harsh a sentence and if anything it should be even longer. However, at the same time calling for things like the death penalty or more to the point some other draconian punishment that belongs in the middle ages probably isn't the answer either. There's a reason why civilised countries don't advocate chopping the dick and balls off a rapist because we've moved on a fair bit from that kind of thing. Not that I necessarily blame people for thinking like that because topics like these will always be emotive. For me, tough prison sentences are the best answer for serious crimes.


FA Cup Predictions 2023/2024 winner
May 10, 2009
Even putting aside the moral arguments of how criminals should be treated, the only thing that ever needs to be said to immediately shut down the suggestion of capital punishment is that sometimes people are wrongly convicted.

The risk of putting an innocent person to death infinitely outweighs any 'benefit' that could be argued for certain cases.
I don't have problem with that, I mean not giving harsher punishments for people where there is a doubt but when it comes to capital punishments for terrorists like Kasab, Human rights acted like some sort of innocent was killed which was insane. Sometimes it's okay to put the book aside and think with common sense.

Then there was Delhi rape case which shook whole India and even made amendments to law, criminal were proven beyond any doubt, so why should those people deserved to live even in the prison?


New Member
Nov 21, 2017
Tottenham Hotspur
People are surprisingly fixated on punishment. Isn't prison about deterrence and rehabilitation?
It's all of the above but they are secondary reasons in my opinion. People have lost sight of what prison is really about. And that is removing dangerous or anti-social individuals from the general populace so that the general populace can get on with their lives and prosper in a safer environment.
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Doesn't understand sportswashing.
Mar 17, 2008
The CL is a glorified FA Cup set to music
orderly disembarking on planes
I know. He thinks the appropriate punishment for a gang rape is 3 to 5 years jail. The funny or scary thing is his opinion is not an isolated one there was a case of a swim star in the USA that served 3 months jail for sexual assault. The judge said mitigating factors were his clean record and youth. I am not for mob justice or cruel punishments but the punishment must be somewhat of a deterrent. Also, there should be equal justice for all and no one should be above the law regardless of their fame and fortune so Joe the plumber should be treated the same as Joe the football star or Joe the billionaire.

Lastly I have to say that posters that are advocating capital punishments are going a bit far. He should serve a fair jail term and then be rehabilitated back into society.
The longer you spend time in a typical prison, the less likely you'll be able to be rehabilitated.

That's why you do it chemically, since that treatment can be stopped.
What? It can't be reversed.


Full Member
Jun 30, 2014
Los Angeles
No one deserves to die. Period. I can't express how troublesome I find it that people still support the death penalty in this day and age. Also taking someone's life to me is so much worse than any other violent or sexual crime and that has to be reflected in the sentence.
I agree that the death penalty should not be used. However, I think you are not considering how much mental trauma rape can cause. Let's say before you were raped you were a generally mentally healthy person, but prone to worrying about things. You get raped, your anxiety spikes through the roof, you get symptoms of PTSD, this fear and panic evolves into general depression and suddenly life doesn't seem so worth living anymore.

I believe few crimes (outside murder and the like) if any can cause an equivalent amount mental distress for a victim, and for this reason (among others) the idea that such a crime deserves only 3-5 years in prison seems ludicrous to me.
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Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
I don't have problem with that, I mean not giving harsher punishments for people where there is a doubt but when it comes to capital punishments for terrorists like Kasab, Human rights acted like some sort of innocent was killed which was insane. Sometimes it's okay to put the book aside and think with common sense.

Then there was Delhi rape case which shook whole India and even made amendments to law, criminal were proven beyond any doubt, so why should those people deserved to live even in the prison?
Because people have been "proven guilty beyond any doubt" and found out to be innocent many years later.


FA Cup Predictions 2023/2024 winner
May 10, 2009
Because people have been "proven guilty beyond any doubt" and found out to be innocent many years later.
I have given examples where one was caught killing people and others admitted everything and even gave interviews.


Doesn't understand sportswashing.
Mar 17, 2008
The CL is a glorified FA Cup set to music
orderly disembarking on planes
One should only be incarcerated for a long time if they are beyond rehabilitation, and they are extremely dangerous to society. A serial rapist or murderer shouldn't be let out early unless there is clear and convincing evidence they've turned a new leaf in prison.

For other situations, I support low jail sentences that are long enough to rehabilitate offenders and provide them with life skills to avoid crime once they are released. Under the right circumstances, I would not be averse to a 5-10 sentence for rape.

Some people have mentioned the Brock Turner sentence. I think the sentence was too small, but that was because he didn't understand the problem with what he did (he said he drank too much), and the liberties granted him are not granted to people of color. Otherwise it would be fine, he's still a sex offender for life which is a horrible fate.

The notion that a short sentence disrespects the victim is insane. Instead of giving into blood lusty tendencies and demanding heads on platters, or even worse, praying for some virtuous prisoner to rape the offender in jail, why does no one demand the government do everything to ensure that rape victims are fully rehabilitated, and given the support, counseling and care they need to get past their trauma? As a victim, someone else's prison sentence doesn't do anything to help me.


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
I have given examples where one was caught killing people and others admitted everything and even gave interviews.
False confessions happen, and the law has to be consistent across the board. You can't have cases where you say "well we're really really sure with this one". The death penalty is wrong, but it's also flawed.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2012
Manchester, England
FWIW, I don't understand how someone can see that 9 years for gang rape is too harsh a sentence and if anything it should be even longer. However, at the same time calling for things like the death penalty or more to the point some other draconian punishment that belongs in the middle ages probably isn't the answer either. There's a reason why civilised countries don't advocate chopping the dick and balls off a rapist because we've moved on a fair bit from that kind of thing. Not that I necessarily blame people for thinking like that because topics like these will always be emotive. For me, tough prison sentences are the best answer for serious crimes.
Good post. On reflection I wasn't being entirely serious with the drown in lava thing, but definitely 3 to 5 years is not an adequate punishment.

There is also cases where people are wrongly convicted, but I believe for more serious violent cases with proof chemical castration and to a lesser extent capital punishment should at least be on the table.


New Member
Jun 27, 2014
No one deserves to die. Period. I can't express how troublesome I find it that people still support the death penalty in this day and age. Also taking someone's life to me is so much worse than any other violent or sexual crime and that has to be reflected in the sentence.
I find this sort of pacifism total bollocks. I think this is one thing that the Sharia law has got perfectly right. There should be death penalty for everything starting from manslaughter/culpable homicide upwards and definitely for all forms of murder and rape.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
Rape definitely deserves chopping off the penis and jail time imo


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
A bit like this :lol:

(This was likely a joke)
Well, no, I do agree with the balls chopped off (or similar) for reincidence.

The key in all this to me is you put people away to protect society and work on giving them back having knocked the crap out of their head.

E.g. I do think Robinho probably is the sort that fame and money got to him and thought he was beyond the law. Probably some mob mentality (getting carried away/influenced by others). That is, a maturity and thinking straight issue more than an irrepressible deviant behaviour. No need to chop his bollocks, jail should work.

But then there's those that keep at it no matter how many times they get caught. You have to conclude you can't fix them and at that point protecting others is paramount. If castration helps then so be it, although I'm not sure how effective it is. I would actually lock them up for good and the castration would be an additional safeguard.


Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Manchester City
False confessions happen, and the law has to be consistent across the board. You can't have cases where you say "well we're really really sure with this one". The death penalty is wrong, but it's also flawed.
Absolutely. And this one here is probably the most famous in modern British history. While there are others, this one in particular makes my blood boil. The British justice system is one of the best around but what happened to Stefan Kiszko was utterly shameful.

2 man midfield

Last Man Standing finalist 2021/22
Sep 4, 2012
Are people suggesting these medieval punishments seriously, or just joking around?

The state can't go around killing people and chopping bits off. That's the sort of thing the Arab world is looked down for, while we in the west smugly point to our democracy and fair justice.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
Are people suggesting these medieval punishments seriously, or just joking around?

The state can't go around killing people and chopping bits off. That's the sort of thing the Arab world is looked down for, while we in the west smugly point to our democracy and fair justice.
Of course we can't but people saying his sentence was too much and dismissing the harm done to the victim, with paying them some money riled people. Also a City fan said it is possible he has done something before, so he obviously has an issue with right and wrong and at his age he might not be ready to learn, so a good spell in prison might help. I personally don't think rape is taken seriously enough.


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity

There are many levels of "rape", im no expert in law but if a group of guy forcefully say abduct a girl in the street, take her somewhere and gangraped her then yes by all means 25 years, life or whatever form of torture you can legally think of its fine, it's premeditated and done with full evil intention.

But there are lots of gray area in rape cases as well.

Let's say a group of footballers hangs out in a private club, and there's a few girls coming, enjoying the drink, getting drunk and flirty, and they had sex (no force used here, no rope nothing). Comew tomorrow the girl said she was raped. I dont think its going to be easy to make a judgment on this.

As a man many times we're picking up chicks in the pub or somewhere, although we probably didn't bring a cuff or some hockey mask most of the times alcohol was in play, how would you feel if the next morning cops banging on your door and arrest you for what you think was a genuine mutual one night stand?

You could also ask : what if it happens to one of your brother or male relatives, being sentenced 9 years for a gray area one night stand?

I'm not saying this about robinho, but more of there's always 2 sides of the story.

Water Melon

Rehab you say? You have got hospitals and clinics for that. For crime it is punishment, mainly in prison. Depending on severity of crime, severity of punishment varies. If a person finds it okay to kill an innocent person, he should be jailed forever. If somebody rapes, then he should spend a lot of time in prison. It is his punishment and it should be severe. The stricter the rules and the more inevitable the punishment, the less temptation to commit a crime.