Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion


Full Member
May 28, 2019
Leicester City
War economy is no silver bullet and can only be maitained for so long.

Furthermore the economic sanctions are hurting Russia, though not as badly as we first thought, and Iran as well as NK's support isn't infinite. Let's not even talk about the horrendous losses the Russians sustained in the last two years. I personally see the story about Russia wanting to take on NATO and western Europe as a pure fantasy. It will never have the economy nor the military means for that, no matter how hard they try. It's also one thing to "conquer" a country but a whole other to hold onto it.

I personally don't believe that it's ever been Putin's intention. It's part of the war to depict the enemy as delusional and irrational since it makes things easier for your population to swallow, but to the contrary to the popular belief, Putin's not Emperor Palpatine and certainly not suicidal. It's ridiculous to even think an invasion of western Europe is feasible given the state of Russia and its NATO counter-part and it's absolutely baffling to me that people even entertain this idea.

I do think however that if the West keeps dragging its feet, Ukraine is going to lose a part of its territory and won't be a NATO member anytime soon.


Full Member
Feb 14, 2013
Real Madrid
War economy is no silver bullet and can only be maitained for so long.

Furthermore the economic sanctions are hurting Russia, though not as badly as we first thought, and Iran as well as NK's support isn't infinite. Let's not even talk about the horrendous losses the Russians sustained in the last two years. I personally see the story about Russia wanting to take on NATO and western Europe as a pure fantasy. It will never have the economy nor the military means for that, no matter how hard they try. It's also one thing to "conquer" a country but a whole other to hold onto it.

I personally don't believe that it's ever been Putin's intention. It's part of the war to depict the enemy as delusional and irrational since it makes things easier for your population to swallow, but to the contrary to the popular belief, Putin's not Emperor Palpatine and certainly not suicidal. It's ridiculous to even think an invasion of western Europe is feasible given the state of Russia and its NATO counter-part and it's absolutely baffling to me that people even entertain this idea.

I do think however that if the West keeps dragging its feet, Ukraine is going to lose a part of its territory and won't be a NATO member anytime soon.
Putin believes the collapse of the USSR was a big mistake, he doesn't view Ukraine as a real country, and probably not any other former soviet republics either.

We know for sure though, that all of Ukraine and then Moldova, was his plan.

Listen, we aren't talking about a full-scale invasion of western Europe, they aren't going to invade Germany or France, but they will for sure try to cause instability in the "lesser" member states in the east, pick apart the baltics, piece by piece.


Full Member
Sep 8, 2012
War economy is no silver bullet and can only be maitained for so long.

Furthermore the economic sanctions are hurting Russia, though not as badly as we first thought, and Iran as well as NK's support isn't infinite. Let's not even talk about the horrendous losses the Russians sustained in the last two years. I personally see the story about Russia wanting to take on NATO and western Europe as a pure fantasy. It will never have the economy nor the military means for that, no matter how hard they try. It's also one thing to "conquer" a country but a whole other to hold onto it.

I personally don't believe that it's ever been Putin's intention. It's part of the war to depict the enemy as delusional and irrational since it makes things easier for your population to swallow, but to the contrary to the popular belief, Putin's not Emperor Palpatine and certainly not suicidal. It's ridiculous to even think an invasion of western Europe is feasible given the state of Russia and its NATO counter-part and it's absolutely baffling to me that people even entertain this idea.

I do think however that if the West keeps dragging its feet, Ukraine is going to lose a part of its territory and won't be a NATO member anytime soon.

But yes, I don’t know what I’m talking about…The reality is if we don’t act right now in Europe the big war is coming very soon, again despite what you want to believe in.


New Member
May 27, 2021
Sad on many levels.

With all due respect, what were they expecting the reality of this war would be? Besides, no one put a gun on those guys' heads to sign the contracts of service in the Russian army.
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Full Member
May 28, 2019
Leicester City
Putin believes the collapse of the USSR was a big mistake, he doesn't view Ukraine as a real country, and probably not any other former soviet republics either.

We know for sure though, that all of Ukraine and then Moldova, was his plan.

Listen, we aren't talking about a full-scale invasion of western Europe, they aren't going to invade Germany or France, but they will for sure try to cause instability in the "lesser" member states in the east, pick apart the baltics, piece by piece.
He describes the fall of the Soviet Union as "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century", which is true in a sense, because it gifted the US a free pass to rule over the world without any kind of push back. Given the human nature, it's never good to have a country, or anyone for that matter, with that much power without counter-weight because it always ends in tears. Putin also said "Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain." Now we can debate the truth and intent behind this statement, but at least quote him properly.

He views the constant expansion of NATO to the East since 1991 as a threat to Russia's security. From a Russian point of view, that's not an outlandish analysis. Ukraine being part of NATO is for strategic and military reasons a big no-no for Russia, just like the US would never allow Russian or Chinese military bases on Mexican soil. That is the crux of the matter and I believe that Russia will never compromise on this point, at least not under Putin. Just to be clear, I'm not justifying the invasion of Ukraine which is fundamentally wrong. Just trying to understand Russia's motives and course of action, without giving into the laughable "Evil Russian Sauron trying to conquer and destroy the bestest civilization ever" horseshit.

No, we don't. Let's for a second abandon all logic, and say that Russia successfully manages to conquer a country as big as Ukraine with just 300,000 soldiers. By what kind of miracle would Putin be able to keep it? Do you know how difficult (and costly) it is to occupy a country which population doesn't want you there? Do you understand what it means in terms of money, manpower and military actions? History has already answered that question for us: it's impossible. You either force them out or kill them all. Or most likely, you just leave at some point. Now if you're talking about a regime change that would act more in line with Moscow's interests, that's another story.

Causing instability for countries that don't play along, as wicked as it is, has been part of geopolitics for millenia. Every single country did and still does it, the West in particular with great success and a quite astonishing number of victims around the world. And it's not going to change. People in the West are crying foul right now because they're on the receiving end for the first time in a long while.

The Baltic states are all EU and NATO members, and their populations really not fond of Russia. The latter's attempt to destabilize them during the current war, using energy as a weapon (the only one it realistically has), not only didn't work but also sped up their process to shift away from Russia as main energy supplier. All in all, it's been bad business for Putin. So what kind of trouble can Russia possibly cause, aside from nuking them?
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What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013
The Quiet Transformation of Occupied Ukraine

At schools in the Russian occupied areas, children cannot avoid the propaganda. They are forced to sing the Russian national anthem every week.

Schools have completely switched over to using Russian curriculum, with Ukrainian reduced to an optional second language. Senior pupils are taught from a new Russian history textbook that tells them that Ukraine is run by neo-Nazis and that Russia’s so-called special military operation in Ukraine was a justified response to Western aggression.


Full Member
Nov 2, 2014
He describes the fall of the Soviet Union as "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century", which is true in a sense, because it gifted the US a free pass to rule over the world without any kind of push back. Given the human nature, it's never good to have a country, or anyone for that matter, with that much power without counter-weight because it always ends in tears. Putin also said "Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain." Now we can debate the truth and intent behind this statement, but at least quote him properly.

He views the constant expansion of NATO to the East since 1991 as a threat to Russia's security. From a Russian point of view, that's not an outlandish analysis. Ukraine being part of NATO is for strategic and military reasons a big no-no for Russia, just like the US would never allow Russian or Chinese military bases on Mexican soil. That is the crux of the matter and I believe that Russia will never compromise on this point, at least not under Putin. Just to be clear, I'm not justifying the invasion of Ukraine which is fundamentally wrong. Just trying to understand Russia's motives and course of action, without giving into the laughable "Evil Russian Sauron trying to conquer and destroy the bestest civilization ever" horseshit.

No, we don't. Let's for a second abandon all logic, and say that Russia successfully manages to conquer a country as big as Ukraine with just 300,000 soldiers. By what kind of miracle would Putin be able to keep it? Do you know how difficult (and costly) it is to occupy a country which population doesn't want you there? Do you understand what it means in terms of money, manpower and military actions? History has already answered that question for us: it's impossible. You either force them out or kill them all. Or most likely, you just leave at some point. Now if you're talking about a regime change that would act more in line with Moscow's interests, that's another story.

Causing instability for countries that don't play along, as wicked as it is, has been part of geopolitics for millenia. Every single country did and still does it, the West in particular with great success and a quite astonishing number of victims around the world. And it's not going to change. People in the West are crying foul right now because they're on the receiving end for the first time in a long while.

The Baltic states are all EU and NATO members, and their populations really not fond of Russia. The latter's attempt to destabilize them during the current war, using energy as a weapon (the only one it realistically has), not only didn't work but also sped up their process to shift away from Russia as main energy supplier. All in all, it's been bad business for Putin. So what kind of trouble can Russia possibly cause, aside from nuking them?
Very good points made, I got a question for someone who knows more about this subject than me. When Putin isn't in charge anymore either by death or other means, who will take over? Is it likely Russia will continue down the same path? My image of Russia is that of a very divided nation that can easily turn on itself and descend in to a civil war.


What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013
Very good points made, I got a question for someone who knows more about this subject than me. When Putin isn't in charge anymore either by death or other means, who will take over? Is it likely Russia will continue down the same path? My image of Russia is that of a very divided nation that can easily turn on itself and descend in to a civil war.
@harms is probably better equipped to answer this.

My amateur guess is that the Russian people have very little influence on political decisions. Meaning that they'll go with the flow.

If the next guy blames it all on Putin and withdraws from Ukraine in return for lifting sanctions, or cooks up some other "we won it" narrative, I think the war can be stopped that way. But as of now, it seems more likely that Putin's successor will be another siloviki fella.


Full Member
Oct 19, 2014
Very good points made, I got a question for someone who knows more about this subject than me. When Putin isn't in charge anymore either by death or other means, who will take over? Is it likely Russia will continue down the same path? My image of Russia is that of a very divided nation that can easily turn on itself and descend in to a civil war.
Alexey Dyumin is expected to take over from Putin (when is anyone's guess). As for your image of Russia, I've lived here for over 20 years and I don't get the impression it can "easily descend into civil war".


Full Member
Nov 2, 2014
Alexey Dyumin is expected to take over from Putin (when is anyone's guess). As for your image of Russia, I've lived here for over 20 years and I don't get the impression it can "easily descend into civil war".
Thanks for the answer.


Shining Star of Paektu Mountain
Apr 8, 2014
Very good points made, I got a question for someone who knows more about this subject than me. When Putin isn't in charge anymore either by death or other means, who will take over? Is it likely Russia will continue down the same path? My image of Russia is that of a very divided nation that can easily turn on itself and descend in to a civil war.
Just like with almost any totalitarian autocracy, there simply aren't any (realistic) replacement candidates available — Putin won't allow anyone from his own circle to get too popular in fear of a potential coup. The last guy who kinda tried... or, at least, thought about it (from what little we can tell), was Medvedev at the end of his hollow presidential term. But he quickly got put in his place and, later, demoted to what he is today — a pathetic clown with no real power.

Whenever putinism can survive without Putin is a question that many way smarter people tried to answer before me, often coming up with very different answers. In all likelihood, the system wouldn't collapse immediately, but would have to rapidly adapt (as so much in it is tied to Putin directly, not to an abstract presidential figure). In an optimistic scenario they'd see the pragmatic value of improving the relationships with the West and move towards that... but seeing as we don't know who'd end up in charge in that scenario, it's all pure guesswork.

The most popular figure in the opposition is Navalvy (currently imprisoned as you most likely know), I think we can say that with certainty. However, it's incredibly hard to assess his real approval rating in Russia, seeing as he & his team are labeled as terrorists, the entire country is at war and there's no independent sociological & political surveys available. In the last elections where he got a chance to participate (Moscow's mayoral elections of 2013) he got 27% with Sobyanin (Putin's man) getting 51%. Take those numbers with a pinch of salt as those elections weren't fair, both in preparation and in execution, but realistic estimates still had him as a close second. A lot had happened since 2013 though...

If we see real democratic elections right after Putin's hypothetical death I think Navalny has a more than decent chance of winning it, seeing as there aren't any strong figures at the current government apparatus who even qualify to have their own approval rating... but there's a fat chance of that happening, sadly.


Shining Star of Paektu Mountain
Apr 8, 2014
Alexey Dyumin is expected to take over from Putin (when is anyone's guess).
That's a bold assumption. Those preemniki (successors) figures come and go but realistically nothing is getting done to really boost their individual profile. A regular (as in, not very involved in politics as, sadly, most of them are) Russian citizen not from the Tula oblast' (where Dyumin is currently the governor) doesn't even know his name, I guarantee you.

Here's the survey of trust in different political figures made by VCIOM (the biggest and, also, government-owned survey company in Russia). I won't transliterate their names but they even include Navalny (I wouldn't trust their numbers on him though) and such non-entities as Platoshkin with less than 1% of Russians trusting them to represent their interests... Dyumin is nowhere to be seen even with this low of a threshold.


Full Member
Nov 2, 2014
Just like with almost any totalitarian autocracy, there simply aren't any (realistic) replacement candidates available — Putin won't allow anyone from his own circle to get too popular in fear of a potential coup. The last guy who kinda tried... or, at least, thought about it (from what little we can tell), was Medvedev at the end of his hollow presidential term. But he quickly got put in his place and, later, demoted to what he is today — a pathetic clown with no real power.

Whenever putinism can survive without Putin is a question that many way smarter people tried to answer before me, often coming up with very different answers. In all likelihood, the system wouldn't collapse immediately, but would have to rapidly adapt (as so much in it is tied to Putin directly, not to an abstract presidential figure). In an optimistic scenario they'd see the pragmatic value of improving the relationships with the West and move towards that... but seeing as we don't know who'd end up in charge in that scenario, it's all pure guesswork.

The most popular figure in the opposition is Navalvy (currently imprisoned as you most likely know), I think we can say that with certainty. However, it's incredibly hard to assess his real approval rating in Russia, seeing as he & his team are labeled as terrorists, the entire country is at war and there's no independent sociological & political surveys available. In the last elections where he got a chance to participate (Moscow's mayoral elections of 2013) he got 27% with Sobyanin (Putin's man) getting 51%. Take those numbers with a pinch of salt as those elections weren't fair, both in preparation and in execution, but realistic estimates still had him as a close second. A lot had happened since 2013 though...

If we see real democratic elections right after Putin's hypothetical death I think Navalny has a more than decent chance of winning it, seeing as there aren't any strong figures at the current government apparatus who even qualify to have their own approval rating... but there's a fat chance of that happening, sadly.
Thanks for that in-depth answer.


What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013
As long as Russia occupies it, we won't know the real death toll.



Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Even so, the strong possibility that a quarter of the population in Mariupol may already be dead is staggering enough.
The 100k figure is completely believable given the pre-invasion population of Mariupol was about 450k, and the entire city was decimated by the Russians.


Full Member
Feb 14, 2013
Real Madrid
For what its worth, Russia is nearly through half of its liquid assets after about 2 years of war, i'm not close to an economist, but i reckon it can't be good news for them if they actually run out, which they will eventually, as long as the west actually backs Ukraine(doubtful).

At this rate, another couple of years should do it.


What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA

Western countries have frozen over $300 billion in the Russian central bank's sovereign assets since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Around two-thirds of the assets are held in European accounts, while only up to $5 billion are frozen at U.S. institutions.

Real Name

Full Member
Oct 21, 2020
The 100k figure is completely believable given the pre-invasion population of Mariupol was about 450k, and the entire city was decimated by the Russians.
To remember a talk with a guy I know about how Ukrainians were at fault for the whole thing, more precisely AZOV, cause they kept people in there. Oh those pesky Ukrainians, instead of just surrendering they fought making Russia decimating the city and kill hundreds of thousands of people. I've broken all communication or avoid it with people who share similar opinions cause I dont want to punch people around.


Full Member
Sep 8, 2012
Genuinely embarrassing, not even according to russian MoD, but simply putting this forward as a fact. :lol:


lemons are annoying
Sep 12, 2019
Genuinely embarrassing, not even according to russian MoD, but simply putting this forward as a fact. :lol:
A plane that Russia says was carrying 65 Ukrainian POWs crashed. An official says all aboard died

It wasn’t immediately clear what caused the crash in the Belgorod region. Gov. Vyacheslav Gladkov didn’t specify who was on the plane.

The Associated Press could not confirm who was on board, and Ukrainian officials cautioned against sharing unverified information."


" Ukraine’s Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War said it was looking into the crash but did not immediately provide any information. Instead, it cautioned against sharing “unverified information.” "


New Member
Nov 3, 2021
A plane that Russia says was carrying 65 Ukrainian POWs crashed. An official says all aboard died

It wasn’t immediately clear what caused the crash in the Belgorod region. Gov. Vyacheslav Gladkov didn’t specify who was on the plane.

The Associated Press could not confirm who was on board, and Ukrainian officials cautioned against sharing unverified information."


" Ukraine’s Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War said it was looking into the crash but did not immediately provide any information. Instead, it cautioned against sharing “unverified information.” "
Looks like, from an immediate viewing, that Russia put PoW in a plane and lured Ukraine into shooting it down. Such ****s

edit: from further research, many are fairly sure there were no POW on the plane. The only thing which made me suspicious was UKRs reaction, although I guess they were still verifying the information themselves
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Full Member
Feb 14, 2013
Real Madrid

No aid will come, since dear leader, overlord Trump has said so, and GOP, being the party of cowards(some are also just traitors), will always obey him.

I really feel like dems need to start doing mass investigations into congressional republicans, and find out what exactly Russia has got on them, how much in bribes they are getting, and so on.

Guaranteed they would find something.
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