Ryan Giggs. Professional, Legend, Adulterer, Accomplice, Assassin, Usurper?


Full Member
Apr 7, 2009
Everything that follows is purely conjecture.

Avoid reading this unless you have 5 minutes of your life you don't mind not getting back. The post below Will likely offend and outrage people who;

1) Are Totally convinced that LVG is shit;
2) are convinced LVG is the sole problem the club is facing;
3) believe fully that progress must be linear;
4) believe life and relationships work in straightforward fashions;
5) cannot entertain alternative ideas that could be outlandish;
6) think that our players are above reproach;
7) believe that we as Man United have an entitlement to trophies.

So maybe you can stop reading. Judging by anecdotal reading of the forum, 20% of might find this interesting and worth having a discussion about, 60% will have found this boring and stretched but perhaps have some truth, and 20% will be mighty upset and angry. If those odds don't work for you, stop reading and go to the LVG Out thread.

I used to admire Ryan Giggs but now I only look fondly at the player, not the man after retirement from the playing field.

I will always remember when this young boy broke into the team with his floppy curly hair with the ball seemingly glued to his feet and even the wind was unable to catch him. As a Man Utd fan for nearly three decades, Giggs had always been a fixture and a symbol of what I had thought Manchester United was about: youthful exuberance, pace, attacking prowess and loyalty. I admired the way he protected his body through yoga and adapted his skills to be functional in other positions in the squad. To me it was as if he loved the game and the club so much that he wanted to go on forever and he wanted to extract every drop of value he could bring to the club. Because of that, he was a Legend and still is. But perhaps he is thinking after decades in contribution, he should be receiving his rightful due with arguably the biggest managerial job in England.

Sometime over the last several years the media revealed, in my personal opinion only, an extremely reprehensible side of Mr Giggs: that he had been sleeping with his brother's wife for eight years amongst his other affairs.

Eight years. His brother's wife.

Now, I suppose that there are many that may take a casual view over the occasional extra-marital one-night stands or have some level of nonchalance about extended extra-marital affairs, but really. Your own brother's wife? Not once in a drunken party but a knowing, purposeful, consistent, habitual sexual relationship with your brother's wife. Picture the same happening to you.

And of course Giggs continued to keep up his clean cut family image, parading his children at matches and events. We often have to take the media with a large dollop of salt, but I last read that our Legend Giggs did not offer any apology till now but mentions "it was just sex". Of course it takes two to tango, but let's see here so our beloved Ryan simply treated his Sister-in-law as some sex object (and probably his own brother as some fool). So now the brother has divorced the wife. Family dinners must be fun. Well done, Ryan. You have screwed not just the women must the lives of many around you.

This speaks volumes about Gigg's character. Forget that he has never been given a real managerial job. Forget that he needs to earn his managerial stripes at a smaller club before managing Manchester United. Despite knowing that the odds of Gigg's jumping straight in as manager of Man Utd and succeeding are infinitesimal, silly romanticism and sentimentality may see it worth taking that gamble on Ryan Giggs.

But not now, and not ever I hope. No one's perfect, of course. Everyone has some flaws and dark sides but Gigg's deceit reveal the depth of his character. Can it be that he is only an immoral, lying, self-gratifying and hypocritical human being in his personal life but an otherwise exemplary human being in professional football? Research, academia and history suggest extremely unlikely.

These two and a half years of supposed failure of Man Utd has several common factors, and one of these factors - a large one, has been the presence of Ryan Giggs.

Ryan Giggs is such a fixture and legend at Old Trafford that I have no doubt he holds the awe of many and has considerable influence over the senior players, youth and staff at the club.

During Moyes' time, it was reported that Giggs made several veiled remarks about Moyes' methods. The media has never criticised Giggs despite him being the assistant manager.

There appear to have been leaks even today, after several of the old guard like Rio and Vidic have left. We have only the senior suspects in Rooney, Carrick and Giggs. The class of 92 and ex-players have been taking snipes at United for several months and interestingly Giggs has been strangely dissociated from the troubles.

It is political now. Giggs is in one of the best positons anyone can hope to have. He has got the resentful fans on his side. His pals in the media are laying into LVG and keeping him absolved of any fault. In additional to being a foreign manager whom the British media loves to criticise, LVG has a language and cultural barrier that makes him easily misunderstood and often lets him dig deeper holes. I have never heard Giggs speak up and defend the current regime. It is clear he wants to be detached from it.

LVG has frequently said Giggs will be the next manager. I cannot imagine that he will ignore Giggs input. We also see during matches that LVG speaks frequently to Giggs - how can Giggs not have a part to play in the team's current malaise? It is always easy to target one person rather than a committee and unfortunately LVG makes himself an easy target at times. What I think is that Giggs is using various channels such as discontent in senior players and using his pals as media mouth pieces to increased the target on LVG's back.

All for his self-serving aim to be the next manager of Manchester United. His character tells us he is capable of selfish, underhanded and hypocritical acts.

You could argue the board may not be stupid enough to give the job to an inexperienced Giggs, but it comes down to influence and popular opinion. Just like the club management may be swayed but media articles to dismiss a manager they could be pressured to appoint one, especially if it is a figure of such status as Ryan Giggs combined with fan's romanticism and particularly if no one is available (Pep to City, Ancelotti to Bayern, Mourinho... Really?... Rodgers?). Giggs will be hard to get rid of.

It's all conjecture and very likely bullshit but I see in Ryan Giggs one of the main origins of our current club's troubles. He holds too much influence for LVG to do his job properly. I think there is already dissension already in the managerial team and this instability is creating an unstable working environment for the players which causes them to be unable to express themselves to their full potential. Anyone who has worked for some time before will understand how a politically-charged and toxic work environment will be detrimental to work performance. Let's not forget that the players are employees of a Football club.

As I have said before, I don't think the team is doing well enough but I see progress and I am willing for LVG to see out this season or even his contract. But I am beginning to think that will not be likely, not because of LVG but because of Giggs. His overt display at the touchline during the Norwich Match convinced me of his ploy.

He has picked the current weakest point of his boss, LVG and used it to display a contrast (pacing the touchline when LVG never did) to the current regime and detaching himself from it. You may ask, why this match? Why not other matches? It is calculated.

If the board thinks LVG needs to go, then so be it. But I think if we want to change and start steering United on the right course again, we need to get rid of not only LVG but also Giggs. I am of the opinion that the next manager will face similar problems if Giggs remains the assistant.

The next manager will need to achieve success very quickly, not because fans are impatient but also because Giggs will be lurking to ignite the fuels of discontent. I hope Swansea makes Giggs an offer he can't refuse so we can start to see the influence of the old guard finally gone.
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Mciahel Goodman

Worst Werewolf Player of All Times
Apr 27, 2014
How is it Giggs' fault? Not that he's done much to help, but he's an assistant to the manager. Not the manager, and that interim stint aside, never has been. Weird thread.


Full Member
Jul 2, 2012
This is my contribution to this thread: :lol:

And hey, Giggs wasn't Moyes assistant manager.Get your fact right.


Mar 8, 2012
Poland, Kraków
Illuminati imo.

I don't fecking get all the Giggsy jumping since yesterday, are people seriously pissed off at him because he went to the touchline or what the feck? Just because the media and ex-United players crown him the new manager all the time it doesn't mean that 1) he'll become one 2) we have to hate him. He's merely a player that stopped playing 2 years ago and now's going through an apprenticeship in philosophy under Sokrates LVG.


Pythagoras in Boots
May 16, 2009
Not sure what to say to the OP.. but yeah did anyone know that Giggs was still doing her whilst she was 7mths pregnant with his brothers baby.


Full Member
Feb 6, 2005
Ryan Giggs -- shouldn't be the next manager. Or ever the manager till he shows some ability at the job.
There is a creepy amount of cronyism, with all the Utd ex-players swarming like vampires rising from their crypts.
And someone who has a long term affair with his brother's wife can't be all there.

Super Nani

Full Member
Aug 6, 2010
Hard to disagree with anything you've written there to be honest. We all love Giggs and he is a club legend without doubt but to turn a blind eye to what he did off the pitch but at the same time lay in to John Terry over the Wayne Bridge incident would be hypocritical I guess.

It we an awful thing that he did and it does say a lot unfortunately about his character off the pitch. Hopefully he deeply regrets letting everyone down and if you remember with all those injunctions he was absolutely desperate for it to be kept secret so maybe he does but it was clearly more about his image and reputation.

Definitely agree that he left Moyes high and dry and isn't helping LVG at all with his language barrier and the media taking his words out of context. The bottom line is really quite simple, if LVG gets the boot Giggs should be on thin ice too as he has been responsible as well. It's not all down to LVG, that would be unfair. Players and staff including the assistant manager Giggs need to be held accountable too here.

I can't see our next manager wanting Giggs around so it will be interesting to see what happens. He doesn't have the credentials in any way right now to sort out our problems, it would be a huge risk to have him in charge permanently. If we end up missing out on a top manager because the board think Giggs is the better option at this moment in time then we are in big trouble.


Full Member
Jun 21, 2006
Ryan Giggs -- shouldn't be the next manager. Or ever the manager till he shows some ability at the job.
There is a creepy amount of cronyism, with all the Utd ex-players swarming like vampires rising from their crypts.
And someone who has a long term affair with his brother's wife can't be all there.
There seems to be this belief that ex Utd players have been critical of Van Gaal because they all want Giggs as manager. It's complete nonsense. They all have eyes like the rest of us and have seen this mess unfold in front of them.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
I don't like judging people but I have to admit, I haven't looked at him the same way since those revelations. Disgusting doesn't do justice to what he did.
Imagine what Fergie would have thought when he heard the news?

FC Ronaldo

Posts stuff that's been said before in tweet form
Aug 22, 2014
To cut this down a tad for everyone else. Here is the most interesting point in the argument above.

The bold bit in particular. Given all of his contacts in the media, it's not something you see very often at all is it. Yet if the going was good, you'd bet he'd be all over it. And it's not like with CO92, Hotel Football, Salford City and other projects going on, that he's been keeping a low profile either. He could have made these views known very easily if he wished.

During Moyes' time, it was reported that Giggs made several veiled remarks about Moyes' methods. The media has never criticised Giggs despite him being the assistant manager.

There appear to have been leaks even today, after several of the old guard like Rio and Vidic have left. We have only the senior suspects in Rooney, Carrick and Giggs. The class of 92 and ex-players have been taking snipes at United for several months and interestingly Giggs has been strangely dissociated from the troubles.

It is political now. Giggs is in one of the best positons anyone can hope to have. He has got the resentful fans on his side. His pals in the media are laying into LVG and keeping him absolved of any fault. In additional to being a foreign manager whom the British media loves to criticise, LVG has a language and cultural barrier that makes him easily misunderstood and often lets him dig deeper holes. I have never heard Giggs speak up and defend the current regime. It is clear he wants to be detached from it.

LVG has frequently said Giggs will be the next manager. I cannot imagine that he will ignore Giggs input. We also see during matches that LVG speaks frequently to Giggs - how can Giggs not have a part to play in the team's current malaise? It is always easy to target one person rather than a committee and unfortunately LVG makes himself an easy target at times. What I think is that Giggs is using various channels such as discontent in senior players and using his pals as media mouth pieces to increased the target on LVG's back..
I agree with this below:

As I have said before, I don't think the team is doing well enough but I see progress and I am willing for LVG to see out this season or even his contract.
I can see this developing also, perhaps not so quickly as you're suggesting or in quite the way you've painted Giggs' character before but still...

But I am beginning to think that will not be likely, not because of LVG but because of Giggs. His overt display at the touchline during the Norwich Match convinced me of his ploy.
Couple of last points:

I agree with your general assumptions on Giggs' eligibility for the job he's being lined up for wholeheartedly. He shouldn't be given the top job just because he's Ryan Giggs. He should be managing the reserves a la Pep and Zidane. It's the perfect transition. Especially with the facility developments going on. That would work well for the staff, and his inexperienced side of decision making in front of larger crowds too.

And while I disprove of the actions from his private life, I think perhaps your character assassination has gone too far and caused a slight oversight in your judgement. And, before I continue, I agree with the re-evaluation of Gigg's character and his actions with media contacts. But, there is no definitive correlation between the actions in Giggs' private life and his ability to do a job. Many people have affairs across this world and continue with their jobs at a high level. Heck, even Bill Clinton did it while being the US President, the job that's widely billed as "the most powerful man in the world". I have no actual proof of such but I'd wager that there are many football manager's across the game that have had affairs and continued to do well in their jobs.


Full Member
Feb 6, 2005
There seems to be this belief that ex Utd players have been critical of Van Gaal because they all want Giggs as manager. It's complete nonsense. They all have eyes like the rest of us and have seen this mess unfold in front of them.
Correction. They all want the jobs for themselves that will come with Giggs as manager.


Sensible and not a complete jerk like most oppo's
Jun 24, 2004
Chelsea (the saviours of football) fan.
And while I disprove of the actions from his private life, I think perhaps your character assassination has gone too far and caused a slight oversight in your judgement. And, before I continue, I agree with the re-evaluation of Gigg's character and his actions with media contacts. But, there is no definitive correlation between the actions in Giggs' private life and his ability to do a job. Many people have affairs across this world and continue with their jobs at a high level. Heck, even Bill Clinton did it while being the US President, the job that's widely billed as "the most powerful man in the world". I have no actual proof of such but I'd wager that there are many football manager's across the game that have had affairs and continued to do well in their jobs.
I don't think it is that he had an affair (as you say, that's fairly common), it's because he was having an affair with his brother's wife for nearly a decade.It' not the same as Clinton getting noshed off under the desk by an intern.


Juventus fan who used to support United
Sep 5, 2002
I respect Giggs as a player but he shouldn't even aim for the top spot unless he proves himself elsewhere. I also think that it's too early for him to take such job and that by taking it he's risking ruining his legacy with us


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
Sooner we cut all ties with this Class Of 92 horseshit, the better. Leave them to their hotels, documentaries, shit movies and even shitter punditry.


Oct 21, 2007
It's hard to dismiss someone based on things happened in his personal life, what he did was awful of course but we don't know what any other potential managers hide in their closets either, for all we know we could be hiring a racist or a pedo, i mean look at cosby after all those year.

But based on footballing reasons only, giggs shouldn't be involved in any capacity after this, the simple fact is that he was a part of 2 regimes that failed, and he has zero managerial experience, so it's not like we're looking for continuity here. This would be a classic mistake but it seems a mistake some morons at the club willing to make while other clubs hire the best in the business.


Creator of Player Performance threads
Nov 27, 2014
Player Performance Threads
Got to be one of the greatest thread titles of 2015, very enticing.

Must say, makes a better read when you removes the commas: Ryan Giggs the professional legendary adultering accomplice acting as an assassin which revolted against the usurper of Mike Phelan.
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New Member
Jan 6, 2014
This thread is a disgrace.

Just more character assassination of Giggs, orchestrated by people making assumptions and presenting them as fact. Saying "Everything that follows is purely conjecture" doesn't absolve the writer. Who is he? Giggs' brother?


Perpetual Under 11's Team Player
Sep 29, 2004
I'd rather focus on the football, and as a player he is an absolute legend.

Post retirement, the whole club has been is disarray, and i can accept that as part of the management, he is partially at fault.

How much is his fault, what his motives are and all that are not things im interested in as they are based on nothing but conjecture (as the op openly stated). At the very least i can say giggsy has earned the right to be considered innocent until there is something concrete showing he has ulterior motives and what not.


Says he's one of the best posters
May 1, 2013
Wicklow, Ireland
I know many people will say you shouldn't take into account someone's personal life when deciding if they're good enough for the job, but I can't get past what Giggs did, it's just so vile. I really don't want him anywhere near us tbh.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
Sooner we cut all ties with this Class Of 92 horseshit, the better. Leave them to their hotels, documentaries, shit movies and even shitter punditry.
This. I can't stress it enough.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
This thread is a disgrace.

Just more character assassination of Giggs, orchestrated by people making assumptions and presenting them as fact. Saying "Everything that follows is purely conjecture" doesn't absolve the writer. Who is he? Giggs' brother?
think he did that himself.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
I don't think it is that he had an affair (as you say, that's fairly common), it's because he was having an affair with his brother's wife for nearly a decade.It' not the same as Clinton getting noshed off under the desk by an intern.
You also have to look into how he got his wife, who was his best friends girlfriend, so you can safely presume he was carrying on with her behind his back. Obviously not the best of brothers or best of friends. To me a manager should have integrity and honesty. He has neither.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
There will be a section of supporters who will never accept Giggs because of his personal behaviour.
I don't agree with it. But that view is not unreasonable. Will you put someone that had an affair with his brothers wife for 8 years in charge of your affairs?


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
This thread is a disgrace.

Just more character assassination of Giggs, orchestrated by people making assumptions and presenting them as fact. Saying "Everything that follows is purely conjecture" doesn't absolve the writer. Who is he? Giggs' brother?
Sorry, but the brother stuff is fact as is the Big Brother wannabe. As is his actual wife.


Juventus fan who used to support United
Sep 5, 2002
Sooner we cut all ties with this Class Of 92 horseshit, the better. Leave them to their hotels, documentaries, shit movies and even shitter punditry.
Gaz is actually a brilliant pundit


New Member
Dec 10, 2013
The length of time his 'personal issue' went on for is what separates him from other folks who make a 'mistake' here or there.

It's says a lot about your own personal standards (or downright ignorance) if you have a problem with people who describe it as disgusting and vile.

Obviously though, he was an excellent player and his longevity at the top can't be downplayed. But he's not playing anymore, sounds a bit thick in most interviews (and probably is given what he did in his personal life) and hasn't proven anything regarding management (yet seems to arrogantly believe he deserves a shot at this massive club?).


Sensible and not a complete jerk like most oppo's
Jun 24, 2004
Chelsea (the saviours of football) fan.
Will you put someone that had an affair with his brothers wife for 8 years in charge of your affairs?
He's pretty good at affairs so maybe.

To be honest though I don't think his personal stuff should be an issue (in relation to getting the United job). His utter lack of any track record in management should be enough.

Red Dreams

Full Member
Aug 16, 2003
Across the Universe....from Old Trafford.
I don't agree with it. But that view is not unreasonable. Will you put someone that had an affair with his brothers wife for 8 years in charge of your affairs?
business is business. people are upset because they know about this. How many skeletons do other people have in their closets.

The key thing is the board does not care. Otherwise he would not have been made assistant manager. Nor would they listen to him if what has been said is to be believed.


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
A friend of mine has been pushing this theory that Ryan Giggs has been undermining Van Gaal via Paul Scholes and other media outlets for months now in a roundabout attempt to get him to alter his philosophy and I always laughed it off until the Norwich game.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
He's pretty good at affairs so maybe.

To be honest though I don't think his personal stuff should be an issue (in relation to getting the United job). His utter lack of any track record in management should be enough.
That's the reason I don't want him. Not the affairs stuff. But I'm saying I don't blame people who look at what he did and think "nah I don't want that".


Grammar Police
Jul 7, 2014
Naturally the OP will not sit right with United fans but I agree with a lot of it.

I think its only right that the selfish and underhanded nature of his affair has people questioning his motives in his professional life. I'm not sure why people have a problem with that.

This thread is a disgrace.

Just more character assassination of Giggs, orchestrated by people making assumptions and presenting them as fact. Saying "Everything that follows is purely conjecture" doesn't absolve the writer. Who is he? Giggs' brother?

Are you Giggs' missus?
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