SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

This guy is actually starting to get on my tits.
Rant over...

Yeah the immune passport thing among others was insane.
Despite having a pretty impressive oncology resume he's a pretty major quackery advocate -
In addition to being told off by Imperial college by straight up lying during testimony to a Commons health select committee that he was a professor of oncology at Imperial college (has never been) and later lied about lying -
I'm getting a consistent 95% and I'm fecking furious, considering I run or walk almost every day, and by walk I mean 15-20 miles, any terrain, lots of ascent. I know it's not the oximeter because the rest of the family is getting 97-99%. Mrs is 97% and she does feck-all. Grrr.
:lol: Loser
Yeah the immune passport thing among others was insane.
Despite having a pretty impressive oncology resume he's a pretty major quackery advocate -
In addition to being told off by Imperial college by straight up lying during testimony to a Commons health select committee that he was a professor of oncology at Imperial college (has never been) and later lied about lying -

Ah. Well there you go. My spidey senses feel vindicated.
I think the assumption was that Patient A may have several tests during a hospital stay. That accounted for the difference.

I doubt anyone thought two tests at the same time was the reason.

It’s just another example of what cnuts they are. “Aha! We said 100,000 tests a day. Not people! I have bested you in a battle of wits!”

No. You’re lying scumbags that I’d gladly see dead.

That’s not overly dramatic either. If the entire Cabinet died tomorrow in a tragic Zoom related electrocution, I’d raise a glass. They are knowingly killing people and have been doing so for months.

feck the Conservative party, and anyone that voted for Boris.

[I shouldn’t have to say it. Of course there are great people that lean and vote right. But if you voted for that piece of shit and still defend it, you’re a corruptive voter, blocking this countries progress]

[Shouldn’t have to say this either : Corbyn was unelectable and has nothing to do with the above]

Going to have to comment on this @UnrelatedPsuedo . I think the figures each day have been both listing the number of tests , and also seperatley the number of people tested so i dont really see how there has been any hiding of the figures .

Second bolded bit . Really ? Thats a pretty poor standard youre setting, ansd i,m sure you can do better than that .

3rd Bolded bit . Every government ever presides over deaths of its people , policy dictates that be it social care , military , education or whatever . You seem to be of the mindset that our government seems to be happy with the death numbers and is somehow gloating behind the scenes .

Theyve fecked up in some ways for sure , will there be enquiries ? Of course . And hopefully lessons will be learned , globally as well . I,m no sheep , no blinded tory either for what its worth . If our government is weak its a terrible indictment of the even worse opposition we have had in this country for so long . Perhaps rather than slating anyone who voted for boris it might be worth focussing your thoughts on why die hard generations of labour voters felt they had no option but to vote blue rather than red .

This terrible global shitshow is hell enough without wishing death on people trying to do their best . Criticise by all means , hopefully be constructive while doing it , but to be wishing death when there has already been more than enough leaves a pretty poor taste in my opinion
I'd call it straight up murder. Really hope they catch the piece of shit that did that.

And lock them up for a very long time, same as that case in the London train station recently, though I haven't heard if they caught the person who caused that.

This sort of thing isn't manslaughter either - if you have a deadly virus and spit at someone then you're actively trying to pass that virus on with the potential to kill them.
From what date could we see an increase in numbers with the decreased lockdown measures/general public stupidity?

If I had to pick the next 365 people to die in this country, then yes I’d start with Boris and the rest of the Elected Conservative MP’s can follow.

feck. All of them.

People need to start getting angry. Really angry.

351 people died yesterday. But I’m callous for saying I’d raise a glass if we lost Boris, Raab, Hancock, Patel tomorrow? Far better people than that are dying every day.

Obviously I wouldn’t have them shot. Hence the darkly jovial zoom electrocution comment. But they are the worst of people. Disgusting human beings.
We will have to learn to live with this virus for the foreseeable future, until a vaccine is available so at what point do we have to get back to some semblance of normality?
We can’t stay away from others & friends & family indefinitely?

Business & the economy just wouldn’t cope & the economic impact will actually soon prove a greater toll on health than Covid.

It’s not as simple as saying ‘ just stay indoors & don’t go anywhere until the virus is gone- that’s not an option

The fact that the old normal couldn’t survive this without the entire house of cards catching light and burning all at once... means we shouldn’t try to rebuild it.

Decades bitching about the minimum wage, social security safety net.... had a higher level of what we see as the poverty line been accepted, and we ensured that EVERYONE lived above it... we’d have far fewer problems now.

Shit, I bet raising all wages under £30k by 20%, while passing legislation to ensure it stayed in those peoples pockets, and social systems to support all, would have cost less than this recession will. It would have also left us better prepared to handle it.

If we just attempt to go back to normal, and a majority of this country stand around thanking the Tories for 100,000 people dying, I’m done with it.

If this period doesn’t see expansive change as a result, we deserve everything we get.
Apparently congregations in public areas of up to 500 people might be allowed from the middle of June onwards in Slovenia. We've had 4 new confirmed cases in the past week.
My local hospital in Lombardy announced today that for the first time since this began their intensive care unit of almost 50 beds is empty. Hope it stays that way.
What about the huge death toll so far, they would have had a common cold at some point?

The common cold is no single virus, it's a collection of viruses which are ever mutating. I'm sceptical of this news but I guess it's possible that there has been a particular strain at some point which has resulted in antibodies which have some effect against covid-19?
Apparently the Oxford University trials feature children. Why are children used as guinea pigs when they're not of an age to consider possible repurcussions to their well-being?
Apparently congregations in public areas of up to 500 people might be allowed from the middle of June onwards in Slovenia. We've had 4 new confirmed cases in the past week.

Will be interesting to see how they manage that over peak summer. There’s flights from London in August for about £25 and it’s usually £100 plus that time of year. Do they plan on introducing quarantines or keeping border restrictions?
The common cold is no single virus, it's a collection of viruses which are ever mutating. I'm sceptical of this news but I guess it's possible that there has been a particular strain at some point which has resulted in antibodies which have some effect against covid-19?
i see, thanks. Lets hope so
Apparently the Oxford University trials feature children. Why are children used as guinea pigs when they're not of an age to consider possible repurcussions to their well-being?

Parental consent. Lots of drugs are tested in kids on this basis. Better to make sure a drug is safe/effective in small, carefully selected and monitored group of kids than give it to millions of kids - including vulnerable kids, with underlying health conditions - without fully understanding the safety profile.
Better to make sure a drug is safe/effective in small, carefully selected and monitored group of kids than give it to millions of kids - including vulnerable kids, with underlying health conditions - without fully understanding the safety profile.
Oh yeah, that's entirely fair enough, mate.
Well, the fat folk can in almost all cases improve things for themselves, but there needs to be loads of thought put into how people from BAME heritages can be protected. I think vaccines should first be given to non-white people and the overweight (as well as healthcare workers, of course).
I agree healthcare workers for sure should get priority but for the rest its not that simple. I understand when people see these pure figures they come to this conclusion but going down this route you suggest is flawed. It should never really be a consideration to give priority vaccinations to people purely based on race.
It isn’t that black and Asians are susceptible purely because of their race/genetics as people sometimes think. It’s because black and Asians are more likely to live in either poverty, have untreated and undiagnosed medical conditions or have a poor diet (this due to the high levels of salt, sugar and fat in black and asian cuisines) and this dietary factor is massive. This will all contribute to black and Asians being more susceptible to those underlying health conditions.

However there are plenty of healthy black and asian people out there. Who it’d be pointless giving a priority vaccination to just because of their race.

Even before the coronavirus black and asian people were dying from these conditions at a higher rate than none black and Asians.
I agree healthcare workers for sure should get priority but for the rest its not that simple. I understand when people see these pure figures they come to this conclusion but going down this route you suggest is flawed. It should never really be a consideration to give priority vaccinations to people purely based on race.
It isn’t that black and Asians are susceptible purely because of their race/genetics as people sometimes think. It’s because black and Asians are more likely to live in either poverty, have untreated and undiagnosed medical conditions or have a poor diet (this due to the high levels of salt, sugar and fat in black and asian cuisines) and this dietary factor is massive. This will all contribute to black and Asians being more susceptible to those underlying health conditions.

However there are plenty of healthy black and asian people out there. Who it’d be pointless giving a priority vaccination to just because of their race.

Even before the coronavirus black and asian people were dying from these conditions at a higher rate than none black and Asians.
You're right - it would need to be more focused. I made it sound too simplistic.
What an indictment of successive governments it is that, down the decades, we read of recurring headlines like 'People in the north more likely to die of cancer/tuberculosis/rickets etc'; 'People die young outside of London'; 'Children found to be malnourished'; and 'Wealth inequality gap widens'.
Oh yeah, that's entirely fair enough, mate.

It’s actually quite a recent development. Up until the last few years, there’s been a reluctance to do drug trials in kids. Because of the concerns you expressed above. However, there’s been a lot of examples of quite nasty side effects turning up in kids that adult testing didn’t uncover. You can’t assume children are tiny adults, they’re quite different physiologically. Something which is being made very apparent with covid, where kids respond so differently to the virus. So the regulators have decided that more paediatric studies need to be done. Exact same situation with the elderly (minus the concerns around consent).
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What about the huge death toll so far, they would have had a common cold at some point?

The suggestion (to the best extent I understand) is that since a lot of colds are not caused by a coronavirus, the percentage that are may offer some level of immunity.
The suggestion (to the best extent I understand) is that since a lot of colds are not caused by a coronavirus, the percentage that are may offer some level of immunity.
thats interesting, then maybe those that have it and are asymptomatic may fall into this category?
The common cold is no single virus, it's a collection of viruses which are ever mutating. I'm sceptical of this news but I guess it's possible that there has been a particular strain at some point which has resulted in antibodies which have some effect against covid-19?
4 of them are coronaviruses, and they are responsible for 20-30% of common colds. If people get some immunity from common cold, it is almost sure that happens only if the cold was caused from one of the coronaviruses.
^The Trump Virus^. No prospect of a cure.
These would be interesting legal cases because there would be no way of proving that the accused caused the transmission, especially given both these deaths involved workers in high risk jobs with regular exposure to situations of contagion. Could they be convicted on the balance of probability?
Family could sue as that’s balance of probability. Criminal trials are beyond all reasonable doubt
One of the most damning retrospects is that MUCH poorer countries with MUCH bigger populations than UK have had far stricter and lengthier lockdowns.
In Kenya's case. they had a lockdown or a semi-lockdown a could of months ago when they had like 7 cases. I think they know that they don't have the resources to mitigate a community spread. The caveat is that their testing number/capita is still very low.
Family could sue as that’s balance of probability. Criminal trials are beyond all reasonable doubt

So in criminal terms they’d probably get no more than a charge of common assault? I’d guess that the CPS might go for a manslaughter charge for PR reasons but you’d expect any decent defence to beat it.
So in criminal terms they’d probably get no more than a charge of common assault? I’d guess that the CPS might go for a manslaughter charge for PR reasons but you’d expect any decent defence to beat it.

Common assault, and if I was asked to investigate would be tempted, depending on circumstances such as how many witnessed it, I would also lock up for outraging public decency, to see if it sticks (99.9% sure it wouldn’t, but I would try).
Yeah, good luck with that, Piers.
Piers Morgan is making me feel uncomfortable. How can I find myself agreeing with him about anything? And more than once too :nervous: Still think he's a cnut though.
Piers Morgan is making me feel uncomfortable. How can I find myself agreeing with him about anything? And more than once too :nervous: Still think he's a cnut though.
Agreed. It's incredibly difficult to trust in his sincerity though. I noted that the one position guaranteed to gain him publicity while on stateside tv - being anti-gun - was the one he adopted.
Agreed. It's incredibly difficult to trust in his sincerity though. I noted that the one position guaranteed to gain him publicity while on stateside tv - being anti-gun - was the one he adopted.
Yeah definitely. I can see how he picked up on the public mood quite early on, even criticising Trump to be on the right side of the argument.