Singing Section One Step Closer

It is important that as many ST holders are possible register their interest in this - so if you have a ST then send details to the email below !
Fan's United are a group of the following : Stretford End Flags , Pete Boyle & Reclaim United who have secured permission from Manchester United to do a singing section Trial at Old Trafford On 23RD October v REAL SOCIEDAD​
Fans United "Reclaim United, Stretford End Flags and Pete Boyle "met up with representatives from the club last Friday. Manchester United reiterated their support to helping fans to establish a permanent singing section at Old Trafford. The first step is a test to see if we can generate enough fan interest and to demonstrate that we can self-police a successful singing section during a match. For a number of reasons, the club are not able to permit this test for the Capital One Cup game against Liverpool. The most important thing we need to ensure is that this first test passes off without major incident. It was thought best to choose a game that could best ensure this.​
To make sure we don’t lose momentum, the club have instead offered the current away fans section [South East Quadrant/L Stand/Blocks E230 & E231] for the Real Sociedad match on Wednesday 23rd October.​
It is our responsibility to now make this work. The club will offer help and support, they will work with us with regards to allowing flags into the section, help with the arrangements around a march to the ground, find areas for us to put up banners in the section – but it’s up to us to make sure it is a success and that we work with the stewards to self-police.​
In consultation with the club we have agreed to limit the singing section to a manageable number. We will therefore keep the number of fans in the singing section to a maximum 1,400 fans. We now need to all pull together and get 1,400 fans to fill the section and make it a great atmosphere. The way it will work is as follows :-​
1) Season ticket holders and members should immediately register their interest to be in the singing section by emailing their name, season ticket/membership number and the number of tickets they would like to
2) On Monday 30th September, interested season ticket holders will be asked to call the ticket office and confirm that they want to transfer their current seats to singing section for this game. This will be sorted over the phone.
3) The club have agreed to honour upgrades and downgrades. Therefore the club will refund the price difference to fans moving from more expensive seats and not charge the extra for fans moving from less expensive seats.​
4) If the full allocation of 1,400 seats are not taken by existing season ticket holders, the remaining seats will be made available to non-season tickets holders as long as they are members and who have registered their interest at the email address.​
The club seem very committed to helping us make this work. Now it’s up to us.​
We will be publishing further answers to questions over the next few days, but the key first step is for you to register your interest at ASAP over the next week or so. That way, we’ll know we have enough fans to make the night a great success.​
Sounds nice, but I quite like both my seat and the other regulars that sit around me...

Also, the Stretty can still be noisy enough... take last night for example. Still, a singing section at the other end of the ground would be great work...
Sounds nice, but I quite like both my seat and the other regulars that sit around me...

Also, the Stretty can still be noisy enough... take last night for example. Still, a singing section at the other end of the ground would be great work...

Ye but games against Liverpool, City etc always have a good atmosphere, it is the others that need improvement

Fair enough if you are happy where you are, but it has taken a long time to get this trial agreed with the club so we need to make sure the word gets about so it can be a permanent fixture in the future
Last night (I wasn't there sadly) at the back end sounded fantastic. Getting all the Stretty and K Stand involved to the point of the North and South stands even getting involved. Absolutely unheard of, but it really should be like that all the time. Doesn't need to be for the full 90 minutes, but something like David Moyes' red and white army being sung over and over again should be catching round, nice to see that it did.

What's pivotal to the singing section working is having no pricks there 'observing' the atmosphere. I'm still not sure what some people are doing in the Stretty when they're playing no part in the atmosphere. Sadly, if anything, that seems to be the norm. The singing section should solely be for people who don't want to be stood up, but actually making the stadium louder.

Look at our away following. Why can't we get 3,000 (or 1,400) fans out of 72,000 who want it to be like that?

The Sociedad game will sell out certainly, hopefully when it expands tickets might just go on sale for the odd members here and there.
Sounds nice, but I quite like both my seat and the other regulars that sit around me...

Also, the Stretty can still be noisy enough... take last night for example. Still, a singing section at the other end of the ground would be great work...

I don't know what is better than the prospect of standing with 15 of your mates bouncing around at a game. Far too many games these days you could hear a pin drop but for the away fans for 75 odd minutes.
I don't know what is better than the prospect of standing with 15 of your mates bouncing around at a game. Far too many games these days you could hear a pin drop but for the away fans for 75 odd minutes.

Thats fairly close to what I do at the moment to be fair... with less bouncing involved (i'm not much of a bouncer).

Ultimately, we've got to keep some singers in the Stretford End as well as having some at the other end of the ground and then we can create noise from both ends... so I'll keep doing my bit from where I always sit (that's my lazy excuse and I'm sticking to it).
I am not going to bother moving but this is great for those who want to move from the quieter parts of the ground.
The problem is going to be where to put the away fans now. The police and emergency services will not want them in the top tier of the scoreboard end, not after the scousers throwing the flare down onto the United fans, as reported by the MEN. It's going to be the this sort of thing that will lead to the club shelving this idea again I bet.
I love the German league and the atmosphere at their games. The game against Liverpool at times had that sort of sound happening. Wish we could see standing sections in the EPL again.
The problem is going to be where to put the away fans now. The police and emergency services will not want them in the top tier of the scoreboard end, not after the scousers throwing the flare down onto the United fans, as reported by the MEN. It's going to be the this sort of thing that will lead to the club shelving this idea again I bet.
If there's a net in front of them It will stop something like that will happening again.
The problem is going to be where to put the away fans now. The police and emergency services will not want them in the top tier of the scoreboard end, not after the scousers throwing the flare down onto the United fans, as reported by the MEN. It's going to be the this sort of thing that will lead to the club shelving this idea again I bet.

For me it should be the near side of ET2. Those towards the quadrants/J Stand could stay put, but I'm not sure that a few hundred complaints should be enough to stop the club moving forward; I think it'd be very selfish of the select few ST holders there if they were. Not only that but you'd have the singing section right next to the away fans, which should benefit the atmosphere even more.
If you have submitted your details to relocate to the singing section for the Sociedad trial game, you need to ring the ticket office TODAY in order to process your application. One person can ring on behalf of a group of mates, as long as you quote each membership number.
Supporters who are currently located in a more expensive seat, will have the price difference refunded.
Those who currently sit in cheaper seats, will not have to pay more to move into the section for the trial game.
Ticket office number is 0161 868 8000
Ended up moving my seat for the Sociedad game, not a lot seats left so I would call them before they put it on general sale.
Won't go on general sale. I rang up at 8afeckingm and they told me they're not yet available for members. There were only 10 left at about 9 so sadly they'll be gone. And I guess this is as good a place as any, if there are any spares for it, I'll gladly take one.
virtually all were taken by ST holders, about 30 went on sale to members this morning and I assume they will have all been taken by now - good to see some support for this and hopefully it all goes successfully
I stand all game in the East Lower as it is mate, don't think there will be a problem.

Really? I've always found the K-stand a little enigmatic. I hear that people in the upper section of tier one seem to stand up, the lower not always, yet there doesn't seem to be that much noise there, and they don't always seem to be standing.

In any case, the singing section will all be standing. No smoke bombs as per, but standing and flags are encouraged.
The whole singing section idea doesn't really relate to singing. At least, that's true of how it's been implemented elsewhere. It basically just means standing is accepted without stewards going mental. Nice to see United trying it out.
Really? I've always found the K-stand a little enigmatic. I hear that people in the upper section of tier one seem to stand up, the lower not always, yet there doesn't seem to be that much noise there, and they don't always seem to be standing.

In any case, the singing section will all be standing. No smoke bombs as per, but standing and flags are encouraged.

East lower is lively as they're stood up all game, east upper is shit unless we are playing a rival and tier 2 is probably a lost cause.
The whole singing section idea doesn't really relate to singing. At least, that's true of how it's been implemented elsewhere. It basically just means standing is accepted without stewards going mental. Nice to see United trying it out.


Newcastle implemented a singing section. For people who wanted to sing. They do stand, but they also sing.

Newcastle implemented a singing section. For people who wanted to sing. They do stand, but they also sing.

What I'm trying to say is that singing is implied. Singing develops from standing. They should call it a standing section because that's what it is.
What I'm trying to say is that singing is implied. Singing develops from standing. They should call it a standing section because that's what it is.

There'd probably be legal difficulties with the law on standing at top tier football. If what you're saying is true and the football club is implementing a defacto standing area then the should be putting in the appropriate seating and do it right.

Well this is why I'm in favour of safe standing like in your photograph, because it's safer than people standing when there are seats in the way.
What I'm trying to say is that singing is implied. Singing develops from standing. They should call it a standing section because that's what it is.
If you want to stand up you get a ticket in Stretty, If you want to sing you get a ticket in the singing section.
What I'm trying to say is that singing is implied. Singing develops from standing. They should call it a standing section because that's what it is.

I disagree; we seem to have something of a standing section in ST2. This is a properly designated singing section. If you'd ever been in ST2 you'd know that it's loud, but it seems to contain the noise and that not everyone is taking part. The singing section should differ, and you should have 1400 constant voices.
What I'm trying to say is that singing is implied. Singing develops from standing. They should call it a standing section because that's what it is.

Sit down you plonker
Sit down you plonker
Sit down you plonker

Well this is why I'm in favour of safe standing like in your photograph, because it's safer than people standing when there are seats in the way.

But would seating like the pic contravene the existing laws? If they sold the tickets as one per seat and then let people decide what to do?
But correct me if I'm wrong, isn't the Stretford End where the majority of singing happens?
It really depends on what you want, If you want to stand up and experience a good atmosphere then go to the Stretford End as it's the most vocal part stand but If you want to sing for 90 minutes then the new section is probably the best option. The only issue I can see with this is that it might take away some of the atmosphere from Stretford End, hopefully we will end up with two sets of vocal supports at either end of the of the ground.
But would seating like the pic contravene the existing laws? If they sold the tickets as one per seat and then let people decide what to do?

I think the club are officially obliged to tell people to sit down in order not to obstruct other people's view. I notice at Anfield they have an announcement sometimes to tell people to sit down on the Kop. Good luck with that.
I think the club are officially obliged to tell people to sit down in order not to obstruct other people's view. I notice at Anfield they have an announcement sometimes to tell people to sit down on the Kop. Good luck with that.

Yeah, but in terms of just actually having those seats with the seat part unlocked and available, there's no actual law against that as far as I can make out.

Surely if a club wanted they could install those seats and simply make the odd announcement to tell people to sit down just to cover themselves legally.
Yeah, but in terms of just actually having those seats with the seat part unlocked and available, there's no actual law against that as far as I can make out.

Surely if a club wanted they could install those seats and simply make the odd announcement to tell people to sit down just to cover themselves legally.

Interesting point, but I'm pretty sure that under the current regs the authorities could and would block permission for installing them on the basis that they would encourage standing. Which they obviously would.
I think the club are officially obliged to tell people to sit down in order not to obstruct other people's view.

No the official reason is safety. The more much more justified, and in practice more common, point is that of blocking people's view. But if you get the wrong steward on a power trip they'll just make it up as they go along. I got into shit for standing in the very back row, while people in front of me were stood up on Saturday.