Sir Jim Ratcliffe: I want to buy Manchester United | Will make a bid for the club [Telegraph]

Get Mitsubishi or Samsung here. I want those biggies known to be in bed with the circles of power in those Asian economies.
Lets not get ahead of ourselves. Ratcliffe is officially out, and from his statements there is no way back. And anything other than full blown sale is worse than nothing, because if they have a third party come in and invest say 25%, that means the Glazers are here forever.
That's the best thing to say when you want to buy.
Lets not get ahead of ourselves. Ratcliffe is officially out, and from his statements there is no way back. And anything other than full blown sale is worse than nothing, because if they have a third party come in and invest say 25%, that means the Glazers are here forever.

I wouldn’t worry, nobody Is gonna invest unless they get full control.. would be the worst investment of all time
Lets not get ahead of ourselves. Ratcliffe is officially out, and from his statements there is no way back. And anything other than full blown sale is worse than nothing, because if they have a third party come in and invest say 25%, that means the Glazers are here forever.

Even in unlikely event they managed to find someone dumb enough to invest 800m for 25% they are so incompetent they’d find themselves back at square one but with a lot less shares in no time.

Any partial sale makes no sense as funds required are so vast the Glazers would have to become silent partners and all their incentive for remaining would be gone. They have nothing to offer in terms of competence and no motivation other than greed so unless they find a very rich idiot they are nearing the end.
I'm taking these news with a pinch of salt.

One of the options is to sell the club completely but they aren't ruling out maybe an investment in return to shares and maybe some other options that will bring money into the club while the Glazers are still there.
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Ratcliffe is not a serious guy imo.

Not at the prices being quoted I agree. There's very little in it for him at that price.

It will be a a royal family / state ownership if it happens at all.
Not at the prices being quoted I agree. There's very little in it for him at that price.

It will be a a royal family / state ownership if it happens at all.
We've just seen Chelsea get taken over by a consortium. The same thing is extremely feasible for United and/or Liverpool.
This guy isn't serious about buying. He would just take a loan to buy us anyway.
:lol: Surely he decides given it’s his company?
Don't think it's that's easy though at that level, you would have to get other board members to side with you first. We need someone who can chuck a few billion at the deal and forgot about it which is why I don't think Ratcliffe is the right person for us.
Do new owners need to pay the money upfront? So if they want 6bn, Ratcliffe would have to pay out effectively half of his net worth of 13bn? Not sure how it works with takeovers of clubs.

Heard a couple of weeks ago that my missus and Scarlett Johansson had come to an agreement that I get a free pass for one night to rail ScarJo. This was met by a flat denial from both parties, including an extension on the existing restraining order and a sharp kick to the balls.
Now, where's that guy that was telling us sales at this level don't happen in the press again?
Lets not get ahead of ourselves. Ratcliffe is officially out, and from his statements there is no way back. And anything other than full blown sale is worse than nothing, because if they have a third party come in and invest say 25%, that means the Glazers are here forever.

He's no intention of buying United. The Glazers don't want to sell was clearly pony. Loves the sound of his own voice that lad.
There's not enough in it for Jim. This is going to somebody with much deeper pockets.
Ratcliff hasn't got the money needed, he could front a group but he can't on his own.

Ratcliffe was never the one supposed to purchase it. It's INEOS, as an example Nice are owned by INEOS group not Ratcliffe.