Solskjaer's contract

I think that's more than fair. I suppose it's a question of where you draw that line - how many seasons should he get until it's considered proven he doesn't have it? Curious as to your perspective - and whether you think that lines up with the hierarchy's thinking!

My target for him this year was around 80 points in the league and CL qualification that wasn't a heroic last stretch of the season salvage job. He's on pace to achieve that right now, and maybe he'll get some silverware too in Europa.

If he is properly backed to at least get a starting XI quality RW, and CDM or CB, I'd expect him to have us as a genuine title contender and at minimum quarters of the CL.

As far as the hierarchy I'm not sure. I actually do believe they've been serious about getting their spending and wage bill more under control since the Alexis signing. I also believe they have a better approach in the market even if it's still not the most time effective or without it's share of misses in terms of quality.

They're definitely feeling the pinch of covid on top of that since the Glazers won't inject their own capital into the club, so I think they'd give Ole a bit longer than I would. Maybe another full season even if he's backed to the degree I stated without hitting those targets but still comfortably delivers CL.
What are you on about? His assessment was more than fair and very respectfully communicated, quite a reach to even describe it as "hammering" in all honesty...
Sorry? Not sure why you're being so hostile. I've just been trying to have respectful conversations; I'd push back that what I'm saying can be labeled in good faith as "hammering".

Bit harsh of me. Apologies
I just have a hard time accepting this "we are where we are because the others have imploded". First of all - we are where we are because we have picked up roughly 2 points pr match - and with the exception of 1 season (I think) - close to 2 points pr game has with the exception of 1 season (I think) always been good enough for top-4

And the fact is - we have had our share of problems this season. Pogba has missed a lot of games, we had the shortest pre-season of all teams, Greenwood, Maguire and AWBs problems during the summer, the worst possible start to the season, and our strikers misfiring all season. There was more than enough potential for us imploding this season - but unlike Lampard, Arteta, Mourinho and Klopp - Solskjaer actually find a way to take us to where we are today. With a win tomorrow, we are almost guaranteed top-4 with 8 matches to go.
Hopefully, after the win against Brighton, there will be an announcement regarding the extension.
Criticism? Is that what you call criticism? Maybe you should read your post again, you're full of irony.. And it seems like you're the one spouting shit (again), when did I claim the critic knows nothing? I said you are lying about me claiming things I've never said.

It's not for me to come up with detailed plans for the owners someone else gets paid millions to do that, so it doesn't have to be anything more than lets try and hire a better manager from me. And what makes you the football expert anyway.
No, but all you have offered is " the manager Is shit" 300 times.
Along with your little gang of bed wetters spamming threads with negative bullshit.

I'm not the one claiming to be an expert, I'm asking for a suggestion other than "the manager is shit" it's not difficult.

Like I say, it's boring.
No, but all you have offered is " the manager Is shit" 300 times.
Along with your little gang of bed wetters spamming threads with negative bullshit.

I'm not the one claiming to be an expert, I'm asking for a suggestion other than "the manager is shit" it's not difficult.

Like I say, it's boring.
You really need to learn some manners. All of your posts contain an insult one way or another. I have answered your question. After watching and supporting United as an adult for more than 30 years my opinion is that the current manager is not good enough to take us back to the top of world football, also the style of football we play under him is not the way United should be playing. So who ever’s job it is at United should look for a better manager that has a recent history of playing attacking football in combinaiton with good results in one of the top 5 leagues of Europe. I don’t know who that is because I only watch us play and don’t follow or watch matches form other leagues.
Thanks to Ole for churning out the deadwood, adding some sort of culture and competition back into the squad and potentially landing a champions league spot 2 years in a row.

However, I don't believe he is the manager to take us to the next level. Every club needs a fixer and Ole did this as Lampard did this at Chelsea. I cannot help but think what this team could achieve with proper coaches and a manager who knows how to change up a game when we are average. I feel Ole has no plan B, he hopes for a change in luck. Its worked this season but many others have faltered.
If he wins the Europea it will be renewed straight away, 2nd place might might do it too.

If not, it might be extended for a year anyway
You really need to learn some manners. All of your posts contain an insult one way or another. I have answered your question. After watching and supporting United as an adult for more than 30 years my opinion is that the current manager is not good enough to take us back to the top of world football, also the style of football we play under him is not the way United should be playing. So who ever’s job it is at United should look for a better manager that has a recent history of playing attacking football in combinaiton with good results in one of the top 5 leagues of Europe. I don’t know who that is because I only watch us play and don’t follow or watch matches form other leagues.
Where's the insult fella?
It seems your go-to in every reply is to throw an accusation followed by a snooty comment then one of self importance.
Whilst still avoiding the initial question.

You do realise that in your 30 years of watching United there's only been one successful manager, and that you're basing your entire argument upon that?
Yet the current manager who is actually starting to change things for the better is deemed not good enough.

"4 years without a trophy"

How long did fergie go without one when he started? I'm not trying to compare ole with fergie but the fact remains that for the first 3½ to 4 years under fergie, we were utter dogshit a lot of the time, and had some shocking league finishes whilst eventually scraping past palace in the FA cup. 4 years. Oles been in the job just over 2.

So let's say, that by 88/89 almost 4 years without a trophy, pretty dire football, a team in transition and no league titles for 20+ years, the manager is considered 'not good enough to get us back to the top of world football' by a section of fans and is sacked, then what?

I'm not saying Ole is the Messiah, or comparable to fergie, but he's doing a better job than the last 3 mugs whilst fixing the absolute shitshow that the sulky one left behind.

I believe he's earned an extended contract and the right to finish what he's started. If anything his job is even harder due to the competitiveness in the league (aside from the oil whores) and the total clownshow upstairs.

Now, if you don't have any answers as to what should be done to solve the issues at United, in what way are you qualified to decide whether the manager is good enough or not?

You could at least offer a better argument than "he's not good enough" or that you've been watching United for 30 years.
I've been watching Sesame Street since I was a child, it doesn't make me Jim Henson.
Please just extend for a year. He has done a good job and deserves it but we give out some awful contracts over the last few years. A year on top of next year be smart as Ole will obviously accept and we don’t have a manger on 6 years which be expensive to get rid of
Where's the insult fella?
It seems your go-to in every reply is to throw an accusation followed by a snooty comment then one of self importance.
Whilst still avoiding the initial question.

You do realise that in your 30 years of watching United there's only been one successful manager, and that you're basing your entire argument upon that?
Yet the current manager who is actually starting to change things for the better is deemed not good enough.

"4 years without a trophy"

How long did fergie go without one when he started? I'm not trying to compare ole with fergie but the fact remains that for the first 3½ to 4 years under fergie, we were utter dogshit a lot of the time, and had some shocking league finishes whilst eventually scraping past palace in the FA cup. 4 years. Oles been in the job just over 2.

So let's say, that by 88/89 almost 4 years without a trophy, pretty dire football, a team in transition and no league titles for 20+ years, the manager is considered 'not good enough to get us back to the top of world football' by a section of fans and is sacked, then what?

I'm not saying Ole is the Messiah, or comparable to fergie, but he's doing a better job than the last 3 mugs whilst fixing the absolute shitshow that the sulky one left behind.

I believe he's earned an extended contract and the right to finish what he's started. If anything his job is even harder due to the competitiveness in the league (aside from the oil whores) and the total clownshow upstairs.

Now, if you don't have any answers as to what should be done to solve the issues at United, in what way are you qualified to decide whether the manager is good enough or not?

You could at least offer a better argument than "he's not good enough" or that you've been watching United for 30 years.
I've been watching Sesame Street since I was a child, it doesn't make me Jim Henson.

Your insults were

"spouting the same shit."

"I know who you are, you're the guy that pisses everybody off around him at matches with the constant moaning and whingeing"

"Along with your little gang of bed wetters spamming"

And again ending your current post with irony with your sesame Street joke. You don't seem capable of posting without making some kind of personal remark.

If your not comparing SAF to Ole then why bring him up? To answer your question its not the same situation therefore not comparable. Sir Alex had a huge reputation as a manager before joining us, Aberdeen experienced its greatest period of success in its history with Ferguson winning three Premier titles, four cups, and a European Cup Winners’ cup. And the Scottish league was not what it is now.
Those achievements at Aberdeen led to offers from some of the top clubs in Europe before he signed for us which is why he would be given more time and patience, because of his history as manager prior to joining us.

And for the last time, I don't have to be qualified to have an opinion on whether I think the manager is good enough or not. It's an opinion based on the way we play football. I could ask you the same question in what way are you qualified to say he is good enough.

And yes 4 years without any kind of trophy should not be acceptable.

He probably has earned the right for an extended contract based on our league position yes, but I still don't think he is a good enough manager for the long run.
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Completely agree @UnofficialDevil. I realise some posters do go over the top when talking about Ole (I personally think it's out of order when he gets accused of being a coward, for example) but posts like yours and others who make fair comment about Ole don't deserve the vitriol that often comes their way in return.
Your insults were

"spouting the same shit."

"I know who you are, you're the guy that pisses everybody off around him at matches with the constant moaning and whingeing"

"Along with your little gang of bed wetters spamming"

And again ending your current post with irony with your sesame Street joke. You don't seem capable of posting without making some kind of personal remark.

If your not comparing SAF to Ole then why bring him up? To answer your question its not the same situation therefore not comparable. Sir Alex had a huge reputation as a manager before joining us, Aberdeen experienced its greatest period of success in its history with Ferguson winning three Premier titles, four cups, and a European Cup Winners’ cup. And the Scottish league was not what it is now.
Those achievements at Aberdeen led to offers from some of the top clubs in Europe before he signed for us which is why he would be given more time and patience, because of his history as manager prior to joining us.

And for the last time, I don't have to be qualified to have an opinion on whether I think the manager is good enough or not. It's an opinion based on the way we play football. I could ask you the same question in what way are you qualified to say he is good enough.

And yes 4 years without any kind of trophy should not be acceptable.

He probably has earned the right for an extended contract based on our league position yes, but I still don't think he is a good enough manager for the long run.

Completely agree @UnofficialDevil. I realise some posters do go over the top when talking about Ole (I personally think it's out of order when he gets accused of being a coward, for example) but posts like yours and others who make fair comment about Ole don't deserve the vitriol that often comes their way in return.
Seconded. This is the reason why there is the ignore option. It is a blessing at times.
Your insults were

"spouting the same shit."

"I know who you are, you're the guy that pisses everybody off around him at matches with the constant moaning and whingeing"

"Along with your little gang of bed wetters spamming"

And again ending your current post with irony with your sesame Street joke. You don't seem capable of posting without making some kind of personal remark.

If your not comparing SAF to Ole then why bring him up? To answer your question its not the same situation therefore not comparable. Sir Alex had a huge reputation as a manager before joining us, Aberdeen experienced its greatest period of success in its history with Ferguson winning three Premier titles, four cups, and a European Cup Winners’ cup. And the Scottish league was not what it is now.
Those achievements at Aberdeen led to offers from some of the top clubs in Europe before he signed for us which is why he would be given more time and patience, because of his history as manager prior to joining us.

And for the last time, I don't have to be qualified to have an opinion on whether I think the manager is good enough or not. It's an opinion based on the way we play football. I could ask you the same question in what way are you qualified to say he is good enough.

And yes 4 years without any kind of trophy should not be acceptable.

He probably has earned the right for an extended contract based on our league position yes, but I still don't think he is a good enough manager for the long run.
I did have a response.
But I can't be arsed now so just make something up to be offended about.
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Completely agree @UnofficialDevil. I realise some posters do go over the top when talking about Ole (I personally think it's out of order when he gets accused of being a coward, for example) but posts like yours and others who make fair comment about Ole don't deserve the vitriol that often comes their way in return.
The man dishes out plenty but whines when he gets it back.
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Completely agree @UnofficialDevil. I realise some posters do go over the top when talking about Ole (I personally think it's out of order when he gets accused of being a coward, for example) but posts like yours and others who make fair comment about Ole don't deserve the vitriol that often comes their way in return.

Seconded. This is the reason why there is the ignore option. It is a blessing at times.

Thank you for saying that.
Please just extend for a year. He has done a good job and deserves it but we give out some awful contracts over the last few years. A year on top of next year be smart as Ole will obviously accept and we don’t have a manger on 6 years which be expensive to get rid of
He'll get 2 to 3 years as standard, which is respectfully what he deserves. You can't sign players and put a team together when everyone knows the manager could be off at the end of the season. Some continuity is needed to build something and convince people you're building something.
Where's the insult fella?
It seems your go-to in every reply is to throw an accusation followed by a snooty comment then one of self importance.
Whilst still avoiding the initial question.

You do realise that in your 30 years of watching United there's only been one successful manager, and that you're basing your entire argument upon that?
Yet the current manager who is actually starting to change things for the better is deemed not good enough.

"4 years without a trophy"

How long did fergie go without one when he started? I'm not trying to compare ole with fergie but the fact remains that for the first 3½ to 4 years under fergie, we were utter dogshit a lot of the time, and had some shocking league finishes whilst eventually scraping past palace in the FA cup. 4 years. Oles been in the job just over 2.

So let's say, that by 88/89 almost 4 years without a trophy, pretty dire football, a team in transition and no league titles for 20+ years, the manager is considered 'not good enough to get us back to the top of world football' by a section of fans and is sacked, then what?

I'm not saying Ole is the Messiah, or comparable to fergie, but he's doing a better job than the last 3 mugs whilst fixing the absolute shitshow that the sulky one left behind.

I believe he's earned an extended contract and the right to finish what he's started. If anything his job is even harder due to the competitiveness in the league (aside from the oil whores) and the total clownshow upstairs.

Now, if you don't have any answers as to what should be done to solve the issues at United, in what way are you qualified to decide whether the manager is good enough or not?

You could at least offer a better argument than "he's not good enough" or that you've been watching United for 30 years.
I've been watching Sesame Street since I was a child, it doesn't make me Jim Henson.

Oh there are plenty of Muppets in here :)
Thanks to Ole for churning out the deadwood, adding some sort of culture and competition back into the squad and potentially landing a champions league spot 2 years in a row.

However, I don't believe he is the manager to take us to the next level. Every club needs a fixer and Ole did this as Lampard did this at Chelsea. I cannot help but think what this team could achieve with proper coaches and a manager who knows how to change up a game when we are average. I feel Ole has no plan B, he hopes for a change in luck. Its worked this season but many others have faltered.
No plan B, but you can get 25 pts from a losing position? The best in the league, nonetheless? Haha. This is a bit too much... he does have plan B. He didn't always have the personal for it but he always adapt then.
If he wins the Europea it will be renewed straight away, 2nd place might might do it too.

If not, it might be extended for a year anyway
We will extend for 3 years because we need to show faith in the plan to convince players. It's something that matters.
Wasting huge amounts on transfer fees, agent fees, players’ wages, paying players off when trying to get rid of their huge contracts, debt/interest, dividends, ... but hey, who knew paying Ole a couple of millions more per year is the one thing which will really hold us back financially.
Wasting huge amounts on transfer fees, agent fees, players’ wages, paying players off when trying to get rid of their huge contracts, debt/interest, dividends, ... but hey, who knew paying Ole a couple of millions more per year is the one thing which will really hold us back financially.

Just because something is wrong, doesn't make the other thing right. Surely United should strive after not making bad decisions.
Just because something is wrong, doesn't make the other thing right. Surely United should strive after not making bad decisions.
A couple of millions more or less for a manager who is meeting his targets is far from making a bad decision and not worth so much discussion. If fans want the club to save some millions in wages they would be better off discussing how to get a bit part player like Mata on significantly lower wages, etc.
No plan B, but you can get 25 pts from a losing position? The best in the league, nonetheless? Haha. This is a bit too much... he does have plan B. He didn't always have the personal for it but he always adapt then.
What is his plan b? In fact, what was his plan b yesterday against Brighton? You cannot dismiss my comment without providing an opinion or evidence of what you have seen.

We played the same the entire game, we won because we got a lucky break and then the team decided they wanted to play, not because Ole changed the system or made a sub. James came on because Rashford was carrying a knock, DVB/Mctominay came on because Cavani/Pogba are clearly not match fit.

We have seen many games this season where we have played the same an entire 90 mins when we are in a losing position or drawing. Like I said, I think Ole has done a great job stabilising us. For me, he is not the manager to take us that next step, I think he lacks a spark.
What is his plan b? In fact, what was his plan b yesterday against Brighton? You cannot dismiss my comment without providing an opinion or evidence of what you have seen.

We played the same the entire game, we won because we got a lucky break and then the team decided they wanted to play, not because Ole changed the system or made a sub. James came on because Rashford was carrying a knock, DVB/Mctominay came on because Cavani/Pogba are clearly not match fit.

We have seen many games this season where we have played the same an entire 90 mins when we are in a losing position or drawing. Like I said, I think Ole has done a great job stabilising us. For me, he is not the manager to take us that next step, I think he lacks a spark.
Ask for more intensity, because that was up when we came back. Then VdB with instructions to stretch the defense, as proven by the 2nd goal, where VdB does not touch the ball once but opens up the channel for Bruno, then goes back in the box to create space for Greenwood, etc...

Scott was in because we wanted to defend the score.

You should check who has the most changes in HT and translated that into come back wins when going a goal down. It's probably Ole this season.

But in general, you should also check how many times we have adapted to the players missing due to injuries, including why we went back 3 sometimes. It's always to adapt to the new situation. We have played all kind of formations, especially when due to injuries, we lacked creativity in the middle and we used AWB and Shaw for that, etc... now we are back to a more stable formation, but that's really related to available personnel. With more personnel, we will be able to stay even more stable. But please, check how many tactics we have used during last season and you will see how it's not a fixed tactics at all.
He is a winner. His contract extension should demonstrate the stability needed to attract Haaland.
Within the general discussion on his contact, just a few facts for consideration : Comparison with Sir Alex after both completing 138 games in charge.
Sir Alex's record : Wins 64 Draws 38 Defeats 36
Ole's record : Wins 77 Draws 31 Defeats 30
I make no comments, just thought it may add to the overall argument.
He deserves what he deserves, which is an extension. It should be of a length that reflects what he has achieved. He has done a lot to bring stability back.
Being a newbie, I couldn't start a new thread but this Twitter thread has made me want to say the following:-

Steve Jobs once appeared in a PBS Documentary called "Triumph of the Nerds," and was brutal in his assessment of Microsoft, Bill Gates and Windows. Jobs said, “The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste. They have absolutely no taste.” Regardless of where one stands on Windows vs Mac, it is very clear that Ole's greatest quality is that he has, in fact, footballing taste. Upon being appointed manager, almost his first action was to show Marouane Fellaini the door. This wasn't as obvious as it seems now because Fellaini had been bought by Moyes but had been thought valuable enough by van Gaal and Mourinho, 2 world-class managers, to be at United for 5 and a half years with new contracts. He was a very useful weapon to be brought on late in games being chased when long balls could be played up to him and he did win us a few games. However, every thinking United fan knew that he was just not Man United quality and our hearts fell when we saw him on the team sheet. Ole took the hard decision based on his idea of what is good football and that idea dovetailed with the United base.

As time went on, this idea of Ole's footballing taste has become more and more clear in the players he let go. Lukaku is another great example of someone who was a marquee signing and actually had decent stats at United but, similarly to Fellaini, made us depressed because he was clearly not Man United quality. No amount of chest-thumping, pundits talking about how unstoppable he was could make up for every time we watched his second touch becoming a tackle. Ole took a loss on him, one that Inter has financially benefited from, and therefore could have been raked over the coals for it. Herrera was another, very limited player with useful shithousery, who Ole refused to push the boat out for a new contract. He got rid of Young (then club captain), Smalling, Sanchez and is about to get rid of Lingard (and I hope, Lindelof) because none of them were/are Man United quality. He has had the self-belief to trust his own sense of taste and make bets that have created space for the current squad.

Ole was not only a downsizer but also held on to the right players. Pogba was extremely unhappy under the last days of Mourinho and was playing that way. Ole could have sold him then and gotten a large amount of money since he had more than 2 years under contract remaining. Yet, he persevered and let Pogba gain the upper hand in future negotiations by running his contract down to, now, less than one year. Pogba is playing better, thriving in this team and has (finally) gotten a group around him that he can grace. He may or may not stay (I hope very much that he does) but the decision to keep him has, IMHO, already been justified in his performances and the dressing-room influence he has already had. Ole persevered with Luke Shaw, with Rashford, with Martial (who I believe will redeem himself this season but will have to leave because of Greenwood). He even has held onto players who weren't at the club, Sancho and Varane, by refusing to fill their spots with unsuitable replacements and choosing to wait for them even though the absence of those replacements probably hurt the team's chances.

I think most United fans are extremely excited about this season. Not because we have a good team (we do), not because we have suffered for a long time (we have) but because we have a team that oozes excitement. City and Chelsea have expensively accumulated, deep squads that might beat us to the title but United has more players (Greenwood, Sancho, Bruno, Pogba, Varane, Rashford, Cavani, Shaw, AWB's defence, sometimes Martial, with Amad, Elanga, Hannibal, Shoretire and MacNeil yet to come) that can get people off their seat than any other team in world football, including PSG (I wouldn't pay to see anyone there other than their front 3). Ole has restored the buccaneering Attack, Attack, Attack philosophy, the very idea of United not because he knew the future but because he has the same taste that United fans have that allowed him to take tough decisions like the ones outlined here. Ole has made tactical missteps (e.g. leaving Fred on in the 2nd CL group game against PSG) and has an unfortunate absence of silverware thus far but, for his taste and his bravery, the majority of United fans have Ole, and only Ole to thank.
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That's all nice and everything, but he needs to make the cut. A title of any kind in this or next season is a must.

No ifs or buts.

He needs to prove we can win something with him on the helm.

Amount of time we give him is open to discussion. Personally, i'd give him 24 months.
Being a newbie, I couldn't start a new thread but this Twitter thread has made me want to say the following:-

Steve Jobs once appeared in a PBS Documentary called "Triumph of the Nerds," and was brutal in his assessment of Microsoft, Bill Gates and Windows. Jobs said, “The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste. They have absolutely no taste.” Regardless of where one stands on Windows vs Mac, it is very clear that Ole's greatest quality is that he has, in fact, footballing taste. Upon being appointed manager, almost his first action was to show Marouane Fellaini the door. This wasn't as obvious as it seems now because Fellaini had been bought by Moyes but had been thought valuable enough by van Gaal and Mourinho, 2 world-class managers, to be at United for 5 and a half years with new contracts. He was a very useful weapon to be brought on late in games being chased when long balls could be played up to him and he did win us a few games. However, every thinking United fan knew that he was just not Man United quality and our hearts fell when we saw him on the team sheet. Ole took the hard decision based on his idea of what is good football and that idea dovetailed with the United base.

As time went on, this idea of Ole's footballing taste has become more and more clear in the players he let go. Lukaku is another great example of someone who was a marquee signing and actually had decent stats at United but, similarly to Fellaini, made us depressed because he was clearly not Man United quality. No amount of chest-thumping, pundits talking about how unstoppable he was could make up for every time we watched his second touch becoming a tackle. Ole took a loss on him, one that Inter has financially benefited from, and therefore could have been raked over the coals for it. Herrera was another, very limited player with useful shithousery, who Ole refused to push the boat out for a new contract. He got rid of Young (then club captain), Smalling, Sanchez and is about to get rid of Lingard (and I hope, Lindelof) because none of them were/are Man United quality. He has had the self-belief to trust his own sense of taste and make bets that have created space for the current squad.

Ole was not only a downsizer but also held on to the right players. Pogba was extremely unhappy under the last days of Mourinho and was playing that way. Ole could have sold him then and gotten a large amount of money since he had more than 2 years under contract remaining. Yet, he persevered and let Pogba gain the upper hand in future negotiations by running his contract down to, now, less than one year. Pogba is playing better, thriving in this team and has (finally) gotten a group around him that he can grace. He may or may not stay (I hope very much that he does) but the decision to keep him has, IMHO, already been justified in his performances and the dressing-room influence he has already had. Ole persevered with Luke Shaw, with Rashford, with Martial (who I believe will redeem himself this season but will have to leave because of Greenwood). He even has held onto players who weren't at the club, Sancho and Varane, by refusing to fill their spots with unsuitable replacements and choosing to wait for them even though the absence of those replacements probably hurt the team's chances.

I think most United fans are extremely excited about this season. Not because we have a good team (we do), not because we have suffered for a long time (we have) but because we have a team that oozes excitement. City and Chelsea have expensively accumulated, deep squads that might beat us to the title but United has more players (Greenwood, Sancho, Bruno, Pogba, Varane, Rashford, Cavani, Shaw, AWB's defence, sometimes Martial, with Amad, Hannibal, Shoretire and MacNeil yet to come) that can get people off their seat than any other team in world football, including PSG (I wouldn't pay to see anyone there other than their front 3). Ole has restored the buccaneering Attack, Attack, Attack philosophy, the very idea of United not because he knew the future but because he has the same taste that United fans have that allowed him to take tough decisions like the ones outlined here. Ole has made tactical missteps (e.g. leaving Fred on in the 2nd CL group game against PSG) and has an unfortunate absence of silverware thus far but, for his taste and his bravery, the majority of United fans have Ole, and only Ole to thank.

Well said, I agree. His attitude, demeanor, and style of football suit our club and I'm sure the titles will come in good time.
The only thing missing by Ole is a trophy. Rivals are reluctant to give United any credit and the current lack of silverware just makes it easy for them (as well as the Ole Outers) to deride the team even though we have a team to rival anyone and are actually very good.