Spurs new stadium | Loses NFL for 2020 but gains appearance in Gangs of London £££

This is a Man United forum though. Do you really expect people to fawn over Spurs and their Rugby Union games? If I were on a Spurs forum I’d expect to get mocked for crowing about Rugby Union games being played at Old Trafford.

The is a difference between crowing and stating something. Of course we know and appreciate were foreigners here, and I enjoy the chat about football in general. It’s what makes the Caf such a great forum and in my opinion be embraced, the forum owners could turn round tomorrow and say United fans only and that would be end of us upstarts.
Sarcasm not a strong suit of yours?

That financial acumen definitely stood Spurs in good stead when their stadium costs spiralled.

Most very large construction projects come in above original estimates. And in any case, the design was changed as compared to the original budget.

Moreover, any over-run is small beer compared to the annual increase in income that the stadium will bring, year after year, for many decades to come. And during construction, Spurs announced club profits that are larger than those of any football club, anywhere in the world, ever. So yes, financial acumen in evidence.
This is a Man United forum though. Do you really expect people to fawn over Spurs and their Rugby Union games? If I were on a Spurs forum I’d expect to get mocked for crowing about Rugby Union games being played at Old Trafford.

Who is crowing? No-one except in your fevered imagination. I simply gave a point of information … information that some posters might be interested in as a pointer to a possible future trend in the design of other new stadiums.

Clearly you're not interested in this information. So why don't you just exit the thread?
The is a difference between crowing and stating something. Of course we know and appreciate were foreigners here, and I enjoy the chat about football in general. It’s what makes the Caf such a great forum and in my opinion be embraced, the forum owners could turn round tomorrow and say United fans only and that would be end of us upstarts.
Have you read any of Glaston’s posts before?
Most very large construction projects come in above original estimates. And in any case, the design was changed as compared to the original budget.

Moreover, any over-run is small beer compared to the annual increase in income that the stadium will bring, year after year, for many decades to come. And during construction, Spurs announced club profits that are larger than those of any football club, anywhere in the world, ever. So yes, financial acumen in evidence.
The loan repayments considered in those financial records?
Who is crowing? No-one except in your fevered imagination. I simply gave a point of information … information that some posters might be interested in as a pointer to a possible future trend in the design of other new stadiums.

Clearly you're not interested in this information. So why don't you just exit the thread?
I was interested in when these world record naming rights are announced. Perhaps leave the policing of the thread to those whose job it is.
No. Spurs can't afford to make loan repayments and so will go bust inside 2 years. Happy now?
You create these slights yourself. There’s a vast middle ground between financial ruin and prosperity. Do you not want to answer the question?
I was interested in when these world record naming rights are announced. Perhaps leave the policing of the thread to those whose job it is.

Then why don't you wait until a naming rights deal is announced, before wading in to proclaim that it's all a failed mess?

The stadium only opened a few months ago, Spurs haven't even yet started their first full season it and the first NFL/Rugby Union/WSL games haven't even yet taken place, never mind the other variety of events we'll be hosting.
You create these slights yourself. There’s a vast middle ground between financial ruin and prosperity. Do you not want to answer the question?

Because the question didn't deserve answering. But if you insist, then yes, I imagine loan repayments form part of Levy's financial planning - don't you?

The stadium will boost our income by around £100m per year compared to WHL - far more than needed to annually service debt.
Then why don't you wait until a naming rights deal is announced, before wading in to proclaim that it's all a failed mess?

The stadium only opened a few months ago, Spurs haven't even yet started their first full season it and the first NFL/Rugby Union/WSL games haven't even yet taken place, never mind the other variety of events we'll be hosting.
I fell asleep in the middle of that. I’d ask you to repeat it but I know you will at some point. I’ll catch it then.
Because the question didn't deserve answering. But if you insist, then yes, I imagine loan repayments form part of Levy's financial planning - don't you?

The stadium will boost our income by around £100m per year compared to WHL - far more than needed to annually service debt.
That’s not what I asked. I asked if these profits considered that? As it stands last years profit with limited transfer spending, something all that has already increased and before your increased expenditures doesn’t mean much outside of isolation.

That’s a lot of definitive statements given you have no clue what the amount of or even if there will be naming rights. Couple that with not having a clue what the loan repayments will be all add up to a whole load of shite. As usual.
This is a Man United forum though. Do you really expect people to fawn over Spurs and their Rugby Union games? If I were on a Spurs forum I’d expect to get mocked for crowing about Rugby Union games being played at Old Trafford.

Don't expect fawning at all. Don't think any of our fans do.

But some posts are just blatant bait, and they offer nothing. It's literally just 'you're going to be shit soon you watch' and I'm really not sure how Spurs fans are meant to respond to it.
Don't expect fawning at all. Don't think any of our fans do.

But some posts are just blatant bait, and they offer nothing. It's literally just 'you're going to be shit soon you watch' and I'm really not sure how Spurs fans are meant to respond to it.
It’s usually directed at one person rather than Spurs though. Do you think Glaston comes on here to share news of Tottenham because he thinks people are interested?
I can accept that Spurs fans are just posting information that they think posters on this United forum might be interested in reading. Not everything has to be a deliberate attempt to bait or wum.

At the same time, some of us genuinely believe that Spurs are just a mediocre club who are currently enjoying a spell where they punch above their weight.

Doesn't mean we're trying to bait anyone. It's just an opinion based on many years of watching Spurs as a club.

We might be proved wrong eventually. We probably won't be. But following football is all about opinions.
That’s not what I asked. I asked if these profits considered that? As it stands last years profit with limited transfer spending, something all that has already increased and before your increased expenditures doesn’t mean much outside of isolation.

That’s a lot of definitive statements given you have no clue what the amount of or even if there will be naming rights. Couple that with not having a clue what the loan repayments will be all add up to a whole load of shite. As usual.

What on earth do you mean asking if our profits "considered that" (loan repayments)? Profits are what they are, calculated according to accounting rules.

Profits go up or down, depending. Last time around they were huge. Next time around they'll almost certainly be less. So what? The bottom line is that Spurs have long been in a sound financial state and will continue to be so, not least because we have a financially astute club chair.

Yes, I do know that there will be a sale of naming rights …. because they are up for sale. No, of course I don't know what the sale price will be, but I'm pretty confident they'll go for a decent whack because many of the factors involved point to that. But whether they are £5m more per season than what Levy wants, or £5m less per season, doesn't much affect the overall increase that Spurs will get from the stadium compared to WHL - not least because WHL had zero income from naming rights.

And if you care to look back through the thread I've explained previously exactly why our stadium income is going go up hugely. But I'll give you just one example, based on the first few games at the new stadium: Spurs took in an average of £800k per game just from food and drink sales.

£800k x 19 homes games, plus home games in the CL, domestic cups and pre-season friendlies, plus NFL games and some WSL games, and the other non-Spurs sporting and entertainment events that the new stadium will host ... you do the maths.
But whether they are £5m more per season than what Levy wants, or £5m less per season, doesn't much affect the overall increase
Maths isn’t a strong suit either. How does it not effect the overall increase exactly? The point here is that last seasons profit when transfer activity was limited and your loan repayments haven’t began are fairly meaningless moving forward. Nearly half your profits were from player sales. Is that Tottenham’s goal moving forward? Your incomings may increase but so does your expenditure and you haven’t a clue how much either will increase. Your 800k figure is meaningless because you haven’t a clue how much of that is profit or how it compares to other clubs.

I’m not getting into the depths of this with you again because you constantly ignore anything that doesn’t portray Tottenham Hotspur as the greatest football club that ever existed. Knock yourself out. Women’s football will increase Spurs income exponentially and I’m not sure how anyone could compete.
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Maths isn’t a strong suit either. The point here is that last seasons profit when transfer activity was limited and your loan repayments haven’t began are fairly meaningless moving forward. Your incomings may increase but so does your expenditure and you haven’t a clue how much either will increase.

I’m not getting into the depths of this with you again because you constantly ignore anything that doesn’t portray Tottenham Hotspur as the greatest football club that ever existed. Knock yourself out. Women’s football will increase Spurs income exponentially and I’m not sure how anyone could compete.

You ignoring some facts here, we have no legacy of massive spending so have money in the bank, also ignoring what Lewis is willing to inject in or has injected in. No one has said we are the greatest football who has ever exsisted, a lot of us fans don’t have glory days to look back on, I started supporting Spurs in the last years of Lineker and Gazza, we have feck all to sing about. We are under no illusions we are being built up to be sold, I hope not to an oil nation but to another investor. Who knows Lewis might want to see how far he can take us.
You ignoring some facts here, we have no legacy of massive spending so have money in the bank, also ignoring what Lewis is willing to inject in or has injected in. No one has said we are the greatest football who has ever exsisted, a lot of us fans don’t have glory days to look back on, I started supporting Spurs in the last years of Lineker and Gazza, we have feck all to sing about.
But I’m not predicting financial ruin. Just countering the idea that Spurs will suddenly have more money than they know what to do with. Bragging about record profits, which are in no small part due to player sales and lack of transfer activity, is bloody stupid. Have a look at Glaston’s post history and see if there is anything about Tottenham that he has admitted isn’t bloody perfect.
But I’m not predicting financial ruin. Just countering the idea that Spurs will suddenly have more money than they know what to do with. Bragging about record profits, which are in no small part due to player sales and lack of transfer activity, is bloody stupid. Have a look at Glaston’s post history and see if there is anything about Tottenham that he has admitted isn’t bloody perfect.

Glaston is a fellow Spur he is entitled to post what he believes, I can tell you there’s is plenty I wish we could change and despite what my name suggests Levy has fecked up on occasion, I just think he has always had what he believes is best at heart. So as long as it is one step back and 2 or 3 steps forward I am behind him. When you compare the days of Jerry Francis and Christian Gross, combined with what has happened Newcastle, Villa and Leeds we have done well when really we could have been any of those clubs under different guidance. Some Spurs fans will dissagree I’m sure, but we were close to fecked under the last days of Sugar.
Glaston is a fellow Spur he is entitled to post what he believes, I can tell you there’s is plenty I wish we could change and despite what my name suggests Levy has fecked up on occasion, I just think he has always had what he believes is best at heart. So as long as it is one step back and 2 or 3 steps forward I am behind him. When you compare the days of Jerry Francis and Christian Gross, combined with what has happened Newcastle, Villa and Leeds we have done well when really we could have been any of those clubs under different guidance. Some Spurs fans will dissagree I’m sure, but we were close to fecked under the last days of Sugar.
He certainly can. And I am entitled to say if I think he’s talking shite. None of it detracts from the fact Spurs a much better team than they were in the recent past but a lot is predicated on a manager who can do more with less. Levy’s genius wasn’t doing a great deal for Spurs before he finally got lucky with a manager.
He certainly can. And I am entitled to say if I think he’s talking shite. None of it detracts from the fact Spurs a much better team than they were in the recent past but a lot is predicated on a manager who can do more with less. Levy’s genius wasn’t doing a great deal for Spurs before he finally got lucky with a manager.

You could argue that totally, but since he started he has always more or less improved us season on season. Football isn’t ever about proven fact you will get lucky, when Levy appointed Santini it was a coup but he fecked off for what ever reason. And Jol and Redknapp weren’t exactly thought out choices, but they are the managers that really were successful. As a United fan you should know it’s not an easy job getting it right, even when you are possibly the biggest club in Europe. Levy has rebuilt us, structurally and performance wise, that’s not me shouting about it, it’s fact. Tell me another club, without finically doping, to do the same?

Also you can call any of us out where ever you feel, I enjoy the chat/banter it’s the snide shit that I don’t understand, I can’t speak for others but I’ve never been snide about Unite on here that I can recall.
Maths isn’t a strong suit either. How does it not effect the overall increase exactly? The point here is that last seasons profit when transfer activity was limited and your loan repayments haven’t began are fairly meaningless moving forward. Nearly half your profits were from player sales. Is that Tottenham’s goal moving forward? Your incomings may increase but so does your expenditure and you haven’t a clue how much either will increase. Your 800k figure is meaningless because you haven’t a clue how much of that is profit or how it compares to other clubs.

I’m not getting into the depths of this with you again because you constantly ignore anything that doesn’t portray Tottenham Hotspur as the greatest football club that ever existed. Knock yourself out. Women’s football will increase Spurs income exponentially and I’m not sure how anyone could compete.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit it seems: I said "doesn't much affect". This is accurate because £5m more or less per year is in relation my estimate of an overall increase of around £100m from stadium income compared to WHL.

Re. profits - I expect Spurs will continue to make them, regardless of these likely being smaller next time than last time around. Profits change from year to year - so what? I haven't said that our profits will continue to always rise.

You say our expenditure will increase, and in some ways it will, not least on wages probably, plus debt servicing. But you forget that for years we've been pumping money into construction costs. Some construction projects remain, but the biggest of these (the stadium itself) is now finished, as are mostly some others (like the training centre's player lodge). So our overall annual construction costs will start to decrease.

Moreover, I do have some idea how £800k per match from food and drink sales compares to other clubs. For example, Man. City reportedly get £150k per match from food and drink sales … less than 25% of what Spurs now get.

You ask if boosting profits from player sales is our goal moving forward. I think the recent signing of Ndombele gives answer.

Financially, moving forward, our goals include (a) over-taking Arsenal's annual income - this will happen soon, with Chelsea the next target figure to surpass (b) completing construction of the remainder of the stadium complex, including a hotel and apartments immediately next to the stadium; and (c) building 330 homes on a site close to the stadium - for which we today gained planning permission.

You seem to have little clue that Spurs are one of the richest clubs in the world and are going to get wealthier still. Levy's stated aim is establish Spurs as one of Europe's elite clubs - and he continues to put the financial building blocks in place to support that ambition.

So yes, we have a debt to service and repay - and yes, some of our costs will go up, but overall we are in great shape financially. That's essentially what I'm saying and I stand by that, regardless of any dire predictions to the contrary and regardless of your toothless claim that what I'm saying is "shite".
Name it Yid Army Towers, just for Dave.

Apologies for being somewhat obtuse, but I was trying to say is it is rather puzzling why other teams fans get so worked up about these issues. Surely this is for Tottenham fans alone to discuss, but I’m evidently wrong.

Well, essentially they don't really like to see a rival club getting a fantastic new stadium that will boost the club in all sorts of ways. So they look to pick holes in it all.
Well, essentially they don't really like to see a rival club getting a fantastic new stadium that will boost the club in all sorts of ways. So they look to pick holes in it all.

I can see that but sense the current malaise at United is exacerbating the syndrome from what I’ve read. I’d rather see whingeing about Brexit than your finances or naming rights!
I can see that but sense the current malaise at United is exacerbating the syndrome from what I’ve read. I’d rather see whingeing about Brexit than your finances or naming rights!
Even when Utd were good Glaston was an annoying twat. And Spurs were a better club than Utd then too.
Name it Yid Army Towers, just for Dave.

Apologies for being somewhat obtuse, but I was trying to say is it is rather puzzling why other teams fans get so worked up about these issues. Surely this is for Tottenham fans alone to discuss, but I’m evidently wrong.

On a Manchester United forum, of course some United fans are going to comment on it.
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit it seems: I said "doesn't much affect". This is accurate because £5m more or less per year is in relation my estimate of an overall increase of around £100m from stadium income compared to WHL.

Re. profits - I expect Spurs will continue to make them, regardless of these likely being smaller next time than last time around. Profits change from year to year - so what? I haven't said that our profits will continue to always rise.

You say our expenditure will increase, and in some ways it will, not least on wages probably, plus debt servicing. But you forget that for years we've been pumping money into construction costs. Some construction projects remain, but the biggest of these (the stadium itself) is now finished, as are mostly some others (like the training centre's player lodge). So our overall annual construction costs will start to decrease.

Moreover, I do have some idea how £800k per match from food and drink sales compares to other clubs. For example, Man. City reportedly get £150k per match from food and drink sales … less than 25% of what Spurs now get.

You ask if boosting profits from player sales is our goal moving forward. I think the recent signing of Ndombele gives answer.

Financially, moving forward, our goals include (a) over-taking Arsenal's annual income - this will happen soon, with Chelsea the next target figure to surpass (b) completing construction of the remainder of the stadium complex, including a hotel and apartments immediately next to the stadium; and (c) building 330 homes on a site close to the stadium - for which we today gained planning permission.

You seem to have little clue that Spurs are one of the richest clubs in the world and are going to get wealthier still. Levy's stated aim is establish Spurs as one of Europe's elite clubs - and he continues to put the financial building blocks in place to support that ambition.

So yes, we have a debt to service and repay - and yes, some of our costs will go up, but overall we are in great shape financially. That's essentially what I'm saying and I stand by that, regardless of any dire predictions to the contrary and regardless of your toothless claim that what I'm saying is "shite".

Spurs have been capitalising the interest on their debt, and payments will start at around 57m p/a in 2020. Spurs’ profits are about to evaporate.
Spurs have been capitalising the interest on their debt, and payments will start at around 57m p/a in 2020. Spurs’ profits are about to evaporate.

Well, seeing as our profits from operations (excluding football trading and before depreciation and exceptional items) was almost three times that amount last time around, and seeing as our income since then will have further risen, these profits have a lot of evaporating to do …. even assuming that your £57m p/a figure has not been just plucked out of a hat.
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit it seems: I said "doesn't much affect". This is accurate because £5m more or less per year is in relation my estimate of an overall increase of around £100m from stadium income compared to WHL.

Re. profits - I expect Spurs will continue to make them, regardless of these likely being smaller next time than last time around. Profits change from year to year - so what? I haven't said that our profits will continue to always rise.

You say our expenditure will increase, and in some ways it will, not least on wages probably, plus debt servicing. But you forget that for years we've been pumping money into construction costs. Some construction projects remain, but the biggest of these (the stadium itself) is now finished, as are mostly some others (like the training centre's player lodge). So our overall annual construction costs will start to decrease.

Moreover, I do have some idea how £800k per match from food and drink sales compares to other clubs. For example, Man. City reportedly get £150k per match from food and drink sales … less than 25% of what Spurs now get.

You ask if boosting profits from player sales is our goal moving forward. I think the recent signing of Ndombele gives answer.

Financially, moving forward, our goals include (a) over-taking Arsenal's annual income - this will happen soon, with Chelsea the next target figure to surpass (b) completing construction of the remainder of the stadium complex, including a hotel and apartments immediately next to the stadium; and (c) building 330 homes on a site close to the stadium - for which we today gained planning permission.

You seem to have little clue that Spurs are one of the richest clubs in the world and are going to get wealthier still. Levy's stated aim is establish Spurs as one of Europe's elite clubs - and he continues to put the financial building blocks in place to support that ambition.

So yes, we have a debt to service and repay - and yes, some of our costs will go up, but overall we are in great shape financially. That's essentially what I'm saying and I stand by that, regardless of any dire predictions to the contrary and regardless of your toothless claim that what I'm saying is "shite".

Based on a report in The Sun (!) which claims Spurs make £800,000 per match from food and drink sales but it doesn’t specify the number at all. I’d take it with a grain of salt and wait till the end of next season before making such claims.
Well, seeing as our profits from operations (excluding football trading and before depreciation and exceptional items) was almost three times that amount last time around, and seeing as our income since then will have further risen, these profits have a lot of evaporating to do …. even assuming that your £57m p/a figure has not been just plucked out of a hat.

Spurs will eventually have to start paying market rate for player salaries. Their current model is unsustainable to remain competitive. As that gets closer to 50% of revenue, and debt repayments kick in. Majority of profits evaporate. The moment Spurs fail to qualify for the champions league, the going gets tough.
Spurs will eventually have to start paying market rate for player salaries. Their current model is unsustainable to remain competitive. As that gets closer to 50% of revenue, and debt repayments kick in. Majority of profits evaporate. The moment Spurs fail to qualify for the champions league, the going gets tough.

We already do pay market rates for wages for the players that we sign - Ndombele being the latest - or else they wouldn't sign with us in the first place. The wages required depend mostly on whether you are trying to sign an established big name star, or else an upcoming prospect that you hope to develop and improve, or someone in the middle of that spectrum.

However, there's no law that requires Spurs to go for established big name stars. And I've been told every summer for years on here that the Spurs model is unsustainable - and yet it continues quite happily, with Spurs remaining competitive.

Our current wages are just 39% of turnover, according to Deloitte. So, and also because our turnover will continue to rise significantly, we could afford to pay a lot more in wages before it even begins to approach 45% of turnover, never mind the 50% that you mention.

Of course, and as with any club, not playing in the CL would make a significant dent in our finances. But the rise in income that will come from our new stadium is a substantial hedge against that possibility.
And I've been told every summer for years on here that the Spurs model is unsustainable - and yet it continues quite happily, with Spurs remaining competitive.
The last two seasons have seen Spurs finish lower in the table, scoring less goals and conceding more than the season before. Clear downward trend you could say. Ignoring cup runs that rely largely on luck of course.
The last two seasons have seen Spurs finish lower in the table, scoring less goals and conceding more than the season before. Clear downward trend you could say. Ignoring cup runs that rely largely on luck of course.

Cup runs do involve some luck, of course. But a run that goes all the way to CL final is based on more than just luck. Hence it can't credibly be just conveniently ignored.

Also, we've been playing most of our 'home' games away from our real home. This has a negative effect … one that disappears from now onwards.

So overall I think it's fair to say that Spurs have remained competitive.
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