Film Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker [Theories]

Does anyone genuinely give a shit about the fate of these characters? I've seen every Star Wars film and yet feel no connection with them at all. They're like the cinematic realisation of the current United side.
Lando I guess... and that's pretty much it.

Palpatine saved Revenge of the Sith so I'm rooting he'll murder someone and give us some joy.
Steady on now.
I'll happily admit they where absolutely dire for large parts(or just plain terrible like attack of the clones), and the dialogue is cringe worthy throughout but at least they had some semblance of an overarching plot and expanded the Universe well. All the sequels have done is completely shit all over the original trilogy for no apparent reason. The story of the originals was simple, Luke and company gang together to take down the Empire. The prequels where about Anakins fall to the dark side, but what are the sequels about nobody actually knows.
So you don't have a channel and a girlfriend and you're not looking forward to seeing the films?
@Sylar Better summary: Met girlfriend in 2017. Showed her Star Wars films in 2018. She loved them. Started podcast with her and some good friends where we watched the films with her and asked her what she thought. It became a big deal in our little group of four. She moved away for uni once the podcast ended and I got pretty ill while she was away. I ended up in hospital twice and I still struggle with pretty bad health stuff. But she finished uni and moved back to Manchester recently. Seeing Ep9 as that group of four again will feel like the culmination of a lot of things, so it means a lot that we all get to see it together.

the prequels are absolute dog shit but you can kinda see why - they had GL heavily involved for starters, the story was constrained by having to tie into the beginning of ANH, there were crazy degrees of anticipation which were inevitably never going to be lived up to.

but the latest trilogy really had an opportunity to do what they wanted, a new story to tell, and they have royally fecked it up. it seems really weird to me that an overarching story wasn't already planned for the trilogy as opposed to different directors just deciding to take things in different directions, and the ridiculous parallels it has tried to maintain with the OT (small band of good guys (even though they just won at the end of OT) against a powerful empire (even though they just lost)).

prequels are worse but the latest trilogy has been really disappointing.
He's in the new trilogy ? Didn't noticed... Alright, but he needs to have a truly great moment like the one when he hijacked the AT-ST.

Palpatine is in it, so maybe they'll go to Endor and he'll team up with the murder teddies again.
Honestly the prequels where better than what Disney has done with the sequels.

First prequel was better than anything Disney has produced. Rest of the prequels were dogshit like these have been too.
Lando I guess... and that's pretty much it.

Palpatine saved Revenge of the Sith so I'm rooting he'll murder someone and give us some joy.
Not even arsed about Lando really. They've killed the decent characters, now we're just left with that insufferable space-toff and her rival emo-vader.
Not even arsed about Lando really. They've killed the decent characters, now we're just left with that insufferable space-toff and her rival emo-vader.
When I think Lando, thankfully Billy Dee Williams instantly comes to mind plus the actor still lives, so I guess that's a positive of some sort...

If they won't damage Luke's character any further, it'll be a good thing too. Shame he's a force ghost now, he got some unsettled score with Palpatine and this could be one of the best SW duels ever.
Not even arsed about Lando really. They've killed the decent characters, now we're just left with that insufferable space-toff and her rival emo-vader.
You should try watching The Last Jedi again, only this time with the volume up and with your eyes open.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Im going to assume given that they showed a star destroyer coming out of ice, that the star destroyer they're riding on is stuck in the ice maybe?

Looked like it was in space to me, there's a shot where you can see all the ships in the sky around them.

Yeah that's what I thought, you can see other star destroyers floating around next to them so they have to be airborne.
Looks about as shit as expected. The trilogy can go nowhere because the characters are shit and there's no actual story going on.

There's rumours that test audiences reacted so badly to screenings that they are refilming most of the film still. At this point I wouldn't even be surprised.
Looks about as shit as expected. The trilogy can go nowhere because the characters are shit and there's no actual story going on.

There's rumours that test audiences reacted so badly to screenings that they are refilming most of the film still. At this point I wouldn't even be surprised.
Exactly. It's a series of films written by committee, driven by fan service and feedback rather than any genuine creative impulse. There's nothing and nobody left to give a shit about at this point.
Exactly. It's a series of films written by committee, driven by fan service and feedback rather than any genuine creative impulse. There's nothing and nobody left to give a shit about at this point.
Can you really call it fan service when they ruin the characters that fans loved? They sacrificed them to build up the new characters which they never bothered to write actual characters or stories for. They are just weird pandering things that do stuff that makes no real sense.

Isn't Lando now a guy that fecks robots?
Looks about as shit as expected. The trilogy can go nowhere because the characters are shit and there's no actual story going on.

There's rumours that test audiences reacted so badly to screenings that they are refilming most of the film still. At this point I wouldn't even be surprised.
Surely you don't actually believe that? It's physically impossible on a film of this scale.
Can you really call it fan service when they ruin the characters that fans loved? They sacrificed them to build up the new characters which they never bothered to write actual characters or stories for. They are just weird pandering things that do stuff that makes no real sense.

Isn't Lando now a guy that fecks robots?
I think fan service in as far as they've stuck fairly rigidly to a familiar structure and known when to push buttons to invoke instant nostalgia. I mean, the new trailer instantly brings back memories of ROTJ by starting on what looks like Endor. They're shamelessly manipulative. It'll just be a weak version of what was already the weakest of the original trilogy.

Totally agree about the way they've treated the older, actually interesting, characters.
Exactly. It's a series of films written by committee, driven by fan service and feedback rather than any genuine creative impulse. There's nothing and nobody left to give a shit about at this point.
You might not like them and that's fair. But that's a load of rubbish. That's not how these movies are made. Watch 'the director and the jedi' documentary for some insight.
It sounds like bollocks, but if it turned out to be true it really wouldn't be surprising giving the issues they've had with the films.
What's surprising to you? That a blockbuster movie has reshoots? That's every blockbuster movie that is made in Hollywood these days. Even at this late stage, they're perfectly normal.

And as for them changing ending due to test screenings that certainly sounds like some made up bollocks. Probably by some agenda driven youtube channel. As far as I'm aware these movies are not screened outside of Lucasfilm until the premiere
You might not like them and that's fair. But that's a load of rubbish. That's not how these movies are made. Watch 'the director and the jedi' documentary for some insight.
Sounds interesting, I'll see if I can find it. That said, I find it impossible to believe that a writer or director working on a franchise of this size is given complete creative licence to take the film in whatever direction they choose. A thousand dirty fingerprints are on these films by the time they're seen as ready for release, which would explain why they're so conservative.
Anyway, my thoughts on the trailer.

I'm really iffy on palpatine coming back, especiallly in what appears to be a physical form. I'm not sure JJ can pull that one off.

One thing I do love though is the cinematography. I really think all 3 movies in the ST look beautiful. And in this regard, stand out when compared to superhero movies.
Sounds interesting, I'll see if I can find it. That said, I find it impossible to believe that a writer or director working on a franchise of this size is given complete creative licence to take the film in whatever direction they choose. A thousand dirty fingerprints are on these films by the time they're seen as ready for release, which would explain why they're so conservative.
It was an extra on the Last Jedi dvd. It can be found online.

I don't think he had 'total control', in the sense that yes what he did had to be signed off by Kennedy and then proabably a couple of high ups at Disney. But in essense, he knew what 7 was going to be and a rough idea where it ends and then he was given a blank page to fill in for 8.

Rian Johnson actually wrote 8 as TFA was still being filmed. So there literally was no fan feedback for him to take into account.
Anyway, my thoughts on the trailer.

I'm really iffy on palpatine coming back, especiallly in what appears to be a physical form. I'm not sure JJ can pull that one off.

One thing I do love though is the cinematography. I really think all 3 movies in the ST look beautiful. And in this regard, stand out when compared to superhero movies.

Anyway, my thoughts on the trailer.

I'm really iffy on palpatine coming back, especiallly in what appears to be a physical form. I'm not sure JJ can pull that one off.

One thing I do love though is the cinematography. I really think all 3 movies in the ST look beautiful. And in this regard, stand out when compared to superhero movies.
The shot of the hyperspace jump into the Star Destroyer in TLJ is stunning.
Shame about the film in general but it does often look incredible.
Anyway, my thoughts on the trailer.

I'm really iffy on palpatine coming back, especiallly in what appears to be a physical form. I'm not sure JJ can pull that one off.

One thing I do love though is the cinematography. I really think all 3 movies in the ST look beautiful. And in this regard, stand out when compared to superhero movies.
I don't think he'll be back in actual physical form, its either someone possessed or its a sith force ghost type thing. Otherwise you have to cram his discovery, his explanation of his resurrection, and the group finding a way to kill him once and for all, all the while trying to tie up all other loose ends in the saga. It would be too rushed. If he is physical he should have been hinted at in TFA, revealed in TLJ and then defeated in TROS.
The Last Jedi was an objectively terrible fecking film in every possible way, i'm convinced it was a troll job by Johnson.