Gaming Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PS5 Remake)

So looking forward to this! Remember playing and being addictive to this game as a youngster :D
Well that's disappointing. New game? Nah, just remake the same old shit.
Timed exclusive is good because it means I won't have to pay when it comes to Xbox :drool:
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You feckers are so tight :lol:

Just being a savvy consumer innit. Big up vidyoyo.

You post about not paying £70 for new games and using vouchers whilst calling everybody else tight and saying you have the money to not need to care about buying new games. Make up your mind.

Really looking forward to this. Need to see more on what they're doing it.
On one side; feck sake, another remake?
On the other side; feck yes, KOTOR remake!
Finally, it will be time for me to get a PS5. I've been waiting for a game to roll around that really makes me want to get one.
Excited for this! Hopefully they'll do the second one too and add in all the cut content and a proper ending
Excited for this! Hopefully they'll do the second one too and add in all the cut content and a proper ending


For some stupid reason I just assumed it was a 1&2 remake package. Damn.

Feels like they could have quite easily done it that way. But I guess they'll want to milk it if the first does well.
It is PS5 Console launch exclusive, so it will probably come out for PS5 and PC on launch, then half a year, year later on Xbox.

Pretty sure it'll be at least 12 months
I refuse to get excited until I see it‘s not going to be released in chapters at full price each over the course of a couple decades.
It’s ps5 and pc at launch, but timed so will come to Xbox. Timed has to be the lamest of all kinds of ‘exclusive’
Couldn't get into the orginal. Let's see if this one is more enticing. Just the SW setting does nothing for me tbh.
My favorite game of all time. Definitely excited about this.
I can see what inspired your username :lol:

I've been wanting to play this game for a long time, but was put away with the older grahics and everything. Can't wait to play it once this remake comes out!
Please be good.

Actually replayed the original a few years ago, gameplay doesn't really hold up well but the story is still excellent. This is one remake I think is actually justified and can be excellent if done right.

If it's on PC at launch though I'll probably get it there. If they stick to a similar battle system K+M is just better for it.
No release date makes me sad. When they announced the Demon's Souls remake, I knew I only had to wait a few months.

I'm really curious what they're doing with the gameplay. While I personally loved the whole D&D-based dice rolling in the original, they'll probably want to update for the sake of 'modern audiences'.

Also, will they re-record voice lines? Because Master Vrook's and Canderous' voice actors sadly passed away - and both are absolutely iconic voices.
No release date makes me sad. When they announced the Demon's Souls remake, I knew I only had to wait a few months.

I'm really curious what they're doing with the gameplay. While I personally loved the whole D&D-based dice rolling in the original, they'll probably want to update for the sake of 'modern audiences'.

Also, will they re-record voice lines? Because Master Vrook's and Canderous' voice actors sadly passed away - and both are absolutely iconic voices.
I’d be more excited if they did change and update it though. Imagine KOTOR but with Fallen Order combat potential :drool:
The fecks with all these remakes? Lazy bastards

I was reading an article the other day.

Remakes on games are now the way forward because to develop a new game now is becoming far too expensive to be profitable (aside from the odd game here and there).

Just look at Rockwell and how they release GTA etc they use online to try and make / recoup as much money as possible over 7, 8 years and then release the next one which will no doubt have similar life span.
Apparently, they have hired a someone who does not like KOTOR to re write the game... Any excitement I had, is now gone.
The fecks with all these remakes? Lazy bastards

It's a fantastic game that is nearly 20 years old and pretty horribly outdated by modern standards, why wouldn't we want them to remake it? Obviously I would prefer KotOR3, but that is never happening at this point. Actually, if this is a success, and the then inevitable KotOR2 is a success, that makes #3 much more likely.

There's nothing inherently bad with remakes or remasters. The C&C remaster was wonderful. There are some bad ones, but we can just not buy them.

Better. Their last good game was in 2014, and even that was not as good as their previous games.

DA: Inquisition is one of my favourite games. Certainly they learned a lot from DA2, so it's not like they're immune to improvement. Also, Andromeda was worse than the other Mass Effect games, but it actually turned out to be a pretty good game in the end. Gameplay-wise it's the best they've done, though the story wasn't good.