Film Star wars SPOILER thread (post here if you have seen the film)


Full Member
Mar 6, 2015
I haven't watched the film and don't want it spoiled as I'm sure many others haven't as well. So we'll create this thread so the people who have seen the film can talk about it here.

Big Andy

Oct 23, 2003
I haven't watched the film and don't want it spoiled as I'm sure many others haven't as well. So we'll create this thread so the people who have seen the film can talk about it here.
And then your willpower will fail and you'll be reading each post...


Full Member
Jun 27, 2013
Minnesota Vikings
Is this thread legit? I'm weary of posting spoilers here then getting instantly banned lol


Gullible sausage
Jun 21, 2013
God dammit why am i in here?
I have done the exact same :lol:

I have not seen the film and definitely do not want it spoiled yet for some strange reason I still clicked the thread.

I am now going to leave and not come back.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
Haven't seen the film but I basically had a key point spoiled for me in a review.

It said something along the lines of:

"Kylo Ren struggles to reconcile the two sides of his identity; apprentice to a new dark Jedi, black sheep of his legendary family", followed by "Ren, the latest of his family to possess great power with the force...", followed by "Han and Leia, separated by a loss that forms the core of the storyline..."

Doesn't exactly take a genius to suss out what's going on.


Balloon headed Pokemon innovator & kitten murderer
Nov 15, 2012
Jar-Jar Binks is Supreme Leader Snoke


Redcafe Yahoo Pool champion 2007
Mar 16, 2006
Generally the scenes were very pleasing on the eye. Kylo ren was proper wimpy. Also didn't like the way the lightsaber got into the hands of the new guys, thought it would be a bit more "special". Some of the actors just shouldn't have been casted, a pet hate of mine is hearing some of the British accents, such as that strong Scottish fellas on the freight.

It'll do mind. 8/10.


Full Member
Jun 21, 2006
I thought it was great. The only thing I wasn't so sure about was some of the new soundtrack. I think Kylo Ren is being built up to become more powerful in the next one.


Oppressed White Male
Aug 25, 2008
To quote a very old Maddox article I read as a teenager;

What a steaming pile of sith.

Art Vandelay

Full Member
Jan 29, 2015
Northern Ireland
Generally the scenes were very pleasing on the eye. Kylo ren was proper wimpy. Also didn't like the way the lightsaber got into the hands of the new guys, thought it would be a bit more "special". Some of the actors just shouldn't have been casted, a pet hate of mine is hearing some of the British accents, such as that strong Scottish fellas on the freight.

It'll do mind. 8/10.
Yeah the Scottish guys were quite distracting, although the guys from The Raid 2 showing up was cool, I thought that was just a mental rumour. The first half an hour or so when it didn't bother explaining who these people were was a bit annoying.

Overall though I quite enjoyed it and it pisses all over the prequels while casually ignoring them.

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
Maybe it's just the fact that this is Star Wars and what not... but I really liked it, nigh on loved it in fact... and that's despite it's flaws.

I was completely sold on the story, the characters were all generally well built and acted (including Kylo Ren, who I wasn't sold on at first - and I thought taking the mask off would be a massive misstep - but by the end of it I completely bought into it) and I felt the film did enough to earn it's big moments... and Abrams has enough visual flair to pull them all off.

Sure it borrowed heavily from a New Hope (hell, you could say it's a straight copy) but I didn't mind that... and yes a lot of things seem to just happen in the film because they "need" to happen (and everyone has one hell of a knack of finding each other) - but again I enjoyed the film enough to look past that.

I think the biggest problem I had was the pacing - and the fact that some things seemed to happen so fast/be rushed, and then the film would happily take it's time in other stretchs. But hey, I can't say I was ever bored at any point, so I suppose it's not exactly a major complaint.

Overall I think it's definitely a welcome entry into the Star Wars world, and miles better then any of the prequels.

Oh, as an aside, no idea why the two blokes from the Raid and Gwendoline Christie are in this film (especially the latter, who's doing loads of press and stuff, and yet manages to do pretty much feck all)... other then to have just been in Star Wars.... hopefully they have a bigger part in the sequels or something


ever get that feeling of déjà vu?
May 26, 2012
Currently on trial for plagiarism
To quote a very old Maddox article I read as a teenager;

What a steaming pile of sith.
Didn't like it then?

I liked it very much anyways

Negatives for me were:

- Kylo Ren is not Vader.
- It's very much like New Hope (Too much at times)

I'm not one for this bullshit usually but, I got proper chills when the theme kicked in at the Start


Full Member
Jun 27, 2013
Minnesota Vikings
I liked it. I'll probably give it a 3.5/5. Or a 3.75 if I'm feeling generous. Definitely better than the prequels. Now, here are my thoughts in bullet point form because my generation is too lazy to write full paragraphs:

- The cast is good. The Ex Machina duo were my favourites of the new cast, but everyone does well. The returning actors slip into their old roles perfectly.

- It has great humour it in, especially in the first half. There's no single funny character like Han was in the originals, but there are well timed comedic moments.

- The scene where Kylo kills Han was really well done. The shot of Han walking onto that bridge to talk to his son was the moment in the film I felt most likely to become an iconic Star Wars moment. Han shouting out to his son was brilliant too, just a simple "Ben!" which I could tell made a lot of viewers quite emotional.

- My favourite new character was Poe Dameron, but he wasn't used enough in my opinion. But he survives the movie, so I hope they give Oscar Isaac a bigger role next time.

- I'm honestly really glad that Luke was pretty much absent, and had no lines in this movie. Some people might be annoyed, but I think the mystery surrounding him drove the plot forward in a fun way, and that last shot of him looking at Rey was brilliant. My favourite final shot in a movie for a long long time.

- The scenes between Han and Leia were great. The script and actors had to sell a lot whole lotta history that we didn't see, to get us invested in the emotional moments later, and I reckon they did a stellar job.

- As I alluded to before with Poe, one drawback of having a whole new cast was how underused some of the not-main characters felt. Maz Kanata was interesting, so I hope that they expand or explain her role more in future installments. But my biggest disappointment was Captain Phasma; she was pretty much not in the movie.

- I'm quite happy with where the end of the movie left us. It had to do a lot of heavy lifting in "setting up" the trilogy, and I think they did a really good job of that.

Also, this film is pretty much a remake of A New Hope. It's got all of the following:

- Han in the Obi Wan role of old guy who can tell us about what it was like back in the day, and then set us off on a new adventure.
- Rey in the Luke role of someone young from a desert planet who is strong in the force but has no training, and gets caught up in a war between the Empire (now reborn and rebranded as the First Order) and the rebels (now called the resistance).
- Kylo Ren standing in for Darth Vader, who was trained as a Jedi but was corrupted by the Dark Side and now serves the Empire/First Order, and also has a direct familial tie to other main characters.
- New Vader kills new Obi Wan, while new Luke stands and watches unable to help.
- BB-8 is R2-D2.
- Hux is the new Tarkin.
- The climax of the movie is destroying the Starkiller base, with X-Wing fighters and the Millennium Falcon.

But hey, Abrams did a much better job of remaking A New Hope than he did Wrath Of Khan.

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
Oh two more things:

1. This is the easily the most I've seen Harrison Ford care about acting/performing in a role for a long, long time. Was great to see.

2. Not sure on some of the character / costume designs...particularly Orange Big Eyed Midget and Giant Sith Lord... Both just looked so obviously CGI'd in comparison to everything else... I think they'll age really poorly.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2003
I loved it. I could understand if people thought it was too much like A New Hope though, it follows it a little too closely. Also I don't think the film needed the last scene, I guess marketing or whoever decided it needed to be in there but it could/should have ended when the Falcon flew off. The two leads are awesome though, very entertaining, and it's a very funny film. The first appearance of the Falcon was so great.

And yeah...I assumed she was Han and Leia's daughter.


ever get that feeling of déjà vu?
May 26, 2012
Currently on trial for plagiarism
Oh two more things:

1. This is the easily the most I've seen Harrison Ford care about acting/performing in a role for a long, long time. Was great to see.

2. Not sure on some of the character / costume designs...particularly Orange Big Eyed Midget and Giant Sith Lord... Both just looked so obviously CGI'd in comparison to everything else... I think they'll age really poorly.
Sith lord was a hologram was it not?

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
Sith lord was a hologram was it not?
Yeah it was, but it still looked a bit shit. The holograms in the previous films were better I'd say.

Oh ANOTHER thing... how good were the lightsabre duels? None of this fancy flippy/twirly shit... just two people fighting with lightsabres as normal people who had lightsabres would fight with them. Gave a much greater weight to the battle I thought.


ever get that feeling of déjà vu?
May 26, 2012
Currently on trial for plagiarism
I take it we are all assuming Rey is Han and Leia's daughter, thus Kylo's sister?
Number of possibilities...

1. Could be their daughter but, Leia doesn't seem to give a shit :lol:
2. The flashbacks when she touched the Saber..."It's calling to you" Could be a child of Luke?
3. Someone from the Jedi school, who happened to be powerful in the force but was hidden, like Luke and Leia..

Personally I reckon she's a Skywalker. The entire franchise is built on the Skywalkers


Feb 1, 2012
I loved how it didn't take itself too seriously, but did when needed. Definitely A New Hope in new jacket, which is no criticism.


ever get that feeling of déjà vu?
May 26, 2012
Currently on trial for plagiarism
Yeah it was, but it still looked a bit shit. The holograms in the previous films were better I'd say.

Oh ANOTHER thing... how good were the lightsabre duels? None of this fancy flippy/twirly shit... just two people fighting with lightsabres as normal people who had lightsabres would fight with them. Gave a much greater weight to the battle I thought.

fecking Ewan McGregor doing triple somersaults, from a 100ft drop, whilst still engaging in mega twirly Saber battles.

Load of cock that was


Full Member
Apr 11, 2003
Yeah it was, but it still looked a bit shit. The holograms in the previous films were better I'd say.

Oh ANOTHER thing... how good were the lightsabre duels? None of this fancy flippy/twirly shit... just two people fighting with lightsabres as normal people who had lightsabres would fight with them. Gave a much greater weight to the battle I thought.
I liked the duels but that doesn't mean I dislike the twirly shit. I love the fight in the Phantom Menace, and the music. This is different as the two new characters are very untrained, I would expect the duels to become more fancy in the next two films.

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
I liked the duels but that doesn't mean I dislike the twirly shit. I love the fight in the Phantom Menace, and the music. This is different as the two new characters are very untrained, I would expect the duels to become more fancy in the next two films.
Phantom Menace is all about the music. That theme is the by far the best thing about the entire prequel trilogy.

I'll be very surprised if they do. Kylo Ren is supposedly somewhat trained and he didn't do any of that stuff etiher... I think, considering this is meant to follow 4, 5 and 6, that this is the type of lightsabre battlse we'll be getting from now on... and I'm all for it.

Deleted member 78215

Just one big homage, really,

As a Star Wars film it was good - and much better than the prequels.

If you were to take it in isolation, however, I don't think it would hold up well.

Kylo Ren's motivations were unclear - I guess they'll be clarified in later films. Don't you just love franchises?

Why don't the architects the bad guys hire learn from past mistakes? I mean, come on. You've got this incredibly, ridiculously powerful weapon and all it takes to blow it up are a few well-placed charges and the blowing up of some reactors.

Snoke - in what is a very brief appearance, admittedly - seems just like a cliched antagonist, being evil for evil's sake. And he looks like the Orc from The Hobbit films.

Storm Troopers, some of whom are bred from birth to be soldiers, can't hit a barn door, while Rey, who has never fired a gun in her life (she forgot to turn the safety off), manages to ping them off with almost perfect accuracy.

The film was surprisingly funny (not in a bad way), although the people around me didn't seem to be laughing...

Even though he is defeated, Finn - who is "not at one with the force" - manages to hold his own for a good while against Kylo Ren in a lightsaber duel. Didn't make sense.

Han Solo and Chewbacca were great.

Jar-Jar Binks is not the Sith Lord, meaning he was just a bumbling moron. No redemption.

The hype around Luke Skywalker - his absence from the film's marketing being "no accident," apparently - wasn't justified.

I've not articulated this very well, but just some early thoughts.
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Full Member
Apr 11, 2003
I thought the duels at the end made Kylo Ren appear quite weak to be honest. In ESB Vader toys with untrained Luke, I would have expected it to be more like that. It was very dramatic and well shot though so I didn't care.

I wasn't totally sold on the big bad guy yet, we'll see how he develops. I had avoided every trailer/tv spot/spoiler/everything before seeing the film so everything was new to me and that character was a surprise to me. He looked a bit ropey.


Full Member
Jun 27, 2013
Minnesota Vikings
Yeah it was, but it still looked a bit shit. The holograms in the previous films were better I'd say.

Oh ANOTHER thing... how good were the lightsabre duels? None of this fancy flippy/twirly shit... just two people fighting with lightsabres as normal people who had lightsabres would fight with them. Gave a much greater weight to the battle I thought.
I liked the duels but that doesn't mean I dislike the twirly shit. I love the fight in the Phantom Menace, and the music. This is different as the two new characters are very untrained, I would expect the duels to become more fancy in the next two films.
In terms of choreography they were an improvement to most of the prequel duels, but it was really dumb how Kylo lost the duel to someone to had literally never had any training, ever.


ever get that feeling of déjà vu?
May 26, 2012
Currently on trial for plagiarism
To be fair, in relation to Snoke, go back and look at The Empire Strikes Back and The Emperor's first appearance. I'm sure no one was sold on him at all at the time and look how that turned out.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2003
Also this is just a minor complaint but since the film is practically a remake of A New Hope and the finale is so similar it draws its own comparisons and I didn't think it was quite as rousing/satisfying as Luke destroying the Death Star/the Falcon's last minute save. This was a little underwhielming in comparison but that ending to ANH is one of the greatest ever to be fair.