Straylan and Kiwi politics

VIC 1838
NSW 301
ACT 33

NSW get additional freedoms in the morning as we pass 80% fully vaxxed. VIC to come out of lockfown on Thursday night as they pass 70% fully vaxxed.
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NZ 94 new cases today, 87 in Auckland, 3 in the Waikato.
Biggest daily number since it all began. Close to 90% have had at least 1 dose of vaccine and close to 70% have had both doses. This is for those eligible here which is 12 years and above.
NZ 94 new cases today, 87 in Auckland, 3 in the Waikato.
Biggest daily number since it all began. Close to 90% have had at least 1 dose of vaccine and close to 70% have had both doses. This is for those eligible here which is 12 years and above.
Good to see such high vaccine coverage on the way. I think Aus and NZ are going to end up at over 90%.

I’m pleased the Vic government have relaxed the lockdown slightly early in response to high vaccination levels. Looking forward to the weekend for the first time in a while.
60 new cases today which was a relief after yesterdays effort. Im still expecting it to slowly climb but so far this outbreak has been confined to Auckland and The Waikato area which makes up about 1/2 of NZ's population.
Australia as a whole just passed 70% of 16+ fully vaxxed. Most parts of NSW are well over 90% one shot or more.
102 new cases today and Govt now warning us that cases will continue to rise. It feels like they are now preparing the public for the inevitable surge and spike before vaccinations steady things. Also free trade agreement with the UK announced which has completely smothered the oppositions covid exit strategy announcement. Timing of that was pretty funny.
1st dose vaccinated or booked at 86% of over 12s.
2nd dose vaccinated or booked at 78% of over 12s
Victoria is scary. It makes your query though why their numbers are so large compared to nsw?

I think that vaccination rates are a part of it but I think the biggest factor is that every outbreak in Vic is concentrated in areas where housing density and large mutigenerational households are far more common.
A huge leak of documents seen by BBC News shows how countries are trying to change a crucial scientific report on how to tackle climate change.

The leak reveals Saudi Arabia, Japan and Australia are among countries asking the UN to play down the need to move rapidly away from fossil fuels.

It also shows some wealthy nations are questioning paying more to poorer states to move to greener technologies.

One senior Australian government official rejects the conclusion that closing coal-fired power plants is necessary, even though ending the use of coal is one of the stated objectives the COP26 conference.

Australia asks IPCC scientists to delete a reference to analysis of the role played by fossil fuel lobbyists in watering down action on climate in Australia and the US. Opec also asks the IPCC to "delete 'lobby activism, protecting rent extracting business models, prevent political action'."

@Wibble Holy shit, we truly are a pariah state on the world stage. Australia isn't just "sitting back and lagging behind", we are thick in the muck trying to play down the science.

@Wibble Holy shit, we truly are a pariah state on the world stage. Australia isn't just "sitting back and lagging behind", we are thick in the muck trying to play down the science.
I give you our PM and Deputy PM. They thought it was amusing to bring lumps of coal into parliament and taunt the opposition that it "wasn't scary". The utter morons.

Talking of morons. We had some cockwomble from this side of politics stand up in parliament yesterday and say that renewables can't work as the sun doesn't shine at night. Therefore coal QED. How do these feckwits have the IQ necessary to speak and breath at the same time? What passes for political discourse and debate these days is an utter embarrassment.
She is clearly a moron. Though it is weird seeing people talk about Australia like that. Though she probably thinks we are all still convicts locked away as well.

I had to sit slightly further away from the next table than usual in the pub last night? Oh the unbearable tyrany.
Our genius of a Federal Resources Minister says "Solar doesn't work in the dark". With geniuses like this in charge why do we have anything to fear for the future of the planet?

“I say to those opposite are you seriously suggesting that when there’s no sun, solar works? This is just a fundamental fact.”

i know he's just being a cnut for the sake of QT, but this is an argument from 30-40-50 years ago. Which is very fitting for the nationals.

When Rio Tinto makes you look out of touch, probably time to wind down the cnutishness

Laura Tingle's absolute scathing examination of the Coalition announcement only needs 54 seconds to highlight what a joke today was.
Richard Eckard, professor of Agriculture at the University of Melbourne, said he was concerned about some of the assumptions around land use.

"The reliance on soil carbon — I would even go so far as to say — it is a dangerous assumption," Professor Eckard said.

“At the end of the day, in a country that is 22 per cent more variable than any other country in the world, soil carbon is 90 per cent about rainfall.

"You cannot bank the future on something that is dependent on rainfall and climate change is challenging that exact rainfall.

"Under a changing climate, I think we will be lucky to hold on to the soil carbon we have got let alone increasing the amount we can store."

So a policy of magic, unicorns and outright stupidity. It's almost as if the LNP only care about the optics.....but that can't be true!!! /s
@Wibble when do you think Australia will be open for tourism/working holiday visa’s?

I have always wanted to do 6 months or so work there, seems like it could be imminent? Although all the information I can find about Australia opening is that it will be open for arrivals of Aus citizens.
@Wibble when do you think Australia will be open for tourism/working holiday visa’s?

I have always wanted to do 6 months or so work there, seems like it could be imminent? Although all the information I can find about Australia opening is that it will be open for arrivals of Aus citizens.

Hard to give an exact date as the Federal government and each state has different priorities. The Feds want tourists, international students and working holiday makers back ASAP for economic and/or labor shortage reasons. The states want the same but each state has a different level of covid infection so somewhere like WA where there is none will want to open up very slowly whereas NSW would like to open up ASAP.

Hard to make accurate predictions but I'd guess some time in 2022 will happen for working holidays. If you do come I'd advise staying longer than 6 months even if you intersperse work with travel, and if you do some country fruit picking you can extend out to up to 2 years I think. There is a lot to see and it is a great experience. It is how I ended up here.
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Hard to give an exact date as the Federal government and each state has different priorities. The Feds want tourists, international students and working holiday makers back ASAP for economic and/or labor shortage reasons. The states want the same but each state has a different level of covid infection so somewhere like WA where there is none will want to open up very slowly whereas NSW would like to open up ASAP.

Hard to make accurate predictions but I'd guess some time in 2022 will happen for working holidays. If you do come I'd advise staying longer than 6 months even if you intersperse work with travel and if you do some country fruit picking you can extend out to up to 2 years I think. There is a lot to see and it is a great experience. It is how I ended up here.

We were supposed to come to Australia about 18 months ago for a working holiday but Covid messed up all our plans which we were saving for years. We decided to do a bit of travelling anyway so we are currently in Thailand, been here for 4 weeks. Going to stay here until Christmas then we will either visit Sri Lanka or Cambodia as these two are opening up. Then we want to do 6 months work or so in Australia just so we don’t burn through our savings then carry on after that around Asia.

But yes I’d also like to see lots of Australia, would love to do some diving and some road trips etc. We have in our minds Easter next year may be a possibility. I’d ideally like to work in Sydney for the 6 months.
The 6 month thing is purely because I believe you can’t work for the same employer for more than 6 months on a working visa?
The 6 month thing is purely because I believe you can’t work for the same employer for more than 6 months on a working visa?

When I did it there were no check but there probably are now. That said there is usually lots of work round so jumping employers every 6 months or less isn't a big deal.
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In questions to CSIRO CEO Larry Marshall, Rennick suggested that he was concerned that achieving zero net emissions globally could deprive plant life of sufficient carbon dioxide.

“We”ll end up with a situation if we go net zero on land. And the phytoplankton is still taking more carbon out of the atmosphere, that will actually run the carbon levels down to an extent where we destroy our plant life. That’s what my concern is,” Rennick said.

I hope to fecking god that the history books remember these pricks for what they are.