Music Taylor Swift


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Dec 13, 2008
After releasing her best album earlier this year, she’s announced a follow up due out tomorrow...

Ok yes please this had better bang as hard as the first one
Can’t wait. But honestly, she’s spoiling us. Two albums in one year?
Can’t wait. But honestly, she’s spoiling us. Two albums in one year?
Yeah, used to be we'd have to wait 2/3 years between albums. I prefer the not waiting.

Though I will be sad if Cardigan is the only song to get a MV from folklore, was hoping for August next. Guess that slipped away into a moment in time...
Yeah, used to be we'd have to wait 2/3 years between albums. I prefer the not waiting.

Though I will be sad if Cardigan is the only song to get a MV from folklore, was hoping for August next. Guess that slipped away into a moment in time...
Me too. Really hope it’s as good as folklore.
Is this one produced by the guy from The National too? If not, I can't see it being as good as folklore.
Is this one produced by the guy from The National too? If not, I can't see it being as good as folklore.
The National have a feature on the album, so do Haim and Bon Iver. I think Jack Antonoff produced most of it.
Is this one produced by the guy from The National too? If not, I can't see it being as good as folklore.

It’s the same producers as Folklore so I’m expecting similar style of songs & for it to be just as good as that album.
Enjoyable album, an extension of Folklore with a music style that suits her very well. Maybe not as good as that album on initial listen, but still one of her better albums.

I don’t think she’ll release further new albums for a while now, probably just release the re-recordings of her first few albums first.
I thought everyone was taking the rip in this thread at first
Great album. She doesn’t disappoint. Her voice gets better with every record. Really like Willow and No Body, No Crime.
Great album. She doesn’t disappoint. Her voice gets better with every record. Really like Willow and No Body, No Crime.
Yeah, those two are great, loved ivy and cowboy like me as well.
How in the hell is she putting out two albums in a year and my man Kendrick Lamar hasn't done squat since the Black Panther album 3 years ago?
Yeah what’s going on, is Taylor Swift good or something? Like should I be listening to her?
How in the hell is she putting out two albums in a year and my man Kendrick Lamar hasn't done squat since the Black Panther album 3 years ago?
Alt-folk indie music might be a bit easier to craft than what Kendrick is cooking up
I fear that he has become a bit like Dre and become too much of a perfectionist over his craft
I would prefer it that way. Not made a bad piece of work, when he finishes he will have one of the best discographies ever.
Still on my first listen, but to my ears, it's very similar to Folklore. Which is not a bad thing.
Yeah what’s going on, is Taylor Swift good or something? Like should I be listening to her?
She was always a very good songwriter. Went from country to „power pop“ to folklore/singer-songwriter. „1989“ is worth a listen too. Also the Ryan Adams version of that album.
She is a great talent.
On the first listen, I wasn’t feeling it much but I liked Willow and Tis The Damn Season.

Now I love all of the songs, but my faves are Ivy and Coney Island.
She was always a very good songwriter. Went from country to „power pop“ to folklore/singer-songwriter. „1989“ is worth a listen too. Also the Ryan Adams version of that album.
She is a great talent.

The Ryan Adams version is so good
I saw the singer/songwriter Zola Jesus was complaining about Swift's major label backed, flannel-wearing "indie cosplay" at a time when genuine indie acts are struggling financially. Which is unfair really, as co-opting different styles is what pop stars do. But "indie cosplay" is still a pretty good description for the folklore/evermore vibe.

They're perfectly solid albums, I'm sure for Taylor Swift fans who don't usually listen to indie-folk it's an interesting departure and within the pop context it's cool place for a major star to decamp for a bit anyway.

Judged as actual indie-folk albums go though they don't do all that much for me. Pleasant, 6/10 fare with folklore being slightly the better of the two.