Team Pre-Season Meal

Were they bite size or high grade wagyu?

If there’s enough fat in it you can get away with well done, or smaller/thinner cuts, but from my experience working in a commercial kitchen it’s hard to cook a 1.5 inch thick piece of beef well done without taking all the moisture out of it on a grill. If you have time you can sous vide before giving it a sear, but it still won’t be as tender and flavourful as medium rare by the same method.

Honestly mate, as much as I’d like to support my previous statement, I was wonderfully sozzled. I just remember cutting it, seeing that ‘Grey’ that we’re all conditioned to run away from. But it was properly tasty. It was at Jervois Steakhouse in Auckland which is still the best place I’ve ever had steak (10-20 visits in 5 years). I suspect it was finished in the oven after searing. It had oodles of butter on it too.

I’m not advocating for anything north of medium-rare, but it was really good.

Link to Jervois -
My friend...SEARCH LUKE SHAW ON TWITTER... they're doing it right now.

Twitter is not real life.

2 years ago we all joined in as Shaw looked unprofessional. He’s off a monster season and our fans don’t give a Fcuk that he’s ate a cheeseburger.
There is nothing wrong with a well done steak. I’ve had steak served medium-well or well done and it’s been cracking. If it’s dry, it’s awful. But I’ve been served Steak on tasting menus at some pretty decent restaurants that didn’t have a hint of pink and it tasted amazing.

Medium-Rare-only is practically a meme at this point. Don’t get me wrong, that’s how I order it, and cook it. But it’s entirely possible to enjoy a steak cooked for longer than you’d expect.

I refuse to believe that any decent restaurant would serve steak on a tasting menu that “didn’t have a hint of pink”. What cut was it? Are you sure it was steak?!?

EDIT: Unless the customer specifically asked for the steak to be cremated in advance…
Yes but dietary science, conditioning etc have all moved on since then. You want to make it to the top? Then follow CR7 and be exemplary in your approach, food, exercise, etc etc..

What you on about. Are you suggesting in the dark ages of Sir Alex, when Ronaldo was at the club, sports science thought eating pizza and chips was acceptable. And now, due to revolutionary scientific discoveries, we associate pizza and chips synonymously with fat bastards and bad footballers?
You bunch of food snobs. Let 'em eat their plain cheeseburgers and well done steaks in peace. Maybe that's the style of cooking that Greenwood is used to.

Not everyone wants a barely cooked steak. I eat mine medium but would much prefer to have a well done steak than a rare one.
The Two Fat Ladies said it best. If you want something well done, order Chicken.
I refuse to believe that any decent restaurant would serve steak on a tasting menu that “didn’t have a hint of pink”. What cut was it? Are you sure it was steak?!?

EDIT: Unless the customer specifically asked for the steak to be cremated in advance…

You can refuse to believe it. But I got served what was essentially a mould based dish in The Fat Duck and paid a pretty penny to do so. A well done steak isn’t that much of a stretch.

I replied to @InfiniteBoredom to acknowledge how sozzled I was so I’m a little fuzzy on the details. I suspect it was a fatty wagyu or possibly seared then oven-finished. I am certain it was steak and was presented as such.
You can refuse to believe it. But I got served what was essentially a mould based dish in The Fat Duck and paid a pretty penny to do so. A well done steak isn’t that much of a stretch.

I replied to @InfiniteBoredom to acknowledge how sozzled I was so I’m a little fuzzy on the details. I suspect it was a fatty wagyu or possibly seared then oven-finished. I am certain it was steak and was presented as such.

Blue cheese is basically a “mould based dish” so that doesn’t shock me at all. A well done steak is a legitimate abomination though. However it’s cooked.

Only possible scenario where I can see that served in a fancy restaurant is where it’s not really a steak. A much tougher cut of meat cooked low and slow. Maybe that’s what they served you.
@Pogue Mahone only scenario I can imagine is it’s MBS12 or A5 Wagyu. In Japanese restaurant that serve it Omakase style it’s usually cooked to just a hint of pink, but with that much fat in it it would still be a flavour bomb even at well done.
@Pogue Mahone only scenario I can imagine is it’s MBS12 or A5 Wagyu. In Japanese restaurant that serve it Omakase style it’s usually cooked to just a hint of pink, but with that much fat in it it would still be a flavour bomb even at well done.

Ah. Ok. Interesting. I’ve only ever seen wagyu cooked rare/medium rare but if there was ever a cut of steak that could survive the insult of being cooked well done then wagyu’s your man. I just can’t get my head around a good chef choosing to cook steak well done, without the customer asking for it.
Blue cheese is basically a “mould based dish” so that doesn’t shock me at all. A well done steak is a legitimate abomination though. However it’s cooked.

Only possible scenario where I can see that served in a fancy restaurant is where it’s not really a steak. A much tougher cut of meat cooked low and slow. Maybe that’s what they served you.

Think about what you’re doing here Pogue.

You’re trying to tell me that what I heard with my ears and saw with my own eyes, tasted with my own tastebuds and discussed with 4 friends… never happened. Exceptional.

I brought up this story as it went against everything I know about Steak. I’m sorry that you’re yet to experience what I accidentally did. I hope that one day you do.

If you can only imagine one possible scenario in which a fabulous chef can cook a steak past medium and it be delicious, you’re either short of imagination or closeted of thought.

You’re a good egg. I’ve probably been a little insulting. But do take your hand off it. Someone cooked me steak. It was not pink. It was delicious. Your opinion is of no value when balanced against actual reality.

Edit : Yeah this reads like I’m being a monumental prick and I probably am. But my point remains.
I really don't understand this. They're training in St Andrews. Some of our best restaurants are either in that city or within ten miles of it. And they get their food from Forgan's in Broughty Ferry?

Seriously, it's like training in Soho but ordering your food from a burger van in fecking Bolton.

Edit: apparently it's the Forgan's in St Andrews, but still. Fecking hipster Wetherspoon shite.

Could've gone to the Rav, or Russell, Rogue or the fecking amazing kebab shop but nah they pick the place where they serve you this.


feck the Glazers.
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Well-done steak?! It's wasting money like this that's causing us to not have enough money for a new midfielder.

And wtf is normal bread? Never knew there was something called abnormal bread.
The only thing more embarrassing than a well-done steak... grown adults who give a sh*t what other grown adults order in a restaurant.
The real question is: was Mejbri there, and did he order liver, fava beans and a nice chianti?

... I'll get my coat...
The only thing more embarrassing than a well-done steak... grown adults who give a sh*t what other grown adults order in a restaurant.

Ha I'm with you on that.

How a guy takes his steak has become a real ego thing. Very odd.
Fecking hell ... 6 pages on what pleases their taste buds.

If one of them came out and said that he didn't lick the cap of a fruit yogurt fans will go on a riot.
I promise you that Elite athletes eat dick-loads of Carbs for a reason. They’re not on diets. They have nutrition plans. You may feel sharp on a keto diet but you won’t perform at your top level in a decent standard of football without huge amounts of carbohydrates. That’s irrefutable fact. Your glycogen stores should be at 100% when you start any effort that has an anaerobic element of any decent duration.
I'm not doubting you at all but a belly full of pasta just before a game sounds horrible.
Imagine being a multi-millionaire and still having to submit your order on a sad little Excel spreadsheet like it's the office Christmas lunch.

And I feel especially bad for Jesse. He has the same order as my 12 year old nephew.
Imagine being a multi-millionaire and still having to submit your order on a sad little Excel spreadsheet like it's the office Christmas lunch.

And I feel especially bad for Jesse. He has the same order as my 12 year old nephew.

Nah, they probably circulated an MS Forms survey by email prior to the meal and the page is the output.

Someone should forward the leaked meal menu to Ronaldo. He'll slap some sense into the whole squad.
Not a rare or medium rare steak in sight, that’s the most criminal thing there!
I think it's partly about digestibility. Sportsmen want protein that's readily available and a meal that's easily broken down in the digestive tract.

Medium rare steak might taste better. But it also sits in the stomach longer and provides less nutrition. Elite level athletes care about small details like these. It wouldn't surprise me if the players were instructed to have their steaks cooked that way.
I think it's partly about digestibility. Sportsmen want protein that's readily available and a meal that's easily broken down in the digestive tract.

Medium rare steak might taste better. But it also sits in the stomach longer and provides less nutrition. Elite level athletes care about small details like these. It wouldn't surprise me if the players were instructed to have their steaks cooked that way.

Have you seen the fecking meals they ordered?!? Those were not the choices of elite level athletes being obsessive about dietary intake.
Have you seen the fecking meals they ordered?!? Those were not the choices of elite level athletes being obsessive about dietary intake.

i’m hoping it was an organised “cheat day” and a one off. that can’t be normal. that menu wouldn’t look out of place at a hotel in benidorm or at the darts.
luke shaw at further team lunches.


Cristiano must lack the ability to enjoy food though. I remember Evra telling the story about him eating just plain chicken breast and rice. Quinoa, avocado and boiled eggs sounds like my nightmare.
Have you seen the fecking meals they ordered?!? Those were not the choices of elite level athletes being obsessive about dietary intake.

Found someone who has no clue how athletes work. Ronaldo takes it to the extreme, in reality what he does is almost pointless. Look at GOATs in other sports. MJ literally smoked regularly. LeBron drinks wine (too much according to some). Even Tom Brady enjoys food (but has a weird diet). Eating a cheeseburger a few times a month isn't affecting their careers.