The Halo 3 thread


Memberus Anonymous & Legendus
Mar 29, 2004
wtf are you talking about man?

I blew Balloonless away, I dont care if it was in 16 bit of 43543654 bit or had magical bits added to it

stop trying to steal my pleasure goddammit
Ret killed me last night with a sniper rifle. It was a feckin' great shot.

We were on the same team.


Site admin. Manchester United fan
Jun 1, 2000
Dublin, Ireland
I'm just saying that the pictures we see of you blowing Balloonless away are not the same as what you saw when in the process of doing so.
you might be correct, but in game you dont get the time to stop and admire the scenery otherwise some bugger would stick a bomb to your back or take you out with a headshot


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
you might be correct, but in game you dont get the time to stop and admire the scenery otherwise some bugger would stick a bomb to your back or take you out with a headshot
Quite right, but artifacts such as this are effecting more and more games across all platforms (not just XB360 - full CG film trailers such as was shown for KZ2 on PS3 are another example) as time goes by. It's becoming a business of deception that makes me feel uneasy. What is shown in publicity is not what you actually get in the end. It's a bit like a butcher proudly displaying a fresh piece of sirloin steak to you and then actually sticking a two week old cut of brisket into your bag. The butcher however would get in serious trouble if found out. You can't say something is one thing and then it turns out to be another.


Over 65s Team Player
Oct 23, 2006
In the grizzly Kent countryside
But it does give some blokes a hard on.
I know, odd little chaps

I was on a ps3 forum the other day, and some kid had started a poll about whether or not people had knocked one out to the main character from heavenly sword (some ninja woman thing) amazingly people didnt laugh at him, but admitted they too had one so

people take computers way too seriously


Memberus Anonymous & Legendus
Mar 29, 2004
I know, odd little chaps

I was on a ps3 forum the other day, and some kid had started a poll about whether or not people had knocked one out to the main character from heavenly sword (some ninja woman thing) amazingly people didnt laugh at him, but admitted they too had one so

people take computers way too seriously
knocking one out over a ninja woman?

You're right some people are just weird.


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
I was on a ps3 forum the other day, and some kid had started a poll about whether or not people had knocked one out to the main character from heavenly sword (some ninja woman thing) amazingly people didnt laugh at him, but admitted they too had one so

She's rendered very well, and would make a fine model for a real woman, but this is taking it far too far. There have been threads on here before about wanking over cartoon characters, Jessica Rabbit being just one of many.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2006
Weaste, just a question because you should know. What does the double buffer mean? Is it what I understand it is? Rendering the image twice in order to have more realistic lighting? No fanboyism please. It's a genuine question and I'd like a good answer, if you know of course.


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
Weaste, just a question because you should know. What does the double buffer mean? Is it what I understand it is? Rendering the image twice in order to have more realistic lighting? No fanboyism please. It's a genuine question and I'd like a good answer, if you know of course.
No, and it's quite an old technique as well, and is for games that cannot run at the same frame rate as the video update. For example, in a situation where you cannot guarantee 60 frames per second from your game engine, but your display device is updating at 60 frames per second - ie. the graphical output hardware outputs the frame buffer every 1/60 of a second. If you cannot draw your entire scene in 1/60th of a second, you will get tearing - a situation where what you see on screen is two different frames of the game at the same time, because you are drawing to it while it is being displayed.

Double buffering is having two frame buffers. One the display hardware is sending to the display device, and another for drawing to. You render one game frame in the buffer not being shown, and when finished, you swap it with the one being displayed during the vertical blank (bottom of the screen). The newly rendered frame is now displayed, and you render your next frame in the unseen buffer. This then carries on.

Heavenly Sword for example does not double buffer, and attempts to draw to its frame buffer whilst it is being sent to the display. At times there is too much to draw and it can't do it, thus you get tearing where say the top half of the screen is a different game frame from the bottom half of the screen.

What Bungie are trying to do is very different, they are rendering the image twice differently and then blending two buffers together to achieve their lighting. Quite a few people still don't quite understand why they are taking this approach, but I'm sure it will come out in the wash sooner or later.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2006
What Bungie are trying to do is very different, they are rendering the image twice differently and then blending two buffers together to achieve their lighting. Quite a few people still don't quite understand why they are taking this approach, but I'm sure it will come out in the wash sooner or later.
Yes, that is what I meant, sorry. Isn't this draining resources which means that doing this at 720p and having a quite stable framerate is extremely difficult in this generation? :)


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
Yes, that is what I meant, sorry. Isn't this draining resources which means that doing this at 720p and having a quite stable framerate is extremely difficult in this generation? :)
Well, yes, which is seemingly why they did it in 640p. The confusion is that other games have been doing HDR lighting without using two frame buffers. Many people are confused as to why they chose this approach for Halo 3, but they must have had a reason.

With double buffering you don't render two at once, you render one whilst showing the other, and then swap them. Halo 3 is rendering two buffers per frame and then combining them.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2006
Well, yes, which is seemingly why they did it in 640p. The confusion is that other games have been doing HDR lighting without using two frame buffers. Many people are confused as to why they chose this approach for Halo 3, but they must have had a reason.

With double buffering you don't render two at once, you render one whilst showing the other, and then swap them. Halo 3 is rendering two buffers per frame and then combining them.
So we should say that they are liars rather than incompetent... But it does have a good lighting and I'm sitting quite far from my Plasma, and it is Plasma (lower resolution) so no problem.

Btw my little brother got a PS3 and it looks good but I've yet to play with it in order to have a proper opinion about it.


Stokke Stalker - smells of fish
Dec 31, 2003
You should have played last night James, me and Ret were tearing it up. Well not Ret, hes rubbish and I had to carry him. But I was definitely tearing it up.
Lies, they was like one game you beat me for kills. Had fun though last night, we're quite the team.


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
So we should say that they are liars rather than incompetent... But it does have a good lighting and I'm sitting quite far from my Plasma, and it is Plasma (lower resolution) so no problem.

Btw my little brother got a PS3 and it looks good but I've yet to play with it in order to have a proper opinion about it.
Tell him to get Heavenly Sword, it's beautiful (even with its issues) and quite a good game to boot. Obviously if he likes that type of game.

I wouldn't call them liars as such but rather deceivers, but this is Microsoft. They should have said this all along - we are doing this in this way because we think that the lighting will give far better visual fidelity than pure resolution, or something to that effect. What's worrying is that is the flagship title (no budget restrictions here) of a console two years into its life, and they don't even use anti-aliasing, something that the XB360 is supposed to be extremely good at, and what the eDRAM onboard of Xenos whas supposed to make "free".


Full Member
Sep 15, 2004
me and my mates have been playing halo 3 solidly since it came out on LIVE. its fecking ace. the 1st time i ever played a halo game in my life was wednesday and im not too bad. finished 2nd in a massive all on all slayer type game thing. which was amusing.

fecking ace game

fecking ace.







Full Member
Apr 15, 2004
What's your gamer tag michael?

Just played a couple of levels on co-op, its a great laugh one driving one shooting from the back.


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
The bloke that found out about the 640p claims that photo mode is rendered at 8064x4448 and then downscaled in 1920x1080, taking 1.5 seconds to produce the image.

Explaining why the snapshots posted on the net look so good at times.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2006
The bloke that found out about the 640p claims that photo mode is rendered at 8064x4448 and then downscaled in 1920x1080, taking 1.5 seconds to produce the image.

Explaining why the snapshots posted on the net look so good at times.
Where is that?


Full Member
Feb 11, 2006
Well some of the resolutions posted say consoles these days are still not powerfull enough... Anyway. Do you know Halo's framerate Weaste? It seems, to me at least, that it's 60FPS but others have said differently.


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
Well some of the resolutions posted say consoles these days are still not powerfull enough... Anyway. Do you know Halo's framerate Weaste? It seems, to me at least, that it's 60FPS but others have said differently.
I've not played it, but the consensus from the very technical people over there is 30fps, at times dropping slightly below that.

The consoles are easily powerful enough to produce an image that size. Did you miss the 1.5 seconds part? They can't churn a game out like that.


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
He explained in French, as he's, well, French...

quand on utilise le photo mode et qu'on fait une capture d'ecran on voit se construire l'image sur l'ecran, on voit une succession de 49 tiles (grace au mode pause sur ma TV j'ai pu les identifier et les quantifier) qui s'affiche les uns apres les autres de gauche a droite et de haut en bas (et forme une grille de 7x7 tiles) chacun de ces tiles n'est surement rien d'autre qu'un rendu in-game de 1152x640 qui est ensuite downscalé pour construire l'image final par accumulation des 49 frames dailleurs en theorie on doit pouvoir deduire que le rendering de la capture d'ecran doit prendre moins de 1.5 seconde (a 30fps chaque frame prend moins de 33ms et y a 49 frames a produire pour generer la photo final )


Full Member
Feb 11, 2006
I've not played it, but the consensus from the very technical people over there is 30fps, at times dropping slightly below that.

The consoles are easily powerful enough to produce an image that size. Did you miss the 1.5 seconds part? They can't churn a game out like that.
No, I mean in game mode not in pause mode. There are many games which are below 720p and this is bad.


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
No, I mean in game mode not in pause mode. There are many games which are below 720p and this is bad.
Yes, it's quite surprising. But then there are some in 720p such as Bioshock, although there is no anti-aliasing. It's this that is strange for the 360, as the eDRAM is supposed to give "free" AA. There seems to be a serious problem however with it only being 10Mb, which is not large enough for AA at 720p without tiling. For some reason, the developers are struggling to get the titling and MEMEXPORT thing to work. In the end it seems that it's actually easier to do AA on the PS3 when that should not be the case on paper.


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
Anyway the war is over now Weastie...

Materchief will never be seen on a playstation.

They should cut their losses.
That's gibberish, as it's a first party XB360 game, it was never going to be seen on PS3. PS3 has its own big hitters coming out shortly. XB360 has just played its strongest card and was found out to be technically impotent.


Soldier of Fortune
Jun 11, 2004
For Weaste, From Bungie

Hey man, just saw this on Bungie's weekly update. Thought you'd like to read it.

You Owe me 80p!

One item making the interwebs rounds this week was the scandalous revelation that Halo 3 runs at “640p” which isn’t even technically a resolution. However, the interweb detectives did notice that Halo 3’s vertical resolution, when captured from a frame buffer, is indeed 640 pixels. So what gives? Did we short change you 80 pixels?

Naturally it’s more complicated than that. In fact, you could argue we gave you 1280 pixels of vertical resolution, since Halo 3 uses not one, but two frame buffers – both of which render at 1152x640 pixels. The reason we chose this slightly unorthodox resolution and this very complex use of two buffers is simple enough to see – lighting. We wanted to preserve as much dynamic range as possible – so we use one for the high dynamic range and one for the low dynamic range values. Both are combined to create the finished on screen image.

This ability to display a full range of HDR, combined with our advanced lighting, material and postprocessing engine, gives our scenes, large and small, a compelling, convincing and ultimately “real” feeling, and at a steady and smooth frame rate, which in the end was far more important to us than the ability to display a few extra pixels. Making this decision simpler still is the fact that the 360 scales the “almost-720p” image effortlessly all the way up to 1080p if you so desire.

In fact, if you do a comparison shot between the native 1152x640 image and the scaled 1280x720, it’s practically impossible to discern the difference. We would ignore it entirely were it not for the internet’s propensity for drama where none exists. In fact the reason we haven’t mentioned this before in weekly updates, is the simple fact that it would have distracted conversation away from more important aspects of the game, and given tinfoil hats some new gristle to chew on as they catalogued their toenail clippings.
Also, I finished the game on Herioc yesterday. I'm starting on Legendary this week to find all the skulls. The story was awesome, and the gameplay and story intertwined seamlessly, far better than Halo 2. I'm not dissappointed at all with the Campaign. I knew it wouldn't be the massive game that Halo was, but this was pretty damn good.

And for all you fecks that said the game was easy and short, play it on Heroic or Legendary, the way it was meant to be played!!!