The 'I am looking forward to the Super League' thread

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Also I dare UEFA to "ban" any of the elite clubs. Just watch the UEFA to fall in line once they find a way to get a slice of the pie from the ESL
I think I'm kinda looking for the 'well, whatever' option. I mean, I enjoyed European football more before Bosman and the CL, and it's gradually been heading for something like this ever since those things happened and tv/advertising money exploded. It's not like the CL expansion to 36 clubs (what UEFA offered to appease the big clubs) is motivated by sporting reasons either.

If this is inevitable, I'd say the better system does something like the Nation's League or international hockey: clubs are put into European tiers, between which there is promotion/relegation, and entry into the C tier (the lowest of three in this example) is based on national performance. That also pretty much guarantees top level European football but at least gives something to play for in Europe for others teams as well, allowong clubs to rise and fall like the always have.

Not that I have a say in any of this though. I can't even vote with my wallet or feet, since I don't watch a lot of games so I spend almost nothing on football. (If you don't count the time spent on RedCafe and my news sources.)
So same as what UEFA has allowed the oil clubs to do while having a moral high horse known as FFP?


Did you think what Abu Dhabi and Qatar did was "revolutionary"? No. It was the opposite. This is the same.

This Superleague was not designed for, and is not going to be, a "rebalancing" of that past injustice for christ sake. Anyone who thinks this is a good thing because "it will feck over City and PSG", and help the non-state owned clubs improve relative to them, are wildly ignorant or deluded.
I think it’ll be fecking cool to play the other big boys in Europe really frequently throughout every season. And saving myself the stress about CL qualification or attracting world class players.

This is so cowardly. What's the point if there's no inherent need for improvement? Where is the competition?
I'm absolutely fine with this provided they don't replace CL and the clubs aren't thrown out of domestic leagues. Domestic leagues has history and soul, it just can't be replaced outside of it. CL has its own beauties as well . It's always fun to see Porto knocking Juve out.

ESL will give a different feeling altogether. Something which we have never seen until now. It's opening up for a global audience. I could even see a final by sitting in an actual stadium.
I'm absolutely fine with this provided they don't replace CL and the clubs aren't thrown out of domestic leagues. Domestic leagues has history and soul, it just can't be replaced outside of it. CL has its own beauties as well . It's always fun to see Porto knocking Juve out.

ESL will give a different feeling altogether. Something which we have never seen until now. It's opening up for a global audience. I could even see a final by sitting in an actual stadium.
CL and SL can't coexist. Not with the same teams at least. The SL has a team playing 18-23 matches every season. I'm wondering how this is meant to fit in alongwith league football. Bigger squads I guess.

On this thread, I'll look forward to it. Not that I like the idea, it's not well intentioned at all. However my only concern is to enjoy watching Manchester United and having us build a top class team. What competition we play in is secondary.

However I will add that for me it's the PL and not the CL that's sacred and I want it protected no matter what.
CL and SL can't coexist. Not with the same teams at least. The SL has a team playing 18-23 matches every season. I'm wondering how this is meant to fit in alongwith league football. Bigger squads I guess.

On this thread, I'll look forward to it. Not that I like the idea, it's not well intentioned at all. However my only concern is to enjoy watching Manchester United and having us build a top class team. What competition we play in is secondary.

However I will add that for me it's the PL and not the CL that's sacred and I want it protected no matter what.

Agree, I'm least bothered about CL anyway. Unless there are some tasty knock out ties, I don't spend time on that. Much rather prefer a ESL anyday.

Did you think what Abu Dhabi and Qatar did was "revolutionary"? No. It was the opposite. This is the same.

This Superleague was not designed for, and is not going to be, a "rebalancing" of that past injustice for christ sake. Anyone who thinks this is a good thing because "it will feck over City and PSG", and help the non-state owned clubs improve relative to them, are wildly ignorant or deluded.
It's a new thing. Are you one of those who judges everything into categories good and bad? So as per you the current establishment of football is good? And this new thing is evil?

Anyway, I think you missed my point where I made it amply clear that I am on board with this new concept because it shows a big flipped bird to UEFA and its cronies.
I don’t understand the issue and the outrage. Real football was already dead. Elite Players could misuse, bully, intimidate their clubs and fans. They have no loyalty, and earn huge guarantees income irrespective of performances. So why cant the clubs themselves?

The inequality between fans and top level football is the issue. So why cant the top clubs enjoy the same “entitlement “ like their own players currently have?
This is my BIGGEST issue with it. If they said the qualification was for instance the top 3 in each league, I'd be all up for it.

Seeing teams like Arsenal fumble their way to 9th place in the league and then turn up in the elite competition is just :lol:
Precisely. Closed competition is the most disgusting thing in sport. It reeks of elitism, where the spoon fed richest clubs get their way no matter what. There’s been nothing ‘super’ about Arsenal since they went unbeaten, nothing ‘super’ about Milan for a whole decade and finally nothing ‘super’ about Spurs since.....ever. What gives these guys the right to go in? Now we’re going to be kicked out of the PL and CL too. Just awful.
Y'know I'm probably one of the few that will take the opposite side here. I hope this is a negotiating ploy to get UEFA to compromise a bit but I'm fine with the format in general.
  • Football is an absolutely tiny business. Clubs like United / Madrid who boast fan bases that span maybe 20% of all of humanity are, as businesses in the same league as business "giants" such as FitBit or DuoLingo. Seriously a language learning app is worth the same as Real Madrid.
  • By extension this means that any big business owner taking over a club can stomp basically every single traditional club out there (a club that derives its revenues from football) in terms of wages / transfer fees.
  • UEFA doesn't have any teeth. They can't curb City / PSG's corrupt spending and if tomorrow the House of Saud takes over Newcastle, there's feckall they can do in terms of preventing backdoor deals that will establish Newcastle on the same level as United / Madrid.
  • Not only are they incapable of preventing excessive spending, they also would rather give random European clubs their chance in the CL rather than have clubs like Arsenal / United in it. A club like United stand to lose 10% of their revenues purely because UEFA was stubborn about having Midtjylland or FC Krasonodar in the CL than Arsenal / Man Utd.
  • Domestic leagues are still relevant. If anything, the CL loses its shine with this deal and establishes a recurring revenue source that can be depended upon. The hysterics about the death of the domestic league are greatly exaggerated.
  • I suspect the only reason Bayern aren't in it is because they just defacto win their domestic league and always qualify for the CL. They also can get their pickings of any player playing for a German club so they'll remain competitive forever. The minute Chinese billionaires take over, say, Dortmund and outspend Bayern and beat them to a few league titles you can bet your ass they'll be running to the super league.
Sure it would be impossible for teams and players to involved in 80+ games a season? Something have to give in right?

I assume those teams playing in super league would participate in doensstic league anymore, or they won’t play in CL?

Here’s a few possible scenario:

1. Clubs in super league will still participate in domestic league (playing their B team), but won’t play in CL.

2. Clubs in super league won’t participate in domestic league and cups, but will still play CL (maximize income)

3. Clubs in super league will participate all fronts, but will only play their B team in domestic league and CL.

Either way the prestige of PL and CL etc will be gone forever. In future no one cares how many PL titles and CL we’ve won, as it’s no longer relevant, We will all start from zero.
It's a new thing. Are you one of those who judges everything into categories good and bad? So as per you the current establishment of football is good? And this new thing is evil?

Anyway, I think you missed my point where I made it amply clear that I am on board with this new concept because it shows a big flipped bird to UEFA and its cronies.

What kind of half-baked take is that? I think the Superleague is bad, so what, I must be in love with FIFA and UEFA?

How about the truth: FIFA and UEFA are corrupt shitheaps, but a "competition" (procession would be a better word) devised by Perez, Kroenke and Joel fecking Glazer is obviously going to be even worse, if you have a brain you know that without having to read the format and rules of the competition. And now we've seen the plans for the format and the financing we know for sure what we already knew. It is worse than the status quo. Much worse.

And it is not a new thing. The Glazers have pillaged English football before. It started with the leveraged takeover and has been going on ever since. This superleague plan is nothing more than an escalation of their business philosophy.

It shows a flipped bird to UEFA and at the same time takes a steaming shit squarely on the head of every football fan in Europe. And all the players and staff at every football club in Europe. So we can all enjoy watching Kroenke and Perez and Glazer flip UEFA the bird with their shit dripping down our faces.
Does this mean these clubs will cease to take part in UEFA's champions league? If so, that'll be a shame. Other than that, I think it is 'understandable' that the clubs decided on this. Fact is - club football gets the lucrativeness and money it gets due to the popularity and fanbase of the major clubs. So the owners decided to cash in on their 'assets' instead of letting the money flow elsewhere or simply wasting the potential. This kind of capitalist mindset will naturally reject historical nostalgia and only consider the economics of it.
Unsurprisingly to see support from mostly glory hunters. Supporting a league run by Perez, Agnelli and Glazer. Sign of times. This will go forward since money runs everything. Fifa and Uefa will fall in line.
So United can finish 1st or 20th in the former Premier League and still qualify for this rubbish? Then obviously domestic leagues are quickly completely irrelevant. Qualifying for stuff on merit is what separates football from the socialist sports in the US, only here it’s for a select few like we’re fecking OPEC. Death of football as we know it, gone are traditions and history. Very sad.
This is my BIGGEST issue with it. If they said the qualification was for instance the top 3 in each league, I'd be all up for it.

Seeing teams like Arsenal fumble their way to 9th place in the league and then turn up in the elite competition is just :lol:

Exactly. :lol:
Why doesn't that happen already with the CL? Or especially, why didn't it happen with the old European Cup?
Because there is a lot at stake in the Premier League right now - CL qualification. Once it is established that clubs can finish 15th and still play in this so called super league, they can start sending their reserve teams if winning the title becomes unlikely.
No it's so wrong.. I want to see us play against Basel, Rapid Vienna or Legia Warzawa also, not only Real Madrid or Liverpool.
Ive not even been contacted to renew
Why doesn't that happen already with the CL? Or especially, why didn't it happen with the old European Cup?

Because league position dictates being in it next season, the ESL is closed and guaranteed for the teams in it each season.

Also for the guy saying Shaktar vs City for the x amout time the same 15 teams are in this league regardless so yeah you'll be getting more of the same thing without there being a chance of it not being so
I would support a super league IF it were integrated into the domestic leagues with a promotion/relegation system.

A playoff system between the SL clubs and the top finishing clubs in the domestic leagues that season, to determine who is in the SL the following season.

As things stand, the whole thing reeks of greed, but I won’t pretend to have some sort of outrage for the poor “good guys” at Sky and UEFA
Because if you have a shit season in the league, you don't get into the European competition next season.

Frankly with the European Cup if you didn't win the fecking league then you didn't qualify for it.

How is this difficult to understand?

I presume the point is with the old European Cup there was no incentive to compete for 2nd, 3rd or 4th place. Which is perceived as the biggest harm to the domestic league.
There's nothing to look froward to, it's an utterly grim prospect. A big part of why I love the CL is because of the excitement of drawing a big club who you may not have played for some time. Playing Europe's elite at least twice a season would soon lose appeal even if I was excited for it initially. The fact that we're guaranteed to always qualify regardless of our league finish makes any success in this competition even more hollow.
I feel like Arsenal and Tottenham are involved as to solidify a larger group of the premier league clubs. The clubs truly in charge of this maneuver has to have a solid core of teams as to make their threat actually credible, just one or two teams and it would be hand-waved away as nonsense.

Honestly, with the swiss model being implemented and the increase of games that would bring along with the way qualifying for the knockout stages work, people are arguing for a CL status quo that no longer exists. Clubs will already be playing in the top european cup without having to earn it in their domestic leagues. UEFA has already sold out the competition and now the big clubs see's their chance to wrestle control of the product. Right or wrong, the meritocracy has already fallen to the side.
Would it be possible to put some sort of marker, perhap a dollar symbol, next to the names of all the people who would support these proposals?
I never liked the CL format either, actually. Bring back the old European Cup, Cup Winners' Cup, and UEFA Cup as far as I'm concerned (or whatever they were called in English).

Bringing back the European Cup would be making a European Super League by another name. The PL champion would get the opportunity to play Bayern, Juventus, PSG, and one of Real Madrid/Barcelona, judging by the results of the last decade.

I understand this is a PL-centric forum so arguments will be made based on this league. But most big leagues right now are just not competitive at all, and the PL is well on its way there, judging by City's current dominance. Removing avenues for other teams to participate in additional competitions will only make things worse.
I'm finding it hilarious how all the pundits (in the pay of people who have existing TV rights) are having a major problem with it ... I for one would certainly watch it

I'm also old enough to remember people saying the Premier league would never catch on... the league 1 champions would be the real league winners ...

I especially look forward to the players being banned from this daft winter world Cup
this is getting ridiculous, come on now. It’s splitting the fan base and now we havd people calling other people not real fans! Get a grip of yourselves, come on guys!

Would it be possible to put some sort of marker, perhap a dollar symbol, next to the names of all the people who would support these proposals?
So the corrupt people who run the current organisations aren’t happy that the corrupt club owners have set up their own corrupt organisation in order to keep all the money for themselves.
No it's so wrong.. I want to see us play against Basel, Rapid Vienna or Legia Warzawa also, not only Real Madrid or Liverpool.

You say this but these are games where young players gain experience playing in. You think a Hannibal will be thrown into a game vs Madrid?
What would happen to the Fifa video games? Would fifa still have licence of the ESL clubs?
I presume the point is with the old European Cup there was no incentive to compete for 2nd, 3rd or 4th place. Which is perceived as the biggest harm to the domestic league.

Old UEFA Cup used to be much more prestigious, some years it was packed with more quality than the European Cup.
I’d like to see what those who support this idea think in five years time when they’re bored shitless of playing the same teams every year in a smaller league and the novelty has worn off and the national leagues have all but died and become semi pro
So let’s just say it starts this summer And the top four is City, United, Leicester , West Ham. You’d be happy 4 clubs who in normal circumstances wouldn’t have qualified for Champions league football have made it into this Super league and two clubs totally miss out?
I'm not thrilled at the idea of clubs taking part being set permanently, but I love that UEFA and FIFA, two extremely corrupt organisations, are being bitten by the same mindset of greed they've been cultivating for years.
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