Gaming The Last of Us Part II (PS4)

Seems like a lot of 9 and 10s coming out. Feels like they seems to have to give it a high score or they are homophobic, hope it’s because it’s a damn good game, you know what IGN are like. IGN japan gave an honest assessment about the game and gave it a 7. Talked about the story and character part lacking. I’m still excited to play this game.

Oh come on :lol:
Gamespot reviewer is Kallie, same who did that terrible Days Gone review. :lol:
This game aside, Gamespot and IGN are most unreliable game reviewers out there. Their scores are just a mess. Gamespot gave Days Gone a terrible score because a lady who reviewed it didn't like something ridiculous about main character, him being too macho or some shit like that. And IGN is just...unpredictable. ACG and reviewers who don't give a number to their reviews are much better to watch.

Nope, that in spoilers was known long ago, people are upset because of some story decisions and directions.

And I expected high scores from mainstream reviewers, this is nothing strange.
I used to write for IGN Benelux until a few years ago. People used to call me a shill in the comments too, saying I was probably paid off or just wanted to conform to the mainstream opinion, but, well, I wish developers paid me. Wouldnt have sold my soul to a career in recruitment if they had.

Reviews are always subjective. I don't understand why people feel that's bad. There's no such thing as an objective review, unless you just post a list of specs. I outgrew the videogame wars a bit, but the accusations of shilling and vice versa are so silly.

That being said, I have no idea if this is a good game. Though I will get it anyway. Even if it's shite, Ill just by it to own the (what's the oplosite of libs)?
That is the game’s central problem, and what makes so much of it such a challenge to get through: This is a story about characters who seem unable to learn or grow, and more specifically, unable to consider the humanity of the people they kill. If you already think violence isn’t the answer to many of the world’s problems, the repeated lesson that killing is bad makes the game almost maddening.

I don’t have any problem empathizing with the people who I’m asked to kill in video games. The Last of Us Part 2must think I’ll struggle with it, though, since it doles out all sorts of reasons why I should feel regret about the murder spree its characters have embarked upon. But the game’s larger problem is that the characters themselves don’t ever seem able to catch up with me.

What’s worse is that the characterization of Ellie makes it seem like she should also understand this part of the journey. I kept expecting her to grow and turn away from a life of constant violence, but she never picks up on the obvious didactic nature of the game she’s in, even as the designers beat you over the head with a very simple lesson about the value of human life.

Polygon summed it up well for me. ND are trying to give me a lesson that life and certain actions have dire consequences but in reality I’m just looking for a game that is fun to play and gives me us fans of TLOU a bit of fan service. Again nothing to do with SWJ theme that some seemed to think that people had issue with. Although, it must be said some people are clearly taking issue with some characters in the game but a minority in my opinion.

Obviously can’t go into more detail about the excerpt from the review as it would reveal spoilers but I understand exactly what they reviewer is talking about.
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Polygon summed it up well for me. ND are trying to give me a lesson that life and certain actions have dire consequences but in reality I’m just looking for a game that is fun to play and gives me us fans of TLOU a bit of fan service. Again nothing to do with SWJ theme that some seemed to think that people had issue with. Although, it must be said some people are clearly taking issue with some characters in the game but a minority in my opinion.

And why wouldn't you get those things from this game? Reviews so far seem to accept gameplay is very good.

What life lessons exactly do you suggest they are forcing onto you?
Polygon summed it up well for me. ND are trying to give me a lesson that life and certain actions have dire consequences but in reality I’m just looking for a game that is fun to play and gives me us fans of TLOU a bit of fan service. Again nothing to do with SWJ theme that some seemed to think that people had issue with. Although, it must be said some people are clearly taking issue with some characters in the game but a minority in my opinion.
It could be fun to play? It seems to just not be your type of game more than anything else. Also, was the original fun to play? I felt it's gameplay was bang average but the story was the selling point that made it a truly memorable experience.
The best reviewers for me are ACG, Eurogamer, and Skill U. I also like Keza Macdonald who writes for the gaming section in The Guardian.

Gamespot and Polygon are typically not great, imo. They never seem to align with my views.
It could be fun to play? It seems to just not be your type of game more than anything else. Also, was the original fun to play? I felt it's gameplay was bang average but the story was the selling point that made it a truly memorable experience.

Yeah The Last of Us was never about the gameplay.
Wait, so the whole gaming world is mad, because
the girl is lesbian?
Gamers are such nerds :lol:

ffs... no.. we knew Ellie was in all likelihood gay from DLC of the first game and we loved her anyway. I can’t speak for anyone else but I have severe issues with the direction the story decided to take and nothing else. Saying that, I’m a massive TLOU fanboy.. took me years and 5-6 play throughs to admit the gameplay was meh. The story telling of the first was unparalleled for a 2013 console game imo.
Gamespot reviewer is Kallie, same who did that terrible Days Gone review. :lol:
It’s probably worth pointing out that it wasn’t a great game but she gave it a bad review for all the wrong reasons.
My PS4 is at my place, while I'm quarantining in my hometown. Fecking dying to play this game
And why wouldn't you get those things from this game? Reviews so far seem to accept gameplay is very good.

What life lessons exactly do you suggest they are forcing onto you?

Edit: Comment below could be viewed as a spoiler.

Because I’m not an idiot who needs a game to explain to me nuances of revenge. At the very least it could have been done in a more subtle way. When you’ll play the game, I’m not saying you’ll agree with me but you will at least understand my point of view.
I'm sure those who insisted their objections were to the story rather than any anti-SJW agenda will now reflect on why their hastily formed opinion of a game they hadn't actually played was so out of touch with critical consensus, perhaps pondering the wisdom of judging a story without actually having played through that story.

And they certainly won't say the good reviews are just a reflection of the "agenda" they so strenuously claimed not to care about. Peace and good will to all, I'm sure.
I don't think it's fair to say that people who saw/read an entire story and chose not to spend at least £40 of their own money on that based on what they know are somehow in the wrong. The bigotry is a separate issue, but when games journalists feel like just another wing of marketing then using every bit of info available to make your decision on a purchase, for me, is a good thing rather than a stick to be used to beat people with. I don't just mean in this instance, but gaming as a whole. I think for me the days of spending £40+ upwards on games based on what marketing want me to know are over and I no longer have any issue with leaked stories in games. Spoiling it for others isn't on, obviously. I'm old, tired of gaming and cynical though.
The best reviewers for me are ACG, Eurogamer, and Skill U. I also like Keza Macdonald who writes for the gaming section in The Guardian.

Gamespot and Polygon are typically not great, imo. They never seem to align with my views.
ACG is my first stop for reviews, he's excellent. I like Eurogamer in general but their reviews are hit and miss. Sometimes they barely talk about the game itself.
Yeah I always trust ACG. I very rarely disagree with him.
Someone told me he's not doing a review as Sony refused to give him an early review copy. I like his reviews but don't always agree with him. I tend to find him, Skill Up, Angry Joe and Jim Sterling are honest enough, but I don't always agree with them. I no longer bother with places like IGN or Gamespot.
It wasn’t a bad review though? She seems to think it’s a great game.
I’m talking about days gone where she had it in for Decan where as to my mind him and boozer were the only redeeming parts of the game.
Edit: Comment below could be viewed as a spoiler.

Because I’m not an idiot who needs a game to explain to me nuances of revenge. At the very least it could have been done in a more subtle way. When you’ll play the game, I’m not saying you’ll agree with me but you will at least understand my point of view.

But you're making assumptions on how heavy handed these themes are, and tbh these are themes and actions that were heavily leaned on in the first game.

For someone who is a self proclaimed fanboy of the series you seemed to have made you mind up very quickly about an aspect of the game that is hugely subjective and difficult to form opinion on until you have experienced it yourself.
Someone told me he's not doing a review as Sony refused to give him an early review copy. I like his reviews but don't always agree with him. I tend to find him, Skill Up, Angry Joe and Jim Sterling are honest enough, but I don't always agree with them. I no longer bother with places like IGN or Gamespot.
Usually if he doesn't get a review copy he goes out and buys the game himself to review it. And then gives it away. So I'm sure he'll still do a review, we'll just have to wait until after it's actually out. For some reason he doesn't do Nintendo reviews though, never quite understood that.
But you're making assumptions on how heavy handed these themes are, and tbh these are themes and actions that were heavily leaned on in the first game.

For someone who is a self proclaimed fanboy of the series you seemed to have made you mind up very quickly about an aspect of the game that is hugely subjective and difficult to form opinion on until you have experienced it yourself.
I'm not making assumptions about how heavy handed those themes are — I’ve seen all the leaks and you couldn’t be more heavy handed. It was a great game that I loved because of the chemistry between Joel and Ellie and I expected more of that but again you’ll understand why I’m taking the stance I’m taking after you play the game. Again, anything more on the topic would be spoiling the game and I don’t want to do that. I really want people to enjoy this game and those who will — fair play to them. I’ll be getting but mostly for the graphics that will be undoubtedly best of this generation and the lore — for those things there aren’t many better than ND.
Usually if he doesn't get a review copy he goes out and buys the game himself to review it. And then gives it away. So I'm sure he'll still do a review, we'll just have to wait until after it's actually out. For some reason he doesn't do Nintendo reviews though, never quite understood that.
Apparently he said it last night during the Sony stream, but I can't see him not reviewing it. He might just not like Nintendo games and giving a Nintendo game a low score probably isn't worth the hassle. Look at the shit Jim Sterling got for *only* giving Zelda a 7. It's one of the reasons I don't trust reviews, they are catered to fans rather than consumers for the most part.
I'm not making assumptions about how heavy handed those themes are — I’ve seen all the leaks and you couldn’t be more heavy handed. It was a great game that I loved because of the chemistry between Joel and Ellie and I expected more of that but again you’ll understand why I’m taking the stance I’m taking after you play the game. Again, anything more on the topic would be spoiling the game and I don’t want to do that. I really want people to enjoy this game and those who will — fair play to them. I’ll be getting but mostly for the graphics that will be undoubtedly best of this generation and the lore — for those things there aren’t many better than ND.

I've read and seen the leaks and couldn't disagree with you more.
I haven’t played a game on the PlayStation (other than FIFA/Pro Evo) since the first Red Dead Redemption. Stumbled across a 5* review in the Guardian this morning and the reviews in this thread have me seriously thinking about coming out of retirement. This sounds amazing.
You're probably better to play the original first, which you can get fairly cheap now...probably.
@MaxiPaxi delete that post.

I'm happy to discuss this over PM but no i don't think it's heavy handed and tbh should have been expected if you'd paid attention during the original.
@MaxiPaxi delete that post.

I'm happy to discuss this over PM but no i don't think it's heavy handed and tbh should have been expected if you'd paid attention during the original.

it’s in a Spoiler which is fine if you seen the leaks.
The best reviewers for me are ACG, Eurogamer, and Skill U. I also like Keza Macdonald who writes for the gaming section in The Guardian.

Gamespot and Polygon are typically not great, imo. They never seem to align with my views.
Yep, skill up and ACG are definitely two of my favorites. Absolutely love the structure of Skill Ups review. Oddly enough he's one of the few who didnt like this game (at all).

IGN and gamespot I tend to look just to see what the biggest publications think as opposed to relying on them.
I used to write for IGN Benelux until a few years ago. People used to call me a shill in the comments too, saying I was probably paid off or just wanted to conform to the mainstream opinion, but, well, I wish developers paid me. Wouldnt have sold my soul to a career in recruitment if they had.

Reviews are always subjective. I don't understand why people feel that's bad. There's no such thing as an objective review, unless you just post a list of specs. I outgrew the videogame wars a bit, but the accusations of shilling and vice versa are so silly.

That being said, I have no idea if this is a good game. Though I will get it anyway. Even if it's shite, Ill just by it to own the (what's the oplosite of libs)?
I present you the 100% objective review:

Let’s assume money is no object (seeing as it’s the first game I’ll be buying in about a decade!) do you think this game would be spoiled by not having played first one?

The actions of the first one impact the sequel directly
Let’s assume money is no object (seeing as it’s the first game I’ll be buying in about a decade!) do you think this game would be spoiled by not having played first one?
Don't think it would have the same impact. TLOU sets up the narrative and characters brilliantly and based on what I've heard this one builds on/from it. Given it's such a story reliant franchise, I think it's important to play the original.
Let’s assume money is no object (seeing as it’s the first game I’ll be buying in about a decade!) do you think this game would be spoiled by not having played first one?
Well up front I don't like the direction the story of the second is going. However if you do end up liking it, then playing the first will make it more meaningful and give you the full picture of Ellie's journey.
I haven’t played a game on the PlayStation (other than FIFA/Pro Evo) since the first Red Dead Redemption. Stumbled across a 5* review in the Guardian this morning and the reviews in this thread have me seriously thinking about coming out of retirement. This sounds amazing.

Well, I can say that the original is one of the best games ever made. It's an old game now (in gaming terms) so the gameplay doesn't necessarily hold up, but the story, the characters, and the world are excellent. So if you can, I would recommend that you play that. It was free on PS Plus a few months back. Not sure if you're subscribed to that, so you may have to buy it. It's relatively cheap now.

If not, then I strongly recommend that you either read up on it or watch the story cutscenes on YouTube at least. The only downside with going down this route is that you'll miss a lot of nuance and character interactions that you would get if you played the game.

Or you could just say feck it and play this game without any knowledge of the first one! You'll probably still get a lot of enjoyment out of it, but will obviously be missing a lot.
Also, what kind of games did you used to enjoy Pogue? For people who prioritise gameplay much more than story, not sure this is the perfect game if you dont indulge often.