The Mueller Report

Will go to the supreme court.

Definitely. It will be absolutely monumental though if the SC ruled the House do not have equal powers and duty of oversight of the executive branch.
Definitely. It will be absolutely monumental though if the SC ruled the House do not have equal powers and duty of oversight of the executive branch.
Isn't that also true of the subpoena suit that is going up to SC?

Presumably Trump will ensure they're not ruled til after November, for sure.
I'm reminded of Deep Throat in All The President's Men... ' The truth is, these are not very bright guys.'

I guess if the judge wants to be a maverick he could dismiss the government's motion, but then it probably gets sketchy at an appeals level if the DOJ doesn't want to prosecute anymore. Overall what a farce. I'm even a bit shocked at this.
Guys I'm starting to get worried about this Barr guy. He might not be on the level.
Huh, I thought he was already serving a short term in prison? It is so difficult to keep up with all this malfeasance.
Jesus Christ...
Donald Trump said:
"What they did, what the Obama administration did, is unprecedented ... and I hope a lot of people will pay a big price because they are dishonest, crooked people. They are scum."

Looks like either a sloppy mistake because it was put together by an external prosecutor or even a deliberate error to dissent and protest the move. Either way a judge still has to review the request to drop charges and will likely ask for more explanations. This is also the judge that Flynn read his guilty pleas to, admitting he was not entrapped by the FBI and committed perjury.
Crowdstrike, the firm behind the Russian email hacking allegation at the core of Russiagate, makes a bombshell admission: “We did not have concrete evidence.”

In newly released Congressional testimony, Crowdstrike president Shawn Henry said that “we did not have concrete evidence” that alleged Russian hackers actually took the emails from DNC servers. “There’s circumstantial evidence, but no evidence that they were actually exfiltrated,” Henry said.


Why is none of these in the MSM? None. This is a bombshell. So no actual evidence only what they think? They thought Iraq had WMDs too. All these are playing into the hands of Trump.
Why can't they do anything without a cockup?
Six more months of this BS. Instead of talking about key policies, raising taxes on billionaires, suspending rent, making healthcare a priority etc. what a waste.
Six more months of this BS. Instead of talking about key policies, raising taxes on billionaires, suspending rent, making healthcare a priority etc. what a waste.
I mean... technically none of that is the purview of the Justice Dept or the court system. The judges and lawyers will do what they, people can tune in or not. Personally I do because I also care about rule of law especially when it pertains to political interference.
I know that a lot of us dislike Trump but this Flynn issue is something else in my opinion. The FBI and the Obama administration did go over the line in this. They refused to share intelligence with the incoming elected president.
Now if they have any evidence they should have informed the Congress and the Senate and impeached him. Put all the evidence in the public domain too.
I know that a lot of us dislike Trump but this Flynn issue is something else in my opinion. The FBI and the Obama administration did go over the line in this. They refused to share intelligence with the incoming elected president.
Now if they have any evidence they should have informed the Congress and the Senate and impeached him. Put all the evidence in the public domain too.

The unmasking and interview were all legally justifiable and necessary. Flynn worked on a campaign that had received assistance from the Russian state, which Obama, McConnell, and Ryan knew at the time but McConnell refused to support any statement acknowledging that in October. Under the normal order of business, the government decided to find out who the Russian ambassador was talking to discussing removing sanctions, etc. Then, Flynn was secretly working for the Turkish government while receiving classified intelligence reports from the US government. He also apparently sat in on a plot to kidnap and render Fethullah Gulen from Pennsylvania.

The whole drama over Flynn from the right is kayfabe bullshit. It's Barr and Trump putting their thumbs on the scales so that Trump can use this to distract from his incredibly disastrous handling of COVID-19 and to use against Biden in the election. The justification that DOJ is using isn't afforded to anyone else, and they misconstrued or lied about the information provided by others involved to portray it as a miscarriage of justice. Barr is the most dangerous man in the Trump administration. He was responsible for HW Bush pardoning everyone involved in Iran-Contra (to protect HW) and has had a hand in the corruption of USDOJ to protect Donald Trump. Barr is the most dishonest, corrupt Attorney General in US history, which is impressive given he worked with one of the others (Edwin Meese).
I know that a lot of us dislike Trump but this Flynn issue is something else in my opinion. The FBI and the Obama administration did go over the line in this. They refused to share intelligence with the incoming elected president.
Now if they have any evidence they should have informed the Congress and the Senate and impeached him. Put all the evidence in the public domain too.

Huh? Obama literally warned Trump two days after the election that Flynn couldn't be trusted and not to appoint him to his administration. Trump of course completely ignored him.
Huh? Obama literally warned Trump two days after the election that Flynn couldn't be trusted and not to appoint him to his administration. Trump of course completely ignored him.

Then he should have been criminally prosecuted. He has only been guilty of lying to the FBI and it's under a dodgy circumstances. I don't like Trump and he has been a disaster but let's not try to invent reasons when he has already done enough on his own without inventing reasons.
The unmasking and interview were all legally justifiable and necessary. Flynn worked on a campaign that had received assistance from the Russian state, which Obama, McConnell, and Ryan knew at the time but McConnell refused to support any statement acknowledging that in October. Under the normal order of business, the government decided to find out who the Russian ambassador was talking to discussing removing sanctions, etc. Then, Flynn was secretly working for the Turkish government while receiving classified intelligence reports from the US government. He also apparently sat in on a plot to kidnap and render Fethullah Gulen from Pennsylvania.

The whole drama over Flynn from the right is kayfabe bullshit. It's Barr and Trump putting their thumbs on the scales so that Trump can use this to distract from his incredibly disastrous handling of COVID-19 and to use against Biden in the election. The justification that DOJ is using isn't afforded to anyone else, and they misconstrued or lied about the information provided by others involved to portray it as a miscarriage of justice. Barr is the most dangerous man in the Trump administration. He was responsible for HW Bush pardoning everyone involved in Iran-Contra (to protect HW) and has had a hand in the corruption of USDOJ to protect Donald Trump. Barr is the most dishonest, corrupt Attorney General in US history, which is impressive given he worked with one of the others (Edwin Meese).

This is simple speculation. As for him talking to the Russian Ambassador there is nothing illegal about it once Trump is elected President and Flynn has been officially named part of his transition team.
As for his kidnapping issues etc, then he should have been criminally prosecuted. Nothing to do with McConnell etc.
Then he should have been criminally prosecuted. He has only been guilty of lying to the FBI and it's under a dodgy circumstances. I don't like Trump and he has been a disaster but let's not try to invent reasons when he has already done enough on his own without inventing reasons.

Hes only pleaded guilty to perjury. It was a plea bargain with that the agreed crime he would be culpable for. There was a number of other crimes they had him bang to rights for including acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign country, conspiracy to kidnap and breaking the Logan act.
Hes only pleaded guilty to perjury. It was a plea bargain with that the agreed crime he would be culpable for. There was a number of other crimes they had him bang to rights for including acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign country, conspiracy to kidnap and breaking the Logan act.

Let's see what happens now. Pleading guilty is a different story to being guilty. Logan Act has never been used before. If so people like Jimmy Carter should be prosecuted too. It's entirely legal and accepted for the incoming team to meet foreign governments.
Let's see what happens now. Pleading guilty is a different story to being guilty. Logan Act has never been used before. If so people like Jimmy Carter should be prosecuted too. It's entirely legal and accepted for the incoming team to meet foreign governments.

The Logan act doesn’t forbid people meeting.