The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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fair play to those counter-protestors but I'd be terrified of going down there with those goons jacked up on god knows what itching for it to kick off
Wow congratulations Mr President

I dunno man. I feel like we aren't having constructive conversations with them. You know what I mean? I feel like we are losing them to extremism and the reactionary left. We need to bring them closer. Give them a seat at the table and hunker down to have some really difficult conversations. You know what I mean? Are they bigoted? sure. are they xenophobic? could be. do they have an irrational hatred of people based on their skin colour, gender, or sexual orientation? maybe. Listen, I don't have all the data with me. But let me tell you this, make fun of them at your own peril. History books will tell you the same. The right is here to stay and arent going anywhere. They keep us in check. They keep us away from crazy politics like universal health care, criminal justice reform, canceling student debt. Can you imagine that? actually imagine, a world in which we allow prisoners to vote?! it's insane, isn't it? they should rightly rot in prison. Covid or no Covid, you did the crime, you do the time sweety. Anyways, I ramble on. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
Is this your attempt at satire???
Its amazing that you can come in here and call everyone racist and me in particular homophobic (which you have not apologized to me for or reported any of my posts) and then post that. You have to be taking the piss.
I just read an article that most Asians and South American immigrants voted for Trump. This list from Asia included Indians, Filipinos, Koreans and Chinese. Vietnamese overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Only Japanese seem to vote for Biden.
Any particular reason or reasons for this? I thought because of his racism and anti immigrant stance most immigrants won't like him.
I just read an article that most Asians and South American immigrants voted for Trump. This list from Asia included Indians, Filipinos, Koreans and Chinese. Vietnamese overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Only Japanese seem to vote for Biden.
Any particular reason or reasons for this? I thought because of his racism and anti immigrant stance most immigrants won't like him.

A lot of those immigrants escaped communist countries and Trump and GOP made a huge push towards framing Biden and the Democrats as dangerous far left socialists with a secret communist agenda.
I just read an article that most Asians and South American immigrants voted for Trump. This list from Asia included Indians, Filipinos, Koreans and Chinese. Vietnamese overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Only Japanese seem to vote for Biden.
Any particular reason or reasons for this? I thought because of his racism and anti immigrant stance most immigrants won't like him.

Alot of immigrants are in the mindset of "rather you than me" and more than happy to close up shop to the rest of their culture long as they get in, think of it uh as a real reaching example as the slave days, black people were more than happy to let their fellow black man sink if they get to swim.

The mythical "American Dream" is still being sold to them and they want to be Americanised .
A lot of those immigrants escaped communist countries and Trump and GOP made a huge push towards framing Biden and the Democrats as dangerous far left socialists with a secret communist agenda.
That wouldn’t explain Koreans, Filipinos and Indians, right?
A lot of those immigrants escaped communist countries and Trump and GOP made a huge push towards framing Biden and the Democrats as dangerous far left socialists with a secret communist agenda.

Yes but I do not think that there are anymore communist countries in the world anymore. Places like North Korea are right wing dictatorships and China is a capitalistic one party rule state. The same with Vietnam. India is supposed to be always the world's largest democracy and Philippines has always been in the frontline of the fight against communism. Even now.
Do you think the Americans do not understand generally how the rest of the world thinks? I mean the Dems surely could have changed the narrative and explained in depth what they stand for?
The issue in Asia with the Chinese is not their form of government but their issues with the territorial claims. And it is strictly the territorial claims.
I just read an article that most Asians and South American immigrants voted for Trump. This list from Asia included Indians, Filipinos, Koreans and Chinese. Vietnamese overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Only Japanese seem to vote for Biden.
Any particular reason or reasons for this? I thought because of his racism and anti immigrant stance most immigrants won't like him.

In the case of Asian Americans they tend to be economically successful so would be more inclined towards more conservative thinking. Japan is an outlier by this consideration however.
I just read an article that most Asians and South American immigrants voted for Trump. This list from Asia included Indians, Filipinos, Koreans and Chinese. Vietnamese overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Only Japanese seem to vote for Biden.
Any particular reason or reasons for this? I thought because of his racism and anti immigrant stance most immigrants won't like him.

I will confirm this for the Asian population, their number one and only motive for voting Trump is that he will go to war against China or more specifically the CCP, at least for Vietnamese. I On the contrary, they truly believe Biden is a Chinese agent. Their hate for China trumps all that matters. Quite hard to talk to those people, especially family.

where this idea came from I have no idea tbh.
That wouldn’t explain Koreans, Filipinos and Indians, right?

No I couldn't understand this either. The Indians maybe of their support of Modi and Modi is a bit like Trump. The Filipinos and the Koreans are surprising.
I just read an article that most Asians and South American immigrants voted for Trump. This list from Asia included Indians, Filipinos, Koreans and Chinese. Vietnamese overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Only Japanese seem to vote for Biden.
Any particular reason or reasons for this? I thought because of his racism and anti immigrant stance most immigrants won't like him.

None of that is true, they all shifted to Trump, but IIRC only VIetnamese for >50% Trump.
Yes but why such a shift to Trump anyway? Given that he has been anti immigrants.

i think the impact of the $1200 cheque with his isgnature on it is not talked about as much as it should be.
there was a profile on latinos at the texas border where there was a big shift to trump, they said - economy was good before covid and they had jobs, the 1200 cheque, and some of their family worked for ICE.
I ftequent a right wing Dutch news site / forum (dont ask me why, I'm not proud). This site loves to shit on people like Erdogan (cant blame them), so I asked the forum what the difference is between this Maga lines of honking trucks and the Turkish people in The Netherlands that drive around honking, waving flags and loving Erdogan.

Apparantly the difference is that Im a socialist left wing troll cnut and should feck off.
I just read an article that most Asians and South American immigrants voted for Trump. This list from Asia included Indians, Filipinos, Koreans and Chinese. Vietnamese overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Only Japanese seem to vote for Biden.
Any particular reason or reasons for this? I thought because of his racism and anti immigrant stance most immigrants won't like him.

Surprising. Indian Americans are predominantly Democrat. With the Kamala Harris angle, they have more so this year.

I read that the Indian Super PAC raised.more than any previous year for Biden/Harris. And most of the other Indian Place are also anti Trump.
I ftequent a right wing Dutch news site / forum (dont ask me why, I'm not proud). This site loves to shit on people like Erdogan (cant blame them), so I asked the forum what the difference is between this Maga lines of honking trucks and the Turkish people in The Netherlands that drive around honking, waving flags and loving Erdogan.

Apparantly the difference is that Im a socialist left wing troll cnut and should feck off.

I thought the Dutch were much more educated and open minded than that? Been to the major Dutch cities and never saw anything like that so far. But to think that Erdogan is a socialist is mind boggling. He is a right wing Turkish nationalist. Not much difference from this Maga group. :)
That wouldn’t explain Koreans, Filipinos and Indians, right?

Yes but I do not think that there are anymore communist countries in the world anymore. Places like North Korea are right wing dictatorships and China is a capitalistic one party rule state. The same with Vietnam. India is supposed to be always the world's largest democracy and Philippines has always been in the frontline of the fight against communism. Even now.
Do you think the Americans do not understand generally how the rest of the world thinks? I mean the Dems surely could have changed the narrative and explained in depth what they stand for?
The issue in Asia with the Chinese is not their form of government but their issues with the territorial claims. And it is strictly the territorial claims.
No I couldn't understand this either. The Indians maybe of their support of Modi and Modi is a bit like Trump. The Filipinos and the Koreans are surprising.

This is actually important to understand IMO, particularly for the democrats. For the Indians some of it as because they are better off and they tend to be conservative (socially) and republican leaning. Then there is a feeling if I am not mistaken that the democrats are more interested in taking care of illegal immigrants than most of them who have come through traditional visa routes. Other Indians like the fact that republicans tend to be more favorable to India than Democrats. And of course some like the tax advantages.

So for a lot of them Trump being racist is secondary to other considerations. And the democrats need to look at why more immigrants voted for Trump this time than previous despite this.
I just read an article that most Asians and South American immigrants voted for Trump. This list from Asia included Indians, Filipinos, Koreans and Chinese. Vietnamese overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Only Japanese seem to vote for Biden.
Any particular reason or reasons for this? I thought because of his racism and anti immigrant stance most immigrants won't like him.
Can't speak for all Indian immigrants to the US, but some religious Indian right wing organizations like the VHP are pretty big over there (2 million members apparently). Their motto in India is basically India for Hindus, and they spew hatred towards muslims in particular, so I guess that it makes sense to convert this into Trumpism in the US.

Here in Norway I know of a handful of VHP members who similarly support our own right wingers which also are die hard anti immigration.
I'd think people immigrating to the US from countries with corruption in governments tend to be skeptical of government overreach.

from personal experience, i know 5 indians (in the US) over 60 and about the same under 40. 4 of the 5 older ones are hardcore trump, all the younger ones are anti-trump. also every single one of the older ones is a voting US citizen while the others are, like me, on various visas.
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This is actually important to understand IMO, particularly for the democrats. For the Indians some of it as because they are better off and they tend to be conservative (socially) and republican leaning. Then there is a feeling if I am not mistaken that the democrats are more interested in taking care of illegal immigrants than most of them who have come through traditional visa routes. Other Indians like the fact that republicans tend to be more favorable to India than Democrats. And of course some like the tax advantages.

So for a lot of them Trump being racist is secondary to other considerations. And the democrats need to look at why more immigrants voted for Trump this time than previous despite this.

yes they have to and I think this is one of the reasons why they lost Florida too. I have also read that Modi and Trump's friendship was another factor. The rise of Hindu nationalism in India and the common anti Chinese sentiment in India and Trump was also another factor they said. Filipinos voting for him is surprising though.
That wouldn’t explain Koreans, Filipinos and Indians, right?

I guess Filipinos and Indians are traditionally conservative in their ideologies. Van Jones‘ comments on CNN during the election night are particularly apt here. People need to stop thinking of minorities as some sort of monolithic demographic with a single ideology who are obviously going to dislike Republicans because of their anti immigrant policies. A lot of these people will believe that those sentiments aren’t aimed at them but at other minorities and just like poor white people that are entranced by the GOP, certain GOP messages will resonate with them more than Democrat messages.
yes they have to and I think this is one of the reasons why they lost Florida too. I have also read that Modi and Trump's friendship was another factor. The rise of Hindu nationalism in India and the common anti Chinese sentiment in India and Trump was also another factor they said. Filipinos voting for him is surprising though.

That is also correct

That dead horse must be just a pile of bones by now? Flogged to dust...

A Republican Governor colluding with a Republican Sec. of Georgia State to cheat so that Biden would win the state? Yep, that sounds very plausible Donald - keep digging and eventually you'll reach Australia.
A Republican Governor colluding with a Republican Sec. of Georgia State to cheat so that Biden would win the state? Yep, that sounds very plausible Donald - keep digging and eventually you'll reach Australia.

I hope he keeps this up till the end of the Georgia senate race in January is over.
I ftequent a right wing Dutch news site / forum (dont ask me why, I'm not proud). This site loves to shit on people like Erdogan (cant blame them), so I asked the forum what the difference is between this Maga lines of honking trucks and the Turkish people in The Netherlands that drive around honking, waving flags and loving Erdogan.

Apparantly the difference is that Im a socialist left wing troll cnut and should feck off.
:lol: I don't know why I was expecting a reasoned answer from them after your first paragraph.
I just read an article that most Asians and South American immigrants voted for Trump. This list from Asia included Indians, Filipinos, Koreans and Chinese. Vietnamese overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Only Japanese seem to vote for Biden.
Any particular reason or reasons for this? I thought because of his racism and anti immigrant stance most immigrants won't like him.
Most of Asia is socially very conservative. Even the likes of South Korea, Japan who outwardly appear liberal but internally are very conservative. This social conservatism has stuck with at least till the last generation of immigrants here in the US. And along with their considerations for taxes, I actually expect older generations of asian immigrants to vote republican.
A lot of those immigrants escaped communist countries and Trump and GOP made a huge push towards framing Biden and the Democrats as dangerous far left socialists with a secret communist agenda.

Yes, insane as it may seem many of them actually seem to have bought into this.

There was an interview with a couple of older gents with a Cuban background on the beeb a few weeks ago (prior to the election) - and they were convinced Biden was a communist. Seemed quite nice, actually, other than being utterly deluded and/or severely misinformed.
Yes, insane as it may seem many of them actually seem to have bought into this.

There was an interview with a couple of older gents with a Cuban background on the beeb a few weeks ago (prior to the election) - and they were convinced Biden was a communist. Seemed quite nice, actually, other than being utterly deluded and/or severely misinformed.
To that point - its also probably that generally first gen immigrants who came from places that are generally worse off, politically or otherwise-will likely be quick to look upon the conditions as positive... Because hey its still a lot better than what they left behind.

If you were to take immigrants from the European west, Australia, NZ, Japan, and other countries that clearly have some significant upsides over here than I would imagine a significantly lower number of them look upon the recent developments as positive.
To that point - its also probably that generally first gen immigrants who came from places that are generally worse off, politically or otherwise-will likely be quick to look upon the conditions as positive... Because hey its still a lot better than what they left behind.

Yeah - it's understandable that they're not keen on "communism" (something they associate with very bad personal experiences).

It's less understandable that they actually swallow the idea - hook, line and sinker - that Joe Biden is a "communist" in any meaningful sense, nevermind one who intends to introduce Castro style politics in America. That part is - obviously - sheer ignorance. Specifically ignorance of the sort the Republicans depend on to a large degree in order to attract voters.
Can't speak for all Indian immigrants to the US, but some religious Indian right wing organizations like the VHP are pretty big over there (2 million members apparently). Their motto in India is basically India for Hindus, and they spew hatred towards muslims in particular, so I guess that it makes sense to convert this into Trumpism in the US.

Here in Norway I know of a handful of VHP members who similarly support our own right wingers which also are die hard anti immigration.

Christian immigrants from india vote republican because of abortion and gay marriage
I think the Democrats need to make a better case for Health care and it's not socialism.
I can't imagine how people in the Philippines would survive without Philhealth or in Thailand would survive without the public health care.
My personal opinion is that they are not making the case for universal health care in the USA.
Why are the Americans so against universal health care?
To that point - its also probably that generally first gen immigrants who came from places that are generally worse off, politically or otherwise-will likely be quick to look upon the conditions as positive... Because hey its still a lot better than what they left behind.

If you were to take immigrants from the European west, Australia, NZ, Japan, and other countries that clearly have some significant upsides over here than I would imagine a significantly lower number of them look upon the recent developments as positive.

Indeed, I would be surprised if any but a fairly small minority would be Trump supporters.

To take the UK as an example, the National Health Service - meaning universal free healthcare at the point of delivery, for all health conditions, paid for out of general taxation - is embedded in the fabric of society, and has been since shortly after WWII. It is not considered to be "socialism" especially, but is instead seen simply as a basic requirement of a civilised society: that healthcare should not be dependent on an individual's ability to pay for it.

A lot of people think that the British and Americans share a common culture. but this is an illusion stemming largely from the dominant shared language - English. In reality, culturally speaking, the British have far more in common with the rest of Europe, especially W. Europe, than we do with the USA. It is astounding to most of us that people in the States can stride around with high--powered assault rifles, that there are are more privately-owned guns than there are people, and that you have a healthcare system that largely depends on an individual's ability to pay for it, either themselves or via their own or an employer's insurance cover.
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