The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Fair enough if you feel that way. I don't. I didn't think we were some righteous nation because we voted in a black guy and I don't think we're scum because we voted in Trump.

You might not be scum, but there is no getting away from the fact that this guy essentially said to all of you 'I am racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, Islamophobic, I dodge taxes, I lie 75% of the time, I would commit war crimes and also I commit sexual assault and women let me do it' and as a country you replied 'yeah we don't think attitudes like that should stop you from being the most powerful man in our country'. I can't figure out what's more depressing, that it happened in the first place or that Americans can't read that back and feel anything from it and if an American can't read that back and feel at least a twigne of shame then the issues clearly aren't as important as we make out. We're supposed to have made progress on these issues. You'd have thought we were the kind of society that shunned that on sheer principle alone, irregardless of anything else he might have had a point about.
That sounds like someone being battered who voted for Trump. Or at least that's what the woman yelling thinks anyway. Not the same thing as someone being battered because they voted for Trump.

It's all very confusing but seems to involve him attempting to get in their car at some point? What's going on there?

I'm fairly sure that it's his car not theirs but we are speculating.
3 out of 5 aren't likely. He's already removed a couple thins from his website hasn't he?

Also his tax-break plan will fall through. A conservative estimate means he will have to get 1.3 trillion dollars somewhere to fund it.

His plans to bring jobs previously out-sourced back will be difficult, presumably the working class supporters who voted for him, are unlikely to take low-pay, low skilled jobs in return. And if the immigrants and ethnic minorities take them instead well, you know how that story goes.
Isn't his plan to bomb the shit out of ISIS, take their oil to fund the tax cuts?
A lot of us were a bit excited when Obama was elected. Ultimately he didn't change a lot.

A lot of us are a bit scared now Trump's been elected. It's quite likely that again less will change than we think.

Just thinking out loud...
The KKK are irrelevent and it is easy to make an association between trump and them but that doesn't mean someone else didn't or hasn't asked them to march for him. There is a lot of bullshit at play and people should just ignore it. Racism is something that's been pushed on people and while white people have been racist, it's not a white issue. It's an issue in a lot of cultures but it seems to me with trump winning - it's all about racism = white issue. Just ignore it. Racism was created to encourage race mixing. It's up to the people of America to make sure Trump keeps his promises but ultimately, it's up to them to understand they are all related and if Cliton (cause she's a cnut) had has got in, WW3 would have probably been very soon. There is always a bigger picture.
A lot of us were a bit excited when Obama was elected. Ultimately he didn't change a lot.

A lot of us are a bit scared now Trump's been elected. It's quite likely that again less will change than we think.

Just thinking out loud...

Doesn't he have a majority in congress that means he will be a lot more powerful that BO?
That was when he looked like he had 0 chance of getting in. Now he's in they're all kissing his arse and scrambling to stay in his favour.
Right now, I'm sure they are. When we get on to things he wants to do, I don't think they'll feel so in love.

A lot of them don't consider him a proper conservative.
A lot of us were a bit excited when Obama was elected. Ultimately he didn't change a lot.

A lot of us are a bit scared now Trump's been elected. It's quite likely that again less will change than we think.

Just thinking out loud...

Obama was blocked on pretty much all of what he wanted to achieve, Trump has a full Republican pathway.

Republicans might not like him, but i'm sure they like being in power more.
So yeah, seems like car theives using Trump as a funny anecdote/excuse to steal someones car then.

Yobs being yobs as I said.

What is doesn't seem like is nice young Clinton supporters losing their shit and beating up someone for voting Trump.

Or a group of people angry that someone voted for Trump, decide to beat him up and use the occasion to steal a thing or two from his car. The only problem with that title is Clinton not Trump.
Right now, I'm sure they are. When we get on to things he wants to do, I don't think they'll feel so in love.

I think they will. I think deep down they agree with him, but they disagreed to save face when it looked like his ship was going down to avoid association. We will see though, I hope you're right.
I think they will. I think deep down they agree with him, but they disagreed to save face when it looked like his ship was going down to avoid association. We will see though, I hope you're right.
I shouldn't have posted before adding the bit I edited in. I really do think him not being a proper conservative to a lot of them will have an effect.

Yeah, I bloody hope I'm right too. We're really fecked if I'm not...
It's not Trump himself that scares the shit out of me. It's the people he appoints.

The Republican Party has gone from being on the verge of splitting, with a high chance of being out of power for a generation, to controlling every single office of power. Congress, Sentate, White House followed swiftly by the Supreme Court, which will be filled by constitutionalists (the ones who think the constitution is to be interpreted literally at all times and are generally as hardline as it comes).

Populist nationalist movements, with their highly insular ideology, have got a massive shot in the arm for the second time in a year.
Or a group of people angry that someone voted for Trump, decide to beat him up and use the occasion to steal a thing or two from his car. The only problem with that title is Clinton not Trump.

You're still speculating. The problem with that title is that it's stating speculation as fact. A theme of the misinformation being spread on social media that has been such a feature of this campaign.
You might not be scum, but there is no getting away from the fact that this guy essentially said to all of you 'I am racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, Islamophobic, I dodge taxes, I lie 75% of the time, I would commit war crimes and also I commit sexual assault and women let me do it' and as a country you replied 'yeah we don't think attitudes like that should stop you from being the most powerful man in our country'. I can't figure out what's more depressing, that it happened in the first place or that Americans can't read that back and feel anything from it and if an American can't read that back and feel at least a twigne of shame then the issues clearly aren't as important as we make out. We're supposed to have made progress on these issues. You'd have thought we were the kind of society that shunned that on sheer principle alone, irregardless of anything else he might have had a point about.

Well put.
These protests after the results of the election couldn't be a bigger disgrace. To think they had the audacity to call out on Trump for questioning the fairness of their glorious democracy.
You're still speculating. The problem with that title is that it's stating speculation as fact. A theme of the misinformation being spread on social media that has been such a feature of this campaign.

Well, yeah I'm speculating like you did. Now on your gripe, the problem isn't social media but the lack of critical thinking. When I saw the video my conclusion was someone is battering someone and they seem to think that voting trump is reprehensible.

I didn't try to pretend that Trump was irrelevant or that they were or weren't Clinton's supporters or anything else, I didn't even accused them of trying to steal a car.
Pff. Trump himself spent the last 8 years whining about Obama. I'll spend the next 4 years whining about Trump and i'll gladly invite anybody reasonable to join me.

We have to accept the vote, we can complain about everything else.
The protests are a bit ridiculous, the vote was democratic just because you dont like the result doesnt make it protest worthy. Your protest was your vote.

At least wait until his ridiculous behaviour and decisions come to fruition.
Well, yeah I'm speculating like you did. Now on your gripe, the problem isn't social media but the lack of critical thinking. When I saw the video my conclusion was someone is battering someone and they seem to think that voting trump is reprehensible.

I didn't try to pretend that Trump was irrelevant or that they were or weren't Clinton's supporters or anything else, I didn't even accused them of trying to steal a car.

Absolutely. But these things are being circulated in online echo chambers where any attempt at critical thinking gets shouted down. That's what's so dangerous. Facebook algorithms pop shit like thus up on people's feeds (complete with inflammatory title and editing) and, bit by bit, they get absorbed into the hive mind.
I worry more about his treatment of the planet than of his treatment of people.

When people retaliate it has relatively small impact. When the planet starts to retaliate we are all fecked.

Yep, incredible the world's biggest power still appoints these sort of people. Utterly, utterly fecked.
The protests are a bit ridiculous, the vote was democratic just because you dont like the result doesnt make it protest worthy. Your protest was your vote.

At least wait until his ridiculous behaviour and decisions come to fruition.

No they are always right, and if you disagree then there will be anarchy
So which of his promises do you guys think he'll break?

1. The wall
2. Withdrawing from TPP
3. Reneging on Paris Agreement
4. Mass deportation
5. Muslim ban

Personally I reckon he will go ahead with TPP.

He literally can't do the mass deportation - even Bill O'Reilly told him that repeatedly. I'm not an expert but I'm almost certain illegals still have the right to due process. Court cases until 2050 if he wanted to deport them all. Trump doesn't give a shit about immigration (why would he?), he was just pandering.

Can't do the Muslim ban either obviously.

The other three wouldn't surprise me. I would think the wall will happen but just a case of whether it's a real wall or some sort of metaphorical improvement to security he dubs 'the wall'.
Wisconsin, which went for Trump by about 30,000 votes, saw only 2.8 million votes cast this year as opposed to more than 3 million in 2012.

The state also has one of the most well-known voter ID laws, requiring photo identification to vote.

Measures like Wisconsin’s are seen as disproportionately affecting minority voters like those in Milwaukee County, where turnout was more than 50,000 votes less than it was four years ago.

Classic GOP, project all your evils onto the democrats and hope no one notices. Rigged indeed.
Yep, incredible the world's biggest power still appoints these sort of people. Utterly, utterly fecked.

I speculate but the average american doesn't seem to care about these things. They need and want their cars (2 per household) and a large part of the population seem to think that anything is fair game as long as it provides money.
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