Television Tho Prop Grops Throps


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
Zayn vs Owens x 100. Don't really care given they're always putting in good matches.

The only downer about Owens vs Jericho at Wrestlemania is that it has Owens win written all over it. Can't really go any other way if he's to challenge Brock/Lesnar straight after.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Wish they would just say Zayns contract expires and send him over to SD.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
Goldberg boo'ed :lol:

Good. WWE need to know its a fecking stupid move to put the belt on him.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Goldberg boo'ed :lol:

Good. WWE need to know its a fecking stupid move to put the belt on him.
Its chicago, WWE / Vince wont care. It will be deemed as Bizarro land stuff anyway.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
Its chicago, WWE / Vince wont care. It will be deemed as Bizarro land stuff anyway.
Chicago is quite close to home for WWE fan sentiment. Its absolute bullshit to put it on him, whether Vince cares or not. He's not the benchmark of right decisions :lol:


Full Member
Jun 7, 2015
"Can Manchester United score? They always score"
In fairness, Rock and Austin in 2001 were much bigger stars than Ted Dibiase and Macho Man. There is no full time wrestler on this roster in 2017 who is a bigger star than Bill Goldberg or Brock Lesnar, or for that matter Undertaker or John Cena(who is now effectively a part-timer). That's why the part-timers are main eventing Mania. Rock and Austin were also seasoned main eventers by WM17 and far from new stars.

BTW - I have long since stopped watching WWE regularly and the only WWE PPV I have watched since last year's Mania is this year's Royal Rumble so it's not as if Brock vs Goldberg is a massive pull for me but it's a bigger match on paper than Orton vs Wyatt or Jericho vs Owens. You have commented on Raw's rating, a lot of that has been with Jericho and KO in the main event. Goldberg at the least has been a rating boost.

From the youtube clips I have watched of Goldberg, he also looks like one of, if not the most, over guy in the company in 2017.
But that is effectively the biggest problem.

Wrestling isn't creating any new stars or even trying to.

Imagine if at Wrestlemania 18, Hogan had crushed Rock in 22 seconds.

I think part timers can be very good for the business if used to legitimise the current stars. Imagine the run that KO would have gotten from going 30 minutes with Goldberg and only losing after some shenanigans from Jericho.

Imagine if Joe had finally been the one to cleanly pin Lesnar.

Sting got over by simply drawing with RIC Flair. But it proved that he could belong.

That is my problem with today's booking. Not the wins or losses, but you make the current stars look like absolute mugs and then wonder why no one cares about them when the part-timers are gone.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
Stephanie is actually killing Raw. Its not even anything to do with storyline anymore, she's actually a bad organiser of the show. This segment about Stephanie overruling Mic should technically be disallowed because she's not GM? Logic goes out the window completely on Raw.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2015
"Can Manchester United score? They always score"
Don't be like that.

Your complaining about me complaining about you complaining about the product. Mate I knew what you meant and you got what I was trying to say.

Balor, Owens, Rollins, Reigns have all been champions over past 18 months or so. Daniel Bryan, CM Punk before. From like 2002 to 2013 when we had Angle, Lesner, HHH, Orton and Cena they still turned to HBK, Undertaker, older Rock and even Hulk Hogan during that run to hold the title. Recently they have tried. Sometimes the general audience is different to the internets opinion. Sometimes they don't get it right and have to press the reset button. Like this Goldberg/Lesner feud. Speaking to casual fans it's a big deal. I know minority but I think Universal title could do with a feud like Goldberg/Lesner it will make the title feel bigger. Assuming Lesner wins I think they know they didn't start well with Universal title make it big and the pay off for Owens or Balor or whoever it is will be huge.

As I said I have at times stopped watching when bored of it. I just think wrestling fans just complain too much ( yes I do get that irony with my posts above).
Maybe I went over the top with that irony thing. I apologize.

But my problem isn't with part-timers per se. Its the fact that such part-timers do not create any sustainable boost as they simply crush the current talent who all now look like midcarders that dont belong.

You can use part-timers to legitimise your current stars. Imagine KO cutting a promo about how he is a true prizefighter that had beaten both Goldberg and Lesnar. Wouldn't people take him more seriously?

The thing is that the WWE treats some of its younger talent like a joke and then want us to forget it when its convenient for them. See Brat Wyatt who was effectively a main event jobber for a number of years and now we are simply supposed to forget all that as he goes into Mania as World champion.

And we complain for one simple reason.Wrestling booking at times is simply atrocious and illogical. But when done right, nothing captures the imagination like wrestling. So most tortured wrestling fans stick around to see that magic. Most of the time we are simply disappointed.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
I don't buy this garbage that Goldberg Lesnar attracts the part time fans to tune in more with the title involved. Most the people I've spoken to in the last 24 hours have just said "Goldberg, isn't he like 60?" If anything it just makes them laugh at the state of WWE.

The man can't wrestle anymore FFS. Its not even a case of giving the title to a part timer like the Rock who can at least deliver a proper match a couple times a year. This is just a whole new level of stupid.


Full Member
May 24, 2010
Stephanie is actually killing Raw. Its not even anything to do with storyline anymore, she's actually a bad organiser of the show. This segment about Stephanie overruling Mic should technically be disallowed because she's not GM? Logic goes out the window completely on Raw.
They are doing it badly. But it's to build up Foley leaving (as he needs hip surgery) and Angle coming in as new GM.

I hate how they've just destroyed Strowman's build in the space of 2 days. Threw it away to Roman Reigns (why?) at Fastlane (whhyyyy?), and have him run away from Taker today. Maybe it was predictably but they should of just went with the Taker interference last night. It protects Reigns from the loss and keeps Strowmans build intact and going a bit longer.

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
Zayn vs Owens x 100. Don't really care given they're always putting in good matches.

The only downer about Owens vs Jericho at Wrestlemania is that it has Owens win written all over it. Can't really go any other way if he's to challenge Brock/Lesnar straight after.
Well normal logic would dictate that, but I actually think in WWE logic, if he's to challenge Brock(/)Lesnar for the title after Mania, they'll think its ok that he loses this match against Jericho, because he's going on to the title straight away afterwards.

They did that with Styles too before he won his title if i recall... hell the man was getting pinned by Ziggler!


Full Member
Sep 1, 2014
The annoying thing is in the bigger picture for the year Wrestlemania match results will mean nothing. This has been the case for most Wrestlemanias since Wrestlemania 28 with maybe the exception of Lesnar v Taker and Rollins title win. Shane v Taker last year meant nothing as Shane ended up in charge anyway, Both Ryback and AJ Styles lost their Wrestlemania matches to Mark Henry and Jericho and yet were number 1 contender at the next 2 ppvs. Zack Ryder won the IC title and after losing the following night was never heard again.

Can easily see the same thing happen again this year. Seems WWE are all about the 'Wrestlemania moment' more than actually having the match results mean something.


Freaky fly day
Aug 10, 2009
Its chicago, WWE / Vince wont care. It will be deemed as Bizarro land stuff anyway.
Chicago is quite close to home for WWE fan sentiment. Its absolute bullshit to put it on him, whether Vince cares or not. He's not the benchmark of right decisions :lol:
The whole 'smart city' argument that Vince and co try to apply holds very little water these days if it ever did in the first place. The reason being is that seems near enough every city is 'smart' these days in terms of how they react to the supposed top babyfaces and very often the heels as well.


The Caf's Ezza.
Apr 16, 2015
The stable
Stephanie is actually killing Raw. Its not even anything to do with storyline anymore, she's actually a bad organiser of the show. This segment about Stephanie overruling Mic should technically be disallowed because she's not GM? Logic goes out the window completely on Raw.
She's out of touch with what is good and so is Vince. Unfortunately once Vince goes it will be her in charge, the silver lining is Triple H will probably have more power, at least Triple H has some idea what the fans want.


Full Member
Oct 27, 2014
Goldberg is on Lesnar`s shoulder and he`s holding the belt the whole time:lol: He really loves the belt doesn`t he?:lol:


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
Anyone see Miz on Talking Smack? Amazing. Best talker in WWE today...

Even Maryse got a burn in. "When I was Divas Champion, Nikki was making celebrities comfortable backstage."


Full Member
May 15, 2006
Yeah he is so good at this, I'm not big on this mix tag match but the build up Miz/Cena promo's will be quality.

I also thought the Shane/AJ backstage segment worked well. I like anyone in here would like AJ to have a great wrestling opponent put on a 5 start match and all. This will be a street fight spot fest but they've had these before with the like of Vince taking on Hogan/HBK. It can work if the story is told right. At least AJ is having a big match against a big opponent rather then getting put in a battle Royal Royal or a ladder match for US title.


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
Anyone see Miz on Talking Smack? Amazing. Best talker in WWE today...

Even Maryse got a burn in. "When I was Divas Champion, Nikki was making celebrities comfortable backstage."
Miz/Bryan theory below:

My mate reckons, theyre playing a long game with Bryan. Genuinely reckons hes going to come back against the miz at some point.

I asked if i could borrow his tin foil hat, but Bryans "we'll see in a year and a half" during this interview makes you wonder, though....


Full Member
Aug 3, 2013
My mate reckons, theyre playing a long game with Bryan. Genuinely reckons hes going to come back against the miz at some point.

I asked if i could borrow his tin foil hat, but Bryans "we'll see in a year and a half" during this interview makes you wonder, though....
Could also be when his contract expires.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Anyone see Miz on Talking Smack? Amazing. Best talker in WWE today...

Even Maryse got a burn in. "When I was Divas Champion, Nikki was making celebrities comfortable backstage."
Everytime Miz has been on Talking Smack hes been gold. In fact, Talking Smack in general is just awesome. The format of it works so well as post SD show.


Full Member
Mar 18, 2012
Eboue's Nightmares
@phelans shorts Hojo apparently signed with the WWE with Io possibly/likely happening too.

The stranger news is Iwatani apparently retiring this year, hadn't heard anything on that at all (not overly convinced it's true yet either). If all three were to happen it's a huge blow for Stardom, will take a long time to rebuild.
Last edited:


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
:lol: such a turd booking for an inevitably turd Wrestlemania. This year is probably going to be the worst ever.


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
I'm looking forward to it. Although I always look forward to Wrestlemania. Would take something abysmal like a Big Show/Khali main event to ruin the hype for me.

I'm actually interested in a Wyatt feud for once.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
I don't even think we're going to get the annual IC ladder match this year either. Shame as they're always a lot of fun.
Id like to see one for a future shot at the CW title (basically the rest of 205 in one match).