Television Tho Prop Grops Throps


No I won’t change your tag line
Aug 17, 2009
The most unpredictable rumble in years was ruined because of the odds. That's disappointing.


Triple h won the 2002 RR. Also the likes of Batista, Del Rio, Sheamus, Mysterio, Benoit all won it as non established stars.
Ah right, Lesnar was in '03, my bad. My point was more regarding wrestlers it helped establish as true main event stars, and Lesnar is the only one that comes to mine in terms of recent winners. Benoit's an interesting one - so much parallels with Daniel Bryan. Rey Mysterio is, unfortunately, a massive no. We all know why he won the title at WM 22. It ended up being a poor run, with zero memorable feuds. Maybe Batista, but can't argue the rest. Both Del Rio and Sheamus were failed projects, lacking for various reasons. Just looked at the history of the RR and it's generally been a spot for the top guys. Which confirms what I was saying and it makes sense to have it that way. However, in the last decade, it's been a farce, which is largely down to the amount of main event guys it's helped propel.

Here's a list of the winners since 2007:

'07 - Taker
'08 - Cena
'09 - Orton
'10 - Edge
'11 - Del Rio
'12 - Sheamus
'13 - Cena
'14 - Batista
'15 - Reigns
'16 - HHH
'17 - Orton

Somewhat off topic but I was looking through old posts on r/SquaredCircle, and ended up in a Batista-Reigns comparison thread. Which is pretty interesting. I wonder how the IWC would have reacted back then. The difference being that Batista's story progression was organic, in addition to him being helped out by Flair and HHH. You could easily argue that Reigns > Batista in ring, too. I suppose the key thing here is the culture, and Vince not evolving with the times. There's no natural progression with Reigns. More importantly, as we seen with Bryan, which sparked this recent change, fans don't like to be manipulated into cheering for the corporate guy. Everyone seems to know potential feuds before they occur. I just need my drug asap, I need Reigns heel and I'll be fine.


Freaky fly day
Aug 10, 2009
I had no issues with the Rumble itself and was thinking the whole PPV was pretty much 8.5-9/10... until Romans music hit :lol:
But again, the sad thing is we wont get Cena/Taker at WM. Again.

Charlotte/Bayley was good
The CW title went to the right person.
Owens/Roman was a good brawl and Braun coming out was great.
AJ/Cena was fantastic. I have no problem with Cena winning, its just the promo he cut on AJ on the SD before, it was totally unnecessary. I want to see if they follow up on it, but its basically what people complained about HHH during his 2002 run.
He would wreck somebody on the mic... then beat them proving he was right doh.

As for the Rumble, The whole Brock/Goldberg thing was funny and was well done imo (despite earlier claims that I wish it was somebody more long term that was doing it to Brock instead of Goldberg).
Then the Goldberg/Taker face off was exactly what I wanted.
Braun looked like an absolute monster and that helped Corbin cos hes the one who eliminated him.
Harper going for the Sister Abigail on Bray was fantastic.

Then the last part, which everybody remembers and helps shape peoples opinions of the show. I think they could have achieved the same thing by not having Roman as 30.

For example, Corbin is the dominant one, but then Braun is the one that eliminates him. (could have him eliminate New Day, Cesaro, Sheamus as well)
Then he has his face to face with Taker. Roman instead of being 30 comes out for revenge and instead misses Braun and superman punches Taker which causes his elimination - to set up their match (and still piss people off Roman did that).

I do wish it was Bray winning the Rumble (instead of Orton) and then Orton winning the title at EC.
Oh well...
This one is a big issue for me. As far as I'm concerned it should either have been that Cena wins without that promo ever having happened or at the very least tweaked it in such a way that AJ doesn't just stand there like a complete jabroni taking it but rather interrupts and fires back with his own barbs in return. Either that or the promo happens exactly as it did and instead AJ wins even if he needs to cheat to do it.

The way the WWE books these angles at times continues to be consistently dumbfounding. On this occasion it has resulted in the past year's standout performer being entirely and unjustifiably undermined, via the validation of JC's verbal attack, regardless of how many AAs it took to beat him. What makes it even stranger is that fact that Vince has seemingly been such a big fan of Styles since he first joined the company and yet this has still done little to protect him in this instance.

I'm really praying it somehow someway leads to a positive outcome. And by this I mean positive for AJ because there are few around more deserving than he is.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Why does Roman get so much hate? He's not a bad guy.
Hes not a good guy..... he is. THE GUY! rofl

I'm really praying it somehow someway leads to a positive outcome. And by this I mean positive for AJ because there are few around more deserving than he is.
Im trying to think who AJ can face at WM. Shane in a one on one? Bleh.
Seriously, he doesnt deserve a multi-man match, he deserves something more high profile

Somewhat off topic but I was looking through old posts on r/SquaredCircle, and ended up in a Batista-Reigns comparison thread. Which is pretty interesting. I wonder how the IWC would have reacted back then. The difference being that Batista's story progression was organic, in addition to him being helped out by Flair and HHH. You could easily argue that Reigns > Batista in ring, too. I suppose the key thing here is the culture, and Vince not evolving with the times. There's no natural progression with Reigns. More importantly, as we seen with Bryan, which sparked this recent change, fans don't like to be manipulated into cheering for the corporate guy. Everyone seems to know potential feuds before they occur. I just need my drug asap, I need Reigns heel and I'll be fine.
Batista turn was a long build, which seemed more organic as you said which lead to his match with HHH at WM. It was all well done via the jabs in Evolution, to putting HHH through the table and the contract signing, to him defeating HHH three PPVs in a row.
TBF, it was kinda Orton they were trying to push, and the crowd turned on him a bit haha.
If Reigns does turn heel in his feud with Taker, and beats him, it could be glorious.


Full Member
Feb 16, 2014
:lol:, all they had to do was pick anyone but Reigns
I think they really are trolling now. Everyone expected Samoa joe and they got a Samoan called Joe. When Bryan got eliminated last year the next entrance had 'Shattered Dreams' in big gold letters at the start of the intro.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Austin Aries is fantastic btw. Best bit of Raw so far. (but im tapping out from that show)
Although KO vs Braun sounds good (except the bit which will probably see Reigns get involved to set up him vs Braun at fastlane lol)

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
On the Rumble - I actually enjoyed the Rumble match itself, but it felt like it was more inspite of the booking then because of it... but it did take a turn after #30.

I didn't like how Zayn and Miz got eliminated with zero fan-fare... they'd both been in the ring for quite a while, and then just got dumped out like it was nothing. Zayn in particular was just there to take other peoples moves (very well I might add) but instead of actually putting some shine on him, he is basically unmemorable past the Strowman elimination - bar that RKO.

Orton winning feels pretty uninspired... Orton vs. Bray just doesn't feel like a title match. So unless Nakamura or Styles or someone is winning the belt at the Elimination Chamber, I feel it's a pretty lacklustre direction for Mania.

On Reigns, my wife (who watches with me on occassion) was very happy when Reigns came out - as she argued that he was treated unfairly in the title match, so therefore deserved another chance... which does make sense, so yeah, there's always an alternative opinion!


Full Member
Sep 10, 2004
Samoa Joe to play the cowardly heel within a matter of weeks.

In all seriousness, as much as we all wanted to see Joe, I'm not sure doing it before Rollins is done with HHH is the best time.

Would have been the ideal scenario to have Rollins go over HHH at Mania only for Joe to beat him down after the match.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Would be funny if Rollins dispatches Joe easily at Fastlane to build to his match with HHH :lol::nervous:

I think theyve failed Rollins since his return from injury. Heck, they had a good moment at NXT Takeover and didnt really follow up in the right way imo. Im happy Joe is on Raw though, dude deserves it after the work hes put in since joining NXT.

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
Joe should be on Smackdown. Him vs. Cena would be fantastic.

If Rollins is planned to beat HHH at Mania (as he should) then he can swallow a loss to Joe at Roadblock. I don't know where that leaves Joe for Mania though... a returning Balor perhaps?


Full Member
May 1, 2009
I'm starting to mark for Braun. I don't think I've seen him do much more than just run into people, but he's actually really scary.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
I'm starting to mark for Braun. I don't think I've seen him do much more than just run into people, but he's actually really scary.
With a voice thats scary too, unlike Brock lol.

WM looks less appealing as we get closer to it. I do still hope they do a few Raw vs SD matches,
eg Joe vs Cena
AJ vs Balor.


Dave Meltzer says Cena's opponent at WM will be someone "nobody will be celebrating".

I think Cena leaves soon after WM to shoot a movie (?), so can't do anything big with him.

Taker has been finished for ages. He has physically deteriorated, and keeps picking up injury after injury during/after matches. Please just retire, along with the rest of the part timers who don't understand the concept of putting wrestlers over.

Think it might be Corbin. Makes sense to have him win MITB, too.

Although saying that, having Cena-Ambrose would be more interesting to me, and would make more sense.


scored 25-30 goals a season as a right footed RW
Feb 7, 2005
My Raw recording says only 2 hours 15 minutes. Have they cut the length of the show down?


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Dave Meltzer says Cena's opponent at WM will be someone "nobody will be celebrating".

I think Cena leaves soon after WM to shoot a movie (?), so can't do anything big with him.

Taker has been finished for ages. He has physically deteriorated, and keeps picking up injury after injury during/after matches. Please just retire, along with the rest of the part timers who don't understand the concept of putting wrestlers over.

Think it might be Corbin. Makes sense to have him win MITB, too.

Although saying that, having Cena-Ambrose would be more interesting to me, and would make more sense.
Id be happy with that, if he beats Cena.
Also agreed with part timers, every single year around WM time as well.


Friendship is magic
Apr 24, 2010
You're...going to love me
After Smackdown I'm very worried that it's going to be Cena vs Orton again and Bray is going to be busy dealing with Harper, maybe in the yearly IC ladder match.


Fists of Fury
Aug 5, 2008
★Live Good☆Look Good★
I was at Summerslam and Cena/Styles stole the show for me, the third fight at the Rumble was AMAZING and perhaps even better. They seem incapable of putting on bad matches. Had Cena going into his bag to pull off new moves!