Television Tho Prop Grops Throps


Friendship is magic
Apr 24, 2010
You're...going to love me
From what I remember the rule is they can't have ever been a world champion and I just checked his wiki and it says he won the NWA World Title in TNA so he actually doesn't qualify.

Gangrel is leading the stable now.
Didn't they also have to be talentless, unsuccessful and a bit cringey? I remember Shamrock being awesome though mental


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
Of course it was scripted. KO's delivery was fantastic but I'm tired of these worked shoot promos.

It smacks of WCW/TNA at their lowest ebb. Their proper storylines aren't engaging people so they try to do this "peak behind the curtain" crap to appeal to the smarkiest smarks.

WWE needs a massive Summerslam and I don't see where it is going to come from.

Becky/Sasha could be great if Sasha stops sulking.

I'm dying for a Joe world title reign.

Zero interest in Rollins.

Mike and Maria's bizarre cuckolding storyline should not be getting TV time.

Get Charlotte back in the title picture. She's too much of a star to not be on TV and Bayley is getting zero reactions as champion.


ask me about our 50% off sale!
Nov 3, 2009
St. Helens
I think it's beyond repair.

They tried to be coy with the announcement of Heyman and Bischoff without putting them on TV (beyond Heyman advocating for Lesnar as usual) but I highly doubt Vince will let go enough to let them have any real say in anything and even then, Bischoff screwed up WCW and was abysmal with TNA so perhaps he just got lucky once for a bit with a blank chequebook and that was all he's good for and as much as I admire Heyman, if he can't have full control then he's going to leave that role I'd imagine.

Triple H, Steph and Shane clearly don't have a fecking clue what to do with the main roster and Trips can't really recreate NXT with it either because that'll destroy NXT so they're in a bind and I'd imagine again that Vince won't let go enough to let them have any real say in anything.

Meanwhile the single biggest problem they have is commentary. Way above shite storylines and bland characters. JR and King may never, ever be replicated again but allowing whoever is on the microphone free reign to call things as they see and not just repeat the same tired boring clichés and acts that they do every single week is what's needed. I'd rather watch RAW and SmackDown on mute these days than hear Cole, Graves, Reneé, Saxton and Phillips sound like they just wanna kill themselves being told what to say and be so constrained about it all.

And as much as we don't want head injuries so we can avoid scenarios like Bryan having to retire or even worse, Benoit then they can't get over all of this swearing and appealing to the adult crowd without some brutality so they're gonna have to show us some blood and some violence because if not it ain't gonna work. Appeal to our worst urges and give us some shock and awe. Surely there's a way of doing a 'safe' chair shot to the head? How did Cody do his at Fyter Fest because apparently that was 'safe'?

I'm still watching through years of Attitude Era shows (currently on the go home shows before Wrestlemania 2000) and honestly, they managed to make it seem like nothing in the world was more important than what was going on in WWF back in the day. The commentators sold everything as exciting as it could be and you genuinely believe that anything can happen. The crowds are impossibly good but that's because they were engaged in everything and treated like they were part of the show whereas now it's so horribly sterile and quiet that they can never get near what it was like back then. It was exactly as the description says, an attitude. It felt gritty and looked gritty and it was brutal and exciting and you believed in everything. It's surprising when you watch it all back how little blood there actually is (although I'm fairly certain they started really going overboard from mid 2000 onwards so it's coming) but from 98-March 2000 where I'm at, it's been used sparingly and fitted exactly what it needed to. My rose tinted glasses remembered blood and chairshots every week and it's not there. My god is it fecking good entertainment even today though.

Nowadays it's so strangled and unnatural and lacking in any form of attitude at all that a couple of swear words here and there isn't gonna do jack shit to improve the product. You only have to watch the segment Lacey and Corbyn did after they attacked Seth and Becky to see just how awful it is right now. Nothing they said sold anything at all and it was just flat, shite acting.

AEW better be good becasue WWE is gone unless you stick to watching NXT (and I don't, I just watch the Takeover shows which are fantastic).


Freaky fly day
Aug 10, 2009
Let's be honest barring the opening and closing segments the Raw from two weeks ago was also the same old unwatchable crap.

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
Who is that even..?
It’s supposed to be Drake Mavericks wife. Not sure if that is his actual wife in real life or just some Instagram model WWE have picked up from somewhere or a member of the NXT development.

Quite enjoyed what KO did as he normally always delivers on most things he does. The fact he is podgy has a beard pretty much lends him to the every man thing and I still remember the matches he had with Cena as they were awesome.
It’s a bit same old same old but WWE has been so crap in terms of stories for years I would honestly take happily keep watching this to see where it goes.

Bayley the most uncharismatic unathletic WWE star I think I’ve ever seen or can remember ever seeing just needs to go. Or bring back Sasha or something for her to feud with. Just stop this trash. Seems obvious 1 of 2 things are going to happen. Somehow, someway Bayley finds a way to win or Nikki Cross wins the title and then on RAW we get an Evolution kinda thing with Alexa saying hand it over.

Dirty Schwein

Has a 'Best of Britney Spears' album
Feb 6, 2012
Miracle World
Luton Town
Just watched that video. Scripted or not, KO should be one of the top guys alongside Samoa Joe. Those two are fantastic in the ring and on the mic.


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
It’s supposed to be Drake Mavericks wife. Not sure if that is his actual wife in real life or just some Instagram model WWE have picked up from somewhere or a member of the NXT development.

Quite enjoyed what KO did as he normally always delivers on most things he does. The fact he is podgy has a beard pretty much lends him to the every man thing and I still remember the matches he had with Cena as they were awesome.
It’s a bit same old same old but WWE has been so crap in terms of stories for years I would honestly take happily keep watching this to see where it goes.

Bayley the most uncharismatic unathletic WWE star I think I’ve ever seen or can remember ever seeing just needs to go. Or bring back Sasha or something for her to feud with. Just stop this trash. Seems obvious 1 of 2 things are going to happen. Somehow, someway Bayley finds a way to win or Nikki Cross wins the title and then on RAW we get an Evolution kinda thing with Alexa saying hand it over.
It really is his wife. Gives hope to all the short-arses in the world.

Bayley is uncharasmatic but not unathletic. Funnily enough, in my opinion the most unathletic person on the roster is also the most popular. Becky. She hasn't an athletic bone in her body but it goes to show that it's not all about flashy moves.

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
It really is his wife. Gives hope to all the short-arses in the world.

Bayley is uncharasmatic but not unathletic. Funnily enough, in my opinion the most unathletic person on the roster is also the most popular. Becky. She hasn't an athletic bone in her body but it goes to show that it's not all about flashy moves.
I agree about Becky but sorry I’m going to lump in Bayley. It’s just the way she moves and how she is always off balance and lack of coordination. She just looks cumbersome and like she doesn’t have that much power or pop.

Weirdly the two of them are massively in to CrossFit but neither to me look athletic.

Props to Maverick then. I hope the R-truth wedding bomb was staged then and not their actual wedding as it looked terrible.
His backstage mates are the strangest motley crew. Seen the pictures of his stagger with Braun and E3 then tiny little Maverick :lol:

Which reminds me, what’s happened to that tag team he used to valet for?


Full Member
May 15, 2007
I do like it when people question whether things were staged or not when it comes to WWE.


The Oracle
Jun 5, 2016
I do like it when people question whether things were staged or not when it comes to WWE.
You should worry about those people's sanity instead of liking the fact they are clearly nuts to believe it wasn't scripted

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
So I’ve found out that Drakes wife is actually signed to NXT and is a former MMA fighter who turned to wrestling. She was on TNA and met Gilbert or something and he told her she should try in ring competition. She then went to Japan, independents and competed in the Mae Young Classic.

She is recovering from a torn ACL right now but my WWE senses are telling me we are going to get some sort of mixed tag match with R-truth and Carmella vs The Mavericks.


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
Britt Baker tried to tag in the wrong partner. Oh dear.
Literally the wrong Asian.

You should worry about those people's sanity instead of liking the fact they are clearly nuts to believe it wasn't scripted
Eh? The whole point is to make you believe it's real. We all know it's scripted but when youre get situations where people are questioning if it's a shoot or not you're doing a good job. Much better than coming out saying the chair was gimmicked.

So I’ve found out that Drakes wife is actually signed to NXT and is a former MMA fighter who turned to wrestling. She was on TNA and met Gilbert or something and he told her she should try in ring competition. She then went to Japan, independents and competed in the Mae Young Classic.

She is recovering from a torn ACL right now but my WWE senses are telling me we are going to get some sort of mixed tag match with R-truth and Carmella vs The Mavericks.
She is also beautiful.


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
What weekend for wrestling! G1, Evolve, FFTF and now we got a stacked Extreme rules coming up!

2019 is a great year to be alive.


Trigger Happy Priest Killer
Feb 29, 2012
Bob Lucas Stadium
I didn’t even know the card for extreme rules, I became so disillusioned with WWE I’ve not watched a single raw or smackdown this year.

First couple of matches have been ok.


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
It was a good PPV. Sick to death of Kofi though.

The End of Days to Becky was a big "Holy shit!" moment. I thought it would be great if they did it but never thought they'd go through with it. The crowd ate it up.


Full Member
Apr 23, 2017
I know WWE in this day and age can be cheesy but holy feck this looked creepy. Vince, heyman I don't care who is in charge of booking, please do not screw this.



Full Member
Nov 11, 2009
I know WWE in this day and age can be cheesy but holy feck this looked creepy. Vince, heyman I don't care who is in charge of booking, please do not screw this.

I like the look, but don’t trust the execution. Will keep an open mind to it. I really liked his original Hawaiian shirt **** leader gimmick. They didn’t do enough with that character before they made him gothic undertaker lite.


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
Alexa whining about the crowd being disrespectful during the women's match and retweeting stuff about how fans supposedly want the women's revolution but treat the matches like that makes me laugh.

First off, the match was an absolute shitshow and the crowd were within their rights to call it out. They paid money to be entertained and had to sit through 25 minutes of that crap. Alexa was the worst of the lot too, by a distance.

Secondly, men have had the same treatment. Roman/Joe, Rollins/Ambrose, Rollins/Ziggler, Rollins/Corbin (there's a pattern emerging here) Roman/Brock, Roman/Undertaker have all had crowds turn on their matches. Those matches were infinitely better than last night's and in some cases didn't deserve the crowd reactions they got.


Full Member
Apr 23, 2017
So we're right back where we started with Brock as champion and Rollins as challenger. Nothing means anything in this company.
Exactly. It's sad they have so many talented wrestlers but they keep on going for the same name. It would have been much better had they gone for a fresh match ups or something fun like Brock v. Lashley v. Strowman and have Rollins continue to chase to be a number 1 contender. I can bet after they are done with Seth v. Brock they will go back to ROman v. Brock. It is getting tedious now.

Another thing, I feel the time has come to have WWE title taken off Kofi. He got his moment and he has done OK but I felt Joe winning the title would have been so fresh and maybe he could have lost in a month or two to say Kevin Owens but Kofi as the champion means other talented rosters are just being wasted.

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
@Shane88 was going to say, that match went on way too long. I get that Alexa’s character is a heal/brat that would rather take the easy route to victory and some of the opportunistic stuff was good. However sitting holding a headlock for a minute and then doing it again not long after is just a waste. Even if it was supposed to engage Becky it didn’t work. Would rather more wrestling be done than just character work in some matches.

Throw in Naomi and Nat in to the mix and it was always going to be terrible. It deserved the boo when it was getting it as it was boring. The thought of Nat vs Becky as well is just a bore fest. Never thought I’d say this but god I hope Heal Sasha comes back soon.

Was hoping with Balor losing again he’d join the club and for a brief second my hopes were up and then yaye. Spooky Bray who will no doubt probably end up losing to the Demon at SummerSlam and go back to not wrestling and just doing creepy promos.

Agree with what someone else wrote above. Surely it’s time Braun or Lashley get a crack at Brock. Fed up of Rollins/ Roman monopoly. Change it up.

Best thing about Raw undoubtedly though.



Full Member
Apr 23, 2017
@Shane88 was going to say, that match went on way too long. I get that Alexa’s character is a heal/brat that would rather take the easy route to victory and some of the opportunistic stuff was good. However sitting holding a headlock for a minute and then doing it again not long after is just a waste. Even if it was supposed to engage Becky it didn’t work. Would rather more wrestling be done than just character work in some matches.

Throw in Naomi and Nat in to the mix and it was always going to be terrible. It deserved the boo when it was getting it as it was boring. The thought of Nat vs Becky as well is just a bore fest. Never thought I’d say this but god I hope Heal Sasha comes back soon.

Was hoping with Balor losing again he’d join the club and for a brief second my hopes were up and then yaye. Spooky Bray who will no doubt probably end up losing to the Demon at SummerSlam and go back to not wrestling and just doing creepy promos.

Agree with what someone else wrote above. Surely it’s time Braun or Lashley get a crack at Brock. Fed up of Rollins/ Roman monopoly. Change it up.

Best thing about Raw undoubtedly though.

Although I am excited seeing Bray back but I do not want demon v. Bray feud again and that to this soon. Balor should be slowly alligned with the club again. I would have done something like this.

Have a number one contender match for Kofi's championship and have balor win it. Then you can have club approach Balor to join them but have balor refuse it. Then at summerslam you can have Aj and co. help Balor win the title and form the CLUB again. You can have Gallows and anderson also win tag team title from Newday (Raw/SD anyways is not working). Then you can have a proper domination from the club for next 6 to 9 months. A dominant heel faction who actually wins stuff.