Troy Deeney on Arsenal

Deeney is an idiot for going for the classic late barge, definite yellow because Torreira is a midget and there is contact with his elbow but never a red.
Elbow somebody In the face on purpose = clear red. No debate. Hes just a football pitch thug and he’s been caught out.
This. You could see it was deliberate. Baffling that there's people on here saying it's "never a red"
If he’d have ran into him or turned into him by accident then fair enough, but it’s clear as day he knows exactly what He’s doing. He’s “left some” on torreira. If he did that against us we’d be screaming red.
This. You could see it was deliberate. Baffling that there's people on here saying it's "never a red"
Yep, I mean I want Arsenal to lose. But that action by Deeney is the very definition of red. Clear intent to hurt the oponnent.
Absolute red card. Horrible behaviour and should hang his head in shame.

He got a bit of a leg up and media time for his “Arsenal have no cojones” comment as it was quite funny and obviously true, but he’s made an absolute fool of himself tonight and let Arsenal have the last laugh.

Elbow somebody In the face on purpose = clear red. No debate. Hes just a football pitch thug and he’s been caught out.

Maybe I've crossed the threshold of being a 'back in my day' type person but I still think it's harsh.

He's pressing to win the ball, goes to leave a bit of a barge on Torreira and given the size difference catches him with a pretty weak elbow. Torreira goes down like he's been shot only to spring up and be absolutely fine once the card is out.

I think it's much worse when players catch each other aerially with elbows and usually that's a yellow unless it's a big old elbow swing.
If he wasn't such an idiot I think Arsenal would have dropped points.
While I wouldn't go as far as saying it's never red I think it could or could not be given. Borderline. There's deliberate contact to the guy's face although it's not the strongest contact.

What I really don't get is people talking about an elbow. He doesn't catch him with his elbow at all unless people's elbows are 2-3 inches below their wrist joint at most all of a sudden.

Edit: I suppose any deliberate contact to the face is a red these days so I'd probably say fair enough that it was if I had to say yes or no. I mean if you gently pushed an opponent in the face while having an argument rather than striking him it probably would be. Still stand by it not being an elbow at all though.
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Dreadful decision and could very easily be the result that costs United top 4 next season as a result.
I can't see how they'd over-turn that. It was clearly deliberate, never-mind how innocuous it might look.

He tried to elbow someone and connected with their head. The end.

He's in my FPL team, the cnut.
I would go about 65% in favour of red. But I think it caught Toreira right in the face because of the height difference. I think it would have been a normal foul if both players were same height.

Anyways, I am surprised that Deeney doesn't get sent off more often.
I like Deeney, but he definitely fecked up there.
When I saw this thread my first thought was that they beat Arsenal. Bah humbug.
Dreadful decision and could very easily be the result that costs United top 4 next season as a result.
Talk about reaching :lol: Deeney clearly cost his team, we were not good enough and struggled so much against 10 men. 11v11 Watford gets a point or more. I love how the Arsenal games became his CL final, bang average thug of a player that deserves this defeat from the shittiest goal ever. See you next year Shrek.
That fecking gimp. Watford would've won today with 11 men, thus helping United.
Wait, how is this a red and Fernandinho's elbow to the back of Kane's head whilst he is trying to get up is not even a yellow? Clearly intentional, meant to leave something on Kane, not even a yellow. Deeney, clearly intentional, meant to leave something on Torreira, straight red.

The game needs consistency in it's decisions.
Agreed. However, getting the FA to admit a ref messed up. More likely to add an extra game to the ban...
It was the linesman who called it, don’t think ref saw at all. Stupid from him but harsh red, wasn’t an intentional elbow he just tried to rough him up and elbow more a consequence of height differential
Yup. He could have been a hero today, instead he's just a thug. If there is any question regarding this being intentional or not, watch it from the assistant ref's potv who in effect calls for the red card(from the side angle). I was wondering at first if it was or not, but no debate after seeing it from that angle.
He made a right Cajones-up of that then!
We fecked up ourselves, nothing to do with Watford being shit.

But Watford aren't shit. They're one of the "best of the rest" outside the top 6. With Arsenal's away record Watford were big favourites to get the 3 points. That result is a major blow to United's hopes.

Talk about reaching :lol: Deeney clearly cost his team, we were not good enough and struggled so much against 10 men. 11v11 Watford gets a point or more. I love how the Arsenal games became his CL final, bang average thug of a player that deserves this defeat from the shittiest goal ever. See you next year Shrek.

How is that reaching. You've just said Watford were likely to take points with 11 men. The red card was extremely harsh.
Fake football hardman who should still be rotting in prison.
But Watford aren't shit. They're one of the "best of the rest" outside the top 6. With Arsenal's away record Watford were big favourites to get the 3 points. That result is a major blow to United's hopes.
I understand that, but it was always bound to happen, I mean Arsenal winning away a tough game. We should look and find the blame in our results. Our captain getting sent off for two yellows in 5 minutes or stupid incidents like that are why we are behind this average Arsenal side.
In fairness Torreira probably told Quasimodo about his house being burnt down and he lashed out.
Clear red. He's just as dumb as he comes across. Plays dirty and then whines when he gets caught. How unfair. Hate players like this.
When you go on national TV and state 'I've got kajones, whenever I play against Arsenal I always wack the first one and see who wants it.' Refs and linesmen are sort of likely to look for you wacking Arsenal players

Read on BBC this morning (admittedly only on the comments from fans) that Deeney abused the people on the Arsenal coach as it was leaving. If true that confirms his status as a braindead thug who's learnt nothing from his idiocy.
But Watford aren't shit. They're one of the "best of the rest" outside the top 6. With Arsenal's away record Watford were big favourites to get the 3 points. That result is a major blow to United's hopes.

How is that reaching. You've just said Watford were likely to take points with 11 men. The red card was extremely harsh.
What's reaching is that no one save yourself will look at the season's end and say "if it hadn't been for deeney's red card against arsenal we'd have gotten top four".