Television Twin Peaks

Same shit, different day. The problem of Dune from 1984 was a result of conflicts, changes and lack of production value. The recent decision may really not be for the best. We all know the guy is very attached to smallest details that will matter in a bigger picture.

They better avoid feckin this one up. It would be a massive waste of way more things than just people's time.

If Lynch really is out, the only way not to feck it up would be to cancel the whole shebang. Depressing news.
Probably for the best. It's time for some fresh ideas rather than rehashing old programmes.
How much of new ideas you think they can shove in a mini series with also knowing now it's gonna have budget cuts that drove creator to quit ? The other thing is unique atmosphere which is obviously known as Lynch's trademark mainly built by creating such things as Twin Peaks in the first place.

Angelo Badalamenti's comeback to writing music for new series would be a nice touch. No sign of that yet.

This is gonna be a detached story without engagement or the nicest surprise ever... or something that anyone won't be prepared for.
I just hope he gets back to making movies and stops fannying around with music.
The show thrived on Lynch's psychosomatic weirdness and quirks. If he's not part of it, best decision would be to shelve it.
Hopefully it's just a negotiation ploy. It would be a PR disaster for Showtime if this amounts to nothing after all that hype.
Perhaps somebody out there really care about this project if things returning to supposedly proper shape. If they're ready to splash the cash for bigger production value then who knows, with dose of luck and Lynch's twisted ideas this may really work at some point.

Just put Badalamenti's motives in it and I'm almost good as sold.

Theres a Psych episode that pays Homage to Twin Peaks. Many of the cast guest star too. It was a top episode
Managed to identify part of the soundtrack of the film at some pretentious film quiz I went to a couple of years ago. I was made up.

Love the series. Excited about it returning with Lynch at the helm
It is some coincidence that I decided to watch this 25 year old show just as they decided to carry it on. Though I didn't realise until yesterday when I finished the show that it's actually a series 3, I assumed it was just going to be a remake. From what I could find, out of the main characters two had died, one being Catherines' husband(?) .. shit! Demon Bob died in 95! That dude was scary. It wont be the same without him for sure. Also Major Briggs died in real life, he seemed more important towards the end.
i don't know if the younger folks can imagine what a sensation that series was when it came out. Then, "tv series" was something like Baywatch or Bonanza. They showed the pilot (first 2 episodes) in a cinema during a "fantasy film" festival here in munich, months before german TV broadcasted the series. We all went in and were thunderstruck. Hearing a few bars of the theme song still is enough to make my hair stand on end :)
When the series was finally on TV, it was a challenge to keep track, mv VCR was on heavy duty and occasionally, it didn't record as the station that aired it in germany had very unreliable scheduling and messed up the VPS signal frequently. Consequently, i lost track about in the middle of season 1 and it was kinda impossible to follow the plot after missing 1 episode. Only years later i aquired the full series on DVD and chainwatched it.

To my surprise my then 17-year old niece loved it, too, when she watched it a few years ago for the first time. Although it aged a bit over time, it lost little of its magic. Looking forward to the sequel!
Really? She was so similar to Audrey except a little less pretty to me. Plus she was always a bit whiney in the show, that's probably it.

I quite like skinny girls/more of an androgynous look. Also Audrey and Shelley are/were well fit. The actress who plays Shelley is still mint currently
To my surprise my then 17-year old niece loved it, too, when she watched it a few years ago for the first time. Although it aged a bit over time, it lost little of its magic. Looking forward to the sequel!

I downloaded the old series some months ago and re-watched the whole thing. It's pretty damn brilliant. Not all of it, of course, but it's largely brilliant.

Not least I got a kick out of certain scenes, trying to guess whether Lynch himself actually directed the episode in question. Sometimes it's obvious: The one where a random customer at Norma's diner sort of plays to the camera, shouting "damn, that's a great piece of pie" (or words to that effect)...and whenever the dancing dwarf appears...but there were some truly brilliant scenes in non-Lynch episodes too.

Great stuff, at any rate. I hope we're in for a treat here - but I'm always somewhat skeptical when it comes to this sort of thing, I have to say.

On a side note...Audrey Horne: Jaybus. I had a large poster of Audrey Horne showing her cleavage on my wall. Never really got over her, truth be told.
Even though it's super popular and has been taken as a bit of a badge of honour by types I'm not fond of, I bloody love it. Takes me back to a certain mindset and mood, one of those things that can tie itself up a bit in your life, think it's special. Can't wait til next year.
Even though it's super popular and has been taken as a bit of a badge of honour by types I'm not fond of, I bloody love it. Takes me back to a certain mindset and mood, one of those things that can tie itself up a bit in your life, think it's special. Can't wait til next year.

In the age of binge watching tv shows, watching just one episode of Twin Peaks can be a hugely satisfying experience. It makes you appreciate the show and material lot more.
The first season was absolutely fantastic. The show's atmosphere was very special and unique. You could really feel the grief about Laura Palmer's death and the music is fantastic as well.

Can't wait for next year.
Really looking forward to the new show. While I enjoyed the 6 xfiles episodes i think my expectations were too high and not all the episodes hit that bar. Hopefully that doesn't happen again.
Just finished the 2nd series. Man I love this show. Regarding the next series:
On October 6, 2014, it was announced that a limited series would air on Showtime. David Lynch and Mark Frost wrote all the episodes, and Lynch directed. Frost emphasized that the new episodes are not a remake or reboot but a continuation of the series. The episodes are set in the present day, and the passage of 25 years is an important element in the plot.[10]

Most of the original cast returns, including Kyle MacLachlan, Mädchen Amick, Sherilyn Fenn, Sheryl Lee, Ray Wise, and several others. New additions include Monica Bellucci,Jeremy Davies, Trent Reznor, Laura Dern, Robert Forster, Tim Roth, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Ashley Judd, Tom Sizemore, Amanda Seyfried, Matthew Lillard, and Naomi Watts.[99]

The limited series began filming in September 2015,[100] and is planned to premiere in the first half of 2017.[101] The series was shot continuously from a single, long-shooting script before being edited into separate episodes. The number of episodes will not be known until editing is finished. Filming was completed by April 2016.[99]

Trent Reznor? Only on a show like this would I think that actually makes sense.
I was looking through the first page of the thread and come across a post from some idiot saying they hated it...turns out it was me 4 years ago.

Well I have grown to love it...not sure what changed but it stuck with me and I gave it another shot. It's funny that the reasons I gave for hating it - the melodrama, weird characters, terrible acting - are the reasons I love it now! Actually binged the first series last Saturday after I bought the Blu-ray set.

Can't wait for the next series!
If you guys are fans of Twin Peaks, you should definitely check out Deadly Premonition; in spite of the creator's claims to the contrary it is about as close as you can get to an open world Twin Peaks game, right down to the terrible acting, quirky characters and the consistency of everything about the tone being that bit off.
I didn't realise Hurley was gonna be back.

I'm fairly terrified this is going to be horrific.
die in season two?