US Presidential Election: Tuesday November 6th, 2012

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Full Member
Jan 12, 2009
Some commentator :

"Donald Trump and Sara Palin in 2016. A winning ticket."



Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
Anyof you see Hannity's tonight?

Apparently the Iranians threatened a US UAV in international waters, somehow Hannity and his guest felt that this would have influenced the election. They also claimed that the Pentagon colluded with the White House in suppressing the information till now.

Many Americans are like a good deal more concerned about UAVs flying ins near their homes, not the Persian Gulf.
The words "echo chamber" have never been quite as appropriate. Even the "democrat" they had on is, apparently, butt hurt that Obama beat Hillary. I'm not sure they ever hear from people that don't agree Obama's a tyrannical socialist.

What did you think of their soul searching about "conservatism" by the way?


oh no...

I wonder how long that will take.

but is that even needed if as seen Romney has conceded?
This site - - tracks what they've still got left. Whole lot of provisionals. But given how they tend to give those out to Democrats, since they're more likely to be filled in wrong, it won't make any difference on the total and it won't fall below 0.5, so they should just call the fecker.


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
After seeing Stewart tonight I can't help but wonder if he'll now dispense with the act of rolling his eyes at Billo like a mildly racist uncle and stop being all pally with him.
I've always had a problem with this idea that O'Reilly is actually a decent, intelligent person. Oh, it's "just a television persona", and all that. The public figure Bill O'Reilly is his television persona. Any other aspect of him his completely useless to us. He says - ostensibly in all seriousness - completely ignorant things on TV, some of them borderline racist.

So yeah, I hope Stewart will stop pretending that they're such great chums.


Full Member
Jan 12, 2009
Did you see this

Obama's ring: "There is no God but Allah"


oh God.. as a start, Muslim men are prohibited to wear gold..a man who cares to wear the "shehada" will probably care to respect such a triviality.

The picture with the text, God, it reminds me of the nutjobs here who said Coca Cola is anti-islam.
They claimed that if you stand with a bottle in front of the mirror , you can clearly see the word "Coca Cola" reading in Arabic " la Muhammad , la Mecca !!"...that is " No Muhammad, No Mecca " ....whatever that means.

True story


"Resident cricket authority"
Dec 26, 2003

"Yes, Jim. Yes, Jim.

Seccession of leave. I say we've got two to three years left before they start rounding up dissenters and sending us off to Nazi-style concentration camps. I've got a little more time, cause I live in Texas.

Arizona is a good place to be for now. But New York, Iowa, Michigan, Massachusetts, PA beware. You're vastly on the road to complete authoritarianism and statism. Grab your guns, protect what few things you have left. You're living in Nazi Germany circa 1933-34."



something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
The blog poster:

I disowned them this morning. On Facebook and through an email. But fortunately my parents are diehard Republicans, and a sister. It's only the fecked up brother in Delaware, piece of shit, scumbag mother fecker who is a Democrat, and another sister in Philly who won't tell me, but I'm almost certain voted for Obama.

They are dead to me now. And I will not under any circumstances attend their funerals in 30 or 40 years.

Harsh, but a reality.
He's actually literally insane.

John Denver is correct. He ought to be giddy today. I agree with him.

What I feckin' hate are all these pussy conservatives like Sean Hannity now saying, "Aww, it ain't that bad. We will bounce back... American will turn to the right again... It's just one bad election."

Bull-fecking-shit! America died yesterday. It's over. There's no coming back.

236 years of history gone in one single day and night.

SPARE ME YOU'RE feckING GOOD TIDINGS YOU CONSERVATIVES. This is a castrophe for libertarians and conservatives. The worst of our lifetimes.

The Nazis and Communists have just seized control of the United States of America, and you feckers are trying to convince me it ain't that bad!
Yes, Jim. You are 100% correct. And that may be our future course.

Check out the movie with Daniel Craig - Defiance from 2009. About the Jews who hid out in the forests of Bylo-Rus during the Nazi occupation in the early 1940s. Some of them perished. Others made it out alive.

We are now in those sorts of times. We are living in Nazi Germany circa 1933/34. Still plenty of time to escape. A year or two from now???
this is most certainly war, and yes, you are out to get me. If you are a liberal, you are scum of the highest order. You are a Hitler worshiper who wants to destroy America. You represent everything that is evil in this country.

You should be ashamed of yourself. I truly hope you never reproduce.
What you fail to understand Henry is that it's all the same to us libertarians; Nazi, communist, liberal, socialist. Who the feck cares. All y'all are pro-big government. Obama is most certainly a communist in our libertarian eyes. Maybe communism with a smile, I'll grant you that, but communism none-the-less.
Oh-My-God. If I hear one more mother fecker say "it's only an election," I'm gonna fecking scream.


We have a Marxist Muslim Fascist from Hell in the White House of the United States of America.

The country is dead. After 236 years, this mother fecker KILLED THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Can you fecking understand that???? Get it through your pee-sized little Nazi-loving brain of yours?

feck, you fecking piss me off.
Cory, then you admit you are a Nazi. You would force us libertarians to participate in your socialist schemes.

Honestly dude, I see no difference between you, Adolph Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot. Just a matter of degrees.

You suck. And I will gladly spit in your face if I ever see you in public. Or, at least on the ground in front of you, so I won't get arrested by your goddamned Gestapo enforsement.

feck you you goddamned Nazi prick.
There is no "overreacting" when we are at war.

The United States of America died last night, and you have the utter gall to say, "you guys are overreacting"????

Were Jews who objected to being carted off to the concentration camps in Nazi Germany "overreacting"?

Were the few Cambodians who objected to Pol Pots murderous prison camps "overreacting"?

The few brave souls who stood up to Stalin?
Romney and Obama are from two different planets. They don't have a single thing in common. You could not find two more different candidates and ideologies than Romney and Obama.

One is a libertarian-leaning capitalist to the core. The other a foreign-born Marxist Muslim piece of shit America-hater.
So Chris, what do you propose us libertarians do then? Seriously??? Should we just accept the Nanny-State? We should be happy little campers, marching along to the gas chambers? Singing pro-Obama songs?

Some Jews were like this believe it or not during the Holocaust. They refused to fight back. They accepted their fate, and stoicly marched to the gas chambers.

Is this what you're propose we lovers of liberty do? Just accept our fates in your communist/Nazi state?
Paul, we libertarians support privatization of roads and highways. Why do you think the government has to own the streets?
This is Andy@America.


nasty little twerp with crazy bitter-man opinions
Jun 6, 2011
I'm typing this with my Glock 19 two feet from me
When I'm at the Wal-mart or grocery story I typically pay with my debit card. On the pad it comes up, "EBT, Debit, Credit, Cash." I make it a point to say loudly to the check-out clerk, "EBT, what is that for?" She inevitably says, "it's government assistance." I respond, "Oh, you mean welfare? Great. I work for a living. I'm paying for my food with my own hard-earned dollars. And other people get their food for free." And I look around with disgust, making sure others in line have heard me


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
The blog poster:

He's actually literally insane.

This is Andy@America.
Can't be real, surely. No one can reference Hitler that much whilst being racist and still be real.

Nick 0208 Ldn

News 24
Mar 10, 2004
What did you think of their soul searching about "conservatism" by the way?
Whilst [as was pointed out earlier in the thread] Fox are not actually the Republican Party, neither are they wholly unrepresentative or lacking daily contributions from senior figures within the party on a daily basis, Therefore the prevalence of this view that the Tea Party are good for their future can only serve as a comfort for Democrats.

Somebody did post this on another forum i go to:

“If I hear anybody say it was because Romney wasn’t conservative enough, I’m going to go nuts,” Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said in a Nov. 5 interview with Politico. “We’re not losing 95 per cent of African-Americans and two-thirds of Hispanics and voters under 30 because we’re not being hard-ass enough.”
How many voices are there like this? For the sake of US politics and people i talk to there, hopefully enough given time.

It is not a perfect comparison by any means however if we consider the recent history of the British Conservatives, the leaders they chose and their manifestos before reach government again albeit in coalition, there could be some lessons for their American counterparts. For them it wasn't so much social issues like women's rights, abortion and gay marriage; as Europe and immigration. Eventually it was realised that these two policy areas whether important or not, right or wrong, required perspective and to be coupled with a like emphasis on health, education, law and order. When the extreme fringe raise their head you got to put them back in their corner not nurture the Tea Party and its ilk.

Nor can the GOP walk up with entitlement reform and swathes of deregulation as their only solution to an improved economy. It polarises and quite throws the baby out with the bathwater. Losing the fear of Green issues owuld be a sign of modernity too.

Ditto healthcare [not that the Tories have lessons to offer here necessarily], criticise Obama with a wide ranging alternative in tow, as opposed to venom and rhetoric.

So in short, moderation. Hannity was terrified of just saying the word the other day, almost had to sound it out.. :smirk:


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
This is the campaign the GOP could have had, and to think they're criticising Romney right now.
"Obama won the women's vote"

"No, he didn't, he got creamed by married women"

Steady on Ricky.

EDIT: Some of his stuff :lol:

"The real war on women is that there are no dads and they're becoming looser with their sexual morals"

- "I don't think many single women would see it like that"

"No, they do, I speak to a lot of single women and they think it'd be nice if they had more dads"

Rick Santorum: He knows what women want.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
Anyof you see Hannity's tonight?

Apparently the Iranians threatened a US UAV in international waters, somehow Hannity and his guest felt that this would have influenced the election. They also claimed that the Pentagon colluded with the White House in suppressing the information till now.

Many Americans are like a good deal more concerned about UAVs flying ins near their homes, not the Persian Gulf.
I argued with some FB friends that a fighter jet firing at a UAV is nothing news.


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
More fun Republican idiots and their uniquely wrong view of the world.

Not one single word of that is true. 'He' is a Prime Minister, an atheist, and a woman. It's so staggeringly wrong you actually have to wonder what part of the world she was even thinking of? Austria is the natural assumption, but then he's a socialist, and an agnostic.


New Member
Jul 16, 2009
More fun Republican idiots and their uniquely wrong view of the world.

Not one single word of that is true. 'He' is a Prime Minister, an atheist, and a woman. It's so staggeringly wrong you actually have to wonder what part of the world she was even thinking of? Austria is the natural assumption, but then he's a socialist.


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
Where do they even get it from though? I mean, she's obviously on the internet, wouldn't it be worth just googling it quickly to check. I mean, she can spell Australia, which is a start, and pretty much all you need.

In other news.

"..and then it just repeated "faggots" at a deafening pitch for hours and hours" :lol:

Nick 0208 Ldn

News 24
Mar 10, 2004
I argued with some FB friends that a fighter jet firing at a UAV is nothing news.
If an an attack on a US consulate resulting in fatalities didn't take hold as a foreign policy issue, why would a failed targeting or or warning shot at a UAV be the tipping point? It's ludicrous how Hannity when to town on the matter.

More fun Republican idiots and their uniquely wrong view of the world.

Not one single word of that is true. 'He' is a Prime Minister, an atheist, and a woman. It's so staggeringly wrong you actually have to wonder what part of the world she was even thinking of? Austria is the natural assumption, but then he's a socialist, and an agnostic.
:lol: Has she not deleted it yet?

Angola might be a better fit for her, or maybe Armenia.


Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
What would happen if Obama came out and said he was a Muslim? Obviously the Right would go mental but would it change everyone's opinion of him?
Not much, half the country genuinely believes he's a Muslim...and a communist...and an Al Qaeda proxy agent, amongst other outlandish things.
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