US Presidential Election: Tuesday November 6th, 2012

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What is it with the Republicans and children's characters? First Big Bird and now Donald Duck.

Are there really large swathes of America up in arms over this in 2012? I don't think so.
Whilst it's funny how comically inept he is, he's also just a legitimately nasty person. Birtherism in general is a horrible enough practice on its own, bringing a charity into it is a little sick. If you're wealthy enough to give that much to charity, go ahead - don't use them as a makeweight to play your idiotic political games you fraudulently haired hippo.
Also depressing. Doubly depressing as well that Mourdock's Dem opponent doesn't seem terribly progressive on the issue either, to put it mildly.
Obama campaign already have a pretty devastating anti-Romney ad out about it:

The map could easily look like something like this at around 11pm EST on election day. Colorado and Virginia too close to call (within .5% which usually initiates an automatic recount), although if Obama wins Ohio, it won't really matter. The worst case scenario would be that it comes down to one state with a close vote and litigation for recounts.

"If you go down that road, some girls, they rape so easy."

Is that from a John Cougar Mellancamp song? Lynyrd Skynyrd?

That has to be one of the strangest sentences ever uttered. Well done, Roger Rivard, you had an original thought. A horrible, terrible original thought.
The map could easily look like something like this at around 11pm EST on election day. Colorado and Virginia too close to call (within .5% which usually initiates an automatic recount), although if Obama wins Ohio, it won't really matter. The worst case scenario would be that it comes down to one state with a close vote and litigation for recounts.


I keep seeing Repubs saying Wisconsin is very much up for grabs and that it's a fall-back to losing Ohio - is there any basis to this whatsoever? It's polling slightly better for Obama than Ohio and has a Democrat history, where is the GOP confidence coming from?
"If you go down that road, some girls, they rape so easy."

Is that from a John Cougar Mellancamp song? Lynyrd Skynyrd?

That has to be one of the strangest sentences ever uttered. Well done, Roger Rivard, you had an original thought. A horrible, terrible original thought.

Honestly, how he phrased it (and indeed what he said) was so horrible that he doesn't deserve to be 'treated fairly' but...

In fairness to him, in context what he was saying was that a family member warned him about women who have consensual sex and regret it the next day and falsely accuse men of rape, which isn't an original thought. It's a borderline misogynistic thought (depending how broadly he's accusing women as a group of 'crying rape'), but it's not original.
Does anybody else have the fear that the repubs are gearing up to steal this election?

You mean as in 2000? If so they've been trying that for ages with the voter ID stuff, but it's been fought back well and it really shouldn't end up coming down to just one close state.
There's so much riding on this election with the potential nomination of 2 SCOTUS justices that could see the end of superPACs and finally put to rest issues like affirmative action, abortion, gay marriage and voter rights.

Shenanigans in one or two key states is all that it might take.
Does anybody else have the fear that the repubs are gearing up to steal this election?

I think the GOP and their Paks are well positioned to make a push in the final week. I am not sure they will be able to tip the final result their way though.

They stopped spending for a couple of weeks prior to the first debate, and they haven't been matching Obama's spending recently. I am already seeing a few more Romney adverts down here. And they are not running negative stuff, its just compounding fears on the economy.
I keep seeing Repubs saying Wisconsin is very much up for grabs and that it's a fall-back to losing Ohio - is there any basis to this whatsoever? It's polling slightly better for Obama than Ohio and has a Democrat history, where is the GOP confidence coming from?

Highly doubtful as Ohio is a tipping point state and chances are that whoever wins Ohio (which traditionally has a 2-3% GOP lean) will also win the likes of Wisconsin and Iowa. Given Obama's s oddly strong position in Ohio, I doubt Romney has a chance to win Wisconsin.
That was my thinking on it too, but I keep seeing it mentioned. I even just read a GOP strategist saying back in September that it's with Romney already :wenger: (and he gave Ohio to Obama in his projection)

There's so much riding on this election with the potential nomination of 2 SCOTUS justices that could see the end of superPACs and finally put to rest issues like affirmative action, abortion, gay marriage and voter rights.

Shenanigans in one or two key states is all that it might take.

It would need to be suitably close in a lot of states though, otherwise they won't have a chance to steal anything. It's a worrying possibility all the same, though.
Honestly, how he phrased it (and indeed what he said) was so horrible that he doesn't deserve to be 'treated fairly' but...

In fairness to him, in context what he was saying was that a family member warned him about women who have consensual sex and regret it the next day and falsely accuse men of rape, which isn't an original thought. It's a borderline misogynistic thought (depending how broadly he's accusing women as a group of 'crying rape'), but it's not original.

That's a relief, I'm glad he doesn't deserve any credit at all.
If anyone follows Silver's blog, what's striking is that Obama has completely stopped Romney's post Debate one surge and is back to about a 71% chance of winning, which is mainly based on his strong position in Ohio and the diminishing number of days until the election. Even if national polls don't fluctuate much from now until election day, Obama's percentage of winning should continue to rise relative to his position in Ohio. If Obama really wanted to snuff Romney's chances out, he'd forget about Florida and put all of his effort into retaining Ohio and picking off Colorado or Virginia. If he gets either of those and Ohio, Romney's path to 270 will be completely inaccessible.

What is it with the Republicans and children's characters? First Big Bird and now Donald Duck.

Are there really large swathes of America up in arms over this in 2012? I don't think so.

I think NBC is over-paying its employees if they can write cheques out to such amounts. :p
Honestly, how he phrased it (and indeed what he said) was so horrible that he doesn't deserve to be 'treated fairly' but...

In fairness to him, in context what he was saying was that a family member warned him about women who have consensual sex and regret it the next day and falsely accuse men of rape, which isn't an original thought. It's a borderline misogynistic thought (depending how broadly he's accusing women as a group of 'crying rape'), but it's not original.


Is that Linda McMahon from WWe?

Yes. As a lifelong WWF/E fan, let me say that I don't want ANYONE from that family in any position of power.

If anyone follows Silver's blog, what's striking is that Obama has completely stopped Romney's post Debate one surge and is back to about a 71% chance of winning, which is mainly based on his strong position in Ohio and the diminishing number of days until the election. Even if national polls don't fluctuate much from now until election day, Obama's percentage of winning should continue to rise relative to his position in Ohio. If Obama really wanted to snuff Romney's chances out, he'd forget about Florida and put all of his effort into retaining Ohio and picking off Colorado or Virginia. If he gets either of those and Ohio, Romney's path to 270 will be completely inaccessible.

The problem with that thinking is that a significant part of the Obama's campaign's efforts at this point are going to things like early voting and GOTV, and you can only put so many resources of that sort into one state. Add in the ad buys that they'll have already made, and at this point there's really not much they can do to change the game as far as their spending goes.

Yes. As a lifelong WWF/E fan, let me say that I don't want ANYONE from that family in any position of power.

The problem with that thinking is that a significant part of the Obama's campaign's efforts at this point are going to things like early voting and GOTV, and you can only put so many resources of that sort into one state. Add in the ad buys that they'll have already made, and at this point there's really not much they can do to change the game as far as their spending goes.

I was referring more to campaign events than ad spending.
Norway just had its own "he's a Muslim!" incident. A Krf (Christian Democrats) politician said that she thought the government was bending knees to Islam by appointing a Muslim Minister of Culture. Of course, the new Minister of Culture is a Muslim.

This is her. You can practically see the murderous Jihad in her eyes.


What is it with the Republicans and children's characters? First Big Bird and now Donald Duck.

Are there really large swathes of America up in arms over this in 2012? I don't think so.


The feck?! Is there actually some outcry about Obama's "documents" in America ?!?
Powell just endorsed Obama again. Colin, not our Nick.

There's a sizeable number of right wingers reacting with "of course he did, he's black!".

If anyone follows Silver's blog, what's striking is that Obama has completely stopped Romney's post Debate one surge and is back to about a 71% chance of winning, which is mainly based on his strong position in Ohio and the diminishing number of days until the election. Even if national polls don't fluctuate much from now until election day, Obama's percentage of winning should continue to rise relative to his position in Ohio. If Obama really wanted to snuff Romney's chances out, he'd forget about Florida and put all of his effort into retaining Ohio and picking off Colorado or Virginia. If he gets either of those and Ohio, Romney's path to 270 will be completely inaccessible.

I think if those two stay us toss ups in the averages then Obama has the advantage in them going into election night. You're probably right about campaign events in Florida, but they should make sure it's still in play so Romney can't take it as given.

It depends on whether or not he's applying the attribute to women as a group. Misogyny is a hatred/mistrust etc of women as a class

do some women falsely accuse men of rape because they regret having sex with them? yes, it can happen

is it widespread? I've never seen stats that suggest its anything other than a small number, so I seriously doubt it

Don't know why he brought it up unless he thinks it's widespread and therefore worthy of a politician's time, and the way he worded it was vile so maybe you are right that it's clear cut
What's weird is that these "pro-life" and "life is a gift from god" people are also the ones who are most eager to inforce the death penalty and the most eager to start wars.
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