Would you sack or keep Ole? (Poll reopened)

Sack or Keep OLE?

  • Sack Ole & appoint new coach ASAP

  • Keep Ole & back him to finish rebuild

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Full Member
May 2, 2016
But how does he want to play? Other than telling us attacking play there has been no sign of a style or coaching. Its bizarre considering how much he goes on about it. When i watch us I can't decifer how he wants us to play or how we are going to score from open play unless it is a moment of class like a wonder strike. Its not like we have a way to create opportunities.
I can definetly see that we are pressing much higher up than last season. We are also playing more from the back and not just howling the ball long to a target man. James mctominay, Pereira and to some extend Lindgard are good at pressing imo but Rashford played very poorly yesterday. He didn't take part in the pressing. Our CB's are good as well in keeping a high line, there are just some players who needs to up their game a lot for the system to work.


New Member
Jan 18, 2013
Theres probably better managers available, but this squad is still going to finish about 6th at best. And were still going to keep coming up with genius plans like selling an 80m striker and replacing them with a 17 year old so it barely matters. There's feck all point in changing things while woodward is deciding who they're replaced with.
Exactly, at this stage we gotta dance with the one what brung ya.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2001
New York City
Put a young pep klopp saf mourinho on that cardiff team they'll get europa at least.

Great managers shine wherever they go. Bad managers has excuses ready.

New managers will always take a job from a sacked manager (in a rare case its retiring), no managers got a ready made well oiled team to run. It's their job to make the best of what they have and create a sum greater than their parts.

If you obtained a 6th place team, get them finishing 4th. If you obtained a relegation battler, get them to safety. No manager got a blank season in the name of rebuild.

Other teams rebuild, infact every team that doesnt have a fountain of youth have to rebuild constantly. Some teams are more extreme than others when it comes to rebuilt but that doesnt mean razing everything and build from 0.

A rebuilt phase as shown by our own saf is period of sustained performance even when not challenging for title. His rebuilt isnt rampant, it's calculated. Who and when to axe is well timed. Ole seems to have no sort of plan. He either axe too soon or blood the youngster too soon.

Going into the season with a barebone squad because he thinks clearing deadwoods is a tough sign the fans would love is naive.
Sometimes progress is not linear, nor does it take a season.

Fergie took over a team mid-season and finished 11th. The following season he finished 2nd (1988). Then he finished 11th, 13th (+ FA CUP), then 6th, second and finally first.

Klopp (who I've always rated as a great coach) won nothing at Liverpool and was ridiculed by Mourinho sycophants here when we were winning the Mickey Mouse Cups. Then he finally won the big ears, and everyone suddenly shut the feck up and.

C'est Moi Cantona

Full Member
Feb 15, 2014
Insane is changing the manager... again. Who? Well, we already had two CL winning managers try and fail to bring a league title. Let’s bring in Eddie Howe!

The reason the majority of fans want to keep Ole is we are adults who understand the game. We know that keeping Lukaku and Sanchez would not have changed this squad from mid table to title contenders. We understand that fundamental change takes time. We are willing to sacrifice short term 4th and 5th place finishes for a *chance* at building a new dynasty. Is Ole the right man for the job? I’m not sure. But the pack of mercenaries your lot want to bring in will need to win now. We’ll end up spending time and money on Schweinsteigers, Falcaos, Di Marias, Sanchez’s, Rojos, and Lukakus who won’t bring us any closer to a title.
This would be well good if it was actually happening, but alas we still have Woodward ruling the roost, a bunch of 'world footballing scouts' who clearly don't exist, and a manager who sadly has no credentials to be here, nothing is happening other than the club once again setting the manager up to take the blame again.

I voted Ole to stay, but for no other reason than we will just go through the same again but with a different manager, and in Ole we might have someone who alot of fans aren't willing to take all the flak, so perhaps we'll see some sort movement to try and get real change this time.


New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
Ole: "I will build the team around Pogba" Plays him in his worst position.

Ole: " Mason is the best finisher at the club"
Hasn't started one competitive game irrespective of injuries. Best finisher at the club but playing right wing.

Ole" Faith in youth"
Garner, Gomes and Chong no pivotal starts.
Williams has a good game in the cup dropped the next game. Axel has outplayed Lindlelof this season and not starting over him.

Ole on his identification of a style of play "It's playing forward, running forward, chasing back, winning the ball back"
Has placed all emphasis on sitting off and hitting teams on the counter, one dimensional football which doesn't give us the foundation to score goals. Dropped playing a high press to accommodate the stagnant football we are witnessing.

I'm certainly not advocating the manager to be sacked right now at this given second. But I am fully behind getting rid of Ole end of the season and within the time finding a viable improvement (which isnt hard) to lead the club forward.
If you think youth players should be pivotal starters automatically as you say you're having a laugh.
And Tuanzebe is good but outplayed Lindelof in 2 games? No, not really.
Greenwood is 17 year old and you'd want him to start every game. That would be brilliant for his development I reckon.


New Member
Feb 19, 2019
Bollocking about fluently.
Astoundingly stupid logic.

If LVG & Jose failed (despite winning things & getting top 4) then how is Ole getting on?

A man who failed at Cardiff will bring on our new dynasty. I mean words fail me- it’s our worse start in 30 years. As an adult who understands the game you realise how shite that is?
Yeah because failing at Cardiff is all he's ever done. Those eight months stuck at a sinking ship is what should define someone who's been in the game and bred success wherever he went for decades - both as a player and a coach. Cardiff - the club with an owner who changed the color of their kit because he believed in magic - that's all Solskjaer was ever about prior to joining us. You numbwits need to stop parroting eachother - it's beyond pathetic at this point :lol: And yeah it's the worst start in decades I'll give you that and the rest of the season will probably be one of mediocrity as well - but don't forget that we were also in the worst state we've been in for thirty years when he came in - so what is making you put all this blame on Ole exactly? What's he done wrong so far - at our club?

I've made a checklist here of what supporters expected from a new manager when Mourinho decided to throw us into the toilet but thankfully got sacked before having a chance to properly flush:

- Raising Morale: Check he's done that.
- Instilling some work ethics into the squad: Check he's done that.
- Getting rid of or at least sideline players who's heads were elsewhere and lacking the proper dedication / mercenaries / deadwood / whateverthefeckyoucallthem: Check he's doing that.
- Give youth a chance: Check he's done that.
- Sign players who are top class and actually appreciates playing here: Check he's done that.
- Adapt a more attractive style of football putting us back on the front foot: Check he's done that.
- Improve our defense: Check he's done that.

Now here's the things he's not done yet - or at least only partially:

- Improve our midfield: James is definitely an improvement and McTominay is someone who makes me miss Herrera less than I thought I would but we sorely need a proper creative force and per now we're suffering due to this.
- Improve our attack: Lukaku was good riddance but he was also our third best contributor offensively and it's proven a disastrous decision not to replace him as we have no natural finishers of proper age at present.
- Build a team of such quality it can successfully stand on it's front foot playing a more attractive style of football: They failed to improve midfield and attack so for now that's tough even though they do try their best.

Now in all honesty - two more signings is probably what separates us from looking a much better side this season - a solidified top-four even - and we'll probably get those come January. In my opinion t was a mistake of epic proportions not to get this done before entering this campaign and I believe they grossly overestimated the strength of certain members within our squad when deciding to proceed without reinforcing those areas - but to be honest that's the only thing I feel let down by since he took charge so even though we're currently paying a high price for that slip-up - I'm looking past that effortlessly. Especially as it seems he too has acknowledged this - and they're working on remedying the situation as soon as possible.


Open to offers
Jun 28, 2010
Where the grass is greener.
Our rot starts exactly because of we choose moyes instead of the established top coach.
In a way yes, but we've spent more than enough money to be in a better position than we currently are since Moyes left. We've wasted it, made just comically bad choices. We could have recovered quicker from the mess Moyes made with some better management.


Full Member
Oct 22, 2017
He's going to be kept on, I'm sure but personally I'd sack him, and get a experienced manager in sooner rather than later, it's not working everyone can see it's not.

His positive attitude he had when brought in is quickly going, this is rubbing off on some of the players.


Full Member
Dec 3, 2014
A Whale’s Vagina
Astoundingly stupid logic.

If LVG & Jose failed (despite winning things & getting top 4) then how is Ole getting on?

A man who failed at Cardiff will bring on our new dynasty. I mean words fail me- it’s our worse start in 30 years. As an adult who understands the game you realise how shite that is?
How many times in the Caf have you called for the head of LvG or Jose? Insanity is thinking that a managerial change will somehow be the elixir of life for this awful squad.

I guess you were okay with 5th, 4th, and 5th and a FA Cup of the LvG era? Plus boring football?

You were fine with Jose’s performance of 6th, 2nd and 8th and two trophies, pathetic displays by our most expensive player?

Or you’d rather go for Pochettino, who still hasn’t won a trophy in his entire career?

You have no understanding of how to build a squad, how long it will take, and what kind of investment needs. You’re just a results merchant, with a thin surface understanding of the game.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
That's not exactly true, the guy won 10 of his opening 12 or 13 matches if I recall. He was first in the league by points accrued and goals scored since he took over.

It was stupid to give him a contract there and then (as I pointed out and voted on the poll), but let's not rewrite history.
Of course, I guess I look at it as a great start, a silly decision to give him the role permanently, a terrible end and then summer where in reality he should have been moved on. In any other club the coach is moved on after our post PSG form.


New Member
Dec 4, 2013
Keep for now. If he does not have the courage to drop Lingard and Rashford and replace them with more intelligent players in January, then sack him.


Wants players fined for winning away.
Jan 25, 2015
I have been a harsh critic of late but I think there's no point sacking him at this point, as

1. We have no DoF to help facilitate a transition to another manager to ensure this doesn't happen again
2. There's no good replacement available mid-season and I'd like the new person to be given a full summer.

If he gets his starting 11 right (stops playing Rashy and Lingy because they have 'potential', etc.), he might still be the right man but he needs to make a lot more good signings, especially in midfield.


Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Jul 31, 2015
Sir Alex took the job when football was completely different to what it is now. Football was way simpler at the time, the idea of DOF, sporting directors etc were non existent and the manager could easily manage almost everything by themselves. Through time United grew to the juggernaut it is now however Sir Alex had the time and the brilliance to grow with it. Thus he never really struggled with the increased complexity of the job because he was there from the start.

Modern managers aren't equipped to that. They are used to have DOF, Sporting directors and all sort of specialised people to help them. Also priorities are different these days. Sir Alex saw United as the place he want to work in until retirement and he had the ability to stay at United for a long long time. Modern managers consider a job a 3-4 year project at most. The temptation of hiring mates, former players who are loyal to them or friends of friends is far too high as they don't expect to last for enough time to reap the consequences of their actions. We've seen that multiple times with us being saddled with players like Bastian and Matic while those who brought them in were busy enjoying their last pay cheque.

I was hoping that Ole will be different. I believed that he had enough football IQ and love for the club to understand his Achilles heel (ie inexperience). Once that was acknowledged, he would have done his very best to surround with as much experience as possible, people who would help him and guide him in such complex job. I was wrong.
That's a terribly long way of saying you don't know who you would pick as alternatives, and likely don't fully understand what they'll even be doing at the club, like the rest of us.

He had never heard of any of those people an hour ago. Bit harsh asking him for alternatives......
Very true, knows just about enough to have a whinge. :lol:


New Member
Dec 16, 2013
Ole: "I will build the team around Pogba" Plays him in his worst position.

Ole: " Mason is the best finisher at the club"
Hasn't started one competitive game irrespective of injuries. Best finisher at the club but playing right wing.

Ole" Faith in youth"
Garner, Gomes and Chong no pivotal starts.
Williams has a good game in the cup dropped the next game. Axel has outplayed Lindlelof this season and not starting over him.

Ole on his identification of a style of play "It's playing forward, running forward, chasing back, winning the ball back"
Has placed all emphasis on sitting off and hitting teams on the counter, one dimensional football which doesn't give us the foundation to score goals. Dropped playing a high press to accommodate the stagnant football we are witnessing.

I'm certainly not advocating the manager to be sacked right now at this given second. But I am fully behind getting rid of Ole end of the season and within the time finding a viable improvement (which isnt hard) to lead the club forward.
Thanks for writing that up. A body of Ole's big talk that he hasn't backed up. If he coached half as good as he talked we'd be a solid team. He quite frankly doesn't know how to set teams up to attack. The initial excitement wore off and the wheels fell off.

He hasn't got a clue. I'm genuinely shocked 60% are still willing to give him another game after the worst start in 30 years. Even with new signings like Maguire, AWB and James.

I believe if Jose had two defenders like them for his third season as he should have, we could've seriously challenged for cup competitions and guaranteed a top 4 finish last season.

As it happened they didn't back him and he lost his own motivation and want to be at the club. When that happens.... Jose brings the house down.


Full Member
Jan 20, 2017
He needs a lot longer if he's going to be allowed to build his own team.

He's bought what looks to be three good players, who suit the club. He needs at least another two windows to judge him.
I agree, give him time to build the team as he wants it & get rid of the dead wood and buy players to free Pogba from defensive duties, a decent striker and good back up for the defence. Personally Im still not convinced Pogba wants to be at United even if he was played in his favoured position so Id give him till the end of the season.


Full Member
Sep 28, 2017
Surely to God that fraud of a man - Ed Woodward should be the one in the firing line more than Ole?

WTF, has he done to still be in the job?


New Member
Feb 3, 2015
When you read stuff like this on here you realise it's pointless debating with them.
This! I’m from Cardiff and know all too well how poor that side was and more importantly how much of a nut house it is, the owner makes Abramovich look tame, especially that season in particular, he wanted to be involved in every decision, changed the clubs colours and wanted to replace the bluebird with a feckin dragon.
Parading around like some crazy dictator with his pants around his tits and a football shirt tucked into them.
Imagine answering to that when your fighting relegation


New Member
Nov 28, 2012
Keep for the rest of the season but actively look for a replacement. Sack ole at the end of the season. Really and truly he isnt fit to manage any top 10 club


New Member
Dec 16, 2013
Surely to God that fraud of a man - Ed Woodward should be the one in the firing line more than Ole?

WTF, has he done to still be in the job?
Get rid of both. Ed moves purely to the commercial side. New director of football of Pochettinos choosing and bring in Pochettino. That's how City got Guardiola by getting his man Txiki Begiristain first.

Eds last action and ONLY chance at leaving a positive legacy would be to make that happen using anything and everything he has got.


New Member
Jan 6, 2014
We can't keep sacking managers. The deficiencies in the squad are plain for all to see and that's something Solskjaer inherited. I'd say it'll take another 3 to 4 transfer windows to sort out.


New Member
Feb 19, 2019
Bollocking about fluently.
If he wasn't a club legend that' be close to 100%
Yes because nobody still supporting him has ever put forth a proper argument as to why they choose to do so - right? It's all just sentimental blind loyalty. Sheesh - the only people using that argument are his haters - to stuff it in the mouth of whoever disagrees with their hate then use it to discredit them. The intellectual equivalent of drawing a mustache on someone and then dismiss them for not having shaved. I've not once seen or heard anyone say we should be extra lenient on him for being a club legend - but hey in lack of proper argumentation just making shit up is probably the way to go.
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