Your Hidden Gems or under the radar - Wanted Signings

Konstantelias from Paok. Amazing technique and flair. They played against a Scottish team in Europe and he toying with their whole defense.

Maybe more suited in Spain or Italy.
Alex Scott (not the female one) at Bournemouth. He's going to be a £70m-£80m player.
I like him. I can imagine the new board want us to sign more British players again and if that's the case, he'd definitely be an interesting player, alongside Branthwaite and Ferguson.
More of a managerial appointment but Thiago Motta's name should be linked with big jobs more than it is. I actually think he could do well with our current squad as constructed.
Matt O’Rileys been mentioned before.

Atletico have had a bid turned downs.
Lazar Samardžić looks a good player. Sweet left foot. All the big Italian clubs are chasing him. Serbian footballers are so technically gifted. Think he would be worth a look
Lazar Samardžić looks a good player. Sweet left foot. All the big Italian clubs are chasing him. Serbian footballers are so technically gifted. Think he would be worth a look
Good luck with his father-agent
He's a decent player, but those stats are honestly really weird. Mind you, Union play a very specific system (like their mother club Brighton), that seems to bring out the best of half decent players. At 27, he would be a massive gamble.
Notice he scored again tonight. :cool:
Alex Scott and Adam Wharton are two we should be all over. The latter especially as it looks like the only stumbling block is that Blackburn want a loan back for the rest of the year at a fee of just south of £20mil.
Matheus Soule, owned by Juve and on loan elsewhere in Serie A.

Arda Guler was a no brainer but this guy isn't far off. Good potential, height, pace, great left foot and reasonable weak foot that he can shoot or cross using.

Would like to see him and Greenwood compete for our right wing next season.
I think Quinten Timber has improved himself spectacularly this year.. If he keeps this up he will become very interesting for a lot of clubs..
Alex Scott and Adam Wharton are two we should be all over. The latter especially as it looks like the only stumbling block is that Blackburn want a loan back for the rest of the year at a fee of just south of £20mil.

We have been tracking the latter for a while and are big fans but just don't have the money. Rumours Palace will get him.
Notice he scored again tonight. :cool:

Haha I know. But honestly, he could be a late bloomer, but at 27 he has played about 100 games on the top level in Belgium, playing second Belgian and French tier before. I really like his playing style, but I don't think he's good enough. Whenever I've seen him play, he played LW, which doesn't really suit our current system either.
Lazar Samardžić looks a good player. Sweet left foot. All the big Italian clubs are chasing him. Serbian footballers are so technically gifted. Think he would be worth a look

Yeah he looks quality but all the links are to Serie A clubs
Didnt realise is he a nightmare? Bit like the Anelka bothers situation?
eeeh his father seems a classic case of greedy amateur hour.

Samardzic was represented by Gabriela Pimenta - you know, long term business partner of late Mino Raiola and current owner of his agency.
Last summer she arranged a nice deal with Inter, everything was set up, transfer fees, wages, commissions, the inclusion in the deal of youngster Fabbian from Inter to Udinese which Udinese liked quite a lot...

Then the player went to Milan with his family, passed the medicals, and right before the deal signing his father requested a last minute meeting with Inter directors.

He walks into Inter office, and goes "Hey wassup, there's... umm... sort of a bit a of a problem here, because this Pimenta lady, I spoke with her just once and I didn't actually authorize her to negotiate any agreement, and by the way she didn't even inform me about the terms. Would you mind to print a copy of the contract for me?
Let's read... oh ok, now that I read this, well, that's nice, I think we can still make this work I guess but my son's wages should be a tad higher, and the agent commission should go to [some random dude] who's our new official agent - and make it bigger please."

(we know this because the man went on the record with the media describing it like that)

Inter's director just told him to go pound sand, the deal fell off immediately, Fabbian ended up being shipped to Bologna in the Arnautovic deal, and Udinese reportedly was very pissed with the player.

Pimenta went on the record saying that she met Samardzic's father multiple times in her office, she represented him officially in talks with Udinese and many perspective buyer clubs, she was specifically asked to conduct the deal with Inter by herself, she kept informed him of everything, and when he requested her to go ask for more on the very last minute she parted ways with him and didn't want to hear about him again.
Sylla's been sold too, to Strasbourg. Bought for €200k, sold for €20m a good year later :)

Onyedika is a good player too, still young but instrumental in that midfield.

Brugge's scouting has been excellent last couple of years. Sold Sylla (20m), Openda (16m), De Ketelaere (36m), Kossounou (23m), Diatta (17m) in recent years. Insane money for a Belgian team.
De Ketelaere is on some run of form at the minute. 7 goals and 7 assists since the beginning of December.

Wonder what the option to buy clause is for Atalanta. Imagine they'll be taking Milan up on that.
Guille Fernández 15yo - Interior

- The 15-year-old Barça midfielder scored four of the seven goals scored by the U17s against Germany.

Barça believe that he could be another case of precocity in the first team.

Spain u17 - Germany u17 7-0
Melvin Bard, left back at Nice looks pretty good and would most likely be very cheap and at 23 is a good age to be a backup and grow into the role.

Bradley Locko from Brest pretty much the exact same situation except hes even younger and would probably be even cheaper
Antonee Robinson
Jhon Lucumi
Ross Barkley
Lois Openda

all squad depth options
Another magnificens performance today by the swedish youngster Lucas Bergvall who signed for Tottenham last month.

He will be joining Tottenham in the summer. But he has been a fan of United since childhood and would have loved to play for Manchester United. We missed out on this one…
Another magnificens performance today by the swedish youngster Lucas Bergvall who signed for Tottenham last month.

He will be joining Tottenham in the summer. But he has been a fan of United since childhood and would have loved to play for Manchester United. We missed out on this one…

Very odd that we weren’t in for him tbh. People may say FFP but he only cost like £8m and isn’t signing until the summer anyway, strange one.
I have been saying for 2-3 years that we should look at Roko Simic who would have been absolutely cheap until a while ago.
Now with Rasmus in we probably won’t be looking at another very young striker.