Zlatan tells Lukaku "‘Go do your voodoo s***, you little donkey"

Yes and it's been pointed out and duly noted by myself.

But I'm not prepared to sit here and be called a racist because I didn't understand the racial undertone at first glance.

No one called you a racist. One person said something that you took as an accusation of racism, but that comment wasn't aimed at you. That was aimed at someone with predictable MOs in every thread like this.
Agree. I like Zlatan and I think he's trying to get under Lukaku's skin, but he's blatantly perpetuating a racist lie in this instance. It's the same for the whole Suarez-Evra thing; Suarez isn't racist in my opinion, however he clearly used racist words to get under Evra's skin.

The people defending this are defending the indefensible, purely based upon who they prefer as a football player without even knowing the men. Bit weird really.
If it was Suarez this thread would be very different. Zlatan's image as one of footballs greatest (or most/fairy overrated) characters/ players sees a very different divide.
That is what it sounds most like in fairness. Zlatan needs to learn what a stable is but if I had to guess on which was said I'd say "Go to your wooden shed, you little donkey" is what it sounds most like to me after hearing it a few times.
:lol: Youd already called him racist or said that we all know what he meant in the other thread didn’t you? Jumping the gunslightly I guess
Yes and it's been pointed out and duly noted by myself.

But I'm not prepared to sit here and be called a racist because I didn't understand the racial undertone at first glance.

Yes. Of all the people involved in this, it is you who shouldn't have to put up with this. You have clearly been wronged here above all others.
No one called you a racist. One person said something that you took as an accusation of racism, but that comment wasn't aimed at you. That was aimed at someone with predictable MOs in every thread like this.
Ok maybe I over reacted then. This is unchartered territory for myself.

Usually you can see and understand racism quite clearly.

This instance I just couldn't grasp it all at first glance.
Yes. Of all the people involved in this, it is you who shouldn't have to put up with this. You have clearly been wronged here above all others.
I never claimed to be wrong moreso than others. I've never been inferred to be racist in my life and was quite taken a back by it.

I've stated how I didn't understand it to be racist until posters like yourself pointed out how it is. I don't think it's fair to be called racist in that instance. I've took it on board and briefly read up on the history behind it that you and others have linked and can understand in the undertones behind the insult now.
Snowflake. Are people still using this phrase. :lol:

For what it's worth I don't think donkey is racially motivated. Peter Crouch is a prime example of that. Voodoo is open for debate, but in context of the Lukaku media story it is a 50/50.
Tony Adams was called it for ages and not because he was shit (more about the odd mistake and a sometimes unusual running style?

I'm not talking about this situation (before I get jumped on) but donkey can be an insult in terms of playing ability.. was when I played anyway.

He said Vodoo shit, it's more clearer in this video.

No just no. Lukaku is saying let’s go inside (I assume to fight) and Zlatan is saying go to your wooden shed (inside) you little donkey.

that’s how I see it anyway but racism is t always my goto like some here. I can’t believe I read a post saying lukaku was angry there, it must have been racist. Like what the actual feck
And again, can we expect everyone to know this (talking about people in this thread) and if they dont and can't grasp the racism at first glance, how does that then make said person racist

Well it depends. I'm not calling you or anyone else racist.

However, often people jump in with two feet defending questionable and often racist things before they've bothered finding out whether or not the terms used are racially charged. And then there are others who tend to defend or play down racism and claim to have no knowledge of how whatever is said could be racist. The suspicious is that some are being wilfully ignorant or are in fact racist.
Tony Adams was called it for ages and not because he was shit (more about the odd mistake and a sometimes unusual running style?

I'm not talking about this situation (before I get jumped on) but donkey can be an insult in terms of playing ability.. was when I played anyway.

You just have to search the words "Jones" and "donkey" together to see plenty of examples on this forum.
No, Your Honour, I did not say "voodoo shit", I said "wooden shed" :lol:
Lukakku is catholic. Ibra is the one who has islamic (and christian) heritage.

Yeah he clearly says go to your wooden shed, who is gearing voodoo?
The Everton owner claimed that Lukaku left the club due to a voodoo message. Lukaku rightfully wasn't impressed and I think he was condiering legal action, though I don't know if he ever went through with that.

Edit: @sullydnl beat me to it.
Lukaku is Christian. Zlatan is the one who has Muslim heritage.
Who said Lukaku is a Muslim. He is a practicing Christian
You presume what has to do with Islam and making Salat?

Wow sorry! I had him confused with someone else.

Making salat is prayer is Islam. I thought thsts what Ibra was talking about. I didn’t even know Ibra was practising either.
Good for Zlatan that he did this in Italy, the FA would have banned him for three games by now.
As strange as it may sound but the fact Zlatan uses Lukaku's supposed connections with Voodoo to wind him up, shows he's not a racist. We, the ones who are making an issue out of it, are the racists.
Zlatan is a big gobshite on the pitch but no racist!
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Maybe if you are a snowflake, I've been called a donkey many times when playing Sunday league football

Using the word "snowflake" doesn't make you a hard man. It only serves to make you look silly, not that you needed any help since you've managed to do that yourself with your last few posts.

The word voodoo itself isn't racist, but when used with someone of African heritage, there's a negative connotation and it's racially insensitive. If you don't already know that, it's fair enough. We all learn by listening to others. However, being intransigently obtuse and calling people who don't agree with you snowflakes is perverse.
I presume it has to do with islam and making salat?

He is African by heritage but don’t follow him anymore to know if he’s said/done anything recently to show he practises voodoo.

If that’s what he said, then it’s more of a religion thing I think.
Strange comment to make here. Neither are Muslim.
No just no. Lukaku is saying let’s go inside (I assume to fight) and Zlatan is saying go to your wooden shed (inside) you little donkey.

that’s how I see it anyway but racism is t always my goto like some here. I can’t believe I read a post saying lukaku was angry there, it must have been racist. Like what the actual feck

Not a chance he said wooden shed.

When has anyone ever said 'wooden shed' referring to 'inside'?

Are you going to claim this is a commonly used slang term I'm not familiar with?
Zlatan: Go do your voodoo shit... you little donkey. (Zlatan has even said he said voodoo)

Lukaku: I’ll fxxx you and your wife
I thought so too. Even the donkey comment. A lot of white people constantly compare black people to animals - not good to hear.

This is pure bullshit and is actively looking for racism where there is none intended. I look at this as a bit of handbags between two guys in a big game where things got over heated. Things will be said, neither will happy to hear them back.

He's calling Lukaku a donkey because it's a regularly used term to describe someone who is rubbish at football. It's that simple.

It's hard to understand what he says, to me it seems like he is saying wooden shed, which would make sense when you add in the donkey comments. Would that be racist given his African heritage? Even though donkeys and wooden sheds gave been used all over the world for hundreds of years.

If he says, go do your voodoo shit based on something he heard or read, I don't believe he's being outright deliberately racist either, he's just taking the piss out of him for it. No difference between that and taking the piss out of Rooney for shagging old prostitutes.

Lukaku publicly said he would shoot him in the head, but Zlatan was being racist, so that's ok.
Not a chance he said wooden shed.

When has anyone ever said 'wooden shed' referring to 'inside'?

Are you going to claim this is a commonly used slang term I'm not familiar with?
Yeah ok, it could be anything but I’m sure as shit not going to just assume he’s racist befor even hearing anything.

can’t be arsed to argue it, same as always people’s minds are made up before they even know anything

I will play your little game re your last sentence though, if someone is asking you inside for a fight and you are calling them a donkey then yeah, ‘go inside to your little wooden shed you little donkey‘ would make sense and be insulting. Whatever, I don’t really care. Can’t go a day without there being an overblown stupid incident these days
Well it depends. I'm not calling you or anyone else racist.

However, often people jump in with two feet defending questionable and often racist things before they've bothered finding out whether or not the terms used are racially charged. And then there are others who tend to defend or play down racism and claim to have no knowledge of how whatever is said could be racist. The suspicious is that some are being wilfully ignorant or are in fact racist.
In my case it was pure ignorance. I would never have linked "voodoo" to any race or religion and that's why I got so defensive when posters infer those that didn't see it as racist are racist. I don't think that is fair if said person is prepared to be educated and understand the racial undertone behind it.

If the person kept defending their stance and didn't open their mind to it that's different.
To be fair, if it was coincidental and had nothing to do with Everton comments, it surely is undoubtedly racist?
Zlatan has said it’s about Everton. But tbh still an argument to be made that it’s insulting someone’s belief / religion just because the belief / religion isn’t mainstream like Christianity, Islam or Judaism, etc it’s still someone’s belief. I see it as no different to mocking someone eg Kaka or Mo Sala with “go do your praying shit”
It's because it was based on a racist and stupid comment by Farhad Moshiri. He said when Lukaku left Everton...

“We offered him a better deal than Chelsea and his agent came to Finch Farm to sign the contract, Robert [Everton’s chief executive] was there, everything was in place, there were a few reporters outside, then in the meeting Rom called his mother. He said he was on a pilgrimage in Africa or somewhere and he had a voodoo and he got the message that he needs to go to Chelsea.”

Lukaku is a practicing Catholic and has nothing to do with voodoo at all he threatened to sue Moshiri.

It was clearly derogatory and said because he is black, no one would say this about a white player.

Ibra will get hammered for this and rightly so, though I imagine Lukaku wont get away scot free either, his comments were also pretty offensive, but not racist.
After reading that, i still don’t understands why some would suggest it’s racist. There’s nothing racist about it, it’s just reference to a joke based on some practice from a religious belief, and donkey being referred as being stupid/clumsy too. For example, if it’s same joke on getting message from Jesus, or Buddha instead, through prayers or enlightenment received from his mum, would it be racist too? It may offend the religion though.
The donkey bit definitely isn't racist. The voodoo bit is more tricky.

Context matters. If Lukaku truly believes in voodoo and places a lot of value in it, then I don't see how that's any different than other religions and beliefs. Imagine if Zlatan told someone to go do their "jew/muslim/hindu/whatever" shit?

Then again, voodoo is quite rare. Zlatan could very easily claim ignorance here. If he didn't know that it's a "black thing" or that it could be a sensitive subject, then he should be in the clear, imo. Ultimately it will be word against word. If Zlatan claims ignorance, you can't know for sure whether he's lying or not. In which case: innocent until proven guilty. It would have been a different story if it was religion, skin color or ethnicity. No one(at least not professional footballers) can claim ignorance there.
The dressing room when Mourinho was here must have been toxic as hell.

Eventually Mourinho got all the blame but it's wasn't easy working in that environment.

Since then, it seems that the mood in the dressing room has been transformed for the better. Hopefully it remains like that.
Listened to it a few times with headphones and was reading his lips. He definitely did say “voodoo”

Not sure what the whole Everton situation was about but very weird Lukaku would go mad over that if it didn’t mean anything. He also mentioned Lukaku’s mum, which anyone has the right to defend.

I wish Lukaku would have just given him a quick 2 piece and done.
Every time two of different skin colour have an argument, people always try to find something racist in what's been said.
Had they been of same skin colour, noone would've cared about the comments, had Lukaku told Ibra to go to IKEA and eat meatballs, noone would have cared.

There's been things with voodoo in Lukaku's history, and he's a donkey on the field, cause he has shit first touch, and looks kinda clumsy on the ball.
That's it.... Ibra is just using things against him to piss him off in a heated moment in a match between to rival teams.
Every time two of different skin colour have an argument, people always try to find something racist in what's been said.
Had they been of same skin colour, noone would've cared about the comments, had Lukaku told Ibra to go to IKEA and eat meatballs, noone would have cared.

There's been things with voodoo in Lukaku's history, and he's a donkey on the field, cause he has shit first touch, and looks kinda clumsy on the ball.
That's it.... Ibra is just using things against him to piss him off in a heated moment in a match between to rival teams.
There have?

And forget "Had Lukaku done blah blah..". DID Lukaku use any racial stereotype in the heat of the moment?
Did Ibra really confirm he said voodoo? I listened to it a few times and I was pretty certain he said wooden shed, which also made sense with the following donkey comment.

A few posters questioned why people seem to be siding with Zlatan. It's probably only normal given the comments Lukaku made after leaving.
Voodoo is still practiced in parts of Africa. It's clearly what he means. He called Mido a gypsy too, so this is typical Zlatan.

You've clearly got it wrong.
Zlatan's the one being called a gypsy, by rival Italian fans and Swedes.
Mido? He threw a scissor at Zlatan at Ajax apparently, but there was no mention of any slur according to both parties.

As a Milan fan, I often get into arguments with people who like to praise Zlatan at the expense of the team. Zlatan IS an egotistical prick and bully who likes to undermine his coaches.

But how could anyone take Lukaku's side in this?
He's the one who started all this by starting a fight with Romagnoli and shoving Saelemaekers who was only trying to calm down his compatriot.
He even hit some Inter staff crew that were trying to ease the tension.

Zlatan said "Call your mother, do your voodoo shit. You little donkey".

"I feck you and your wife bitch"
"I'll fecking shoot you"
"Son of a whore"

If you think Zlatan went off limits, or that Lukaku's behavior was justified then you're as incredibly dumb and infantile as Lukaku and will hopefully not reproduce.
Did Ibra really confirm he said voodoo? I listened to it a few times and I was pretty certain he said wooden shed, which also made sense with the following donkey comment.

A few posters questioned why people seem to be siding with Zlatan. It's probably only normal given the comments Lukaku made after leaving.

Apparently so

Yeah ok, it could be anything but I’m sure as shit not going to just assume he’s racist befor even hearing anything.

can’t be arsed to argue it, same as always people’s minds are made up before they even know anything

I will play your little game re your last sentence though, if someone is asking you inside for a fight and you are calling them a donkey then yeah, ‘go inside to your little wooden shed you little donkey‘ would make sense and be insulting. Whatever, I don’t really care. Can’t go a day without there being an overblown stupid incident these days

It makes sense to randomly bring up a little wooden shed which doesn't exist? Logically I don't see it. Do garden sheds spring to mind when your in football stadiums?

You're reaching here. Besides, according to Sky Italia AC Milan reps have said it was a reference to the voodoo story at Everton so it wasn't 'anything'.

He said the voodoo thing and whether you or me think it's racist or not is a different matter entirely.