Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 (PES 2014)


The One and Only
Nov 28, 2006
I don't care about any of it once the chicken suits are in the game.


Full Member
Apr 3, 2009
Once they put an online system that fecking works I may just consider getting it. Brother bought me 2011 as a gift and in more than a month or two when I played it I didn't play a single (I swear no exaggeration) not a single goddamn game online; Either lags too much making it unplayable or no players found or something, always something.

Nice to hear they finally threw their piece of shit of an engine behind and tried something new, hopefully it works.

It's somewhat concerning listening to them now admitting and talking so openly about the fact that their last 4-5 iterations were only "patching up" whatever they could fix with their behind the times engine, while let's not forget at the same time they were, without fail and each year, promising revolutionary changes and unprecedented realism.

Not sure how they fecked it up so bad, but I really hope PES 14 can change my mind, I really hate EA, I hate myself for giving them money. They are THE worst, ever.


Full Member
Jul 25, 2002
PES Rules - The 2012 was really shit though... the 2013 is awesome! I play everyday.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
PES Rules - The 2012 was really shit though... the 2013 is awesome! I play everyday.
Same. What level of pass assistance do you use? I just switched from one bar to none. It's a challenge but extremely rewarding.


New Member
Sep 5, 2009
Couldn't care less.
Definitely making the switch from Fifa to PES. Played a few games of PES 2013 this week and after getting used to the buttons it is so much more enjoyable than Fifa. The graphics aren't as good and the don't have all the official licensing, but I really don't care about that any more.


Redcafe Yahoo Pool champion 2007
Mar 16, 2006
Definitely making the switch from Fifa to PES. Played a few games of PES 2013 this week and after getting used to the buttons it is so much more enjoyable than Fifa. The graphics aren't as good and the don't have all the official licensing, but I really don't care about that any more.
Same, will be purchasing the new pes for my pc, fifa for xbox.

I have all the licenses option file installed, plus more. Graphically the game is beyond fifa IMO. Not to mention the gameplay, much more of a simulation, not ever shot goes in, and actual real drama in the games.

The crowds look crap though and some clipping issues.


"It's like..."
Apr 1, 2004
Need a bit more time to add Xabi Alonso's individual facial hairs to copy modle of PES13 I suppose.


Full Member
Mar 18, 2012
Eboue's Nightmares
PES 2014: The Dawn of a New Era

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has revealed that its forthcoming PES 2014 title will mark a new beginning for the popular series, with an all-new engine allowing for the most comprehensive advance for the PES range since its inception
The PES Productions Team based in Tokyo have been developing a new approach to football for four years and can now confirm their new system uses Kojima Productions renowned Fox Engine at its core. The team have extended and enhanced Fox Engine to match the bespoke and complex demands of a football title.
Based on six founding standards, the new system has allowed every aspect of PES 2014 to be totally reworked, throwing off the shackles of previous limitations and allowing the PES Productions team to produce a game much closer to their vision of recreating the excitement and variety of a top-level match. The central theme of fluidity is based on the constant moving of players and switching positions which characterises the modern approach to football. PES Productions have looked at how matches ebb and flow, with player individuality key to a team's success, and well-drilled tactics helping underdogs produce giant-killing feats.
Working from the ground up, PES Productions have strived to rework every element of play, creating a fresh and energetic new standard for football titles. In addition to noticeably improved graphics and seamless animation, the thrust of the new system's power has been used to redefine the way football is played on a home system. Gone are the limitations imposed by dated animation systems and AI elements, and insteadPES 2014 boasts a central core that perfectly mimics the skill and awareness that elevates the world's greatest players above their peers.
Six central tenets combine to establish PES 2014 as a new benchmark in football simulations, governing everything from the way the player receives and controls the ball, the physicality of play, and the "feel" of match-day: the rush and euphoria or crushing lows that experiencing an important games can bring. As such, the key pillars on which PES 2014 is based are:
TrueBall Tech: For the first time in a football simulation, PES 2014 centres everything on the ball: how it moves, and how players use it. First touch and sublime control are what set certain players apart from others. The ability to not only read a pass, but to be one step ahead and to know what is needed to gain yards on an encroaching defender. TrueBall Tech allows the player to trap or knock on a pass using the analogue stick with detailed barycentric physics determining the weight shift of the player and the height and speed of the pass, as to how the player's body will automatically shape to receive it.

Thus, the player has total control in determining how their body is angled to receive a pass, whereas previous football titles present the user with scant options. Instead, TrueBall Tech means that it can be chested or nodded past an opponent, flicked into space or to a team mate, while closer dribbling control is a much more personal attribute in the new game.

The PES series has long since treated the ball as an individual entity, allowing the player huge amounts of freedom to pass into space, run on to a knocked-on counter, or produced short triangular passes to make space. TrueBall Tech adds even more freedom, with the player's movements worked around those of the ball and, unlike any other football title, as opposed to the other way round. Players will be able to truly control the free-moving ball, use its pace or alter its movement to master close control in PES 2014.

The result is a game that offers full 360-degree, two-footed control within several yards around the player. In addition to steering the ball with subtle movements, there is the ability to shield the ball from opposing players, use deft controls to wrong-foot them, and intuitive methods to master close control.

Motion Animation Stability System (M.A.S.S.): The physical combat between players is a vital part of any match, and the new M.A.S.S. component simulates the bodily contact between multiple players within bespoke animations that segue seamlessly into each other. Rather than a series of preset animations that occur under specific circumstances, M.A.S.S. acts instantly to any situation, with the reaction of a fouled player entirely dependent on the direction and force with which they are tackled. Dependent on factors such as their size and power, players will stumble but instantly recover if clipped, barge others off the ball, and use their stature to block players from possession. Similarly, PES 2014 now has more styles of tackle, as opposed to basic foot in or sliding types.

Tackling also becomes more integral to PES 2014's quest for realism, with clashes of players utilising the TrueBall physics to ensure the ball reacts as it would in a real game. As players fight for a 50-50 ball, their result challenge will see the ball bobbling into space, or emerging at the feet of the triumphant player.

The integration of the M.A.S.S. element has also facilitated new advances in one-on-one situations. The individual battles between key players can determine the outcome of a match, so particular emphasis has been made on such battles in PES 2014. Defenders will put greater pressure on the attacking player, by tussling for possession, standing back to restrict passing opportunities, or making the tackle. Likewise, attackers are faced with ether trying to outpace the defender while retaining possession, feinting to gain advantage, or passing, dribbling or shooting when space allows. The result allows for incredibly open games, where the attributes and skills of the players come to the fore in personal feuds all over the pitch.

Heart: Defining what makes football so engrossing is difficult. It isn't a technical thing, but more an emotional hook. Matches can be imposing for visiting teams, as home support barracks the opposition, and acts as the infamous "twelfth man" by cheering their side on. PES 2014's "Heart" aims to recreate the effects of team support, both on an individual player basis and across the entire team.

Each player in the game now employs mental attributes in addition to playing styles and skills, and can be adversely affected when having a poor game. However, if an individual is not playing well, his team mates can rally round and will work to support him. Similarly, one moment of individual brilliance can produce a galvanising effect on team mates. The cauldron effect of a vibrant stadium will showcase the mood of the fans, with all-new sound effects combining with stunning AI systems to create a palpable match day atmosphere.

PES ID: PES 2013 set a new bar for realism, with its inclusion of the Player ID system. For the first time, players could instantly recognise a player by their faithfully recreated running and play styles. The way a player ran, moved and spread the ball about would be identical to that of their real-life counterpart, and PES 2013 featured 50 players that utilised the system.

For PES 2014, that number will be greatly expanded, with twice as many stars featuring bespoke animations and AI.

Team Play: Via the new game's innovative Combination Play users can set up a variety of different tactics in key areas of the pitch using three or more players. These players will make very different off-the-ball runs to exploit holes in the defence or midfield, using the flanks, curved runs, or overlapping play to make themselves available. These moves can be preset to key areas of the field, allowing users to exploit defensive weaknesses beforehand.

The Core: PES Productions have undertaken several years of consultation with PES and football fans to reproduce key elements of the series and implement a wide range of additional improvements.

Visually, the game will benefit from an incredible level of acuity, from the weave of the kits, through to facial movement, and a new animation process that offers slick segues from one move to the next, with no pauses or restrictions on control. Stadia will be faithful to real-life, with the entrances to the pitches recreated, crowds that move during the course of the game The new system also allows for a new light-mapping effect, adding a natural look to the proceedings. The flow of a match has also been improved, with tactical decisions made on the fly, and the removal of cut scenes after specific events.

Free kicks and penalties have also been radically changed. Control over free kicks has been expanded with decoy runs added and short passes now unrestricted. To counter, players can now move the position of their keeper for the kick, while the wall will react to the kick instinctively to block or deflect the ball.

Penalties now use a target guide that is changed according to the kicker's ability and where they intend to place the ball. The goal keeper can now opt to move ahead of the kick, sensing when the penalty taker is not particularly strong.
PES 2014 will also mark the first appearance of the recently-signed Asia Champions League, adding a wealth of officially licensed clubs to the competition; and the new game will also exclusively retain its use of the UEFA Champions League club competition, with other tournaments expected to be announced shortly.
Further details of PES 2014's content - including all-new online elements - will follow, but the new game represents a quantum leap from what football fans have been used to.

"Thinking outside the box on an annual series such as PES is not easy," explained Creative Producer Kei Masuda, "but the Fox Engine has allowed us to develop such a level of freedom that we are constantly realising ways of making PES 2014 a true representation of football. From the moment football fans pick up the controller and experiment with the close control, player movement and get to know how teams work and move, we are confident that they will see a game no longer limited by technology, but capable of growing with them and constantly surprising with the breath-taking quality they have to come to expect from the real thing."

"All the materials we're releasing are taken from current platforms and fully in-game, which is at about 70% completion. We want fans to get a true feeling of the actual product they'll be playing on the console most own this year, not some marketing dream. Our new engine and systems are dedicated to the current generation of platforms, which will continue to be dominant in the market, but are fully scalable for future versions."

PES 2014 will be released in 2013 on PlayStation®3, Xbox 360®, Windows PC and PSP®(PlayStation®Portable).​
And the E3 is this Thursday (1pm, not sure if that's UK time).



Not actually very big
Apr 6, 2009
this year is my year on SM
Looks impressive.


45k posts to finally achieve this tagline
Apr 25, 2007
Djibouti (La terre des braves)
A lot of stuff was released last night/earlier today.I'm officially excited about this game because it looks fecking amazing, cannot wait to test the demo now :eek::drool:

First the trailer

and many pictures

On the left a real picture of the Allianz and on the right the one in PES 2014

Much resolution if you want of the Allianz Arena pes 2014 pic


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
The rendered Allianz Arena looks top class, the in-game screen looks poor though. What's with the lines anyway, why would you draw a dotted line for the trajectory of the ball?


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
What's with them releasing a PSP game again? Go and create a Vita game.


Full Member
Mar 18, 2012
Eboue's Nightmares
Of course there's an option to turn off the arrows, did you play 2013? Those arrows are there for manual guidance for the manual passing to help certain players improve their manual play (which is great to have in the game really as it can try to push more people to play more manual). He's also one of the worst players you'll find trying to play the game on manual. Not sure why so many companies get shit players to show off their games. Unless he's just being shit for the sake of it, which doesn't make much sense.

That's also pre alpha, it's not the finished article and from what I hear only about 70% towards completion.

Also a glimpse of the new free kick system they've put in, as you can see with the dots (that's why they've put dots in Sarni, it's the new freekick system), interested to see how that fairs and interested to see the new penalty system.



Full Member
Apr 3, 2009
Looks underwhelming. Seriously every time I wish Konami do something good they feck it up. I'm starting to think that it's just that the Japanese don't fecking get football.

I am sure many won't agree but I see worrying signs in the gameplay videos. I'll wait for more videos before I type it all out.


Full Member
Mar 18, 2012
Eboue's Nightmares
Looks underwhelming. Seriously every time I wish Konami do something good they feck it up. I'm starting to think that it's just that the Japanese don't fecking get football.

I am sure many won't agree but I see worrying signs in the gameplay videos. I'll wait for more videos before I type it all out.

The feck are you even going on about? :lol:

Dear oh dear.


Full Member
Apr 3, 2009
*Japanese Konami developers

Konami is known to be run by dinosaurs, I apologize if it sounded terrible at first.


Full Member
Mar 18, 2012
Eboue's Nightmares
*Japanese Konami developers

Konami is known to be run by dinosaurs, I apologize if it sounded terrible at first.

And yet they've still given us countless brilliant games over the years.

This looks quality (Hey, it's all about opinion on games though, if you feel differently, fair enough). It's also Konami actually having the balls to change it up in areas and as I mentioned above, it's not the finished product, it's the pre alpha build. It didn't help that the guy testing the gameplay was appalling too.


Born a freak always a freak.
May 8, 2004
Somewhere in your mind, touching a nerve
Gameplay does look slightly better. Animations have slightly improved. Graphics look shit. Seriously you'd think they'd have moved on from the ps2 graphics. I expected more, and again am disappointed.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2005
That looks brilliant tbh, animations and all, graphics do not worry me because this will be for current gen consoles, they are scalable for next gen. Bored of FIFA, finally PES steps up.

Goalkeepers look awful like usual though, don't understand KONAMI and constant problems with GK's.


45k posts to finally achieve this tagline
Apr 25, 2007
Djibouti (La terre des braves)
There is a bit of a e-debate on certain as to whether this part of the video is 100% ingame recording or CGI.What do you think of it fellow caftards ?


Full Member
Apr 3, 2009
There is a bit of a e-debate on certain as to whether this part of the video is 100% ingame recording or CGI.What do you think of it fellow caftards ?

I'd say it's not 100% gameplay, we have not one but TWO gameplay videos above. Go and see.

I stand corrected though on my previous posts, it seems PES 2014 won't be next gen, so I was wrong to say they don't "get it", but this doesn't make the game any less bad IMO (based on what I've seen). Since FIFA also won't be next-gen on PC, I guess we're stuck with FIFA 13 until EA port their next gen game to PC. It took them 4 years last time, so I'm not really expecting it anytime soon. Credit where it's due though, Konami will have next-gen versions on all consoles including PC when their game is developed so I may finding myself going back to PES and leaving FIFA altogether.


45k posts to finally achieve this tagline
Apr 25, 2007
Djibouti (La terre des braves)
The FIFA next gen has "looked" (it really means next to nothing without playing it) underwhelming so far.Visually alone, PES 2014 is attractive but in this day and age, it'll take more than that to satisfy customers in general.Still waiting for news about game modes


aspiring to be like Ryan Giggs
Apr 20, 2000
midtable anonymity
Fifa is shit and always has been. Anybody who thinks differently is an ignorant dickhead who clearly doesn't know their arse from their elbow.