Cristiano Ronaldo

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Redcafe was almost unanimous in wanting Ronaldo gone that summer. I was one of the few pillars of defence and argued his case in whirlwind style...

Bet you they wouldn't have wanted him out had they know what I and, admittedly, a small percentage of the rest of the caf already knew.
How he exploded that season. Left a few 'respected' football experts on here red faced...

There are many self-proclaimed football
experts om the caf and a few football professors who silently go at their job and protect the real talents... the experts are usually loudmouths and have a fervent number of sheepfollowers giggling at their jokes. The professors usually offer opinions that are shocking to the ignorant but over time are usually proven right without receiving credit for it.

I am a football professor level poster.

How did I miss this post? Greatest thing ever written on the caf!
Redcafe was almost unanimous in wanting Ronaldo gone that summer. I was one of the few pillars of defence and argued his case in whirlwind style...

Bet you they wouldn't have wanted him out had they know what I and, admittedly, a small percentage of the rest of the caf already knew.
How he exploded that season. Left a few 'respected' football experts on here red faced...

There are many self-proclaimed football
experts om the caf and a few football professors who silently go at their job and protect the real talents... the experts are usually loudmouths and have a fervent number of sheepfollowers giggling at their jokes. The professors usually offer opinions that are shocking to the ignorant but over time are usually proven right without receiving credit for it.

I am a football professor level poster.

Hmmm..I made a thread suggesting we all get behind Ronaldo at that time. I guess I am a football professor level too.
Hmmm..I made a thread suggesting we all get behind Ronaldo at that time. I guess I am a football professor level too.

I've not read through, but I presume it was pointed out to Pro Kev that he's talking complete bollocks, and the vast majority were backing Ronnie after the winking incident?

Or was his "Redcafe was almost unanimous in wanting Ronaldo gone" lost in the hilarity of the rest of the post?
Redcafe was almost unanimous in wanting Ronaldo gone that summer. I was one of the few pillars of defence and argued his case in whirlwind style...

Bet you they wouldn't have wanted him out had they know what I and, admittedly, a small percentage of the rest of the caf already knew.
How he exploded that season. Left a few 'respected' football experts on here red faced...

There are many self-proclaimed football
experts om the caf and a few football professors who silently go at their job and protect the real talents... the experts are usually loudmouths and have a fervent number of sheepfollowers giggling at their jokes. The professors usually offer opinions that are shocking to the ignorant but over time are usually proven right without receiving credit for it.

I am a football professor level poster.

He was the lone bright spark for Real today I was pleased got to see the other side of his game that I had started to doubt. Good hold up play and skill, he was the only Real player who seemed to show Real quality bar Modric. He set up Jesse's goal but unfortunately got himself sent off.
Don't think it was a red, the Bilbao guy that bumped him in the chest deserved red though, if anyone at all. Nice to see that side of his game, though.
It's a red.. he raised his hand and tried to scratch the player's face. And the other player's face moments later. Also the appeal for a handball was cringe-worthy and embarrassing for a player of his quality. And he really needs to stop making that "Everything goes against me" when he misses or the keeper saves.
It was a soft red and a stupid red, but it was a red. Some players do worse and get away with it, maybe Athletic had been winding him up deliberately - who knows, but he's too obvious to get away with it and too experienced to have an excuse.
Is it a 1 game ban or 3?
The cup game bans and league bans are treated separately there so he will play in the copa del rey semis irrespecitve of the ban length.
I don't think you'll even see this debated by anyone other than Madrid and United fans.

It's a blatant red card, I don't think anyone can make even a slightly plausible case for not sending him off. The weirdest bit about it was his initial claim. It looked as he though he was desperately claiming handball, he looked certain of it. Then you see the replay and the ball struck him on the bottom of the leg, nowhere near his hand :lol:
Lots of pansies in the modern game. Falling and flailing about from the slightest of contact, and even in situations with zero contact.
You know what's sillier than falling down after being scratched in the face? Appealing like 3 years old for a handball when the ball clearly hits the shin of a standing player.

People are clearly only making a fuss about it because it's Ronaldo. Any other player who scratches two players in the face would be sent off without any complaints. Drogba was sent off against us in the CL final for a similar incident (and he didn't even use his nails), and nobody complained about it.
Lol, imagine if that player flew into one of us mere mortals! We'd be blown to China and back. Ronaldo just stood there and moved the other guy more than himself.
You know what's sillier than falling down after being scratched in the face? Appealing like 3 years old for a handball when the ball clearly hits the shin of a standing player.

People are clearly only making a fuss about it because it's Ronaldo. Any other player who scratches two players in the face would be sent off without any complaints. Drogba was sent off against us in the CL final for a similar incident (and he didn't even use his nails), and nobody complained about it.

Well of course you being a Messi fanboi would say something negative about Ronaldo. It's not surprising.

My point is players dropping to the ground like flies these days. I'm not defending Ronaldo but unsurprising a Messi fanboi sees it that way.
Well of course you being a Messi fanboi would say something negative about Ronaldo. It's not surprising.

My point is players dropping to the ground like flies these days. I'm not defending Ronaldo but unsurprising a Messi fanboi sees it that way.
Lots of pansies in the modern game. Falling and flailing about from the slightest of contact, and even in situations with zero contact.

Oh and...
Well of course you being a Messi fanboi would say something negative about Ronaldo. It's not surprising.

My point is players dropping to the ground like flies these days. I'm not defending Ronaldo but unsurprising a Messi fanboi sees it that way.
Messi fanboi it appears.
It's hard to expect Messi fanbois to give Ronaldo too much props.
FV is a Barca fan and Messi fanboi.
I would ignore FV in this thread. He's a massive Barca/La Liga/Messi fanboi.
Even a Messi fanboi as yourself has to admit Sneijder has just rights for inclusion and even being the eventual winner.
Fanboy is a term used to describe a male who is highly devoted and biased in opinion towards a single subject or hobby within a given field. Fanboy-ism is often prevalent in a field of products, brands or universe of characters where very few competitors (or enemies in fiction, such as comics) exist. Fan (person) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

fanboi or fanbois
1. Derogatory. A person with an irrational attachment to a particular item or brand name, and an equally irrational dislike for competing brands or items.

Well, I've found somebody who would like to respond to you:
Hmm... since when I did become a Ronaldo fanboi? This considering some of the posts I've made about him in other threads for basically quitting on United while flirting with Real for months. Odd. I suppose that's all the Bossman can resort to.
That's his fallback route when an argument comes to no further retort. Just label them Ronaldo/Real fanbois/loyalists.
Exactly. ;)

Dont ever call Danny1982 a fanboi :lol:

Oh and...


Well, I've found somebody who would like to respond to you:

Exactly. ;)

Still bringing the water pistol to a gun fight.

The zero contact part was nothing about the Ronaldo incident, but a general comment towards the game as whole, as was the entire comment. But of course you wanted to single that out to make some sort of wild connection for a rebuttal. I'll be more specific next time, just for you.

Fanboi. There's plenty of them out there. I need to see some more of those Messi stats, por favor. Or some videos. I won't mention the LBJ/Heat lovefest. You've been upset ever since I called you out on the LBJ thing. You're a new age, fan, we understand the kind. Players over club. Send me your addy and I'll ship you a Messi poster. Cheers :)
The disciplinary board have given him a three match ban. Which means it'll be served in La Liga and he will be able to play against Atletico in the Copa SF.

Oddly enough it's his birthday today. He was serving a three match ban on his birthday the first season he played for Madrid as well.

Madrid are not best pleased. The ref's report said the red card was for a "blow to the face" of Gurpegi (the one who fell down) while the ball was out of play. The tribunal phoned the ref to ask if he was sure about that, and he then changed the report to refer to Iturraspe. He didn't change the dissent charge ("tapping his face" at the fourth official") despite the fact that the video showed the fourth official was nowhere near him and had his back turned at the time.

Meanwhile Athletic have raised an additional complaint on Gurpegi's behalf.

Fun and games eh. Happy Birthday, Cristiano (and Neymar and Januzaj).
Well, Ronaldo probably deserves the suspension just for being such an idiot. He's too experienced to do shit like that. But it's interesting that the ref alledgedly changed his reason for the sending off from what he'd written in his match report. Dangerous stuff that.
Should be a cracker today against Atletico. Real may struggle without him in the league I felt it was soft to but you aren't allowed to raise your hands.
Should be a cracker today against Atletico. Real may struggle without him in the league I felt it was soft to but you aren't allowed to raise your hands.

Villareal is a tough one, but they are at home, so they should be able to get the points. The other two games, Elche and Getafe, without being too heartless, if they can't beat them, they deserve nothing.
They should be fine. Hopefully we get see some more of Isco in his absence...
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