Fabio da Silva | 2013/14 Performances

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I don't think he ever looked as comfortable on the left as the right, I question whether he was ever really a left back. He didn't make the progress his brother did, didn't bulk up as much and wasn't playing on either side when players were out.

Shame but he had to go.
If that was the only reason then I think it was a stupid decision to make but I doubt it was that simple, Fabio must not have been good enough too for Moyes to stick with him. Imagine we had a player like Lahm (when he was playing at LB), I don't think he would have left despite being mainly right footed.

Obviously, but you're comparing one of the best full backs in the World with Fabio there.

I can't see any other reason. I refuse to believe that he thought Buttner was a genuinely better player.
Obviously, but you're comparing one of the best full backs in the World with Fabio there.

I can't see any other reason. I refuse to believe that he thought Buttner was a genuinely better player.

It wasn't meant to be a direct comparison, just a hope that at least the player's ability was taken into account when the decision to sell him was taken.
Obviously, but you're comparing one of the best full backs in the World with Fabio there.

I can't see any other reason. I refuse to believe that he thought Buttner was a genuinely better player.
I agree with that. Another thing he might have considered is that at least Buttner is usually available for selection whereas Fabio is injury prone.
There is also another side of it no one is looking at.

Buttner is likely very happy to be a United squad player (nothing wrong with that, we need them), and perhaps Fabio wants more. Starter at another club or forever an understudy at United? He may just prefer the first option himself.
Nothing to say we can't buy him back in a couple of years if he develops as well as he can! :D
There is also another side of it no one is looking at.

Buttner is likely very happy to be a United squad player (nothing wrong with that, we need them), and perhaps Fabio wants more. Starter at another club or forever an understudy at United? He may just prefer the first option himself.

Buttner does get some unfair stick IMO. He's not as bad as some make out. Also, he seems to absolutely love United.
Buttner does get some unfair stick IMO. He's not as bad as some make out. Also, he seems to absolutely love United.
Buttner comes accross as a really decent bloke and he always puts a proper shift in, but sadly he just isn't good enough. With Evra going we desperately need someone better to be first choice.
I know it's unpopular but I don't think there's much between Fabio and Buttner. Fabio isn't good defensively either, still so rash but I would still say Fabio is the better player. Like Carl said I think the fact that Buttner is left-footed has played a part.
Honestly, I think if Fergie was in charge here he still would be leaving. I don't think he's as good as some make out but I hope he does well at Cardiff.
Buttner comes accross as a really decent bloke and he always puts a proper shift in, but sadly he just isn't good enough. With Evra going we desperately need someone better to be first choice.

I agree and I expect Moyes to address it in the Summer at the very latest. LB isn't something I'm overly worried about right now.
This should be a bit of a wake up call to the likes of Cleverley, Valencia, Young et al.

When you see Mata arriving to Carrington by Helicopter and talking in awe about the facilities United have and compare it to a picture of Fabio getting out of his car with a walk down to the training ground that looks more like it belongs to a secondary school than a Premier League Football Club, you realize just how far a fall it is from United to anywhere.

This is very true, good point.

I think a lot of our players have been taking the situation they're in for granted, and this is one more reason for them to wake the feck up.
Fabio has certainly benefited from his brothers progress in so far as people being willing to give him more chances assuming he'll reach the same level without there being much evidence he ever could.
I also think there's an argument to make regarding Rafa being better when his brother isn't around. If these 2 are as inseparable as some suggest it may well do them both a lot of good to be apart allowing them to focus on their own careers rather than each others.
the DaSilvas are quality lads and i wish Fabio all the best
This should be a bit of a wake up call to the likes of Cleverley, Valencia, Young et al.

When you see Mata arriving to Carrington by Helicopter and talking in awe about the facilities United have and compare it to a picture of Fabio getting out of his car with a walk down to the training ground that looks more like it belongs to a secondary school than a Premier League Football Club, you realize just how far a fall it is from United to anywhere.
Good post, lets hope some of those who have been under-performing view it that way. Moyes seems to also be taking a firmer stance by reminding them that he is willing to be ruthless to get the squad to where it needs to be and that none of their places are guaranteed.
Fabio would've been such a useful squad player as well, if Moyes believed he wasn't good enough for a first team spot. Could fill in at both full back positions and I'd say he'd be a pretty decent makeshift winger or even CDM.

I haven't seen much of him but I did see some similarities in playing style to Lahm.
Because he's not left footed. The answer is as simple as that. He could have been left footed and half as talented as a footballer, still better than Buttner mind you, and Moyes would have given him games
I honestly think it's because Buttner is left footed. With most of the players we use on the left wing being either right footed or the sort that like to play inside a left footer does offer more genuine width.

Not saying it's a reason I agree with for choosing Buttner over Fabio but that's the only one I can see.

I don't buy it, if that truly is the reason, then what's the explanation for everyone but Fabio at right back covering for rafael?
I don't buy it, if that truly is the reason, then what's the explanation for everyone but Fabio at right back covering for rafael?

Yeah I don't think being right footed is the reason. It must be something to do with his personality or injury proneness... and he does seem a bit out of position at times which is problematic. But Buttner is worse in that regard (being out of position). It's a mystery all right.
I don't buy it, if that truly is the reason, then what's the explanation for everyone but Fabio at right back covering for rafael?

Because thats a way to give Smalling and Jones gametime so they dont want to leave despite not being regular CBs for us. If you took away Smallings 10 matches at RB and gave them to Fabio instead, Chris Smalling is going to be knocking on the door asking why he's only had 5 league starts this season. Because of injuries and the poor form of Fellaini Jones has had more than enough gametime so he wouldnt miss the 4 starts at right back if Fabio had them. But another year we dont get injuries in CM and Fellaini plays well, suddenly Jones isnt getting much gametime either. Basically Moyes wants to keep Jones and Smalling so he'll give them games at right back when Rafael isnt fit and on form. Fabio? He probably didnt bother to learn his name, just called him "the other one"
I don't think he ever looked as comfortable on the left as the right, I question whether he was ever really a left back.

All his best games, and his only significant run in the team, came at right back. That was his position. He should have been his brother's understudy/competition, and he should have got plenty of games this season.

If you took away Smallings 10 matches at RB and gave them to Fabio instead, Chris Smalling is going to be knocking on the door asking why he's only had 5 league starts this season.

You give Chris Smalling those games at CB, (you know, his position) ahead of the creaking old buffoon he's comfortably better than.
Because thats a way to give Smalling and Jones gametime so they dont want to leave despite not being regular CBs for us. If you took away Smallings 10 matches at RB and gave them to Fabio instead, Chris Smalling is going to be knocking on the door asking why he's only had 5 league starts this season. Because of injuries and the poor form of Fellaini Jones has had more than enough gametime so he wouldnt miss the 4 starts at right back if Fabio had them. But another year we dont get injuries in CM and Fellaini plays well, suddenly Jones isnt getting much gametime either. Basically Moyes wants to keep Jones and Smalling so he'll give them games at right back when Rafael isnt fit and on form. Fabio? He probably didnt bother to learn his name, just called him "the other one"

Nah, you're argument is not valid here. How on earth was Valencia getting games at RB ahead of him as well? And I'm sure Moyes would prefer someone at RB who is actually delivering good performances, rather than giving games to Smalling and seeing him perform woefully.
I wanted the twins to be our full backs for the next 10 years :(...Remember Arsenal in the cup? That was beautiful.

Can't believe this lad started a CL final for us less then 3 years ago. Good luck Fabio.
Nah, you're argument is not valid here. How on earth was Valencia getting games at RB ahead of him as well? And I'm sure Moyes would prefer someone at RB who is actually delivering good performances, rather than giving games to Smalling and seeing him perform woefully.

So whats your argument? Moyes thought he was the 10th best right back and 3rd best left back after Buttner because Buttner is more talented?

The reason for Fabio not getting games at right back has no bearing on the fact he could (and should) have got games at left back because he's a miles better player than Buttner who did get games. The only "advantage" Buttner has is he's left footed. Or are you suggesting he's a better player than Fabio?

Fabio didnt get games on the right to give more games to other players, whether they were Jones, Smalling or Valencia. It doesn't matter. The point is that all of these players getting games means it keeps them happy. He didn't care about Fabio being happy on the flipside because he valued those other players and obviously, theres no madness involved in preferring to keep Smalling, Jones and even Valencia happy over Fabio. They are all good players on their day and you could definitely make the argument they are simply better than Fabio.

Buttner on the other hand is clearly not better and not worth keeping happy instead of Fabio. There is no sensible argument for that. He is however left footed which is the explaination
You give Chris Smalling those games at CB, (you know, his position) ahead of the creaking old buffoon he's comfortably better than.

Tell that to David Moyes. Also tell him to find the receipt for that toilet brush he purchased in the summer that never gets any use, among other things
All his best games, and his only significant run in the team, came at right back. That was his position. He should have been his brother's understudy/competition, and he should have got plenty of games this season.

You give Chris Smalling those games at CB, (you know, his position) ahead of the creaking old buffoon he's comfortably better than.

How do I do this while abiding by the new rules?

Good Sir, utilizing such a gross level of feckwittery in your post only serves to make you appear less of a clever gentleman that you most certainly are. Please refrain lest mine own heart breaks for thee.*

*Thanks for the words Dwayne you Canadian poet.
Which of those three words do you not believe is an appropriate description of Rio Ferdinand?
Which of those three words do you not believe is an appropriate description of Rio Ferdinand?

Oh I don't know, perhaps calling one of our greatest ever defenders who only last year was still an integral part of our first eleven a buffoon. One who has played 444 games for us while winning...

Manchester United
...one who clearly loves the club and is loved by the fans. Yeah he may be past his best but your post was a disgrace as are the posts of anyone who flippantly refers to our legends like that. I'm not saying 'you' are a shite fan, but that post was a shite post.
Good luck to him. A bit hard done by this season as he should have played a lot more instead of Buttner, and even Evra/Smalling at times. A sad way to end his Man Utd career with that red card but wish him all the best.
Oh I don't know, perhaps calling one of our greatest ever defenders who only last year was still an integral part of our first eleven a buffoon. One who has played 444 games for us while winning...

Manchester United
...one who clearly loves the club and is loved by the fans. Yeah he may be past his best but your post was a disgrace as are the posts of anyone who flippantly refers to our legends like that. I'm not saying 'you' are a shite fan, but that post was a shite post.

As much as Rio has been a great player for us up until the last couple of years (our best ever CB, I would say) it doesn't change his personality in the least. The man's a buffoon by any definition.

I suppose you just disapprove of not being madly in love with any of our best players? Well, Roy Keane won more than that and was a better player, and he's an utter fecking cnut. Wayne Rooney is our best player, and he's a tosser. Ryan Giggs is the biggest legend in our club's history and, well, let's just say 'philanderer' is a generous description.

Christ, 'buffoon' is barely even an insult.
As much as Rio has been a great player for us up until the last couple of years (our best ever CB, I would say) it doesn't change his personality in the least. The man's a buffoon by any definition.

I suppose you just disapprove of not being madly in love with any of our best players? Well, Roy Keane won more than that and was a better player, and he's an utter fecking cnut. Wayne Rooney is our best player, and he's a tosser. Ryan Giggs is the biggest legend in our club's history and, well, let's just say 'philanderer' is a generous description.

Christ, 'buffoon' is barely even an insult.

I just can't for the life of my understand how posts like this are allowed on the forum. This is even more of a disgrace than your last post.

No I don't disapprove of people not being madly in love with our players. I've made enough critical posts of our players over the years that anyone who reads them would know that's the case. There is however a massive difference between that and calling our players, cnuts, buffoons and tossers though.

And yes, calling one of our club legends a creaking old buffoon is certainly insulting when his only crime is getting on a bit.

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...what? You're the one who suddenly turned this into a crusade to protect the feeling of our precious players. You're the one who made it not about football. I posted that in defense of my description of Rio Ferdinand as a buffoon (here's a hint, learn what the word means), and do you know how I found it? I googled his name and clicked on the first news result.

Also, just to recap.

Things you think should be allowed on this forum: insulting an actual member in direct contravention of a recently posted rules (using a thesaurus doesn't isn't exactly abiding by the spirit of the law). Things you think should not be allowed on this forum: calling non-members who violently assault people in the workplace 'cnuts', or ones who cheat on their pregnant wives with multiple prostitutes 'tossers'.

That about right?
...what? You're the one who suddenly turned this into a crusade to protect the feeling of our precious players. You're the one who made it not about football. I posted that in defense of my description of Rio Ferdinand as a buffoon (here's a hint, learn what the word means), and do you know how I found it? I googled his name and clicked on the first news result.

Also, just to recap.

Things you think should be allowed on this forum: insulting an actual member in direct contravention of a recently posted rules (using a thesaurus doesn't isn't exactly abiding by the spirit of the law). Things you think should not be allowed on this forum: calling non-members who violently assault people in the workplace 'cnuts', or ones who cheat on their pregnant wives with multiple prostitutes 'tossers'.

That about right?

Where did I insult you? I referred to your posts on several occasions as is absolutely allowed in the rules, but I was very very careful not to insult you.

Aye, I do think calling players who we claim to support cnuts, tossers and buffoons should be banned. Absolutely and I've had that discussion on many occasions with the mods who disagree with me. Doesn't mean I can't call you out on it though. If you called Rooney's behaviour out or specifically referred to some of Keane's incidents I wouldn't have said a thing. The fact was you insulted an excellent player in an effort to make your point about a young player who should be getting game time. It was completely unnecessary and reflects badly on all of us.
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