What in the world are they spraying? (Spoiler: Nothing)


Leaves a bullshit trail behind him
Oct 26, 2014
I don't know about these Chemtrails i'm 50/50 on it but I wont even bother going into any of the other conspiracies I believe to be true as I would be ridiculed and laughed at which is exactly why the truth to many of these things doesn't come out as anyone who has a different view from the norm is instantly belittled and shutdown as a conspiracy theorist, this forum is a prime example of that. Its all a big joke to most but that couldn't be further from the truth IMO. Some theories obviously are ridiculous and need to be disregarded but keep an open mind and look into things properly that's what I say.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
I don't know about these Chemtrails i'm 50/50 on it but I wont even bother going into any of the other conspiracies I believe to be true as I would be ridiculed and laughed at which is exactly why the truth to many of these things doesn't come out as anyone who has a different view from the norm is instantly belittled and shutdown as a conspiracy theorist, this forum is a prime example of that. Its all a big joke to most but that couldn't be further from the truth IMO. Some theories obviously are ridiculous and need to be disregarded but keep an open mind and look into things properly that's what I say.
I'm pretty sure it's not coincidental that the collective IQ of most conspiracy proponents is roughly equal to a sack of hedge clippings.


The Adebayo Akinfenwa of football photoshoppers
Sep 15, 2010
An evil little city in the NE United States
I don't know about these Chemtrails i'm 50/50 on it but I wont even bother going into any of the other conspiracies I believe to be true as I would be ridiculed and laughed at which is exactly why the truth to many of these things doesn't come out as anyone who has a different view from the norm is instantly belittled and shutdown as a conspiracy theorist, this forum is a prime example of that. Its all a big joke to most but that couldn't be further from the truth IMO. Some theories obviously are ridiculous and need to be disregarded but keep an open mind and look into things properly that's what I say.
How do you know the truth hasn't come out on these but the truth just doesn't fit what you want it to be?

Olly Gunnar Solskjær

Marxist bacon-hating kebab-dodging Tinder rascal
Jan 26, 2008
dreams can't be buy
I'm always open to conspiracy theories (unless they're insane), but they're always brought up by people who believe in loads, as if they just believe in them automatically because they're conspiracy theories, rather than because there's some compelling evidence against a specific one.


The Adebayo Akinfenwa of football photoshoppers
Sep 15, 2010
An evil little city in the NE United States
I'm always open to conspiracy theories (unless they're insane), but they're always brought up by people who believe in loads, as if they just believe in them automatically because they're conspiracy theories, rather than because there's some compelling evidence against a specific one.
Mh370 a recent example, the nonsense spouted on various websites about it, by supposed experts who were "digging for the truth " is a shining example of people willing to believe anything.

The whole Sandy Hook was fake theory brought up by our resident conspiracy nut KE7 is another.


The worst "V"
Jan 3, 2009
They also always talk about properly looking into things while supporting theories by people who have not properly looked into things.
They usually preach about not believing the agenda driven media, then link to websites/Youtube videos that are by people that have an agenda themselves ie. making money from all these people lapping it up.

Olly Gunnar Solskjær

Marxist bacon-hating kebab-dodging Tinder rascal
Jan 26, 2008
dreams can't be buy
Mh370 a recent example, the nonsense spouted on various websites about it, by supposed experts who were "digging for the truth " is a shining example of people willing to believe anything.
Yep, which is funny because they say others just accept what is told them, but then do that themselves, just from other sources.

That was just unbelievable. Hold on, a flock of gulls just appeared out the corner of my eye!


Leaves a bullshit trail behind him
Oct 26, 2014
I'm pretty sure it's not coincidental that the collective IQ of most conspiracy proponents is roughly equal to a sack of hedge clippings.
Can you give me an example of any of these so called proponents who have an IQ equal to a sack of hedge clippings? Or is that just an assumption you're making due to them having an opinion that differs from yours or from the mainstream consensus. Believing in a conspiracy doesn't make you unintelligent, if someone believes in a conspiracy it is likely they have done some research and come to a conclusion. Where as the majority will just disregard conspiracies without even a second thought and label the conspiracy theorist a fool without having done any research themselves, which is closed minded and ignorant. If they have looked into the information and then made a decision as to what they believe then fair enough but in my experience most do not.


Captain Stink mouth, so soppy few pints very wow!
Jun 28, 2014
My brain can't get pregnant!

I just saw a flock of birds appear out the corner of my eyes, they have all disappeared now, but they have left birdy chemtrails everywhere. We are doomed.


The Adebayo Akinfenwa of football photoshoppers
Sep 15, 2010
An evil little city in the NE United States
Can you give me an example of any of these so called proponents who have an IQ equal to a sack of hedge clippings? Or is that just an assumption you're making due to them having an opinion that differs from yours or from the mainstream consensus. Believing in a conspiracy doesn't make you unintelligent, if someone believes in a conspiracy it is likely they have done some research and come to a conclusion. Where as the majority will just disregard conspiracies without even a second thought and label the conspiracy theorist a fool without having done any research themselves, which is closed minded and ignorant. If they have looked into the information and then made a decision as to what they believe then fair enough but in my experience most do not.

Actually I doubt many of those who support all sort of conspiracy theories have done any actual research themselves besides visiting a bunch of websites made by someone spouting the conspiracy or watching a bunch of youtube video's. They will jump to believe the theories without giving them much of a thought (see the Sandy Hook one as an example) to what "evidence" is being presented, while at the same time totally disregarding any evidence that puts holes in their theories, without given that evidence a 2nd thought, or even a first. The problem being that most conspiracy theorists don't actually look at the information available, they only look at the one sided and often easily refuted information that supports their theory. Having read some about chemtrails, many of those who believe like to mention the lack of contrail pictures from say WW2. When presented with pictures of contrails from WW2, behaving just as contrails do today, they go to the "photoshop" defense to ignore them.

Sorry, but despite the supposed open mindedness that conspiracy theorist like to believe they have, they are often very closed minded when it comes to their pet theories.


Leaves a bullshit trail behind him
Oct 26, 2014
Actually I doubt many of those who support all sort of conspiracy theories have done any actual research themselves besides visiting a bunch of websites made by someone spouting the conspiracy or watching a bunch of youtube video's. They will jump to believe the theories without giving them much of a thought (see the Sandy Hook one as an example) to what "evidence" is being presented, while at the same time totally disregarding any evidence that puts holes in their theories, without given that evidence a 2nd thought, or even a first. The problem being that most conspiracy theorists don't actually look at the information available, they only look at the one sided and often easily refuted information that supports their theory. Having read some about chemtrails, many of those who believe like to mention the lack of contrail pictures from say WW2. When presented with pictures of contrails from WW2, behaving just as contrails do today, they go to the "photoshop" defense to ignore them.

Sorry, but despite the supposed open mindedness that conspiracy theorist like to believe they have, they are often very closed minded when it comes to their pet theories.
If they haven't done the research then they shouldn't be spouting their beliefs about these things in the first place but many of the conspiracy theorists who actually make articles or videos on these issues have done the research and show where and how this information was attained but again this will not be taken seriously as it comes from something other than the mainstream media. At the end of the day your information has to come from somewhere, it could be from the BBC who put out all sorts of propaganda that most take as Gospel or it could be from an alternative media source who has spoken to a whistle blower or have some other information, but most will label this as conspiracy. Who is the more reliable source? We don't know. Its as though mainstream media can just say something without any evidence to back it up and it must be true but any other information from a lesser known source has to be backed up with eye witnesses, scientific proof, undeniable evidence to even be considered and then even when the evidence is given its still pushed under the carpet.

Sandy Hook is one of the conspiracies I haven't looked into so I cant comment on that. On Chemtrails as I said before im still 50/50 on this one but there have been whistle blowers, experiments have been carried out measuring abnormally high levels of heavy metals in the air, The British Government has even admitted back in 2002 that it carried out biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979 releasing potentially dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms over the population without informing the public. So there is no reason they wouldn't do the same or worse today. All we can really know is that we don't really know anything at all so I stay open minded to most possibilities.
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The Adebayo Akinfenwa of football photoshoppers
Sep 15, 2010
An evil little city in the NE United States
Actually we know that contrails occur and why and how they behave. We know that over time there has been a huge increase in the numbers of aircraft in the air and thus an increase in contrails. We also know that just because the government once sprayed stuff into the air it does not mean they are spraying some sort of mind or weather control stuff currently, they are just evidence of what happened in the past.

We also know that much of the research done by conspiracy theorists is really just reading or viewing items that support their beliefs. But they rarely will admit to this.

but hey you tinfoil hat types keep us all laughing, so thanks.

Though I assume you will soon by targeted by a hit squad as the government tries to cover up its secret. The stack of bodies must be huge at this point. Most of the people whose videos and websites you read must be dead by now. Keep low and serpentine.


Captain Stink mouth, so soppy few pints very wow!
Jun 28, 2014
My brain can't get pregnant!
Actually we know that contrails occur and why and how they behave. We know that over time there has been a huge increase in the numbers of aircraft in the air and thus an increase in contrails. We also know that just because the government once sprayed stuff into the air it does not mean they are spraying some sort of mind or weather control stuff currently, they are just evidence of what happened in the past.

We also know that much of the research done by conspiracy theorists is really just reading or viewing items that support their beliefs. But they rarely will admit to this.

but hey you tinfoil hat types keep us all laughing, so thanks.

Though I assume you will soon by targeted by a hit squad as the government tries to cover up its secret. The stack of bodies must be huge at this point. Most of the people whose videos and websites you read must be dead by now. Keep low and serpentine.
Can you please stop posting perfectly rational and sane posts in this thread for fecks sake! Jeez! We all know the real reason for contrails is becau................

Olly Gunnar Solskjær

Marxist bacon-hating kebab-dodging Tinder rascal
Jan 26, 2008
dreams can't be buy
Though I assume you will soon by targeted by a hit squad as the government tries to cover up its secret. The stack of bodies must be huge at this point. Most of the people whose videos and websites you read must be dead by now. Keep low and serpentine.
Hmm... KingEric hasn't been around since last posting about conspiracies.


The worst "V"
Jan 3, 2009
If they haven't done the research then they shouldn't be spouting their beliefs about these things in the first place but many of the conspiracy theorists who actually make articles or videos on these issues have done the research and show where and how this information was attained but again this will not be taken seriously as it comes from something other than the mainstream media. At the end of the day your information has to come from somewhere, it could be from the BBC who put out all sorts of propaganda that most take as Gospel or it could be from an alternative media source who has spoken to a whistle blower or have some other information, but most will label this as conspiracy. Who is the more reliable source? We don't know. Its as though mainstream media can just say something without any evidence to back it up and it must be true but any other information from a lesser known source has to be backed up with eye witnesses, scientific proof, undeniable evidence to even be considered and then even when the evidence is given its still pushed under the carpet.

Sandy Hook is one of the conspiracies I haven't looked into so I cant comment on that. On Chemtrails as I said before im still 50/50 on this one but there have been whistle blowers, experiments have been carried out measuring abnormally high levels of heavy metals in the air, The British Government has even admitted back in 2002 that it carried out biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979 releasing potentially dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms over the population without informing the public. So there is no reason they wouldn't do the same or worse today. All we can really know is that we don't really know anything at all so I stay open minded to most possibilities.
Where have you got this information from? Sauce pleaaase


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
Can you give me an example of any of these so called proponents who have an IQ equal to a sack of hedge clippings? Or is that just an assumption you're making due to them having an opinion that differs from yours or from the mainstream consensus. Believing in a conspiracy doesn't make you unintelligent, if someone believes in a conspiracy it is likely they have done some research and come to a conclusion. Where as the majority will just disregard conspiracies without even a second thought and label the conspiracy theorist a fool without having done any research themselves, which is closed minded and ignorant. If they have looked into the information and then made a decision as to what they believe then fair enough but in my experience most do not.
Doing research and coming to a conclusion doesn't mean you're intelligent either though, especially if in doing so you demonstrate an inability to properly assess the value of the sources and claims you're basing your conclusions on.

I don't think believing in conspiracy theories automatically makes someone unintelligent, it just demonstrates an inability to think critically, consistently or logically.

You say that that majority will disregard these conspiracy theories out of hand but why would they do anything else? The burden of proof is on those who suggest the chemtrail conspiracy is real and, with so many immediately obvious flaws in the basic premise of the conspiracy, there's no reason for the majority to do anything except dismiss it as nonsense.


Leaves a bullshit trail behind him
Oct 26, 2014
Doing research and coming to a conclusion doesn't mean you're intelligent either though, especially if in doing so you demonstrate an inability to properly assess the value of the sources and claims you're basing your conclusions on.

I don't think believing in conspiracy theories automatically makes someone unintelligent, it just demonstrates an inability to think critically, consistently or logically.

You say that that majority will disregard these conspiracy theories out of hand but why would they do anything else? The burden of proof is on those who suggest the chemtrail conspiracy is real and, with so many immediately obvious flaws in the basic premise of the conspiracy, there's no reason for the majority to do anything except dismiss it as nonsense.
Yes but how have you come to your conclusion on Chemtrails if you have come to one at all and how have the last few posters also come to their conclusion that its all rubbish? I would bet its not from 'researching' but rather from simply thinking "why would they spray us? whats the point" "If they are spraying us then they are spraying themselves" "They are condensation trails" and that's it, conclusion: its just a crazy conspiracy theory. That is also demonstrating an inability to think critically, consistently or logically as you put it. That is completely closed minded. People believe what they are told as they have been conditioned to do so.

@JustAFan You know how contrails behave ok that proves there no such thing as chemtrails, well done you have completely debunked the Conspiracy theory. Have you watched these trails in the sky that sit there for hours and slowly spread across the sky and seem to suddenly change the weather? Have you taken samples of whats in the air and found there to be no heavy metals and no dangerous chemicals?

It's not my job to convince anyone of anything and i'm not a promoter of this conspiracy as I cant see enough solid evidence to make a decision either way at the moment. I would have no chance convincing the last few posters here anyway. My argument is that from what I see most disregard alternative theories without even considering them, how many will have actually read even one article on chemtrails before posting here saying 'tinfoil hats :lol:' etc, let alone looked into it properly, not many, which is my point. But anyway i'm repeating myself, I will leave it there.
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The Adebayo Akinfenwa of football photoshoppers
Sep 15, 2010
An evil little city in the NE United States

Nope, I've never seen them do that.
And he wonders why we laugh.

Contrails slowly spreading apart is proof of what? That they are disapating due to atmospheric conditions. What do you expect them to do stay forever?

No I have never seen them change the weather and neither has anyone else.

Ever hear of pollution? Poison in the air including heavy metals. Used to cause this thing called acid rain in the US. Nothing to do with chemtrails.

Hell the people posting videos and articles about chemtrails have not looked into them properly.
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The Adebayo Akinfenwa of football photoshoppers
Sep 15, 2010
An evil little city in the NE United States
Today I woke up it was sunny, with a clear blue sky, not a cloud or chemtrail or contrail to be found. By noon it was cloudy, the it rained a bit, got colder and even snowed a little. How did that happen?

Oh wait there was this big flock of geese this morning, they changed the weather.


Captain Stink mouth, so soppy few pints very wow!
Jun 28, 2014
My brain can't get pregnant!
And he wonders why we laugh.

Contrails slowly spreading apart is proof of what? That they are disapating due to atmospheric conditions. What do you expect them to do stay forever?

No I have never seen them change the weather and neither has anyone else.

Ever hear of pollution? Poison in the air including heavy metals. Used to cause this thing called acid rain in the US. Nothing to do with chemtrails.

Hell the people posting videos and articles about chemtrails have not looked into them properly.
Today I woke up it was sunny, with a clear blue sky, not a cloud or chemtrail or contrail to be found. By noon it was cloudy, the it rained a bit, got colder and even snowed a little. How did that happen?

Oh wait there was this big flock of geese this morning, they changed the weather.

:lol: I didn't see the edit. I studied meteorology for 3 years when I was taking my skippers tickets, and at no point did I ever learn anything about contrails controlling or changing the weather, but of course that's the conspiracy isn't it. :lol:

I did however learn a lot about migrating birds travelling through vortexes and black holes and portals and they controlled the shit out of everything, the weather included.

Welsh Wonder

A dribbling mess on the sauce
Dec 11, 2007
The only chemtrails that frighten me are the ones in my undies after a night on the piss


Full Member
May 17, 2005
Fecking hell. A few new episodes of the X-Files and the nuts from abovetopsecret are out in force again.


Leaves a bullshit trail behind him
Oct 26, 2014
:lol: I didn't see the edit. I studied meteorology for 3 years when I was taking my skippers tickets, and at no point did I ever learn anything about contrails controlling or changing the weather, but of course that's the conspiracy isn't it. :lol:

I did however learn a lot about migrating birds travelling through vortexes and black holes and portals and they controlled the shit out of everything, the weather included.
Its called cloud seeding. But I guess that's probably not true either. If they can cloud seed from aircraft they can drop other substances.

And he wonders why we laugh.

Contrails slowly spreading apart is proof of what? That they are disapating due to atmospheric conditions. What do you expect them to do stay forever?

No I have never seen them change the weather and neither has anyone else.

Ever hear of pollution? Poison in the air including heavy metals. Used to cause this thing called acid rain in the US. Nothing to do with chemtrails.

Hell the people posting videos and articles about chemtrails have not looked into them properly.
I didn't say it was proof of anything, I was asking if he had watched them as he said we know how contrails behave.


The Adebayo Akinfenwa of football photoshoppers
Sep 15, 2010
An evil little city in the NE United States
Its called cloud seeding. But I guess that's probably not true either. If they can cloud seed from aircraft they can drop other substances.

Well by that logic almost anything we can make up is true. But as logical arguments that are proof of anything, it is incredibly faulty. The existence of cloud seeding, means absolutely nothing in terms of whether chemtrails are real or just as most people know just contrails behaving has contrails do.

If you did not think they somehow supported the belief that chemtrails are real, you should not have bothered bringing them up then.

Contrails are very easily explained, but you know that because you have done the research on the issue, right.


Band of Brothers, Thief
Jul 4, 2012
omg he hinted at that he believes in the whole "government controlling the weather conspiracy". This should be good.