Ryan Giggs' £2million mansion vandalized by graffiti artists


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
Totting up I suppose. Irrespective of his infidelities, I don't think a gamble on Giggs is wise given the caliber of manager our rivals seem to have. I don't really know what should happen to him with regards to United, but he's not exactly selling himself well is he? Bottom line, there is a world class manager without a job, who should fill the hot seat when/if LVG leaves.
Probably because after the scandal first surfaced most people made peace with what he had done, and moved on, thinking it was in the past. Give him a chance to clean up his act which we assumed he had done by patching things up with his wife. Now we find out that he has an ongoing problem. Even with his family on the line, for the sake of his kids, and on the brink of a massive promotion, he can't resist chasing women.

Yep it's definitely both of the above. I'm done with him.

To be honest, I'm quickly losing interest on post SAF Manchester United: not because the football is rubbish but because I'm struggling to find common values with the club and it's senior staff.


Horrible boss
Aug 17, 2010
Seventh Heaven
Urban Combat Preparedness
Yep it's definitely both of the above. I'm done with him.

To be honest, I'm quickly losing interest on post SAF Manchester United: not because the football is rubbish but because I'm struggling to find common values with the club and it's senior staff.
Hard to disagree with any of that.


New Member
Jan 6, 2014
nah it's not irrelevant...not to the money men trust me, not globally. And that is what it is about now...global and global sponsors.
This has been public knowledge for ages and the club has done nothing and will do nothing, so no, I don't trust you.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Giggs paid for the procedure, for all we know she didn't want the kid either. He didn't say "aww feck, didn't want that to happen here's £500 and keep it hush"
He screwed his brother's chick. Paid for the abortion and ensured his brother could marry a woman who had already cheated on him with his brother. Then proceeded to continue banging said wife. And if I'm not mistaken Rhodri only found out by checking out his wife's phone and finding messages.

It takes a special kind of scumbag to not only decide to destroy a family member's world completely, but also engineer a situation that allows said family member to be entrapt in destroyed world for years. And that's not even touching on the pain has inflicted on his own wife and family.

I have no respect for him as a human being.


New Member
Jan 6, 2014
You make it sound like being 'moral' is such a bad thing.
Thankfully, the majority do find screwing your brother's wife despicable.
Well, yes, but this is old news and the club clearly doesn't see it as an issue. Only those morally outraged Caf members who wanted him gone anyway and are using this as an excuse are making something of it.

Has any of these morally outraged individuals taken up my challenge of emailing the club asking why he hasn't been sacked?


New Member
Jan 6, 2014
No United wouldn't sack him...they will gently tell him to go (not his choice), 'think of the club'..'think of what you have achieved'..even Fergie might have a word and there were no skeletons in his closet.. He won't want to be sacked, not as a United legend. Then maybe later...years ahead he can come back. It's just so sensible. He's been part of two regimes that have failed, he hasn't got any amazing insight at the moment. We don't see him as management material in a serious sense, we still see him skipping down the wings and scoring the semi final winner against Arsenal in the FA cup. If I was him, I'd say..right..time to go, no matter where I go now single, what flowers I buy to whom, who I'm seen with, that is going to be the story....not United.
What a load of drivel! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
I just had a look through the thread from a couple of years back where it became apparent that Giggs was going to be LVG's assistant.

Quite a lot of posters fairly happy about the appointment... some posts of concern about his lack of coaching experience and whether or not he was being forced into LVG's coaching team.

The number of posts from people raising concerns about his character and what an awful person he is for sleeping around? None. Not a single one. Funny that. All of a sudden it seems like this season everyone is morally outraged... or should I say, faux moral outrage motivated by a fear of Giggs being appointed manager.
Firstly, Giggs as an assistant manager is not really that important a figure. He's been shoehorned in to gain some on the job exposure. Nobody in the media or anywhere cares too much about an assistant manager. A manager on the other hand is the face of the club. He's the guy taking all the key decisions and can shape the future of the football club. So Giggs can take a part time gimp job as AM if be wants, but manager of Manchester United has to A) have pedigree (which he doesnt) and B) be able to handle the media and public scrutiny. So the less the scrutiny on the personal life the better. There's enough of the job of United manager anyway.

He really shouldn't be United manager based on his lack of experience along.

Secondly, there's no faux moral outrage. A guy who does disgusting things is being called a cnut because he is one. And him being legend on the pitch doesn't make him immune from that.


Official Team Perv
Jun 7, 2004
Grove Street, home.
He screwed his brother's chick. Paid for the abortion and ensured his brother could marry a woman who had already cheated on him with his brother. Then proceeded to continue banging said wife. And if I'm not mistaken Rhodri only found out by checking out his wife's phone and finding messages.

It takes a special kind of scumbag to not only decide to destroy a family member's world completely, but also engineer a situation that allows said family member to be entrapt in destroyed world for years. And that's not even touching on the pain has inflicted on his own wife and family.

I have no respect for him as a human being.
Neither do I.


New Member
Jan 6, 2014


Full Member
Aug 4, 2006
Endeavouring to persevere in observation of all th
I'm sure Cantona wasn't well loved by the Leeds dressing room. But we can't sack folk for things they haven't done. As of yet he hasn't shagged Rojo's bird for example. Imagine us turning down the chance to buy Cantona because we were frightened he'd shag everyone at the club including the tea lady and her husband in a mental threesome involving cactus plants...thus causing disharmony at United. Eh? Imagine that?
Jesus mr Spooney, you've just put me off me kippers!:(


Full Member
Feb 28, 2014
Getting his CV in early for manager of soon-to-be women's team.
He says he's a 'hands-on' type of manager...

Yes, his behaviour has been abominable but let's try and avoid the puritanical stuff - he hasn't quite got to a Berlusconi or Dominique Strauss Kahn kind of level yet.
I really don't think he should be fired but his own self-esteem should make him disappear for a while (if he was capable of being more invisible).
Maybe he'll become a pundit - that would be fascinating :boring:
Don't know mate, banging your brother's wife for 8 years is got to be pretty bottom of the pond scum level. Don't think you can get worse than that on the infidelity scale... You don't need to be some sort of puritan to find that utterly despicable. Some say that his personal life should not factor into whether he should get the manager job. For me however, the job of the United manager cannot be viewed in isolation apart from the human qualities of the candidate. The fact that there are so many against Maureen coming, and that there has been rampant rumors that the board thinks he doesn't have the right personality for the post, should mean that Giggs should not be exempted from scrutiny in this respect.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2014
Firstly, Giggs as an assistant manager is not really that important a figure. He's been shoehorned in to gain some on the job exposure.
You can keep justifying that to yourself all you like if it makes you feel better. The fact is 2 years ago, nobody cared. I suspect you're partly arguing with me now because you think I'm advocating him for the job. I'm not doing that. I just find it daft that two years ago, nobody cared and in the last few months... everyone is horrified by his past behaviour. It clearly has less to do with that and more to do with them just not wanting him in the top job. There are many valid reasons for that without resorting to this level of political mud slinging which I find a bit sad and needless...

Probably because after the scandal first surfaced most people made peace with what he had done, and moved on, thinking it was in the past.
But nobody here actually knows what the current situation is. For all we know he may have split from his wife months ago. Maybe it was a year ago. Some red top writes a story that he was flirting with a PR girl and everyone is 'outraged' but nobody actually knows the situation. It's like, 'well... I want to believe that this is the case, so I will'. It's not as if these newspapers don't have a reputation for printing rubbish.

This is a thread about giggs' infidelities what did you expect?
It's not just this thread though is it? It's been brought up in many a thread wherever Giggs is discussed. Only in the last 6 months though... whereas 2 years ago, not a single mention. Ignore that fact if you want but it is clearly very telling.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
You can keep justifying that to yourself all you like if it makes you feel better. The fact is 2 years ago, nobody cared. I suspect you're partly arguing with me now because you think I'm advocating him for the job. I'm not doing that. I just find it daft that two years ago, nobody cared and in the last few months... everyone is horrified by his past behaviour. It clearly has less to do with that and more to do with them just not wanting him in the top job. There are many valid reasons for that without resorting to this level of political mud slinging which I find a bit sad and needless...
Except I don't need "make myself feel better" given I didn't say this is a reason for disqualifying him from the job, did I?

Nor did I presume what your stance was.

I think Giggs shouldn't be manager of Manchester United because he's a rookie. I also think he's a real scumbag as an individual. You're the one correlating my views on the two.

What I was doing was telling you why it's being used now as a tool to beat him for the top job (not that I was doing that). Because it is the top job, and infinitely more important than the assistant role.

Hope that makes my stance clearer.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2014
Hope that makes my stance clearer.
That it does. Although I guess my personal opinion would be that if you would refuse an individual the manager's job on moral grounds... I think they should be refused the AM's job for the very same reasons. If I were making that sort of decision, I'm not sure treating the two differently would sit well with my own morals if I'm honest. Although I guess you're not disagreeing with that yourself.


Full Member
Jul 21, 2001
Shaken, and very stirred......
Don't know mate, banging your brother's wife for 8 years is got to be pretty bottom of the pond scum level. Don't think you can get worse than that on the infidelity scale... You don't need to be some sort of puritan to find that utterly despicable. Some say that his personal life should not factor into whether he should get the manager job. For me however, the job of the United manager cannot be viewed in isolation apart from the human qualities of the candidate. The fact that there are so many against Maureen coming, and that there has been rampant rumors that the board thinks he doesn't have the right personality for the post, should mean that Giggs should not be exempted from scrutiny in this respect.
Yep, agree with this. There is a big difference between this sort of baggage being associated with a player than there is with it being connected to a manager, or any part of the management team. You can't start telling other players how they should behave and then start behaving badly yourself. And I'm not talking about previous behaviour, he was a player then.

I'm sure if we found out tomorrow that LVG had been banging his brother's wife for 8 years (putting aside the fact that most want him out for footballing reasons anyway!) there would be a huge call for him to be sacked. You can't moralise to players when you are trying to dip yer wick behind your wife's back at the same time. It just doesn't tally.


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
I'm sure if we found out tomorrow that LVG had been banging his brother's wife for 8 years (putting aside the fact that most want him out for footballing reasons anyway!) there would be a huge call for him to be sacked. You can't moralise to players when you are trying to dip yer wick behind your wife's back at the same time. It just doesn't tally.
How much moralizing does a manager do as part of his job? Do you think managers regularly give speeches to their players on the importance of being a good husband?

Can you imagine a huge call for Fergie to be sacked ten years ago if it had transpired that he'd done something comparable?

"He's the best manager in the world, and it would hit the club hard if we let him go - but, yes, we have to do it. On moral grounds."

Sounds like something your average football fan would say - right?

How many of the people now in favour of hiring Mourinho would change their stance if it turned out he had done something comparable?

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee
Don't know mate, banging your brother's wife for 8 years is got to be pretty bottom of the pond scum level. Don't think you can get worse than that on the infidelity scale... You don't need to be some sort of puritan to find that utterly despicable. Some say that his personal life should not factor into whether he should get the manager job. For me however, the job of the United manager cannot be viewed in isolation apart from the human qualities of the candidate. The fact that there are so many against Maureen coming, and that there has been rampant rumors that the board thinks he doesn't have the right personality for the post, should mean that Giggs should not be exempted from scrutiny in this respect.
I'd argue that banging your mother in law would be worse. Clearly, you haven't thought about this enough.

Welsh Wonder

A dribbling mess on the sauce
Dec 11, 2007
to be fair anyone who's ever met giggs for more than 5 seconds can easily clock he's a weirdo.


urinates in helmets
Aug 10, 2000
Special once
Berwick Rangers
I used to like Banksy's work but this is just amateurish drivel if you ask me.


Another Muppet
Nov 14, 2012
We all know why people want him sacked. It's so they can lick Mourinho's arsehole. You don't sack people for having affairs.


Another Muppet
Nov 14, 2012
I'm sure if we found out tomorrow that LVG had been banging his brother's wife for 8 years (putting aside the fact that most want him out for footballing reasons anyway!) there would be a huge call for him to be sacked. You can't moralise to players when you are trying to dip yer wick behind your wife's back at the same time. It just doesn't tally.
Nah that's nonsense. If LVG was leading us to a treble then not a single feck would be given by the fans aside from the odd clown here and there.

The only reason this thread exists and has 7 pages is because we're fecking shite.


New Member
Jan 6, 2014
Well, this has been known for years and guess what? The club doesn't see it as an issue, the supporters don't see it as an issue (except the moral high-grounders on here and the "Giggs out" brigade who are trying in vain to make a major issue of it) and I don't see opposition supporters making it an issue.

So guess what? No matter how hard some try, it's not an issue - and stop with the faux moral outrage, you're not convincing anyone except yourself.