Sign this Petition!


Leaves a bullshit trail behind him
Oct 26, 2014
He should be banned from the CE section.
Because I have a different opinion from the norm? I haven't mentioned any sort of conspiracy crap at all in this thread if you would care to look. It's everyone else that likes to repeatedly bring up things I've said weeks or months ago. People are talking about me having a wind up when this is a discussion about signing a petition to overturn a democratic vote made by the British public :lol:

Nick 0208 Ldn

News 24
Mar 10, 2004
If i am up to date with events, 93% of the electorate don't actually want a second vote. But we are going to retroactively change the rules of the game with the hope that the result will be different? No thanks.

This wasn't described as a once in a generation, winner takes all referendum for nothing. The stakes were extremely high for both sides, and many Eurosceptics knew that a win for Remain would be the issue to bed for decades.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Why not? This government changes the law retrospectively every time it loses a High Court case. As for 'rules', well, as we've seen very recently, words and supposed rules are just voter-bait.


most 'know it all' poster
Oct 26, 2005
I was also told that in a 52-48 referendum, this would be unfinished business by a long way.

Nick 0208 Ldn

News 24
Mar 10, 2004
Why not? This government changes the law retrospectively every time it loses a High Court case. As for 'rules', well, as we've seen very recently, words and supposed rules are just voter-bait.
How many of these 2.4m would have signed this petition would have done so irrespective of the result?

If we had an established system of referenda in this country, you might be able to persuade me as to the sense of one two years from now (for the final deal), but not to satisfy a bunch of people who don't like the fact that someone sunk their battleship.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
I imagine that BringNaniBack replies to comments with the X-Files theme song on constant loop in the background.


The Art of Bore
Aug 23, 2010
Still waiting for the Youthquake
Perhaps instead of taking a shit in the desk at the end of his last day he will pull the pin on this grenade chuck it up in the air and say "catch Boris"
Probably not but I'd say at the moment we are in pretty uncharted territory and all possibilities remain on the table (ala Scottish referendum)


my face causes global warming
Apr 30, 2010
Truth like rain don't give a feck who it falls on.
It's a completely pointless petition. But I've signed it anyway.

I'd have thought you'd be better of saying the legality of the referendum was void because of the lies told by the leave campaign. £350 million more to spend on the NHS being the key claim. You can add that because it was so close, it has to be rendered void, but the premise of this one is stupid.

Still, signed.
There is no legality with the referendum. It's essentially an opinion survey.


Feb 17, 2013
Which if ignored could amount to political suicide.
That's already happened, something has got to be done to stop this small minded nonsense. The so called United Kingdom has become the Divided Kingdom.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Poll numbers are being disputed/investigated now... it's a shame but I think this poll may not end up having very much bearing on how this eventually plays out. Still hope people keep signing it and sharing it though. It's clearly bothering quite a few of the leavers...

Nick 0208 Ldn

News 24
Mar 10, 2004
There exists neither the mandate, nor the basis in parliament to ignore the result. Precedent and accepted custom requires that the verdict be respected. Th result has exposed a cruel and intolerant streak in some remainders, reminiscent of UKIP practices which they claim to despise; LBC was airing calls earlier this morning in which Leave voters spoke of intimidation since the referendum.


Full Member
Nov 27, 2009
Bitten by an adder as a baby, the adder died.
I think it's quite disappointing to read comments that basically label 52% of those who voted in the referendum as narrow-minded, racist bigots. I'm sure there are bigots on both sides of this debate, there's very little tolerance here for the perfectly reasonable arguments put forward for the sovereignty of Parliament, for restoring Parliamentary democracy (see Tony Benn's feelings on the matter below). I assume most of you have some respect for Tony Benn? Or was he just a moronic simpleton who hated immigrants?

Surely you accept that this was a democratic process and we have to move on now and make the best of it? The attitude seems to be that you like democracy as long as the people vote the way you want. Much in the same way that you like freedom of speech until somebody says something that you disagree with.



Full Member
Mar 6, 2015
I think it's quite disappointing to read comments that basically label 52% of those who voted in the referendum as narrow-minded, racist bigots. I'm sure there are bigots on both sides of this debate, there's very little tolerance here for the perfectly reasonable arguments put forward for the sovereignty of Parliament, for restoring Parliamentary democracy (see Tony Benn's feelings on the matter below). I assume most of you have some respect for Tony Benn? Or was he just a moronic simpleton who hated immigrants?

Surely you accept that this was a democratic process and we have to move on now and make the best of it? The attitude seems to be that you like democracy as long as the people vote the way you want. Much in the same way that you like freedom of speech until somebody says something that you disagree with.

I'm pretty confident in my belief that the racists/idiots who didn't even know how this would affect us swung the decision in the favour of leave. I'm not saying that all 17 million are racists/idiots but I'm saying if you removed the racists/idiots votes, I'm sure remain would have won - by a long way.


Grammar Police
Jul 7, 2014
Poll numbers are being disputed/investigated now... it's a shame but I think this poll may not end up having very much bearing on how this eventually plays out. Still hope people keep signing it and sharing it though. It's clearly bothering quite a few of the leavers...
There will always be some that are going to take the piss, but its not hard to match up names with postcodes on the petition with those on the electoral role. The number would still be in the millions.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
What made me laugh was that Ukip guy mentioning only 400k UK people voted on it. He was of course using yesterdays data before they updated it. It now states that 3.3m have voted from the United Kingdom.

Politicians (using that word loosely given he's Ukip) are pretty fecking shit at getting their information correct.

Nick 0208 Ldn

News 24
Mar 10, 2004
I'm pretty confident in my belief that the racists/idiots who didn't even know how this would affect us swung the decision in the favour of leave. I'm not saying that all 17 million are racists/idiots but I'm saying if you removed the racists/idiots votes, I'm sure remain would have won - by a long way.
What if you removed all of the naive persons who voted Remain out of some misty-eyed vision of the EU, as opposed to the reality? Or the Remain voters who didn't actually read any of the economic data put out by the Treasury (among others), and simply took them at their word?


Full Member
Jan 29, 2015
What if you removed all of the naive persons who voted Remain out of some misty-eyed vision of the EU, as opposed to the reality? Or the Remain voters who didn't actually read any of the economic data put out by the Treasury (among others), and simply took them at their word?
My grandmother voted Remain because she likes the Eurovision song contest.


Grammar Police
Jul 7, 2014
What if you removed all of the naive persons who voted Remain out of some misty-eyed vision of the EU, as opposed to the reality? Or the Remain voters who didn't actually read any of the economic data put out by the Treasury (among others), and simply took them at their word?
I pretty sure there was a larger naive crowd in the Leave camp then the Remain. Not sure about economic data but I'm pretty sure the Remain voters would have looked on more credible sources then the Daily Mail, the Sun, Facebook and Twitter.

You have to admit, despite all the popular media pushing Leave, Remain voters still managed 48%. Not sure how you can argue Remain are the naive ones here.


Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Manchester City
I think it's quite disappointing to read comments that basically label 52% of those who voted in the referendum as narrow-minded, racist bigots. I'm sure there are bigots on both sides of this debate, there's very little tolerance here for the perfectly reasonable arguments put forward for the sovereignty of Parliament, for restoring Parliamentary democracy (see Tony Benn's feelings on the matter below). I assume most of you have some respect for Tony Benn? Or was he just a moronic simpleton who hated immigrants?

Surely you accept that this was a democratic process and we have to move on now and make the best of it? The attitude seems to be that you like democracy as long as the people vote the way you want. Much in the same way that you like freedom of speech until somebody says something that you disagree with.

Bang on mate. I find it utterly insulting that some (not all of course) people in the Remain camp have accused everyone that voted out of being racist or thick....or both. I personally didn't listen to much of what Farage said during the campaign as I knew he'd sensationalise and scaremonger but there was sensationalism and scaremongering from the Remain campaign too, not to mention an outright threat from George Osbourne to call an emergency budget with the possibility of slapping an extra 2p on income tax in the wake of a Leave vote.
It's what politicians do and you have to try and separate the wheat from the chaff. That isn't always easy of course and it was certainly difficult to obtain a balanced opinion in the lead up to this referendum. I ended up basing my decision on the musings of those that had less reason to be biased. Even though I voted to leave, I thought both campaigns were poor in the main as they didn't do a good job in explaining things in layman's terms and were too obsessed with spin and lies. There were better arguments for both sides outside of the main figures fronting the respective campaigns.