Wayne Rooney hits back at critics over wedding photos.


Full Member
Sep 21, 2016
He had a game against spain on tuesday? he had training the next day at 3pm?.

Suddenly he's got a knee injury, can't go to training and can't play against spain. Amazingly is fine to return for united on the weekend. Yeah robots :rolleyes:
Strange then that England gave all their players license to go out on the town the night before training isnt it.......


Full Member
Jul 25, 2014
I don't drink, can someone explain what exactly is the fascination with drinking and having to have a 'drink'. Do people like the feeling of having a hangover?


touched by a genius
May 19, 2013
He plays like a pub player, so it's only right that he drinks like one to keep his equilibrium.


Full Member
Sep 21, 2016
Its a shame he didnt go out to the strip club, I'd expect to see a thread on how Rooney is cheating on Coleen by frolicking with naked women while Coleen is at home looking after the kids.....:rolleyes:


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
Its a shame he didnt go out to the strip club, I'd expect to see a thread on how Rooney is cheating on Coleen by frolicking with naked women while Coleen is at home looking after the kids.....:rolleyes:
He's already done that. In fact she was pregnant at the time. He's a lovely chap.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Football365 said:
Rooney has been Deified and now Destroyed

It’s easy on a basic human level to sympathise with Wayne Rooney. Few of us have not been drunk in public and stared with bleary eyes into a lens, and even fewer would be hypocritical enough to criticise someone else for doing so.

The subsequent confected tabloid outrage is as bilious as it is predictable, disrespectful and unfair.

But then, the football world is an unfair world. Sometimes it has been unfair in Wayne’s favour; now it’s unfair to his detriment.

Unfair because he’s always been subjected to over-the-top language. For years the papers have been obsessed with him. For years he has benefited by being over-praised and over-vaunted by a slavering media, keen to find a working-class, boy-made-good hero to help sell newspapers and subscriptions. From the age of 17, they built him up into a superhero. His average was called good. His good was called great. His great called genius. Even just two weeks ago, members of the press were saying ‘the big man, unquestionably, is back’. All of that was unfair.

For years this has annoyed many observers, not because they have anything against the player necessarily, but because the disparity between reported quality and actual quality was, at times, so deep and wide, it felt like everyone was being taken for a fool. No number of statistical records could hide the fact that Wayne has blown hot and cold throughout large parts of his career.

Even now, Rooney’s defenders are claiming he’s been under-appreciated, which does seem an utterly remarkable claim to make for a man who earns over £42,000 per day and whose every move or utterance has made hellish ‘Roo’ punning headlines for well over a decade.

For years, average or poor performances for club and country were largely airbrushed out of existence or understated, the barren stretches excused, the awful first touches not even commented on. Then, when in one of his rich veins of form, he was hailed almost as a living football God walking amongst us, a man we should feel privileged to witness while his critics were derided as idiots. Again, very unfair. Unfair because it misrepresented him, in exactly the same way they’re now misrepresenting him as some sort of lecherous alcoholic tramp. He has had to try and live up to the hyperbole; this put pressure on him because he simply couldn’t, and thus somehow looked worse than he ever was. All unfair.

There was mileage in painting him as brilliant; now there’s mileage in painting him as washed-up. Neither was or is true, but we live in an age of extremes with little nuance and a broad disregard for truth.

It’s easy to see why it is galling to Wayne. We all want to believe our good press and dismiss our bad press, even if both are a distortion of the truth. But even after the brightest sunshine comes darkness.

Football’s current obsession with fitness and athleticism over and above anything else means that going on the drink is seen by some as a venal sin against the holy temple of the body. This sort of crushing dullness is but one more brick in the wall which separates football and footballers from the populace.

And as Jurgen Klopp reminded us this week, some of the finest players ever to entertain us with their feet were hellraisers, drinkers and smokers. We shouldn’t care about this sort of thing, and indeed, many fans don’t. Many see it, as they’ve always seen it, as just part of a normal human’s life, albeit a normal human with an abnormal – some might say unfair – degree of wealth.

But make no mistake, just as they once waited for him to make a simple, accurate pass in order to call it world class, now they will wait for him to make an error, or look unfit, and they will hammer home the drinking narrative, as they set about bringing him down to earth from the lofty peak they had placed him on. For the media that have so long misrepresented him, it is all simply part of a natural life cycle.

As Wayne said, “enough is enough” and the truth is, it has been for some time now. Enough of the unwarranted praise and fawning, enough of the unwarranted criticism and disrespect. But when it comes to Wayne Rooney, for the press, for years now, too much is never enough and this will be as true of his football obituary as it was about the rest of his career. They’re doing it because they think there are more copies and clicks in documenting his decline. It’s perfect. The higher you build someone up, the more mileage there is in knocking him down.

So even though enough is enough about Wayne Rooney, I doubt it ever will be until the day he retires and opens a tobacconists…and even then…


Full Member
Sep 21, 2016
I think the worst thing he did was apologise. It felt a bit scripted, but he shouldn't have needed to. Because its opened a can of worms.

Fast forward to today for example and it's Lallana and Henderson making a 220 mile trip to go to a strip club. Its beyond ridiculous. Are players not allowed to enjoy themselves? Should they be photographed at home doing ab crunches on their day off instead?

Its just set a precedence for every minor incident and its getting a little too invasive in what players do in their leisure time.
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The Caf's Roy Keane.
Apr 16, 2015
The stable
I don't drink, can someone explain what exactly is the fascination with drinking and having to have a 'drink'. Do people like the feeling of having a hangover?
It's can be relaxing, fun, a nice way to unwind and alcohol comes in many different varieties so there's much to enjoy. All things in moderation, staying out until 5am is not exactly that.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
Strange then that England gave all their players license to go out on the town the night before training isnt it.......
They gave them a day off. That doesn't mean you go and get absolutely hammered?

What it does show is the whole squad are irresponsible. Perhaps they felt peer pressured into it? If there captain is out getting pissed when shouldn't they all?

Clearly once they are all away from their clubs it becomes a lads weekend away. No wonder England struggle at tournaments, they're probably on it every night :lol:


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
I think it also shows that Southgate is too young, too unsuccessful and too meek for the players to take him seriously as a boss. There's a hell of lot of arrogance shown by England regulars in recent years - this is why players like Gerrard, Wilshere, Lampard, Rooney & co appear to think they should be given extra-special respect & treatment.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Feb 9, 2014
He seems to think he is immune from criticism. Its becoming a really nasty situation. He has been dropped by United, riskes losing his place and captaincy for England.

Im not sure what part of him thought it would be a good idea to go and get pissed. Fair enough, unwind with a few drinks. But ffs to get in that state and then attack the media when they report it is just wrong.

It shows a really crap attitude on his part, why is he not out there working on his fitness? Or staying back to work on his awful first touch.


Full Member
Feb 8, 2015
Its a shame he didnt go out to the strip club, I'd expect to see a thread on how Rooney is cheating on Coleen by frolicking with naked women while Coleen is at home looking after the kids.....:rolleyes:
You do realise he was once caught with a prossie while Coleen was pregnant right? Or perhaps enough column inches from Stretford's lackeys erased that from history..


Full Member
Jun 27, 2004
Electric Ladyland
Football365 said:
Rooney has been Deified and now Destroyed

It’s easy on a basic human level to sympathise with Wayne Rooney. Few of us have not been drunk in public and stared with bleary eyes into a lens, and even fewer would be hypocritical enough to criticise someone else for doing so.

The subsequent confected tabloid outrage is as bilious as it is predictable, disrespectful and unfair.

But then, the football world is an unfair world. Sometimes it has been unfair in Wayne’s favour; now it’s unfair to his detriment.

Unfair because he’s always been subjected to over-the-top language. For years the papers have been obsessed with him. For years he has benefited by being over-praised and over-vaunted by a slavering media, keen to find a working-class, boy-made-good hero to help sell newspapers and subscriptions. From the age of 17, they built him up into a superhero. His average was called good. His good was called great. His great called genius. Even just two weeks ago, members of the press were saying ‘the big man, unquestionably, is back’. All of that was unfair.

For years this has annoyed many observers, not because they have anything against the player necessarily, but because the disparity between reported quality and actual quality was, at times, so deep and wide, it felt like everyone was being taken for a fool. No number of statistical records could hide the fact that Wayne has blown hot and cold throughout large parts of his career.

Even now, Rooney’s defenders are claiming he’s been under-appreciated, which does seem an utterly remarkable claim to make for a man who earns over £42,000 per day and whose every move or utterance has made hellish ‘Roo’ punning headlines for well over a decade.

For years, average or poor performances for club and country were largely airbrushed out of existence or understated, the barren stretches excused, the awful first touches not even commented on. Then, when in one of his rich veins of form, he was hailed almost as a living football God walking amongst us, a man we should feel privileged to witness while his critics were derided as idiots. Again, very unfair. Unfair because it misrepresented him, in exactly the same way they’re now misrepresenting him as some sort of lecherous alcoholic tramp. He has had to try and live up to the hyperbole; this put pressure on him because he simply couldn’t, and thus somehow looked worse than he ever was. All unfair.

There was mileage in painting him as brilliant; now there’s mileage in painting him as washed-up. Neither was or is true, but we live in an age of extremes with little nuance and a broad disregard for truth.

It’s easy to see why it is galling to Wayne. We all want to believe our good press and dismiss our bad press, even if both are a distortion of the truth. But even after the brightest sunshine comes darkness.

Football’s current obsession with fitness and athleticism over and above anything else means that going on the drink is seen by some as a venal sin against the holy temple of the body. This sort of crushing dullness is but one more brick in the wall which separates football and footballers from the populace.

And as Jurgen Klopp reminded us this week, some of the finest players ever to entertain us with their feet were hellraisers, drinkers and smokers. We shouldn’t care about this sort of thing, and indeed, many fans don’t. Many see it, as they’ve always seen it, as just part of a normal human’s life, albeit a normal human with an abnormal – some might say unfair – degree of wealth.

But make no mistake, just as they once waited for him to make a simple, accurate pass in order to call it world class, now they will wait for him to make an error, or look unfit, and they will hammer home the drinking narrative, as they set about bringing him down to earth from the lofty peak they had placed him on. For the media that have so long misrepresented him, it is all simply part of a natural life cycle.

As Wayne said, “enough is enough” and the truth is, it has been for some time now. Enough of the unwarranted praise and fawning, enough of the unwarranted criticism and disrespect. But when it comes to Wayne Rooney, for the press, for years now, too much is never enough and this will be as true of his football obituary as it was about the rest of his career. They’re doing it because they think there are more copies and clicks in documenting his decline. It’s perfect. The higher you build someone up, the more mileage there is in knocking him down.

So even though enough is enough about Wayne Rooney, I doubt it ever will be until the day he retires and opens a tobacconists…and even then…
Good article. The bit in bold hits the nail on the head.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Yet more unsavoury revelations:

The Sun: The England captain staggered around until finally sitting at the hotel piano, where he promptly began playing Elton John's I'm Still Standing and fell off the stool.


Just in case anyone missed it. I don't like Mount.
Feb 11, 2014
Yet more unsavoury revelations:

The Sun: The England captain staggered around until finally sitting at the hotel piano, where he promptly began playing Elton John's I'm Still Standing and fell off the stool.

Rooney our very own pianist:drool: Who said he's not 'cultured'? No need to budget for one at United's next charity do:D


New Member
Mar 19, 2013
“If you look at the elite players like Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar and Bale. The difference with those players and Wayne and the mistake that he made is publicly doing it.

“You wouldn’t see those players out until five in the morning absolutely off their head.

“That’s because either they’re protecting themselves and doing it a different way or they’re completely football first and that governs their life.”
This is what his mate Rio had to say. England Captain, Manchester United Captain, £300,000k, World wide reputation, face of Manchester United and England. If Rooney should not be judged accordingly then he should give up all of these responsibilities and luxury. Can't eat your cake and have it! This guys is a borderline fraud! No work but all pay!


Ole's at the wheel!
Mar 10, 2013
I don't drink, can someone explain what exactly is the fascination with drinking and having to have a 'drink'. Do people like the feeling of having a hangover?
I don't either and that's by choice because I don't like the feeling alcohol gives and certainly don't like that awful feeling the next day.
Used to party a little when studying and remember feeling dissy and lightheaded the next day.


Juventus fan who used to support United
Sep 5, 2002
Yet more unsavoury revelations:

The Sun: The England captain staggered around until finally sitting at the hotel piano, where he promptly began playing Elton John's I'm Still Standing and fell off the stool.
Well he's certainly committed


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Wayne Rooney burns Old Trafford down
Rooney: "The criticism is a disgrace - I was only trying to light my fag."

"Nobody mentions how Wayne was only trying to keep the homeless warm."
"He wouldn't have to commit arson if the Glazers spent money on a new stadium."
"Wayne should be allowed to be an arsonist now that he can't mug people and run away quickly."
"By having a criminal record, Wayne is refreshingly in touch with the common man."
"He would've got away with it if it wasn't for those meddling foreigners."


likes to be spanked with games consoles
Jun 27, 2014
Rooney: "The criticism is a disgrace - I was only trying to light my fag."

"Nobody mentions how Wayne was only trying to keep the homeless warm."
"He wouldn't have to commit arson if the Glazers spent money on a new stadium."
"Wayne should be allowed to be an arsonist now that he can't mug people and run away quickly."
"By having a criminal record, Wayne is refreshingly in touch with the common man."
"He would've got away with it if it wasn't for those meddling foreigners."


Full Member
Oct 25, 2013
I think the worst thing he did was apologise. It felt a bit scripted, but he shouldn't have needed to. Because its opened a can of worms.

Fast forward to today for example and it's Lallana and Henderson making a 220 mile trip to go to a strip club. Its beyond ridiculous. Are players not allowed to enjoy themselves? Should they be photographed at home doing ab crunches on their day off instead?

Its just set a precedence for every minor incident and its getting a little too invasive in what players do in their leisure time.
He didnt, PR did for him. Even then it was more about being photographed than having an all nighter. The tone of his latest statement voids the apology anyway


Magnum Poopus
Jul 17, 2014
I don't drink, can someone explain what exactly is the fascination with drinking and having to have a 'drink'. Do people like the feeling of having a hangover?
Are you seriously asking or is this a holier than thou post?


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
I have nothing against people drinking sensibly, but why drink until you are ill, a risk to others and to be honest an irritant? That is where the problem is, people don't drink socially, they drink anti-socially. I get it relaxes people, a couple do that, then more to some people has the complete opposite effect. Then god help us, some think they are indestructible and try to drive home, or think they are gods gift to women and think it is alright to paw any female in sight. Then spend the next day either in a police cell or throwing up or both. That is not a good night out to me and yes I have drunk too much and been ill. It was not fun.


Magnum Poopus
Jul 17, 2014
Can you answer the question please. I also want to know the answer.
Well I'm not the best to ask, because I prefer 'other' social lubricants.

I'll use yesterday though, went to a pub to watch the midd Chelsea game. Meeting up with friends you don't see due to work, having a few cold pints to wash the shitty bar food down.

When I'm a little tipsy I'm a lot more open, I'll happily talk to strangers in the pub. The conversation flows better for me and generally put in a damn good mood.

On a Saturday night, or Friday night if I'm not working, I'll drink a little more because I like the feeling of being drunk, I never dance sober.

Couple guys in the group don't drink for religious reasons, they seem to enjoy it as much as I do drink-free, whatever works for the person in question.

Then there's drinking late at night to knock yourself out but I don't go into that :')


Aug 30, 2009
I don't drink, can someone explain what exactly is the fascination with drinking and having to have a 'drink'. Do people like the feeling of having a hangover?
Some people don't get hangovers even when they drink in excess. Nothing wrong with having a drink at all. There's nothing wrong with having several drinks either if you consume reasonable amounts


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
Well I'm not the best to ask, because I prefer 'other' social lubricants.

I'll use yesterday though, went to a pub to watch the midd Chelsea game. Meeting up with friends you don't see due to work, having a few cold pints to wash the shitty bar food down.

When I'm a little tipsy I'm a lot more open, I'll happily talk to strangers in the pub. The conversation flows better for me and generally put in a damn good mood.

On a Saturday night, or Friday night if I'm not working, I'll drink a little more because I like the feeling of being drunk, I never dance sober.

Couple guys in the group don't drink for religious reasons, they seem to enjoy it as much as I do drink-free, whatever works for the person in question.

Then there's drinking late at night to knock yourself out but I don't go into that :')
As you say there is nothing wrong with a drink to help you relax, it is when it impairs your judgement the problems start.


Can never have too many Eevees
Jul 14, 2008
AKA: Slapanut Goat Smuggla
Let's face it, he's basically being chastised for not being a robot. There is nothing wrong with going out on the lash when you've not got a game for another week. (a meaningless internation friendly doesnt really count, and that was 3 days away).

The reason this has become a news story is because he was photographed. No mention of the other 10 England players who left the hotel and went out on the lash. It's a nothing story.

People are jumping on it purely because it's Wayne Rooney, and its another stick to beat him with.
People's jumping on him because his form is shit and he's clearly not too bothered about keeping himself fit either.


Juventus fan who used to support United
Sep 5, 2002
Football is hypocritical. Roy Keane acted as a bully throughout his entire career but once his legs were gone, it took 1 misstep to see him being kicked out of OT. Would SAF kick him if that MUTV interview occurred just after the treble? I doubt it.

There again, most footballers are hypocritical too. When they are in their prime, they constantly threaten the club to increase their salary or else they leave. Then once their legs are gone they suddenly become sentimental and expect the club to stick to them. Considering the salaries being paid, it is already hard for clubs to close an eye towards proper legends who gave the club their all without ever acting like mercenaries, let alone people like Rooney who gave not 1 but 2 transfer requests throughout his time at OT.

I doubt Rooney will leave the club. The contract secured during Moyes time had pretty much set him for life and it’s a legacy we’ll have to bear for choosing an amateur as manager. There again, he really needs to cut this crap. He’s here because we cannot get rid of him and the least he can do is act professionally. The class of 92 should also be reminded were their loyalty lie and unless they want to burn bridges with the club they better shut up rather than defend what cannot be defended.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
Criticises him for getting caught, more like.
That's how I read the comments from Rio. He is not wrong though, a lot of footballers will mess about, but are discreet about it. Rooney does not know what discreet is. Although it isn't as though Rio never got caught out.


Juventus fan who used to support United
Sep 5, 2002
That's how I read the comments from Rio. He is not wrong though, a lot of footballers will mess about, but are discreet about it. Rooney does not know what discreet is. Although it isn't as though Rio never got caught out.
I can't see Ronaldo spending his nights drinking till 5am TBH. He's a professional. Hence why people like Giggs keep playing till his 40s and people like Rooney and Gazza are finished in their early 30s