Ravel Morrison


Full Member
May 8, 2005
I know one thing the boy is very talented , now he's going very cheap, would you be willing to take a punt on him knowing that pogba is playing in the same team and a player that genuinely loved him , I'm a big believer in giving people a second chance , the kids too talented to let go , I might be off my box saying this , the kid is a complete nutter surrounded
by the culture he grew up with but Jesus he can play and we all witnessed this !
I can't honestly say I've seen Morrison play since he left West Ham when he began showing his potential may turn into what we thought he could be so I'm not sure what he's like these days on the pitch, I do know that as far as potential goes he WAS one of the very best kids I've EVER seen play and I mean EVER not just in this country.

I think he was a year or two older than Pogba so must be 24-25 now which is past the point of potential and is unlikely to get much better than he currently is if at all, Lingard is an example of being on the cusp of that age where potential is no longer a thing and it's about current ability.

Personally I would say absolutely not as if he was anywhere near what he could and should have been he'd have a long list of clubs in the premiership wanting to sign him instead of championship clubs near the bottom end of the table, for me Morrison will forever be one of biggest wastes of talent this country has seen.
When was last time he showed a glimpse of talent? There is a reason he is cheap!

You could see he still had it when playing for Reading this season. He's really lacking fitness though, which is understandable given the lack of playing time he's had. I'm not sure how his off the pitch issues are these days but all I'll say is that I'd like nothing more than to see him make it here. Not going to happen obviously, but in an ideal world.
You could see he still had it when playing for Reading this season. He's really lacking fitness though, which is understandable given the lack of playing time he's had. I'm not sure how his off the pitch issues are these days but all I'll say is that I'd like nothing more than to see him make it here. Not going to happen obviously, but in an ideal world.

He was at QPR.
Let's get Hachim Mastour too while we're at it.
His career is done. He's wasted his peak development time. Wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. The guy is poison. Waste of talent, but don't care anymore.
I think he was a year or two older than Pogba so must be 24-25 now which is past the point of potential and is unlikely to get much better than he currently is if at all, Lingard is an example of being on the cusp of that age where potential is no longer a thing and it's about current ability.
He is a month older than Pogba so both are 24. Age and potential are completely unrelated in his case though. Just because he is 24 now doesn't mean he can't get better. He is unique case because his ability isn't related to a normal development. The whole reason he hasn't progressed is his attitude and personal life. Hitting 24 doesn't just cut off his ability to get better now. If he actually applied himself he would improve massively whether he is 24 or still 20. It is unlikely he will but improvement doesn't just stop at 24 years old.
When was last time he showed a glimpse of talent? There is a reason he is cheap!

His talent is beyond question. It's more about his inability to function in a professional working environment. Such a shame. Beautiful footballer
Whatever you think of him you have to admit he is gifted. Speed, balance, technique, football intelligence. One of the most natural footballers I've ever seen. Should have been a great player.
If Fergie couldnt change him and help I dont know who can. He will just be another Ben Arfa, talent that could have been one of the best in the world but coz of attitude has failed to live up to the expectations.
How cheap is cheap ? I'm just thinking out loud here, if giggs gets the Preston job , he could be the man to get him on track. That's provided ravel isnt on any tags or orders that prevent him coming back up north .
I'd like to see him do well, for all his troubles, the lad was a natural.
Whatever you think of him you have to admit he is gifted. Speed, balance, technique, football intelligence. One of the most natural footballers I've ever seen. Should have been a great player.

Shouldn't have been a great player at all. His talent was simply that, natural. To be a professional footballer what you need to be is right there in the title, professional. You need the right mentality to succeed at a high level and he's far from having it. You don't get by on talent alone these days.
Shouldn't have been a great player at all. His talent was simply that, natural. To be a professional footballer what you need to be is right there in the title, professional. You need the right mentality to succeed at a high level and he's far from having it. You don't get by on talent alone these days.

Correct, there's more dedicated less talented footballers that make the grade than there are supremely talented ones with the wrong attitude.
But if you can get a supreme talent to see the light, it's never too late at 24 years of age.
I've not heard any stories of where ravels head is currently at, but for some clubs, actually going and speaking with the lad, just to see if he has had that moment of clarity & grown up a bit, could really pay off for them...if he hasn't leave him be, nothing ventured nothing gained.
Correct, there's more dedicated less talented footballers that make the grade than there are supremely talented ones with the wrong attitude.
But if you can get a supreme talent to see the light, it's never too late at 24 years of age.
I've not heard any stories of where ravels head is currently at, but for some clubs, actually going and speaking with the lad, just to see if he has had that moment of clarity & grown up a bit, could really pay off for them...if he hasn't leave him be, nothing ventured nothing gained.

I love reclamation projects in any sport, and sometimes they do work out and you get a great player for very little, they feel they owe the club for giving them the chance to turn their career around, and it's a beautiful thing. However, I think reclamation projects are more fit for low to mid-table clubs. If Man Utd was stronger, then why not give him a chance, but right now everyone that is being brought into the team needs to be someone who can contribute in a meaningful way.
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I love reclamation projects in any sport, and sometimes they do work out and you get a great player for very little, they feel they owe the club for giving them the chance to turn their career around, and it's a beautiful thing. However, I think reclamation projects are more fit for low to mid-table clubs. If Man Utd was stronger, then why not give him a chance, but right now everyone that is being brought into the team needs to be someone who can contribute in a meaningful way.

Yep, I agree, I said in my earlier post that if Giggs gets the Preston job, he might feel he's the man to do it. It's not a gamble United should be taking.
You need someone that can understand their mentality, it won't always work just look at George Best.

@SteveW thks for the clip, great skill!
I literally don't have a clue what position he plays now.

Is he a #10? An #8? A winger of some variety?

He's got all the talent in the world and clearly when he's on the pitch he's seriously intelligent with it. Quite the opposite off the pitch though, if only he could have a ball at his feet 24/7.
You need someone that can understand their mentality, it won't always work just look at George Best.

Best was a helpless alcoholic, no one could reach him, not managers, not wives, not doctors, not even his kid.

That said he had done and won it all before his demons truly took control.

Morrison is a moronic, wannabe plastic gangster, who thought entitlement absolved him of the need to be a hard working professional before he'd proven himself at any sort of level.

For me, having Morrison's regrets would be far worse than having Bests.
Best was a helpless alcoholic, no one could reach him, not managers, not wives, not doctors, not even his kid.

That said he had done and won it all before his demons truly took control.

Morrison is a moronic, wannabe plastic gangster, who thought entitlement absolved him of the need to be a hard working professional before he'd proven himself at any sort of level.

For me, having Morrison's regrets would be far worse than having Bests.

Do you think Morrison can be rehabilitated or will he most likely end up on the streets as waster?
but Jesus he can play and we all witnessed this !

i didn't. ravel performed at top level consistently for extended period of time? i remember a decent run for a few games at west ham but that was quite short and certainly didn't shine bright enough to merit "but jesus he can play and we all witnessed this!"
Do you think Morrison can be rehabilitated or will he most likely end up on the streets as waster?

The ship has sailed for him to have a top flight career IMO.

Birmingham would probably be a good move for him, 'arry seems to have gotten the most out of him of all the managers hes served under.

I think his next move will be the most important of his career post Utd. Hes still young enough to get his shit together and have some sort of career, but I think the max he'll reach at this stage will be championship level, maybe lower PL.. And that's if he manages to pull his head out of his arse, otherwise he'll end up retired at 28, telling stories of when he was at Utd for the rest of his life.

Sad really, because he had undeniable talent.
The best thing for him at this moment in time is a consistent run in a Championship team and 'Arry appears willing to do that. It could easily be yet another false dawn though and he'll be looking for another club in January.