Grand Christmas Board of Fortune Game (2017) - Guess Who's Who?

Let's all take a moment to pay our respects to ThomasEmil. May he Rest Temporarily in Peace!


Round 1 task
Vocally adored
Love but a whisper away
Oh Steve, my stevie
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What happened to ThomasEmil?
Round 2 task

1) Testickle

2) The joy of tickling pink balls without the inconvenience of having an animal atrached to them
ROUND TWO TASK: Class of 63 - 9 - 17 - Yellow Card! Post shit about yourself

I'm a Labour Man, from a long line of staunch Labour supporters, and my old man would turn in his grave if he knew, but there was a time in the early 80's, and I was as an ugly duckling punching well above my weight at the time and I shouldn't have needed a stimuli but I could only get a full on election by Fantasizing about Margaret Thatcher, either before, or during erm you know....

It got that bad I had to carry a picture cut out from the paper of Maggie in my back pocket or I just didn't function.

I even had Counseling about it, Oedipus was mentioned, not sure why but it worked !!