Why do you watch football?

Di Maria's angel

Captain of Moanchester United
Mar 19, 2014
This thread is based upon the game between United and Chelsea. For me, personally, this game fully epitomised why I love football (and, of course, United). I'm not at all fussed that we don't play like Liverpool, Tottenham, City or any other team that can demolish their opposition on any given day. United, and football, has always been about the differing emotions that I experience during a game. For instance, today there was frustration at the beginning, disappointment when Chelsea scored, elation when we equalised, pure joy when we went in front and the nerves during the last 15 minutes were unbearable. 4 hours later and I'm still joyful for the win. Obviously, scoring 4 or 5 goals would be brilliant but it's wins like these that induce a range of different emotions leaving you quite satisfied at full time.

Are you the same? Or do you prefer the entertainment which results from scoring a barrage of goals? I guess I'm saying that a game like todays is and will always be thoroughly entertaining.


Full Member
Feb 15, 2010
She broke my heart, So I broke her jaw.
I love the game and I love the club. Despite being American, I’m still invested in this club, mentally and emotionally. I love seeing wins and trophies but I just love the je ne sais quoi. The feeling I get from watching the team I love play the game I love. It’s special.


Full Member
Aug 14, 2004
Because I'm a masochist. Really, I take almost no pleasure at all watching my team, I'm just too anxious during the match and just relieved when we win, instead of happy.

If I'm watching two teams I don't care about I can actually enjoy the match as entertainment.


Full Member
May 26, 2016
As United fans 3 things mean the most for us:
1) To win trophies
2)To play attacking football in the philosophy of Sir Matt Busby and Sir Alex
3) To give youth players from our academy a chance.

These three things are what we pride ourselves on and must never be lost in the club. If we are doing them consistently I have nothing to complain about.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2014
I watch football because I love and enjoy the sport. I watch United because it's basically an addiction.


Full Member
Apr 9, 2015
City spends while United defends!
I love the game of course, but the smell of the grass, the athleticism, the rivalries among players and squads, the internationalization of the game where you could have players like Evra and Park from different continents be friends and immerse themselves in the club and its supporters. I'm not from England but I see tremendous support from those who live with the ups and down of the club, going to a pub and watching a match with a mate. There's so much about football that is extraordinary.

Charles Miller

Full Member
Oct 4, 2017
Because watching Maradona/Napoli in the 80s was the best thing that happened when i was a kid those times.

Gareth williams

New Member
Apr 20, 2016
I don't really anymore. Of 10 games over a weekend we are probably lucky if 2 are entertaining. If you don't support 1 of the top sides you've little chance of sustained success. Honestly I'm quite bored of it now

Haven't even watched every Everton game this season. Haven't watched a full game of anyone else in 2 or 3 years. Think I'm probably done now. Don't think it helps where Everton find themselves positioned. It would be too long odds for us to finish 7th to 10th for the next 10 years. We actually don't compete for anything not even relegation
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Full Member
Sep 5, 2017
Shared joy. I don't need goals to love football, though they help. Often coming away from a game it will not be the goals that sticks in the mind, but a turn, a touch, a beautifully weighted pass, someone running with the ball with style, bravery and grace. One of the reasons why I am cold to this statification of football, can't quantify that feeling of awe for something brilliant that doesn't lead to a goal or assist.


Jan 17, 2012
Cause I'm attached to United. Literally the only reason.

Football itself is a bit of a shit sport, and as a neutral I prefer to watch other sports.


Owns the moral low ground
May 15, 2013
Cause I'm attached to United. Literally the only reason.

Football itself is a bit of a shit sport, and as a neutral I prefer to watch other sports.
Really? What sports do you prefer watching?


Full Member
Aug 25, 2013
Cary, NC
Like above - I watch football mainly because I follow United. That said, I would love to be entertained, and we are terrible at it at the moment. Winning like today is great, but that 1st half was painful to watch. It took like 25 mins for us to launch a semi-decent attack.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2016
When watching United I want us to demolish whoever we're playing, last minute goals and tight wins might feel good after the fact but during the game I just want to revel in us playing good football, scoring goals and dominating the opposition, for me that would bring more sustained satisfaction than the immediate delight of a winning goal in a tight game. When watching non-United games I want the exact opposite, I want high quality but competitive games, I get bored easily when one team dominates a game which is why I don't watch teams like Barca or City (of this season) every week because most of the time the games are over before they've really begun, that's why I only tend to watch games between the top six or the top teams in their respective leagues when it's not a United game, I want to enjoy the spectacle of a good match.
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Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Jul 19, 2009
Great thread - I always wondered the same thing, because I knew not everyone felt the same way as I do.

I feel the same as you do. For whatever reason, I get excited when there's a United game coming up and this excitement does not seem to fluctuate - not one bit in the past 12-14 years. I have come to realize that it does however have an impact on my mood for the rest of the day after the game. Maybe that's why I watch football. It's engraved itself into my emotions and so little has in my life.


Full Member
Mar 23, 2007
I used to watch cause I had an insatiable appetite for it and the enjoyment. Now, I only watch utd play and perhaps the occasional big match such as rm Psg. So now i only watch due to my attachment to utd. If utd ceased to exist I wouldn't bother watching the sport.


Full Member
Jul 25, 2014
Cause I'm attached to United. Literally the only reason.

Football itself is a bit of a shit sport, and as a neutral I prefer to watch other sports.
Interesting. Respect your opinion but couldn’t disagree more. How did you get into United if you don’t hold particularly strong feelings towards football? I imagine you’re a Mancunian?


Jan 17, 2012
Really? What sports do you prefer watching?
If I was to watch something for just pure entertainment without any emotional attachment I would just watch basketball or the NFL.

Interesting. Respect your opinion but couldn’t disagree more. How did you get into United if you don’t hold particularly strong feelings towards football? I imagine you’re a Mancunian?
Not a Mancunian, but I was a lot more obsessed with football when I was younger. For the last 6 or so years I've started watching it less, and now at this point I just pretty much only watch United. Maybe the world cup will get me back into the sport again?


Full Member
Jul 25, 2014
If I was to watch something for just pure entertainment without any emotional attachment I would just watch basketball or the NFL.

Not a Mancunian, but I was a lot more obsessed with football when I was younger. For the last 6 or so years I've started watching it less, and now at this point I just pretty much only watch United. Maybe the world cup will get me back into the sport again?
Interesting. Fair enough.

Keeps It tidy

Hates Messi
Jun 6, 2013
New York
I even like some random things about Football like them showing players warming up before a big match and watching the defenders/gk yelling and organizing. The look on a player's face after a missed shot or misplaced pass. The look on player's faces after losing an important match. And I used to watch a ton of sports now it is just Football and the NBA.


Open to offers
Jun 28, 2010
Where the grass is greener.
Because I can’t remember life without it, genuinely feel like it’s in my blood. My dad loved it, he got me to watch it from such a young age. I still love it, I’m not as obsessive about seeing every Utd game as it was when I was younger because there are more important things in life, but it’s still brilliant entertainment that I badly miss in the summer.


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
Several things.

Personally watching Holland at an international tournament epitomizes what I love about football. I remember in 2010 and 2014 walking through the street after a win. Everyone happy, strangers hugging each other, cars honking and pedestrians cheering in return. An entire nation United behind our football team, regardless of skin color, background, age or gender. It transends simple sports if you ask me, it's a living and breating thing, the people have for football and it's awesome. It works the other way around as well. I remember standing on Het Museumplein in Amsterdam during the 2010 final. Those last three minutes after Iniesta scored. The atmosphere was unreal. It's like the 1000s of people there collectively lost their family through some tradegy. The soul shattering silence and sorrow in the crowd. In retrospect it was beautiful. At the time, terrible ofcourse.

On a club level, you don't support Feyenoord for fun, you just have to, through the good times (scarce) and the bad times (plenty). I took a liking to United in the time of Cantona. It was hard to actually watch English football on telly back then so it was always this slightly out of reach pinnacle of football. I could only glimps it on sunday morning. That gave it something mytical.

Oh and ofcourse to laugh at Liverpool after they draw 0-0 at home after a few good results and increasing talk of it being their year. But that's obvious.


Mar 16, 2011
To keep track of players for the Caf Soccer Manager league.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2014
It's just a silly fix for an old part of the brain I suppose - having your "side", needing them to do well.

I love watching us put in a great performance like the Roma 7-1, and I love watching us come from behind in a big last 15 minutes push after a game that never really got going. I don't even mind if we win or lose sometimes, as long as the effort was there and we had a go.

Mostly I think I love discussing it though, because I suppose that's the part the takes up most of my "football time". Why Jose has the formation wrong, who needs to go and who needs to stay, what I would do if I was in charge etc.. It's all a load of nonsense, and I don't have a clue, but it's great. I also love a good controversy. Imagine a world without Maradona's "hand of god"... I love that human side of it. The fact that the referees don't want to make an arse of it, they're there to do their best, like all of us, like all the players, and we all make an arse of it from time to time. It's why I'm not really into VAR.. It's just a game, and I don't think it's in the spirit of it.


Feb 4, 2013
The Mathews Bridge
Cause I'm attached to United. Literally the only reason.

Football itself is a bit of a shit sport, and as a neutral I prefer to watch other sports.
I'm in the same boat. I've grown more and more apathetic about football as a whole in the last few years. I used to try and watch as much football as I could from as many leagues as I could until I realised I was getting little out of it. I only really watch United now, and the Champions League when it gets to the knockout stages. I'll watch the World Cup, but I won't be watching every single group game like I used to try to do. I watched hardly any of the Euros.

I watch very little Premier League outside of United. It's just an attachment to the club. I'll watch every game, and I'll be annoyed if I have to do something when a game is on. When I was younger I loved the game, and when I wasn't watching it, I was playing it. It was an obsession, but that obsession has lessened year on year through adult life, but the attachment to United has not.

I too prefer to watch other sports as a neutral spectator. I watch way more NHL than any other sport, and I probably watch more Rugby League than football now too. Both are more interesting and entertaining to watch when I'm watching teams I don't follow. However watching the NHL and RL teams I do follow pales in comparison to watching United.


New Member
Feb 17, 2016
Ever since I fell in love with football watching Van Nistelrooy play, I follow every United game.


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Jan 29, 2013
I don’t really watch it anymore. I’m more entertained with the drama caused by it. Watching 90 minutes of football feels like a waste of time almost. In the last 6 months the only game I can recall where I watched the whole 90 minutes was Real Madrid vs PSG.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
I used to watch cause I had an insatiable appetite for it and the enjoyment. Now, I only watch utd play and perhaps the occasional big match such as rm Psg. So now i only watch due to my attachment to utd. If utd ceased to exist I wouldn't bother watching the sport.
This is similar to me i used to watch any and all football i could. Over the years i watched less and less to the point now where i only watch United. I still watch United religiously though or out of habit one of those two anyway.

If United shut up shop tomorrow i would be gutted but that would be me done with football as well. I think it's maybe an age thing theres only so much football you can watch in your life before it all gets a bit monotonous.


Pythagoras in Boots
May 16, 2009
Am addicted to a number of sports, but football definitely comes first and United being the first team I ever laid eyes on, automatically made them by favourite side.

I watch football for a number of reasons, I love gritty hard fought wins, backs to the wall defending, tough tackling and the competitive element just as much as I do the beautiful aspect of the game, the skills, the combination play and the audacious moments.

United aren't the only reason I love football, but I could never find another team which I could watch as religiously as them.. just something romantic about them and them wearing the colour red, the history of the club - its just something unique and special and I like how they're the one british club with that international glamour and that renowned tradition for flair and breaking with tradition i.e. ignoring the FA to embark on their journeys into Europe.

My favourite british players have played for United, so Law, Charlton, Best, Robbo, Beckham, Keane, Scholes, Giggs, Rooney.. I mean them playing for United probably made me like them more.. but I'd say as a neutral.. we're very lucky to have had the two indisputed best brits play for us, and we tend to have the most exciting british talents in our history.

Ultimately though, I think as a fan.. you watch football for enjoyment, though what constitutes enjoyment differs from one fan to another.. for some 'winning' is what gives them a buzz, for others it is seeing 'fun free-flowing' football and I'd say the majority are somewhere in between.

From a personal POV, my perspective is that trophies.. are objectively not something that is really going to change my life.. as I am not the one lifting it, or making any money from it but memories, entertainment, that feeling of a buzz.. that is what makes watching or supporting any sports star or team worth watching. Hence why I think 'entertainment' is a very important factor to take into account from a fans perspective, otherwise what is the point of watching if it makes you miserable or you find it dull.

Furthermore for some, wanting to play good football.. isn't necessarily a demand because they just want to enjoy themselves.. its because they genuinely think, that is the best way for the club to compete with the best sides and win the biggest trophies. I think it is easily thrown around on this forum, that people that want us to play good football.. to not care about winning, and are not real supporters and that fans who are happy with shit football are the true fans. I find that really immature because if there is clear evidence which suggests a certain way of playing is not really going to lend itself to long term success, in addition to boring you each week.. are you a real fan for supporting that through thick and thin, or are you going to benefit the club more by making it clear you don't think its the right approach.

I think if you look at the leading clubs from the past decade, they have demonstrated that you can win good football, you can also play gritty now and again, and you can win big.. none of these things are exclusive from one another and under Fergie, we had decades of success by playing predominantly good football, but we also had our fair share of scraps where we were outplayed but pulled results out of the bag. It is all about balance, and I do think if the balance is not quite there.. and a large majority of fans do not feel entertained, and results do not really make up for it - then as a club, you should try to do something about that or the manager does need to take that into account. Elite clubs, treat fans like consumers so they can't complain when they don't fulfil their responsibilities on the entertainment front too.

Gee Male

Full Member
Apr 10, 2009
My relationship with football has evolved as I've got older. I used to watch anything that was on, literally anything. Now I only have the free time to watch United, and even then I miss as many games as I see.

I'm no longer entertained by football - I put this down to being told for years that Barca were great to watch while I myself found it incredibly tedious to watch games where one team had no chance and the other just retained the ball. From there I've concluded that sport without competition holds no value to me, and in a football world where most leagues are over before they are two thirds through, my time is better spent doing something other than watching.

Competition is why I watch United - I want us to win. I don't care about the style of football - I value bringing young players through more highly than looking good playing the game. I don't value aesthetics in any part of life really. It's all about winning matches.


Full Member
Sep 16, 2014
Does anybody else ever feel like they are kind of tired of the whole thing but they are too deep in to turn back? Like being with a girlfriend where it was great in the beginning but not the same now?

I got so into it when I was a teenager and the excitement could not be beaten. Now I never miss a Utd game unless it is completely unavoidable and I obviously support and go a bit wild when we score, but I rarely get nervous before a game (Apart from Liverpool, City, big CL games) and it doesn't really impact my mood if we lose.

I also used to watch literally any game and would usually really care about who won, I now very rarely watch any game not involving Utd.

Has anybody else ever had this / how did they get the thrill back?


New Member
Apr 11, 2016
Don't know why I still watch football if I'm being honest. I've grown tired of many aspects of it. I hate the diving, I hate the shite officiating, I hate the overpaid bellends on the pitch laughing and joking when they lose, I hate the cliches and the rubbish pundits. I hate the arrogant and self-righteous "super fans" who try and belittle anyone who doesn't behave like a "real supporter". But I guess football is something that's been a part of my life since I was a kid, and it's not as easy as just flicking a switch and giving it up. I still love United and have great memories from my past that involve United.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Does anybody else ever feel like they are kind of tired of the whole thing but they are too deep in to turn back? Like being with a girlfriend where it was great in the beginning but not the same now?

I got so into it when I was a teenager and the excitement could not be beaten. Now I never miss a Utd game unless it is completely unavoidable and I obviously support and go a bit wild when we score, but I rarely get nervous before a game (Apart from Liverpool, City, big CL games) and it doesn't really impact my mood if we lose.

I also used to watch literally any game and would usually really care about who won, I now very rarely watch any game not involving Utd.

Has anybody else ever had this / how did they get the thrill back?
Definitely and i think a lot of people if they're being honest feel the same at times. I used to hate it when the season ended and there was no football for 2 months especially if there was no big tournament that summer. But the last 5-6 years i've found myself looking forward to a break from football for a few months more and more every year. No matches to get in the way of anything else i want to do.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
I love the game, I love all aspects of the game, I get entertained by good execution of the different phases of the game. It's not about barrages of goals, I loved watching Atletico at their best, they were in total control of the events, they were executing everything at a great level, their defensive schemes were great to watch.

United never give up

New Member
Dec 12, 2017
For Manchester United and Lionel Messi

The fact that the footballing world has given Cristiano Ronaldo the same number of world player of the year awards as Messi, for a time, made me incredibly disillusioned with the sport though.

Broad Street Bullies

Last Man Standing finalist 2019/20
Apr 8, 2016
I will always follow football but the way that I follow it has become a bit different. Years ago when I was in my late teens early 20's, I was so fanatical about United, I even skipped classes the day after the 0-4 thrashing by Barcelona in 1994. My mates knew why I wasn't in school, and I hardly ever missed any classes back then! Anyway, these days I follow hockey as well, after I moved to Finland in 1996 and gradually took to the sport. Back in my home country I follow both closely today, but United is still my priority. One thing though: Never ever watch a hockey game first and the proceed to watch a football game! The contrast in speed and intensity can occasionally be to great!