The support on this forum for this club is a disgrace

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༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Jan 14, 2013
Lake Athabasca
Cheltenham Town
I remember plenty of people saying similar things when van Gaal was manager too. It's nothing new. It's just that people can't handle it being said about Mourinho.
It’s not because it’s about Jose it’s because it’s an idiotic thing to say :lol:


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
I've no problems with the moaners if they also get involved in other threads and post constructively. However, I feel many people come on simply for the match day forum and to slate players - maybe this can be moderated and those types of posters warned/banned?
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Grammar Police
Jul 7, 2014
I seem to remember plenty of people saying similar things when van Gaal was manager too. It's nothing new. It's just that people can't handle it being said about Mourinho.
I was just about to type the same thing, again!

Some said they hope LvG finishes outside of the top 4 and hope he doesn't win the FA Cup so he gets sacked. Its nothing new.

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
It's not about functioning - it's about focusing on something that you are supposed to be enjoying (well I guess 'supposed to' might be a bit strong, but the point is entertainment.) It's the same with watching a movie/tv show. Of course, you can do something else at the same time, but why would you choose to?

Bizarre, slightly Trumpian response by the way - you just need to add exclamation marks.
You’ve taken this in a different direction. My response was to people saying they don’t understand how it’s possible people can watch the game and comment in the match day thread at the same time like it’s an impossible task.
They weren’t commenting on choosing between the two. Like I said earlier I don’t really comment in the match day thread, maybe the odd comment here or there but normally you can fit a momentary thought in to what you’re seeing unfold in the space of time it takes for a ref to sort out a free kick, corner or throw in.

I personally don’t really sit and read through waves and waves of posts on the match day thread normally I just refresh to the latest and the content doesn’t really bother me in there as it is what it is people reacting to what they see, feel in the moment.

What’s really tedious tho are people going in to threads and all they do is pollute it with moaning about the content of the thread or what people actually want to discuss.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Getting weird vibe about this whole thing. Seems there is a push for a purge of those who have issues with certain non made up things when it comes to current management. It cant be handled and there for its being masked as being non supportive. All those issues have little to do with one another.

Uproar about someone wishing us to lose, where have you been on half of 2nd season under LvG? It was defended by term "greater good", guess it was ok for people to wish us lose games back then, because you know it was LvG. Talking about support, didnt OT crowd buy JM scarfs before home game vs Chelsea (i think, or some other home game) while LvG was still in charge, the feck was that?

My opinion about that guy wishing us to lose 5:0 or w/e it was is the same as opinion about the guy who was/is integral part of United Hour podcast (already had a discussion with him about that), dunno is he still part of it or not but regardless, United Hour never lost a support of this forum, there was no uproars about it either.

Just dont understand in some cases whats the issue. We score, you are happy that we scored, we win, you come out and say how its good 3 pts regardless of performance, we cant string 3 passes together, you write that down and then you being marked for it, even its there for everybody to see, its not made up shit. Friction occurs when for example, you say how we look really bad in some departments of the game and then true "supporters" come at you with nonsense like "We are 2nd" "We are still in FA,CL competition", i mean what league table position has to do with issue mentioned. Still remember when we drew 0:0 on Anfield, i said how it was Sunday league coward mode mentality, not parking bus or being defensive, didnt have issue with that. Suddenly you see people having a go with "Cant believe people think 0:0 at Anfield is a bad result" etc.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Jan 14, 2013
Lake Athabasca
Cheltenham Town
Might celebrate my 30th birthday this week by banning 30 negative posters.


Full Member
Apr 7, 2009
Yeah we should just blindly applaud everything united do out of blind loyalty, right?

Take your virtue signalling elsewhere, it's tiresome.
The world isn’t binary where you go full unwavering blind support or full-on hate the team trash the manager. There are degrees in betwwwen.

Sadly the defences of the negative crowd here are always the same: don’t tell me how to think or you mean we should just blindly applaud??

I suppose it is easier for simple minds to comprehend if there are only two possibilities as opposed to many.


Full Member
Apr 17, 2017
Man City
‘My support is better than your support’.
Actually it's an objective fact. Someone that pays money for tv, merchandise etc. and goes to games supports the team more than someone that just pays money. It doesn't matter if you can't go to games because you live far away; the support the team gets (especially away fans) is of massive importance to the profile of the team. Do you think players would enjoy playing in an empty stadium instead of the theatre of dreams?

And I made no reference to my own support. My view is that the more you put into the club (time, money, energy etc.) the more you are reasonably expected to demand from the club in return. I go to 5-10 home games a season and am reserved in my criticism due to the fact that there are many more that spend a lot more money and time going to every single game that are always backing the team.


Full Member
Apr 7, 2009
We say what we see during the game. It's as simple as that. If the team aren't doing well and are off the pace like we were today in the first hall we'll call out players and voice our frustrations. It's nothing to do with support. We do it because we want the team to do well and succeed. On the other hand if players step it up and perform we give them credit. We give credit when credits due.
Of course credit is given. Mostly backhanded, as such below after Lukaku scores, for example:

His touch honestly cannot get much worse today. It's been very bad.
Had a poor half
Utter fecking wank player, well taken goal though
He’s been useless but scored


Feb 17, 2013
To be fair to this forum, there's not just negativity on here. I'm currently listening to the United We Stand podcast and the way the folk talking on it are carrying on you'd think we'd lost 5-0.


Full Member
Dec 21, 2017
Mars Orbit
I've only read the first three pages of this thread, but clearly the problem is:

1. Some fans literally don't know what it means to "support the club." They think their role is to be entertained, and to ridicule the players and manager when they're not being entertained.
2. Some fans don't know the difference between "constructive criticism" and the bitter sh*t they post. They think calling Lukaku a donkey is constructive criticism.
3. Some fans are letting their Man City / Liverpool newfound love destroy their affinity toward United. What ever happened to hating your rivals?

And we all have to suffer through it .... :/


Full Member
Feb 5, 2012
Of course credit is given. Mostly backhanded, as such below after Lukaku scores, for example:
Don't know why you're quoting me when I was clearly stating a fact that his touch was dreadful for majority of the first half :lol: not sure what point you've trying to make?


Full Member
Apr 29, 2011
Some of the comments in the match day thread and the general attitude by people on this forum is staggering.

That match day thread today was an utter disgrace
Have you been living under a rock:lol:

Its always like that. Just avoid


New Member
Jan 25, 2017
Some of the comments on this forum is appalling. I saw some guy write "he would wish us lose just for us to sack mourinho". Disgusting behaviour. Support the team through thick and thin goddammit.
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Fridge chutney

Do your best.
Sep 11, 2016
I find the moaning about moaning that goes on here every day by all these top reds way more ridiculous and whiny than anything else. If a bit of negativity ruins your day then maybe it's time to get off the internet and find a different hobby.
What about moaning about moaning about moaning?


M15 Red.

Full Member
Feb 6, 2015
The memories of the pubs
and the drugs
and the tubs
and the club we shared together.
Will stay with us forever.


Thinks the caf is 'wokeish'.
Dec 27, 2009
Hell on Earth
Its been that way for years now. Its not a sudden revelation that its full of knee-jerkers and full kit wankers.


Full Member
May 22, 2017
I’ve already banned too many people today I’ll get told off if I kill anymore
Hope the eejit who wanted us to keep losing 5-0 until they sacked Mourinho was one of them.


Full Member
Jan 14, 2010
You’ve taken this in a different direction. My response was to people saying they don’t understand how it’s possible people can watch the game and comment in the match day thread at the same time like it’s an impossible task.
They weren’t commenting on choosing between the two. Like I said earlier I don’t really comment in the match day thread, maybe the odd comment here or there but normally you can fit a momentary thought in to what you’re seeing unfold in the space of time it takes for a ref to sort out a free kick, corner or throw in.

I personally don’t really sit and read through waves and waves of posts on the match day thread normally I just refresh to the latest and the content doesn’t really bother me in there as it is what it is people reacting to what they see, feel in the moment.

What’s really tedious tho are people going in to threads and all they do is pollute it with moaning about the content of the thread or what people actually want to discuss.
Yeah I did kind of shift the goalposts - I guess I had two points: the first is that some posters post things that indicate a lack of attention being paid to the actual game at hand. When that happens, one can't help but wonder if pre-conceived notions are being grasped onto, and the first on-field hint to justify such notions leads to furious posting of the likes of "Lindelof is a waste," or "Romelu Lukaku is a donkey," even if said players are actually playing quite well. My second point was that I can't understand people, and this would be people on both sides of this thread's debate, who spend so much time on a thread during a game.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
Real time emotions, people feel the ups and downs and will post as they see it. If people get upset about the supporters comments, imagine how people feel about the way their team is performing well below their levels.


DUX' bumchum
May 10, 2009
It has nothing to do with whether you go to games or not football football shrinks the globe. It's about an emotional attachment to the club and not the brand. Watching a United game can disappoint you, make you happy, proud, angry and whatever else you want, but imo a true supporter loves the club and doesn't look at the worth of the product like it's a car or a kitchen appliance. I'm not worried about "wasting my time" because I've been a supporter since I drew Lee Sharp's name and number on the back of a red t-shirt. I've criticized players too that's not the issue, but if you cost vs vs quality, whether it's time or money, you're a customer not a fan.
If I was just a customer I'd go buy another car, basically you're telling fans that they can't critique our style of play, I personally didn't say it's a waste of time, just find the negative football dull and boring, me saying that shouldn't devalue me to a 'customer' not a 'fan', I too have been a fan since I found a United hat in the park back in '98, used to warwa the youth games every weekend, these days the only time I have is for 1 or 2 first team games a month (only United games).

But hey, I guess because I call us boring sometimes I'm just a customer, okay.


Eats diamonds to beat thermodynamics
Sep 30, 2012
I remember plenty of people saying similar things when van Gaal was manager too. It's nothing new. It's just that people can't handle it being said about Mourinho.
Jose's football is much better than those two, even if it's a bit slow and ugly. And he's far more likeable. I've always said I'd prefer Klopp or Pep, but if they're not available, he's the next best thing.


New Member
Jan 22, 2018
You do know theres two teams on the pitch right?
Yeah, there are two teams on the pitch, so what? Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, PSG, City, Liverpool etc. teams don't play against other teams or do they play on an empty pitch?

I became attracted to United in 1997, despite United not even winning the league, because of what I saw from them at the time. Granted, I'm not English and didn't grow up watching United on the pitch live. But the books I have read about Sir Matt Busby and his philosophies and what I have seen on the TV under Sir Alex galvanized my fandom towards United.

Didn't United play against an opposition under those managers?

Look, I'm not asking United to win every match or be the champions every season. What I'm asking is to hold on to ethos of Sir Matt (yes, I didn't enjoy the fact that Sir Alex moved a bit away from that since Ronaldo left). We should play proactive football, not reactive, even if we risk losing. This season we are not winning the league anyway, so why not take some risk and play some adventurous football? What's there to lose?


Full Member
Oct 26, 2011
Looking over my shoulder.
Some of the comments in the match day thread and the general attitude by people on this forum is staggering.

That match day thread today was an utter disgrace.
Thank you for bringing this up. It is necessary!

It's not just here though. I was at a local United supporter club, and one of the supporters actually wanted one of our players to be injured for the rest of the season.

On here, the negativity is sickening. I would think Redcafe should be a place where we support our players but give criticism when they play badly and analyse what should and could be done better. What happens, on the other hand, is that posters log on, spend time writing "he's feckin sh*it" - "I hope we sell the feckin turd" etc etc. I think those that post things like that should be banned. In no way do they contribute to any discussion, and the negativity concerning United players they spread have nothing to do with a United forum. @Raoul - why don't the mods consider banning, or at least warning posters about non constructive criticism/bashing of players in the performance threads? I mean, you get a warning if you forget to use the * in shi*t. I really believe the performances part of the forum needs more focus.


FA Cup Predictions 2023/2024 winner
May 10, 2009
It's always good to have good arguments and criticism about players weakness or some analysis on our tactical set ups, draw backs and all that. Reading "player is shit" "waste of space" all that which adds nothing to discussion is just eye sore. At least add something why you think he is shit.

Also people with agenda who just can't wait to bump the player threads when the said players makes a tiniest of mistakes like mispassing or missing header or tackle is a joke.


Full Member
Sep 14, 2013
Cyprus Hill.
First part of the thread was confusing and the second is even more so.

You all know you don't have to read everything, right? It's a massive forum and nobody is shoving anything anyone's throat. I'd myself pop into the matchday thread in extreme frustration but it's not to read. It's not to make a point. It works as intended to give people venting space. Some go a bit overboard and usually get banned for foul language. This is the first issue resolved.

Second issue is apparently some people feel better than other, which is fine and normal human behavior. Their opinions are just as valid as those who are constantly negative and the clash of both create discussions. In the end, i hope it isn't about wanting to be in an echo chamber, it looks like it sometimes.

Not sure what is worse, reading all the negativity or seeing people demand bans for those with different opinions.

We should all take a look in the mirror.

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
It's always good to have good arguments and criticism about players weakness or some analysis on our tactical set ups, draw backs and all that. Reading "player is shit" "waste of space" all that which adds nothing to discussion is just eye sore. At least add something why you think he is shit.

Also people with agenda who just can't wait to bump the player threads when the said players makes a tiniest of mistakes like mispassing or missing header or tackle is a joke.
This exactly, don’t mind people moaning about certain aspects of players but at least give reasoning instead of doing what Roonster has just pointed out. Although nothing is more annoying when you’re actually trying to discuss something you perceive as an issue and the “agenda” word comes out. It’s like the CAF get out of jail free card.

@walkinhop you can’t hear it or see it but I’m giving you a slow clap after that post. Bravo, bravo.


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
Yeah, there are two teams on the pitch, so what? Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, PSG, City, Liverpool etc. teams don't play against other teams or do they play on an empty pitch?

I became attracted to United in 1997, despite United not even winning the league, because of what I saw from them at the time. Granted, I'm not English and didn't grow up watching United on the pitch live. But the books I have read about Sir Matt Busby and his philosophies and what I have seen on the TV under Sir Alex galvanized my fandom towards United.

Didn't United play against an opposition under those managers?

Look, I'm not asking United to win every match or be the champions every season. What I'm asking is to hold on to ethos of Sir Matt (yes, I didn't enjoy the fact that Sir Alex moved a bit away from that since Ronaldo left). We should play proactive football, not reactive, even if we risk losing. This season we are not winning the league anyway, so why not take some risk and play some adventurous football? What's there to lose?
Er... points?


New Member
Jan 22, 2018
Er... points?
If we don't win the league there's no difference between 2nd or 4th or 6th for me. Then I just want to us to at least entertain me with some swashbuckling attacking football. I hate it when we don't have the ball and only keep waiting for the opposition to lose the ball and then we eventually get it, we give it away anyway for another spell of waiting game.

Anyway, I can't reply to you any further today. We will talk tomorrow.


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
No one is saying we're the best team on the planet. We all want the team to improve. However today was a a big win over a top team after getting down and then showing guts to make a comeback. Think it's time to celebrate a little bit. I'm still buzzing after the match till now.

People expect us to win these matches and when they do they expect better performance. Can't we just celebrate for one single day without complaining about something ?
No one is saying we're the best team on the planet. We all want the team to improve. However today was a a big win over a top team after getting down and then showing guts to make a comeback. Think it's time to celebrate a little bit. I'm still buzzing after the match till now.

People expect us to win these matches and when they do they expect better performance. Can't we just celebrate for one single day without complaining about something ?
No one is saying the football is good, no one is saying they dont want to improve and nobody's enjoying the football, not even jose fan boy can say that.

But they're saying to be patience abit and see how it goes.
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