Harry Kane MBE | Performances

Everyone is laughing, but no one is refuting it. Find me a star player of a nation that has gotten this much abuse before a big tournament, good luck with that, because you aren't going to find him.

Giggs banged his brothers wife for 8 years and didn't get a fraction of the hate Kane is getting from the footballing world. But, I guess that is what happens when people label Kane an idiot and make fun of the way he talks and consider it completely acceptable. It is just some good ol' banter.
This post is a joke.
Your FA is weird. Why tweet that about their best player? As for him being attention-seeking, I actually think he’s the opposite. Prolly more sensitive than the average bloke, but that hardly makes him a twat. He’s still only 24, no longer a kid but still pretty young imo, so it’s all a bit meh. Is it silly and strange that he‘s so adamant about scoring the goal? Sure, but nothing that offends me.
No one is offended.
He's made himself look like a twat and is being mocked, simple.
Everyone is laughing, but no one is refuting it. Find me a star player of a nation that has gotten this much abuse before a big tournament, good luck with that, because you aren't going to find him.

Giggs banged his brothers wife for 8 years and didn't get a fraction of the hate Kane is getting from the footballing world. But, I guess that is what happens when people label Kane an idiot and make fun of the way he talks and consider it completely acceptable. It is just some good ol' banter.

Here's some comments about Ronaldo after the first game in the 2006 World Cup, a game in which Brazil won but Ronaldo was jeered off.
Ronaldo, Brazil's star striker, was given dismal reviews by the Brazilian media Wednesday after his lumbering display in the 1-0 victory over Croatia. The Phenomenal One, top scorer in the World Cup tournament in South Korea and Japan four years ago with eight goals, was jeered off the field when he was replaced by Robinho in the 69th minute Tuesday night. Ronaldo's only real moves came after the match, when he managed to avoid passing through the interview area in the stadium.

The former World Cup striker Tostão, writing for the newspaper Folha in São Paulo, said, "Brazil was slow and bureaucratic and only improved when Robinho came on for Ronaldo, who was slow and weird."

Other critics agreed that the world champions had effectively beaten Croatia with 10 men. "You felt sorry for Ronaldo," wrote Juca Kfouri, one of Brazil's best-known columnists. "Perhaps the team's biggest merit was to have beaten Croatia with 10 players, or almost nine," he said, alluding to a similarly lackluster display from Ronaldo's striking partner Adriano.

Kfouri suggested that Coach Carlos Alberto Parreira remove Ronaldo from the lineup. "It was a torture to see him like a wobbling heavyweight, staggering around the pitch as if what was going on around had nothing to do with him," Kfouri said of Ronaldo. "To control a simple ball seemed a Herculean task."

Fernando Calazans, columnist in the Rio de Janeiro daily O Globo, took a similar line, criticizing both Ronaldo and Adriano. "The two looked as if they were having a wander around the garden," he said. "How on earth do you challenge for a World Cup like that?


It's worth considering the fact we was jeered on its own, actually. England players are basically never jeered, and the idea of that happening to a star player, in a World Cup game, in a game that they're winning...it's totally unthinkable. Yet it's not that unusual for Brazilian stars. It's a different kind of scrutiny altogether.

For the record he went on to score 3 goals in the next 2 games and set the World Cup record for total goals scored.

Here's comments about Brazil a few weeks before the 2002 World Cup:

After two years of almost constant criticism, the Brazilian media are beginning to believe in their team. With the World Cup just six weeks away, Luiz Felipe Scolari's team are, it seems, coming together at just the right time. "A promising Brazil, for a change," read the headline in Rio's Jornal do Brasil after the 1-1 draw with Portugal on Wednesday.


And here's comments about Brazil a few weeks before the 1998 World Cup:

Favourites, yes. But how do they compare with their great predecessors? Not at all, according to most Brazilians. "They think they're great because they can run rings round airport passengers," said Pessanha, a Rio taxi driver, referring to a Nike TV ad featuring the current crop of players. "But can they beat Norway?" Speaking of Norway, their coach, Egil Olsen, said last week that Brazil may not really deserve to be ranked at the top of by Fifa's listings. "It's not unthinkable that they will be beaten by two of the teams in Group A," he said.

Even after watching Scotland's lacklustre performance against the US on live TV last weekend, Brazilians expressed a lot less than their traditional confidence. "That Scottish team was horrible, totally unprepared. We'd normally be expected to beat them 6-0," said Antonio Pimenta, Managing Editor of the big Estado e Sao Paulo daily. "Now, our players are hoping to beat Scotland 1-0.

"This is a pale imitation of the glory days of Brazilian football. In 1958, we had giants in the team. Now we have only players with promise. There is no collective game, no synchronisation. It's every player for himself. Zagallo has a lot to do with this."

Before Romario's departure, 70 per cent of Brazilians thought their team could take the trophy in France. Afterwards, only 11 per cent predicted victory.


Then came a series of disasters, including a 1-0 loss to the United States, a draw with upstarts Jamica - who, coached by a Brazilian, Rene Simoes, have copied everything from the Brazilians' strips to their habit of walking on the pitch holding hands - last week's draw with Athletic Bilbao and, worst of all, the 10 home defeat by old rivals Argentina last month in what many billed as a dress rehearsal for the July 12 World Cup final. After the game in the Maracana stadium, Zagallo was jeered with chants of "Idiot! Idiot!"


"Ronaldo has played well for his clubs but he's still learning. Denilson is really the only brilliant player in the squad," said Mr Pimenta of Estado de Sao Paulo, from Juninho's home city. "If they use Edmundo up front with Ronaldo, it could be a disaster. Edmundo (pronounced Edgy-mundo in Portuguese) is a moral liability. He is a very talented player but he's very tempestuous. He can't control his temper. That's why they call him `The Animal'. He's capable of causing us extreme embarrassment. I dread that theyplay him against Scotland. He's an easy target. If they provoke him, he'll retaliate and he's off.


If you go looking through the Brazilian papers a few weeks either side of any of these stories you'll find very targeted, personal criticism of Ronaldo and his weight, and wholesale criticism of the players, the coaching staff and the administration. The trouble with foreign news is that it's, you know, foreign. We don't bother to speak their language so we're not going to stumble upon local criticism of local players.

The issue here is people getting touchy about an entirely irrelevant thing. This isn't hate. Really consider what that word means, and the kind of events it applies to. It's embarrassing to use it in this context. What Kane is dealing with is unusual only in the delivery method. Star players have had to deal with "abuse" like this since the celebrity culture was embraced in the sport.
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He has made a real tit of himself if I am being honest. He should never have claimed the goal but having done so should have realised the shit he would get for it and just rode out the storm with his head down.

Havcinf said that the PFA shouldn’t be joining in on the shit storm.
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He has made a real tit of himself if I am being honest. He should never have claimed the goal but having done so should have realised the shit he would get for it and just rode out the storm with his head down.

Havcinf said that the FA shouldn’t be joining in on the shit storm.

Where did they?
I have to say, I'm surprised. I thought he had more about him than this. It's a shocking hole he's dug himself over the last few weeks. Regrets? He'll have a few.
He has made a real tit of himself if I am being honest. He should never have claimed the goal but having done so should have realised the shit he would get for it and just rode out the storm with his head down.

Havcinf said that the FA shouldn’t be joining in on the shit storm.
It wasn't the FA's Twitter account just the FA cup and their tweet had nothing to do with him claiming a goal. That Twitter account had been making fun of players all year.
Everyone is laughing, but no one is refuting it. Find me a star player of a nation that has gotten this much abuse before a big tournament, good luck with that, because you aren't going to find him.

Giggs banged his brothers wife for 8 years and didn't get a fraction of the hate Kane is getting from the footballing world. But, I guess that is what happens when people label Kane an idiot and make fun of the way he talks and consider it completely acceptable. It is just some good ol' banter.

Kane isn't getting hate. He's getting ridiculed.
Here's some comments about Ronaldo after the first game in the 2006 World Cup, a game in which Brazil won but Ronaldo was jeered off.


It's worth considering the fact we was jeered on its own, actually. England players are basically never jeered, and the idea of that happening to a star player, in a World Cup game, in a game that they're winning...it's totally unthinkable. Yet it's not that unusual for Brazilian stars. It's a different kind of scrutiny altogether.

For the record he went on to score 3 goals in the next 2 games and set the World Cup record for total goals scored.

Here's comments about Brazil a few weeks before the 2002 World Cup:


And here's comments about Brazil a few weeks before the 1998 World Cup:


If you go looking through the Brazilian papers a few weeks either side of any of these stories you'll find very targeted, personal criticism of Ronaldo and his weight, and wholesale criticism of the players, the coaching staff and the administration. The trouble with foreign news is that it's, you know, foreign. We don't bother to speak their language so we're not going to stumble upon local criticism of local players.

The issue here is people getting touchy about an entirely irrelevant thing. This isn't hate. Really consider what that word means, and the kind of events it applies to. It's embarrassing to use it in this context. What Kane is dealing with is unusual only in the delivery method. Star players have had to deal with "abuse" like this since the celebrity culture was embraced in the sport.
Brilliant post but tbh, you shouldn't have bothered.
Lazy, baseless and thoughtless bias. Kane has outperformed Lukaku consistently ever since he became a first-team regular at Spurs. Four seasons on the spin isn't luck or coincidence.

A stronger mentality (if indeed he has one, which is debatable despite the plethora of internet psychologists we have on here with their fine analyses of Kane's mindset, about which they now know everything because of this story) doesn't make Lukaku a better plysical player on the pitch, which is were football is played and where it matters most.

Please give me some examples of Lukaku's mental strength being shown in a way Kane's never has. Or alternatively, give me something Lukaku has done which Kane can't or never has. Seeing as mentality is so important that it compensates for a skill deficit, and seeing as Lukaku is apparently better in this department and therefore a better player, it shouldn't be too difficult.
You seem rather invested in this for someone who isn't a Spurs fan. Who do you support?
Here's some comments about Ronaldo after the first game in the 2006 World Cup, a game in which Brazil won but Ronaldo was jeered off.


It's worth considering the fact we was jeered on its own, actually. England players are basically never jeered, and the idea of that happening to a star player, in a World Cup game, in a game that they're winning...it's totally unthinkable. Yet it's not that unusual for Brazilian stars. It's a different kind of scrutiny altogether.

For the record he went on to score 3 goals in the next 2 games and set the World Cup record for total goals scored.

Here's comments about Brazil a few weeks before the 2002 World Cup:


And here's comments about Brazil a few weeks before the 1998 World Cup:


If you go looking through the Brazilian papers a few weeks either side of any of these stories you'll find very targeted, personal criticism of Ronaldo and his weight, and wholesale criticism of the players, the coaching staff and the administration. The trouble with foreign news is that it's, you know, foreign. We don't bother to speak their language so we're not going to stumble upon local criticism of local players.

The issue here is people getting touchy about an entirely irrelevant thing. This isn't hate. Really consider what that word means, and the kind of events it applies to. It's embarrassing to use it in this context. What Kane is dealing with is unusual only in the delivery method. Star players have had to deal with "abuse" like this since the celebrity culture was embraced in the sport.
If anything English players come across as over protected. The French, Italian and Brazilian players seem to deal better with negativity. Look at what Italy managed in 2006 despite all the controversy and criticism.
Everyone is laughing, but no one is refuting it. Find me a star player of a nation that has gotten this much abuse before a big tournament, good luck with that, because you aren't going to find him.

Giggs banged his brothers wife for 8 years and didn't get a fraction of the hate Kane is getting from the footballing world. But, I guess that is what happens when people label Kane an idiot and make fun of the way he talks and consider it completely acceptable. It is just some good ol' banter.

Oh so I'm laughing at you?

Cool cool, just didn't know :lol::lol::lol:
Everyone is laughing, but no one is refuting it. Find me a star player of a nation that has gotten this much abuse before a big tournament, good luck with that, because you aren't going to find him.

Giggs banged his brothers wife for 8 years and didn't get a fraction of the hate Kane is getting from the footballing world. But, I guess that is what happens when people label Kane an idiot and make fun of the way he talks and consider it completely acceptable. It is just some good ol' banter.

Rooney got more stick than Kane has ever got.

Beckham and Phil Neville suffered more abuse after tournaments than Kane will ever get.
Everyone is laughing, but no one is refuting it. Find me a star player of a nation that has gotten this much abuse before a big tournament, good luck with that, because you aren't going to find him.

Giggs banged his brothers wife for 8 years and didn't get a fraction of the hate Kane is getting from the footballing world. But, I guess that is what happens when people label Kane an idiot and make fun of the way he talks and consider it completely acceptable. It is just some good ol' banter.

As far as I know he's mainly been getting ridicule, which is different.
Here's some comments about Ronaldo after the first game in the 2006 World Cup, a game in which Brazil won but Ronaldo was jeered off.


It's worth considering the fact we was jeered on its own, actually. England players are basically never jeered, and the idea of that happening to a star player, in a World Cup game, in a game that they're winning...it's totally unthinkable. Yet it's not that unusual for Brazilian stars. It's a different kind of scrutiny altogether.

For the record he went on to score 3 goals in the next 2 games and set the World Cup record for total goals scored.

Here's comments about Brazil a few weeks before the 2002 World Cup:


And here's comments about Brazil a few weeks before the 1998 World Cup:


If you go looking through the Brazilian papers a few weeks either side of any of these stories you'll find very targeted, personal criticism of Ronaldo and his weight, and wholesale criticism of the players, the coaching staff and the administration. The trouble with foreign news is that it's, you know, foreign. We don't bother to speak their language so we're not going to stumble upon local criticism of local players.

The issue here is people getting touchy about an entirely irrelevant thing. This isn't hate. Really consider what that word means, and the kind of events it applies to. It's embarrassing to use it in this context. What Kane is dealing with is unusual only in the delivery method. Star players have had to deal with "abuse" like this since the celebrity culture was embraced in the sport.

Criticizing doesn't equal bullying, which is what is happening to Kane. He is being mocked by people who are likely going to support him when he puts on the England shirt, but also official organizations that are part of English football. Mocking and making fun of someone is bullying like it not, no matter if "celebrity culture" embraced that sort of behavior and in some sick way made it acceptable, because of ones fame.

If Kane was being criticized for his bad performances in an Spurs/England shirt that would be completely acceptable, every nation criticizes performances, but they don't mock their own players.

Ronaldo was jeered off after a game, and the whole Brazilian team was under a watchful eye, but their FA didn't mock him or anyone before the World Cup.

I am Spurs fan and I know if Kane has a good or bad tournament he will be back for next season and continue to do his thing, but I just find it mindboggling how a nation can just roll with trashing and trolling their best player before a WC, where does one see the benefit in that.

Oh so I'm laughing at you?

Cool cool, just didn't know :lol::lol::lol:

Mocking is a form of bullying and bullying is a form of abuse.
Criticizing doesn't equal bullying, which is what is happening to Kane. He is being mocked by people who are likely going to support him when he puts on the England shirt, but also official organizations that are part of English football. Mocking and making fun of someone is bullying like it not, no matter if "celebrity culture" embraced that sort of behavior and in some sick way made it acceptable, because of ones fame.

If Kane was being criticized for his bad performances in an Spurs/England shirt that would be completely acceptable, every nation criticizes performances, but they don't mock their own players.

Ronaldo was jeered off after a game, and the whole Brazilian team was under a watchful eye, but their FA didn't mock him or anyone before the World Cup.

I am Spurs fan and I know if Kane has a good or bad tournament he will be back for next season and continue to do his thing, but I just find it mindboggling how a nation can just roll with trashing and trolling their best player before a WC, where does one see the benefit in that.

Mocking is a form of bullying and bullying is a form of abuse.

You are not Spurs fan it seems, more like Kane's biggest muppet. Get over it.
And people see him go to Real Madrid?:lol:
Criticizing doesn't equal bullying, which is what is happening to Kane. He is being mocked by people who are likely going to support him when he puts on the England shirt, but also official organizations that are part of English football. Mocking and making fun of someone is bullying like it not, no matter if "celebrity culture" embraced that sort of behavior and in some sick way made it acceptable, because of ones fame.
You must be one of the most sensitive souls in the world if any kind of joke at your expense equates to bullying in your mind. And Kane must have surrounded himself with people like you if his behavior is any indication.

I wouldn't know if any footballer got this kind of treatment before a tournament because I've never seen a footballer give a damn about a random tweet like this. Seriously if he'd just ignored it I would never even have seen the tweet in question. It was a complete non-story before he and Poch decided to get involved. It shouldn't even begin to qualify as an issue.

I understand where the Spurs fans who thought it must just be the media shit stirring at first were coming from, because the whole thing is just that ludicrous.
You must be one of the most sensitive souls in the world if any kind of joke at your expense equates to bullying in your mind. And Kane must have surrounded himself with people like you if his behavior is any indication.

I wouldn't know if any footballer got this kind of treatment before a tournament because I've never seen a footballer give a damn about a random tweet like this. Seriously if he'd just ignored it I would never even have seen the tweet in question. It was a complete non-story before he and Poch decided to get involved. It shouldn't even begin to qualify as an issue.

I understand where the Spurs fans who thought it must just be the media shit stirring at first were coming from, because the whole thing is just that ludicrous.
Do the new members have a post limit nowadays?
Criticizing doesn't equal bullying, which is what is happening to Kane. He is being mocked by people who are likely going to support him when he puts on the England shirt, but also official organizations that are part of English football. Mocking and making fun of someone is bullying like it not, no matter if "celebrity culture" embraced that sort of behavior and in some sick way made it acceptable, because of ones fame.

If Kane was being criticized for his bad performances in an Spurs/England shirt that would be completely acceptable, every nation criticizes performances, but they don't mock their own players.

Ronaldo was jeered off after a game, and the whole Brazilian team was under a watchful eye, but their FA didn't mock him or anyone before the World Cup.

I am Spurs fan and I know if Kane has a good or bad tournament he will be back for next season and continue to do his thing, but I just find it mindboggling how a nation can just roll with trashing and trolling their best player before a WC, where does one see the benefit in that.

Mocking is a form of bullying and bullying is a form of abuse.
Reminds me of Brendan Fraser crying in the movie Bedazzled, because dolphins wont be able to see anything when the sun goes down
Criticizing doesn't equal bullying, which is what is happening to Kane. He is being mocked by people who are likely going to support him when he puts on the England shirt, but also official organizations that are part of English football. Mocking and making fun of someone is bullying like it not, no matter if "celebrity culture" embraced that sort of behavior and in some sick way made it acceptable, because of ones fame.

If Kane was being criticized for his bad performances in an Spurs/England shirt that would be completely acceptable, every nation criticizes performances, but they don't mock their own players.

Ronaldo was jeered off after a game, and the whole Brazilian team was under a watchful eye, but their FA didn't mock him or anyone before the World Cup.

I am Spurs fan and I know if Kane has a good or bad tournament he will be back for next season and continue to do his thing, but I just find it mindboggling how a nation can just roll with trashing and trolling their best player before a WC, where does one see the benefit in that.

Mocking is a form of bullying and bullying is a form of abuse.

No offense, but this is bullshit!
He has made a real tit of himself if I am being honest. He should never have claimed the goal but having done so should have realised the shit he would get for it and just rode out the storm with his head down.

Havcinf said that the PFA shouldn’t be joining in on the shit storm.

This is a very sensible post & Havcinf is right in what he says.
The level of abuse that Kane has gotten in the recent months is unprecedented in recent history, because it came from all directions. It wasn't just from your average fan, but it included fellow professionals, the PFA, and the FA Cup. I have not seen this sort of toxic behavior towards a nations best player before a big tournament ever. It is literally setting up the player for failure by having unnecessary commotion and unwanted attention around him and with absolutely no support from the FA. This behavior is way past banter and has become a full on bullying campaign, that is completely uncalled for.


I feel like that's a parody. If not well I feel for him. At the same time some of it is so funny, toxic behavior, setting up for failure, unnecessary commotion. Hahaha. It's like they are competing in an overreaction competition, other fans and Kane
Lazy, baseless and thoughtless bias. Kane has outperformed Lukaku consistently ever since he became a first-team regular at Spurs. Four seasons on the spin isn't luck or coincidence.

A stronger mentality (if indeed he has one, which is debatable despite the plethora of internet psychologists we have on here with their fine analyses of Kane's mindset, about which they now know everything because of this story) doesn't make Lukaku a better plysical player on the pitch, which is were football is played and where it matters most.

Please give me some examples of Lukaku's mental strength being shown in a way Kane's never has. Or alternatively, give me something Lukaku has done which Kane can't or never has. Seeing as mentality is so important that it compensates for a skill deficit, and seeing as Lukaku is apparently better in this department and therefore a better player, it shouldn't be too difficult.

It's a feeling is all. David Beckham had effigies of him burnt by mobs. He had a dummy with his jersey on around a noose. I wonder how poor ol' Harry will deal with that kind of treatment if ever he had the misfortune of undergoing it. Football players getting offended by tweets... Jesus. What's the world come to.
I just dont get it, i know football fans are fickle bunch but how you can call it abuse, hate, on top of that its being made that people mocking him just because he claimed a goal. For some its not that, claiming a goal even if you didnt score it is one thing but swearing on your own daughter`s life as some kind of proof, evidence that goal is yours 100% is something else, swear on your own life fecking bell dickhead.
Can you imagine if he were at Madrid and the white hankies came out? What would he do? Start crying?:lol:

Seriously, he better stay within his little bubble at Spurs. Also, no one from the club or his PR agency didn't think it might be a good idea to tell him to let it go?

His reaction is super funny though for the neutrals.