The Mourinho Thread: Should he stay or go? | Sacked

Is Mourinho’s time as United manager up?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2,296 77.1%
  • No

    Votes: 293 9.8%
  • Not yet - needs more time to see if he can turn it around

    Votes: 388 13.0%

  • Total voters
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New Member
Nov 5, 2013
Cape Town
To me that seemed more like a pop at Pogba taking time on the ball waiting for a run. Especially the bit about keeping it simple.
Of course it was a pop at Pogba, and rightly so! Pogba was shocking today. So sloppy, constantly gave the ball away, made wrong passing decisions, or held on to it too long. I don't like the way Mourinho always throws the players under the bus, but tonight it was justified.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Mar 22, 2014
He's off. Better off now bringing Jardim as caretaker and treat it as a 6 month job interview for him.

If he gets us better with a long term plan we give him a 2 year contract.
I'll take that. The last 3 managers all came in the summer and needed time to asses the squad, why not try something different this time? Just change something please!
To me that seemed more like a pop at Pogba taking time on the ball waiting for a run. Especially the bit about keeping it simple.
I would not pass him, he's that petty.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Mar 22, 2014
It actually explains a lot. It seems he's unable to understand that there are some technical requirements certain players need to meet in order to play quick passing game. He's acting like this is old ISS1 football on PS1 where you take out Romario and put Roberto Carlos on the LW.
I can see that too, it would explain a lot of things this season. Which is very scary as a fan and as a player I would imagine.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2015
"Can Manchester United score? They always score"
Of course it was a pop at Pogba, and rightly so! Pogba was shocking today. So sloppy, constantly gave the ball away, made wrong passing decisions, or held on to it too long. I don't like the way Mourinho always throws the players under the bus, but tonight it was justified.
The players deserve a competent manager. They simply don't have one.

It goes both way.


Full Member
Sep 15, 2016
I can see that too, it would explain a lot of things this season. Which is very scary as a fan and as a player I would imagine.
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth"


Full Member
Apr 24, 2013
Just put the man out of his misery. I don't expect him to quit, it is down to the board dressing their heels.

At this point, is rather just give Carrick the job to the end of the season and take it from there


Full Member
Oct 5, 2013
Keep deflecting the real issue which is Woodward on the manager isn't going to help. Even Pep or Klopp would struggle with this moron in charge of the club
I don't understand how it's all Woodward's fault that literally none of Mourinho's signings have proven to be reasonably good buys. We even swapped one of his terrible signings for another terrible signing in Sanchez and gave him more money than any other player in the history of the Premier League has earned, but its the money man's fault and not the coaching?


Full Member
Jan 4, 2011
We have only 2 options available at the moment: get rid of the players or get rid of jose as the players are not performing for him. We're not going to get rid all the players so jose has to go. As far as getting in a new manager, we should go with an interim manager until the right choice becomes available. If the board are listening to the fans they will get rid of jose, every since he came out in the summer and criticised the kids on tour and complained that he couldn't bring the right players his time was up as far as i was concerned. His style of football is polar apart from what we expect from this great club. Its not all Jose's fault as more of our players are a bunch of immature premadonas that have no respect for the club. As for the way the club is being ran by Woodward is a shambles, he's clueless on running a club, the club has turned into an embarrassment. Big decisions need to be made fast if we're to salvage anything from this season as this crap can't be allowed to continue.
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New Member
May 19, 2017
Of course it was a pop at Pogba, and rightly so! Pogba was shocking today. So sloppy, constantly gave the ball away, made wrong passing decisions, or held on to it too long. I don't like the way Mourinho always throws the players under the bus, but tonight it was justified.
Sorry, Pogba made it happen for our first goal and created a chance for Young. I'm not surprised he throw him under the bus, it's opposite of what Matic is doing this season and he hasn't said a bad word about him yet.


90% of teams play better football than us
Jan 16, 2006
Glazers Out
I used to think the United manager job is impossible but now I'm not really sure. I think it actually is the greatest job in football right now. Best wages, 0 responsibility, clueless upper management, huge payoff when sacked.

Millions of candidates must be ringing Woodward non stop


Full Member
May 26, 2016
I don't understand how he can moan about the way the team play when he's the one who sets out the team and picks the players. If he wants one touch football and quicker passing don't play the likes of Matic and Fellaini in the middle ffs
The excuses are in full flow. Our best players have been alienated and quality players who easily have the talent to play quick one touch football are being ostracized.


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
Exactly. There is a serious chance that we genuinely finish outside of the top 10 if he stays the entire season.
@Mockney remember I was called a Cray cray for stating Jose is deliberately indulging in sabototage.
I’ve gone full Alex Jones now. I’m not saying he was definitely trying to throw that match. I’m just saying if you were trying to throw a match, but not make it seem ridiculously obvious, that’s what it would look like.

He put out a woefully terrible team, and everything was going swimmingly until Rashford decided to create two goals. So he waits what seems like a reasonably unsuspiciois amount of time before hooking him off. Then hooks Lukaku soon after, so that we end a match we need to win against a bottom of the table side with literally no strikers on the pitch...

I mean. I’m definitely not saying thats what happened.. but if it were... it would kinda, maybe, probably, definitely look like that, wouldn’t it?

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
Of course it was a pop at Pogba, and rightly so! Pogba was shocking today. So sloppy, constantly gave the ball away, made wrong passing decisions, or held on to it too long. I don't like the way Mourinho always throws the players under the bus, but tonight it was justified.
He was indeed about he was taking so long on the ball at times because he was waiting for an option or someone to make the run. He showed his frustration at times by gesturing at people and asking them why they weren’t going in to this space.
He’s trying to play the game and Unfortunatly others just aren’t on the same page as he is.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2015
"Can Manchester United score? They always score"
Keep deflecting the real issue which is Woodward on the manager isn't going to help. Even Pep or Klopp would struggle with this moron in charge of the club
How so? Woodward usually gives the managers money to spend. Someone like Pep usually knows exactly what he wants. And can coach the players to achieve that.

To absolve Mourinho after buying a number of players at very high fees is just silly.


Full Member
Aug 26, 2014
If he stays we will lose Pogba, De Gea and possibly others in the summer. Unless Woodward is so out of touch with the football side he doesnt realise that, he has to get rid of Jose before the end of the season.

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
He's off. Better off now bringing Jardim as caretaker and treat it as a 6 month job interview for him.

If he gets us better with a long term plan we give him a 2 year contract.
Jardim would not come in to United on a short term contract, if we went for him it would be a full bells and whistles one.


Full Member
Jan 14, 2017
Don't think that's true. He would still do well at a club like PSG maybe.

Jose has declined, but he isn't finished yet. United though is much too challenging a job for him. He should have gone to PSG instead of accepting our offer.
He won't and the stars there will hate him.
He was inherently a negative manager but now is also average to boot!

Ali Dia

Full Member
May 10, 2013
Souness's Super Sub/George Weahs Talented Cousin
The players we sign are horrific and many of them at best have failed and at worst have downed tools under 3 managers now. I don’t think a change of manager is going to get much more out of these players as the squad stands. It’s a toxic squad of big time Charlie’s. On paper fair enough we’ve supposedly got good players. Where’s the winning mentality? Every decision we make seems to be the wrong one even if it seems to make sense at the time. A lot of these players need to go somewhere where they will listen to the manager. I genuinely think that we pay far far too much to everyone in our squad and there’s no incentive to kick on and improve. Just sulk at the first knock back you get and still get paid the highest wages for your ability level in world football without winning football matches or improving here. We are a terribly run club!!!
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New Member
Nov 5, 2013
Cape Town
The players deserve a competent manager. They simply don't have one.

It goes both way.
Totally agree. Under a different manager I'm certain that Pogba would improve. I can't wait to be rid of Mourinho. Pogbas performance tonight is directly related to his his relationship/feelings towards his manager, but he was completely trash tonight.

Morpheus 7

Full Member
May 14, 2014
Everytime I see him I hear the Beastie Boys sabotage theme. How long will the nightmare last, banter fc


New Member
Aug 19, 2018
Even if we got the comeback that has to be a sackable performance. It is clear that we are now consistently making average and crap teams look excellent. That cannot be acceptable to the board surely?
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