Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended


Full Member
Dec 21, 2009
Edit:I Subreddit is based on books so am posting OP's now - hopefully that's ok

2 Reddit posts I liked but have now spoilered them after it was pointed out it was a book Reddit sub - though I don't think the posts have anything we don't/didn't already know

First saying storylines that are (un)resolved and forever will be:

Now that we're in the final season of the show and major characters are dying off, it seems safe to start believing that some plots that appear to be finished really are finished. Here are a few I'm thinking about:

  • The White Walkers' mission: We learned in Season 6 that the Children of the Forest created the Night King, and thereby the White Walkers and wights, to help with their war against the First Men. We learned in the previous episode that the Night King specifically wanted to kill the Three-Eyed Raven to erase the memory of humanity. It looks like that's all we're going to get about them - no attempt to subvert our expectations by humanizing them or somesuch.
  • Humanity unifying against the army of the dead: A lot of characters (but not all) belatedly set aside their political squabbles and joined forces to save the world, which has been a strong theme of the series. It seemed like that might have been the eventual finale of the entire show, but not quite. Now we're back to human-on-human violence.
  • The White Walkers' gruesome art: Right from the very first episode we saw the White Walkers arranging corpses in certain geometric patterns, which also appeared in the cave under Dragonstone. Was there a deeper mystery about the meaning of these patterns? Apparently not one we'll ever solve.
  • Dragonglass and Valyrian steel:These were needed for defeating the wights and White Walkers, and there have been several side plots about Valryian steel swords that have names and about the dragonglass forging industry. That's probably all finished now; the only special weapon powers still in play belong to a crossbow, a scorpion, and wildfire.
  • The Night's Watch: The Wall has fallen, the wildlings have come south, the White Walkers are defeated, and every named raven's watch has ended. So there doesn't seem to be any purpose left for them.
  • The Unsullied, the Dothraki, and Essos: Looks like the first two are completely wiped out and even the intro sequence hasn't referred to the third this season. (via u/silentnoisemakers76)
  • The Winterfell crypt: There have always been indications that something special would happen in the crypt (e.g. Bran's visions), and fan theories ran amok. Now that Winterfell has mostly fallen it doesn't seem like there will be a third battle there, so we've probably seen all the crypt action we're going to see. Maybe Bran's visions in the crypt were just metaphors leading up to his discovery about Jon's true parentage, and not a foreshadowing of some other specific thing that would physically occur there.
  • Weirwoods?: Bran has seemed to be able to connect to a weirwood tree and remotely view events through the eyes of another weirwood. But there aren't many weirwoods south of Winterfell and that's where the action seems to be moving, so we might not get any more data from
  • R'hllor?: The Lord of Light's religion has always been portrayed as creepy (child sacrifice would be disturbing even if it were done for a successful purpose), while R'hllor is also the only god in the universe who actually seems to have visible powers. There have been theories about what might be behind all that. But all his named-character followers in Westeros have completed their missions and died, so it seems unlikely we'll ever learn more about the subject. (For that matter we may already be done with the Faith of the Seven, and it's unclear how much the surviving Greyjoys care about the Drowned God, while Arya took what she needed from the House of Black and White and left, so we might never revisit the entire theme of religion.) EDIT: u/ISamohThomasI points out that Varys had a vision in the flames, and so did Sandor "The Hound" Clegane. So maybe they'll go found a church after this is all over, but that seems like a long shot.
  • Azor Ahai??: This prophecy is the subject of a lot of speculation among book readers but is only briefly mentioned in the show, as the Prince (or Princess) That Was Promised. However, that story came from Melisandre and appeared to be about the person who would defeat the White Walkers, which is now done. So is it Arya? Or is the show just going to drop that plot?

The second being/trying to justify why Arya was the only "logical" person to kill the Night King but ultimately it shouldn't have happened:

I'm talking about Arya, Catspaw, and the Night King's death.

First, (and I first made this post in the post-ep discussion if it looks like you're re-reading something) the religious factions all played a very specific role in killing the Night King.

  • The many faced god produced assassin Arya.

  • The Lord of Light revived Beric a million times over to save Arya. Mel told Arya point blank she's the one. Mel also confirmed that Beric was kept alive for this moment of saving Arya.

  • The Seven saved Sandor Clegane, who saved Arya. Same as above.

  • The drowned god via Theon, who "rose again harder and stronger," and protected Bran, bought Arya time.

  • The old gods via the 3ER (Bran) gave Arya Catspaw.
Second, Catspaw's history is deeply tied with the first two books and seasons. Its the reason why the war of the five kings started, and it led to Arya's arc and every single other characters arc, culminating to that moment. It bridges the politics of Westeros we loved early in the series/books with the WW. Bran has echoed this idea a few times, and this seems to be a theme of the season: everything these characters have done has made them who they are and led them to this moment. In that way, its as if everyone played a role in the events leading to killing the Night King. The preceding seasons were not for nothing - they hardened these characters and filtered out the weak. Catspaw punctuates that.

Obviously Littlefinger has been dead for a season, but his influence is here. He started the war, but he also gave Bran Catspaw in s7. Tyrion actually was the original owner of this dagger. I'm sure there are many other things I'm missing that brought about this moment from other characters.

I guess the great irony is that if it weren't for the Catspaw assassin, humanity wouldn't have been distracted from the threat up north with these wars since 1998, yet its the reason why the NK is dead.

Edit: It's all the subreddit of the books. So don't go in this thread if you haven't read the books cos there will be book talk there.
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Full Member
Dec 21, 2009
What an episode. Was not expecting it to hit such heights.

Also felt like manutd vs psg in paris. Hope everything is not downhill from here for the remaining.
Except I feel like a PSG fan right now


No I won’t change your tag line
Aug 17, 2009
How can people complain the ending was rushed or panicky?

What did you expect? The muggles to get the better of the WW and overcome them tactically and piece by piece? They held their own so NK just bought everyone back to life again. What the feck are they supposed to do?

It was always going to be a death like that. Out of the blue, surprise.

What a rollercoaster that was. Only slightly disappointing thing is lack of star names dead. But you've all been crying out for action then moan when you get one of the greatest battle scenes on TV.


Jan 17, 2012
8 seasons we’ve been waiting for the White Walkers. And then they all die in the first battle. Honestly, I should’ve stopped watching this shit fest around season 4.
They've decisively won the other two battles at Hardhome & then again when they took a dragon down.


I’m afraid I just blue myself
Sep 18, 2008
I don't consider this a spoiler as its based on the episodes aired but 2 threads on Reddit I liked. Sending links than posting OP's as comments are decent mostly too.

First saying storylines that are (un)resolved and forever will be:

The second being/trying to justify why Arya was the only "logical" person to kill the Night King but ultimately it shouldn't have happened:
It's all the subreddit of the books. So don't go in this thread if you haven't read the books cos there will be book talk there.


Full Member
Dec 21, 2009
How can people complain the ending was rushed or panicky?

What did you expect? The muggles to get the better of the WW and overcome them tactically and piece by piece? They held their own so NK just bought everyone back to life again. What the feck are they supposed to do?

It was always going to be a death like that. Out of the blue, surprise.

What a rollercoaster that was. Only slightly disappointing thing is lack of star names dead. But you've all been crying out for action then moan when you get one of the greatest battle scenes on TV.
It shouldn't be a straight choice between action and script. The early seasons had both. It's clear D&D are not the best without a book to go off. They just do fan service now instead.

There was no reason given for the WW appearance after 10k years and the way they died was so pathetic. If Arya is such a great assassin then just go and fecking kill Cercei on your own. Bran is just pointless. I would have trusted the show in the past to explain his weirdness but with 3 episodes to go and what we have seen in the last couple seasons I would expect nothing


Full Member
Dec 21, 2009
It's all the subreddit of the books. So don't go in this thread if you haven't read the books cos there will be book talk there.
Ah sorry, good point. I'll post the OP's instead


No I won’t change your tag line
Aug 17, 2009
It shouldn't be a straight choice between action and script. The early seasons had both. It's clear D&D are not the best without a book to go off. They just do fan service now instead.

There was no reason given for the WW appearance after 10k years and the way they died was so pathetic. If Arya is such a great assassin then just go and fecking kill Cercei on your own. Bran is just pointless. I would have trusted the show in the past to explain his weirdness but with 3 episodes to go and what we have seen in the last couple seasons I would expect nothing
What am I going to say to people who moan about GoT?

Not today.
But seriously, if that's how you see it you have to temper your expectations a little bit.

You basically have 2 choices. Enjoy it for what it is now or be pissed off every week.

There was plenty to enjoy about this episode and re. the white walkers intent/origins/backstory etc. One there's still time. Bran will probably explain it randomly. But most likely, there is a spin-off and they don't want to give too much away.


Shining Star of Paektu Mountain
Apr 8, 2014
Again. I still don't get why he doesn't raise those that just died to fight for him. Also, why didn't the NK start throwing darts when he clearly had the other 2 dragons in his sight but they had no he where he was
Have you never played in Heroes of Might and Magic? Countdown and mana.


Shining Star of Paektu Mountain
Apr 8, 2014
It was an excellent spectacle and maybe I’m being harsh but I’m just so sick of these tropes where someone looks like they’re about to get f*cked but are saved last minute by someone else (who usually dies in their place).
Agreed. The thought came to my mind when the dead were about to kill Dany and I've had absolutely no worry whatsoever.


Don't Just Fly…Soar!
Jan 6, 2008
Thucydides nuts
Good grief I'm about to watch it. I will report back at ten hundred hours; in two hundred hours time.


Hercule Poirot of the scouting world
May 10, 2009
Loved the episode. Music and battle scenes was very good.


Full Member
Dec 21, 2009
Agreed. The thought came to my mind when the dead were about to kill Dany and I've had absolutely no worry whatsoever.
Same with Jon. Surrounded by literally thousands and not a single bit of tension that he'd die


Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
Awesome battle scene but overall predictable. The only surprise was who would kill the night king. There was nothing clever going on. Everything was pretty straightforward.

The final three episodes have to be typical GoT drama with lots of intricacy and surprises rather than fight scenes. The only battle that I'll be interested in is the Mountain vs the Hound.


Full Member
Jan 22, 2018
Unbelievable episode if you ask me. It’s not the easiest if things to balance so many characters and story lines together but they did it very well. The snow and fire created this great atmosphere which along with the music really elevated the episode. Also loved the change in pace when they took the battle inside Winterfell with Aarya, from open grounds to the claustrophobic insides of the castle.

There was no way they could have taken the WW battle to King’s Landing because they lose Winterfell with the Night King commanding the whole armies plus the Unsullied and most probably three dragons, then the battle at King’s Landing would have just been a formality. They had to end it at Winterfell when they knew the Night King would show himself to kill Bran. Also the creators spoke about how it had to be Valerian steel and how Arya stabbed the NK where the children of the forest stabbed to make the first white walker which was a nice touch.
Expected Jon to survive the Ice Dragon and then ride it to kill the NK, But was pleasantly surprised to see Arya.

I’ve not been a big fan of last two,three seasons, but this episode was one of the best things I’ve ever seen. Agree that they could have killed off a few more star characters but other than that, it was fantastic
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Fully Fledged

Full Member
May 23, 2013
Midlands UK
Epic absolutely bloody epic.

For those saying the ending was naff. We had an omnipotent being that can see everything past, present and future tell us this was going to happen.
I was going to put it in my death list but didn’t.

If he has steamrolled them and moved south the show was over. He would have taken everything from there to Kings Lansing and wiped the floor with Cersei. That was never going to be the way it ended.


Jan 17, 2012
Epic absolutely bloody epic.

For those saying the ending was naff. We had an omnipotent being that can see everything past, present and future tell us this was going to happen.
I was going to put it in my death list but didn’t.

If he has steamrolled them and moved south the show was over. He would have taken everything from there to Kings Lansing and wiped the floor with Cersei. That was never going to be the way it ended.
Plus literally every main character on the show bar Cersei would've been dead.


Full Member
Sep 30, 2009
Almost a decade of story telling and the culmination of the white walker plot is that?

I think it probably always was going to be a let down, but fecking hell.


Full Member
Oct 23, 2011
in a cave
I thought it was a great episode, the director is a genius, every battle episode he has directed has been great. Soundtrack was amazing. Ending was a bit meh, We never learnt anything about the NK. I thought there would be a plot behind it all.


New Member
Jul 12, 2016
I thought it was a great episode, the director is a genius, every battle episode he has directed has been great. Soundtrack was amazing. Ending was a bit meh, We never learnt anything about the NK. I thought there would be a plot behind it all.
I do believe there will be some sort of explanation regarding Night King before the show ends . They won't let such a big character remain unexplained.


No I won’t change your tag line
Aug 17, 2009
Anyone think Mountain kills (or more likely is about to kill) Arya, and that gets Hound extra motivated?

I know he doesn't need any motivation, that's all he wants to do. It's just the way he lost all hope today, but 'woke up' for Arya.


Full Member
Jan 22, 2018
Yes, as someone posted above, there has to be some connection with Bran and the night king, I don’t expect the show to end with a ‘and they lived happily ever after In peace’, there will be something else happening, expect a very dark ending which also makes sense because they don’t need three episodes to show battle at king’s landing, maybe two, I expect the finale to explain a lot of stuff regarding the WWs, or at least I hope


Full Member
Sep 30, 2009
I do believe there will be some sort of explanation regarding Night King before the show ends . They won't let such a big character remain unexplained.
I doubt it. Since the books ended the TV show has consistently done really odd things which are always excused by the fans because of some belief that they'll pull it out of the bag later, and they never do.

I simply suspect that they just don't care about the Whitewalkers enough and think that they are a side plot that needs to be sewn up before the show can move South and tie up the Cersei storyline.

I don't really blame the show runners for how it has turned out, GRRM has written such an absolute mess that he's never going to finish it, but I think HBO (and quite a lot of the fans?) were always very reluctant to engage with the high fantasy elements of the show. My only real wish is that, if we don't subsequently get an explanation, they'd have tied up this plot line in the first season of the post-book era and focussed on the story they did want to tell, rather than wasting this many episodes telling one they didn't.


Full Member
Dec 19, 2015
Bayern München
I doubt it. Since the books ended the TV show has consistently done really odd things which are always excused by the fans because of some belief that they'll pull it out of the bag later, and they never do.

I simply suspect that they just don't care about the Whitewalkers enough and think that they are a side plot that needs to be sewn up before the show can move South and tie up the Cersei storyline.

I don't really blame the show runners for how it has turned out, GRRM has written such an absolute mess that he's never going to finish it, but I think HBO (and quite a lot of the fans?) were always very reluctant to engage with the high fantasy elements of the show. My only real wish is that, if we don't subsequently get an explanation, they'd have tied up this plot line in the first season of the post-book era and focussed on the story they did want to tell, rather than wasting this many episodes telling one they didn't.
Well, they introduced and bigged up the night king on their own (I think GRRM said he's not in the books; and so far he is not), so they alone are responsible for the hollowness of the final confrontation. Him wanting to get to Bran was the premise for the attack of his army on Winterfell, and then there is zero interaction between them, no questions about their connection answered, zip.


Full Member
Aug 23, 2015
Best battle ever? Could barely make anything out for most of it!

The library scene was really good. Overall a decent episode, but was pretty obvious 20minutes in that the WW were going to lose


Full Member
May 20, 2011
And the rest. WW was his story and he did feck all in the end
I really thought he would slay the dragon at the end and
Best battle ever? Could barely make anything out for most of it!

The library scene was really good. Overall a decent episode, but was pretty obvious 20minutes in that the WW were going to lose
Umm was quite obvious before season started. If they won then would have all the dragons and a bigger army to take on king landing. It was more of a question on how they will lose and who will survive the battle.


The name says it all
Sep 15, 2014
I thought I needed military spec night vision goggles to watch the episode. Darker than a DC film.


Full Member
Dec 19, 2015
Bayern München
Also, the NK being resistant to dragonfire made no f*cking sense whatsoever, just another scene written for the visuals alone.
So we have dragonglass (somehow connected either to dragonfire or at least normal volcanic fire) and valyrian steel (the secrets of which, lost along with valyria, likely involved dragonfire in the forging process), so the two known weapons able to destroy wights and walkers are working somehow because of their affinity to fire of natural or dragon origin.... but then the actual fecking thing does no harm, at all? Come on.


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
That would ve been kinda awesome but I'm not complaining. Never have I been on the edge of my seat as much as I was for this episode. Especially the build up to the full blown battle was crazy intense and well done.

My biggest beef was the insane plot armor so many characters had. It kinda feels like not enough of the main characters died in a way. Having said that.. I do agree the way the night king died was very anti climatic. The other night walkers should ve at least had something to do.
Oh come on. If this isnt movie jon danny and the rest wouldnt stand in the front line nor in winterfell. They'd took the boat and sail to meereen and let the dead handle cersei