Paulo Dybala

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Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
I think many on here underestimate what United can offer players. Yes more money but also a huge media presence, notoriety, etc... and as we see in football things can change quickly. I know many on here think we 'suck' and will 'suck for a long time but not everyone in the world of football thinks that way.
I don't think we'd offer him much more of a presence than what he's got at Juve, who are a consistent challenger for the Champions League trophy.


likes playing with swords after fantasies
Apr 29, 2014
Here's a good article from an Italian paper:

Paulo Dybala doesn't want to leave Juve. But Juve have decided to sell him. And he is close to a deal with Manchester United, with or without Romelu Lukaku. That's why the Argentine must in any case listen to the Red Devils, before saying yes or no. In fact, one of his trusted men, Jorge Antun, arrived in England in the last few hours. He was usually taking care of his commercial interests but is now appointed by the Dybala family to start negotiations with United.

Dybala's position at the moment hasn't changed. On Thursday he will be in Turin and he will immediately want a direct meeting with Maurizio Sarri, despite the fact that the club has discarded him. The Premier League has never been his ambition (project/dream) and he would like to stay at Juve and eventually wait and see for something different to develop on the international market, whether it's PSG or one of the great clubs from Spain. In the meantime, Jorgen Antun has flown to London to listen to the United's technical and economic proposal. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is a big fan of him, and United's offering a higher engagement than he currently receives at Juve. But for now all this may not be enough.

The fact that Antun is in conversation with United is further confirmation of how close the agreement is between the clubs. Whether it's a straight swap with Lukaku or a swap and cash (of about 15 million) or it could be a straight Dybala sale to Old Trafford without Lukaku moving the other way. Juve has decided to get rid of the player, Dybala's signature is missing. His response could affect the market in half of Italy.
Article's author? Because that's basically an exact rehash of what was said by that Max Nerozzi guy. For refernce, his pinned Tweet is how Pogba's girlfriend has already rented an apartment in Turin ... dated a month ago.


Full Member
Aug 31, 2006
There’s a big difference between not wanting to leave your current club and not wanting to join another.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2001
New York City
Article's author? Because that's basically an exact rehash of what was said by that Max Nerozzi guy. For refernce, his pinned Tweet is how Pogba's girlfriend has already rented an apartment in Turin ... dated a month ago.
Nicola Balice, Corriere Torino

Nytram Shakes

cannot lust
Feb 2, 2014
He didn’t play like his usual self cause he was played out of position. That matters. He isn’t a winger. If you push him out right even he comes here it’s gonna be the same. He won’t be effective. Just think of Martial. He is a winger but if you switch him to the right he isn’t the same. Same with Dybala. In fact it’s worse. At least Marital is a winger. You take a #10/SS and play him out wide how could you possibly expect the same consistency?
Well you have the argument that if Dybala was that amazing in a position, a manager who new him well(he managed him for years), wouldn't put him out wide. if the guy was such a special talent he wouldn't have been bunged out, and you have to be a really incredible talent to give the kind of contract that is been discussed too.

He also means that we have to play a number 10, something that could be a problem if Pogba stays(which seems likely at the moment) as he has struggled in 2 man midfields throughout his career.

Like other people have said, we also don't know how he will adapt to the league, its a lot higher tempo than italy. He has also never lived in England he may not fit in with the life style.

There are so man what ifs, Player coming off a down year, who(your saying) isn't that adaptable moving to a new team in a new league and putting him on a wage that means he would be nearly impossible to sell if it doesn't work out.

We also already have alot of player on wages that means very are hard if not impossible to sell/move on. Adding another one to that list isn't smart.


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
I don't think we'd offer him much more of a presence than what he's got at Juve, who are a consistent challenger for the Champions League trophy.
I think he's referring to the kind of presence in social medias or the likes. United brings more commercially for a player than Juventus does, but footballing wise not really at the moment:boring:

Tom Van Persie

No relation
Dec 12, 2012
Some of you lot love jumping to conclusions. :lol: Nobody reliable has said that he doesn't want to come to United or the PL. Relax.

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
Since when was Rojo a hit? :lol:
There was that brief period where he was decent for like a month and people were declaring him the best defender we have even if he should have been sent off like 3 times. Some poor souls might still be hanging on to that brief window when he was average.


Full Member
Feb 3, 2015
Charm City, MD
I think many on here underestimate what United can offer players. Yes more money but also a huge media presence, notoriety, etc... and as we see in football things can change quickly. I know many on here think we 'suck' and will 'suck for a long time but not everyone in the world of football thinks that way.
I know they are better than United now dominating Italy like PSG/Bayern (great competition) but they won it in '96 last. I am just saying, things change fast and being on a United team coming back from the depths would be pretty great while making 200k a week and becoming a legend.


Love Island obsessive
Nov 3, 2016
My biggest worry is he's South American. Look at our history of South Americans.

Tevez- Fantastic but went to City so traitor
Heinze -Shit and went to Liverpool
Posibon- Who?
Henriquez -Who?
Kleberson- Rubbish
Fabio- Rubbish
Forlan- Rubbish
Falcoa- Rubbish
Anderson- Rubbish
Veron- Rubbish
Fred- Hmmmmmmmm

Rojo -Hit
Rafael- Great

Di Maria- Utter low life piece of shshhshshhshshhshshshshhsh!!!

Now i really want Dybala but don't say we weren't warned.

Heinze to Liverpool is my favourite in this one.


Full Member
Apr 29, 2011
Some of you lot love jumping to conclusions. :lol: Nobody reliable has said that he doesn't want to come to United or the PL. Relax.
That and the fact that his agent is already negotiating with us shows he is clearly quite interested in coming here.

Eric's Seagull

Full Member
Sep 23, 2018
4-4-2: The Flat One
I think many on here underestimate what United can offer players. Yes more money but also a huge media presence, notoriety, etc... and as we see in football things can change quickly. I know many on here think we 'suck' and will 'suck for a long time but not everyone in the world of football thinks that way.
As we are in the sh!te at the moment, we can offer someone the chance of becoming a legend. They could come here and help us get back to the top, knowing that if they play a significant part in this they could become a hero.

Nytram Shakes

cannot lust
Feb 2, 2014
Fair points but if he didn't work out and he wanted away because he was miserable, we'd had another poor couple of seasons and still struggling, I imagine he would shift to another team and accept a lower wage. With transfer fees and wages rising as well, I don't think he'd be impossible to part ways with and at 27, I don't imagine he would want to sit and not play at a club where it hasn't worked out.

There's also the chance he does really well and plays an important part in us having a few good seasons to come. If he was 28 or 29 I would totally agree, but it would be an exciting signing and help play a part in giving everyone more optimism that this season will be better than last.
its not the age it's the wages, their arn't many players in world football on 300k + a week. If Dybala doesn't work out here, his value will decrease, not increase at which point who is going to match those kind of wages?

How offen do players move and accpet lower wages? its very very rare. And yes wages but this would be a really high wage, will probably be the 2nd biggest contract in premier league history. Thats a massive gamble!


Jun 13, 2006
next to the pacific
I’m a bit nervous about this he’s a big gamble. Seems a quality player but feels like if he joins us it’s just cos he has little choice and we offer big money. Also I’m not sure he’s physically or mentally suited to the prem. can he do it on a cold wet Wednesday night ?
yep that's why i compared this to the Di Maria transfer. Both were deemed surplus to requirements at their club, and United was the only financially smart destination. Di maria's heart wasn't in it. I don't think dybala's would be either.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2015
Greater Manchester

Heinze to Liverpool is my favourite in this one.
Sorry i meant when Heinze tried to go to Liverpool. He did everything possible to leave us and go down the east lancs. Some of you must remember how much we hated him when he wanted to go. Fergie made sure his days was was done as a United player then. I think Heinze even tried to go to court to get his transfer request.

I remember watching him score on his debut for us too like it was yesterday. I thought 'we've got a good one here'. How wrong was i.

Don't know much about him when he sod off and dont frankly care.

kirk buttercup

Full Member
Oct 20, 2016
What's the harm in people enjoying being linked to good players. Let people at least have fun with it ,there is a buzz rather than moaning . Come on Dybala, come on Bruno , feck it cmon Maguire


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
Well you have the argument that if Dybala was that amazing in a position, a manager who new him well(he managed him for years), wouldn't put him out wide. if the guy was such a special talent he wouldn't have been bunged out, and you have to be a really incredible talent to give the kind of contract that is been discussed too.
Why is it so hard to wrap your head around the fact that it’s RONALDO. I told you everything revolves around him. You build a team around him. You don’t sacrifice Ronaldo’s position so someone else can play there. You sacrifice them so Ronaldo can do what the feck he wants. Don’t care if it’s Dybala or anyone else.

He also means that we have to play a number 10, something that could be a problem if Pogba stays(which seems likely at the moment) as he has struggled in 2 man midfields throughout his career.
Firstly he plays there for France. I agree there are better players playing next to him but nevertheless he plays there. We will get a better DM to replace Matic but we can only do that next summer cause we have more pressing concerns to fill. Secondly that’s one formation. If we play a diamond, you know cause playing different teams sometimes requires systems to counteract their squad, Pogba won’t be in a midfield two. He will have an extra man in there for defensive support.

Like other people have said, we also don't know how he will adapt to the league, its a lot higher tempo than italy. He has also never lived in England he may not fit in with the life style.
If that’s your concern then we should NEVER buy foreigners again. Again how hard is it to wrap your head around the fact that any signing is a gamble for any team. Some workout some don’t. When an exceptional talent like Dybala comes along you take a chance on him.

There are so man what ifs, Player coming off a down year, who(your saying) isn't that adaptable moving to a new team in a new league and putting him on a wage that means he would be nearly impossible to sell if it doesn't work out.
He is 25. Age is on his side. Two years from now IF it doesn’t work out there is going to be even more money in football and we can still sell him. Same with Di Maria. He was on high wages. We moved him in 12 months.
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Euro 2016 sweepstake winner
Jun 9, 2012

Heinze to Liverpool is my favourite in this one.
You know what he meant. He was a hero in his first season then a villain by the end. Tevez was absolutely fantastic for us and then a villain for years after. Di Maria is a villain now too. Definitely theme with Argentine players for us. Still means nothing but is quite strange.


New Member
Jul 6, 2019
I'm sorry but this "mercenary" shit does my head in...

How is he a mercenary? He actively wants to stay at Juventus, but they want to sell him for whatever reason. That makes him loyal, rather than a mercenary.

A mercenary follows the money and only the money.
Ok il put it another way. He wants to stay at Juve,doesn’t want to come here unless he’s getting Sanchez type money. Doesn’t feel me with great hope that he’s the man we can rely on whenever we go on a poor run. Even if it goes well he will prob just use us as a stepping stone. Thought we were moving away from those type of transfers


Full Member
Sep 5, 2013
They seriously got to be smoking something there in the Juve office.
A big thanks to them. At least they are trying to make us great again. Dont know what they see in Lukaku to be honest, but i couldnt care less either
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