Bruno Fernandes | Signed

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Woodward doesn't negotiate the transfers. Don't know where this myth has come from.

Matr Judge negotiates the transfers.

Judge is chief negotiator, but Ed certainly has a hand in it, and all decisions regarding transfers and contracts go through CEO Ed. he has the final say on all transfers and contracts. Im pretty sure i read he has final say on who we target also
Have a feeling this will be officially announce today just before the game to lift up the mood at the ground before kickoff. Maybe i’m being too optimistic

These are the posts we need to lift this thread, not the "I don't believe Portuguese media" "this is not happening" posts.
May be, might be, could be. Close, 48hrs, next Monday. Same old quotes slapped onto any potential United transfer, it's not happening.

Wouldn't surprise me if it was Ed briefing the media to appease disgruntled fans.

And anyways if he does sign he'll be average cause let's face it when has anyone that has signed for United lived up to the hype since SAF retired.
Just saw the score from last nights game..

Sporting are fecking rubbish, aren't they?

Apparently, according to the press, wanted to keep Bruno for 2 key games.. lost both..
These are the posts we need to lift this thread, not the "I don't believe Portuguese media" "this is not happening" posts.

Absolutely mate. Those ‘this is not happening’ posts especially winds me up to no end. I mean, why are you even here then? Just shut up and move on to another thread and moan about Ole mismanagement on Rashford
Sporting have every right to drag this on. Fernandes is comfortably their most important player,arguably the most influential player they've had since the likes of Jardel,Figo,Ronaldo and possibly Moutinho were playing at the club.

But there must come a time when Sporting could leave themselves short here if a deal does finally materialise, likely with a couple of days left remaining in the window.

Their financial issues are well known to a certain degree but you would also like to believe they too would want to bring in someone that will lesson the loss of their key talisman.
Are they going to manage that in a possible short time ?

Don't think they care much though, their season is over.

Move on Fernandes, take the money, play youngsters until the end of the season, reset, and buy another high rated youngster.

That's Sporting, a feeder club model.
Have a feeling this will be officially announce today just before the game to lift up the mood at the ground before kickoff. Maybe i’m being too optimistic

He played last night. There's no way a deal is that close if he's playing. He could still sign for us before the window shuts next week of course but I don't think it's imminent at all. Probably go down to the last day or two I reckon as we seem to be miles apart in valuations.
I agree with this but it highlights Woodward's failures. We lost two CMs last year, Herrera and Fellaini yet here we are two windows later and Bruno has been talked to death both windows. Where is a list of alternatives?

Surely during two windows we could have made approaches for at least some other suitable CM candidates... couldn't we?

As we seem to have no other alternatives I am of the mind Woodward needs to over pay to get this done.

Either do due diligence and scout and find options or go all in on your one, but do not do nothing which is unacceptable to me.
Yep agreed.
Sporting have every right to drag this on. Fernandes is comfortably their most important player,arguably the most influential player they've had since the likes of Jardel,Figo,Ronaldo and possibly Moutinho were playing at the club.

But there must come a time when Sporting could leave themselves short here if a deal does finally materialise, likely with a couple of days left remaining in the window.

Their financial issues are well known to a certain degree but you would also like to believe they too would want to bring in someone that will lesson the loss of their key talisman.
Are they going to manage that in a possible short time ?

theyll get a deal done. And it’ll take them 2 days. We just like to drag these out for 2 months
Yep agreed.

to be fair though. We don’t want alternatives. We want the player identified. Not the second or third choice. Didn’t do Klopp any harm when all we heard for 2 seasons how he was waiting for his man instead of opting for an alternative
Can someone tell Ed that we can sign anyone once January has ended ..... Wouldn't surprise me if he's planning a February master stroke !
:lol: We got charged mate.

Haha I don't fault their effort to be fair bit I mean like we need a character like him who is shouting at players around him and getting angry when we lose. Not just in Derby games against Liverpool but in all games. When was the last time we saw one of our players going crazy about losing at the final whistle? Brandon Williams has got that fire in him be nice to add another character like that.
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Haha I don't fault their effort to be fair bit I mean like we need a character like him who is shouting at players around him and getting angry when we lose. Not just in Derby games against Liverpool but in all games. When was the last time we saw one of our players going crazy about losing at the final whistle? Brandon Williams has got that fire in him be nice to add another character like that.

Yea I agree that in general I'd like to see more fight about the players.
Sporting need to sell, United need to buy - It's a stalemate on price and both clubs are playing chicken with the deadline approaching.
The best move United can make is to make a lot of noise on the plan B target so Sporting start to be scared they won't close the deal and face 6 months of further financial pressure.

In negotiation the BATNA is key, United should have several further options. Sporting's is to find and thrash out a deal with another buyer or face significant financial costs due to their arrangements. With the right leadership United should be in the stronger position but they fail to do the basics of negotiation.
Imagine we finally get him and he ends up being Fred in his first season!

Bruno Fredandes.

The shooting of both players seems to be polar opposite so we should see some difference at least in one area.
Wasn't the alternative Longstaff ?

I'd rather shove broken glass down my anus that have sean fecking longstaff at man utd.

or, we could just promote someone from the youth team for cover.
Have a feeling this will be officially announce today just before the game to lift up the mood at the ground before kickoff. Maybe i’m being too optimistic
No tomorrow he will be announced, after tonight's game.
If we can get a win today and wrap up this transfer that would give us a big boost...BIG IFS THOUGH...
Where's the confidence that this is close coming from, I've not see anything from a good English source for days.

seems all driven from the Portuguese press at the minute. The only comfort we can take is they need to sell and we need to buy.
Wasn't the alternative Longstaff ?

Surely that's the big problem here, how can the only two viable options be Bruno Fernandes or Sean Longstaff? There are plenty of betters players out there and I'm sure we wouldn't need to pay £50m+ to buy them.
Our spending does matter. If we spend say 10m more than we should on a player we could miss out on another target by not spending that 10m to clinch someone.

Every player has to have a top limit.
Why are no other clubs in for him?
Maybe other clubs are doing a better at not broadcasting every little detail about their January window 24/7. Maybe other bids have been rejected. Maybe there aren't any other bids. When Real was in for Ronaldo I don't remember their fans asking 'wait a minute why aren't other clubs interested'
to be fair though. We don’t want alternatives. We want the player identified. Not the second or third choice. Didn’t do Klopp any harm when all we heard for 2 seasons how he was waiting for his man instead of opting for an alternative

I hope this is a sign we’ve learned the lesson to spend only on our top targets. Both City and Liverpool do this and it has worked out well for them.
Surely that's the big problem here, how can the only two viable options be Bruno Fernandes or Sean Longstaff? There are plenty of betters players out there and I'm sure we wouldn't need to pay £50m+ to buy them.
I agree, but are we ignoring the scouts, or are they just not doing their job.
Imagine we finally get him and he ends up being Fred in his first season!

I hope we are more patient with him than we were with Fred. Takes time to adapt to the PL and I’d expect a very young team is even harder to step into.
Just saw the score from last nights game..

Sporting are fecking rubbish, aren't they?

Apparently, according to the press, wanted to keep Bruno for 2 key games.. lost both..

I remember last week when it was mentioned that they wanted to keep him for Benfica and Braga. How pointless if they were playing hardball just to keep him for those games :lol:
From MEN:

"Sources say ‘nothing has changed’ on Bruno Fernandes from the weekend news that United had balked at Sporting’s €80m valuation. Portuguese clubs use the country’s media to hike up prices and to try and put pressure on buying clubs to give the impression a deal is done or imminent. It’s a tactic that has irritated United in the past (Nico Gaitan) and Tottenham walked away from a deal for Fernandes in the summer. "

Swear to god, something I wish we weren't such a clickbaity club, then we would all be better off.
I read somewhere, not sure if accurate or not, the reason for them increasing the price is to cover commisson to mendes for his involvement. Not sure how that works as he isn't the agent but he must be involved in someway, maybe an advisory capacity. Whatever it is, Utd aren't willing to cover his fee
I don't get this from Woodward, what does he think he is doing.

If Sporting want more and he doesn't want to pay, leave it and secure another target. That is the only way to show a club we will not be taken for mugs.

Waiting on Sporting to come back accepting an offer knowing come 2 days before the window Ed will just go and pay the money.

We need to be brave here and decide if it is worth it or not. If they don't accept move on and get another player in.
I read somewhere, not sure if accurate or not, the reason for them increasing the price is to cover commisson to mendes for his involvement. Not sure how that works as he isn't the agent but he must be involved in someway, maybe an advisory capacity. Whatever it is, Utd aren't willing to cover his fee

Listened to this yesterday, saying something about the banks being involved and them getting a cut of any deal done. throws a spanner into the works
Listened to this yesterday, saying something about the banks being involved and them getting a cut of any deal done. throws a spanner into the works

just re-read the article I was referring to, again not saying it's accurate, it's hard to say at this stage, but it appears Mendes has an agreement to be involved in all Sporting transfer deasl. Utd didn't want him involved, but he still wants paid. Sporting trying to pay of his fee by raising price on Fernandes.
This was his best work.


This is the absolute pinnacle that has ever been reached on RedCafe and I really can't see it being bettered either.

19] Then the Kopites made an idol of Raphael, and cried out that he was the saviour, and by his mighty sword they would come forth in the land.
20] But in the end they came fifth.

That particular passage is without doubt the funniest thing I have ever read online, I absolutely lost it the first time I read it.
We should tell them to feck off if that’s the case. Let them keep him and he be pissed off for the next 2 years.

From what I hear they’ve identified their next target. This will screw them if they start fecking teams about
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