2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Full Member
May 18, 2011
I pessimisticly believe Trump will beat either of them anyway but i don't really get what Biden's pitch is?

Is there an assumption that Trump is so unpopular that they just need a play it safe candidate to capture those votes? If so surely there's someone better than Biden.


Don't Just Fly…Soar!
Jan 6, 2008
Thucydides nuts
Wow the giddy anti-Bernie Bros are out in force now. Almost as if you get sexual excitement from depriving the poor of adequate healthcare.


wants Amber Rudd to call him a naughty boy
Jul 3, 2012
My understanding was the Bloomberg staff were already contracted through til the end of the general election.

I'm sure the plan remains to run an independent campaign if Bernie wins but he can't say that now so we have the paper owned by the man who asked him to run for president publishing a piece explaining away the fact Bloomberg will continue to employ a large campaign staff.


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
My understanding was the Bloomberg staff were already contracted through til the end of the general election.

I'm sure the plan remains to run an independent campaign if Bernie wins but he can't say that now so we have the paper owned by the man who asked him to run for president publishing a piece explaining away the fact Bloomberg will continue to employ a large campaign staff.
Happy with Biden.
Happy to split the vote and remain with Trump rather than Bernie.


wants Amber Rudd to call him a naughty boy
Jul 3, 2012
Happy with Biden.
Happy to split the vote and remain with Trump rather than Bernie.
Absolutely. I do genuinely think he wanted to win himself, obviously, as he wouldn't have spent all that money if he didn't, but he'll have little interest if Biden's the nominee. He might as well put the staff he's already paid for in to working on swing states for Biden but I'd be shocked if he spent anything like the amount he spent on his own campaign.

I really don't think he cares that much that Donald Trump called him short.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
i've been extremely nice to 2 warren people online and i want a treat and someone to scream at.


Dec 19, 2011
Why on earth are Sanders campaign not calling for a debate in the next few days. They have really made some pathetic strategic errors in the last 2 weeks.
Why would Biden or DNC accept it? The debates have been scheduled months in advance.

It was known for a long time that the debate before Nevada might be the last one that matters considering that the next one after it was going to happen after Super Tuesday and the next six states elections. No one mentioned the possibility of a new debate when Bernie was looking to win. It is not gonna happen now, and asking for it would just make Bernie look bad.


Full Member
Sep 8, 2013

This man has called the state of the race being determined by black voters in the south for Biden for almost a year.

Even when Biden tanked the early states he stuck to his guns saying there would be no shift of moderate votes away from Biden once the race got to the south.

It's probably worth its own thread but at some point there has to be a discussion among prominent socialist/left voices about how there is a ceiling to the support, and a reconciliation that this idea of my way or the highway is wrong. Sanders has had four years to try and build allies in the party he wants to lead yet by his own words he did not try and get the endorsement of the man who instead boosted Biden, because their politics are different, yet he bragged about Joe Rogan.

Furthermore most people aren't bogged down by critical thinking sociological discussions of class structure. The average person in the US would probably not be able to put a name to the face of the Vice President I bet if you stopped them in the street holding a picture. One thing I learned about brexit is how while there was rampant support on one side for another vote, and rampant support on the other for leaving, there was a bigger middle for people who were just uninterested of it all. Life goes on.

Those of us on forums or communities online really do live in an echo chamber but it seems it's easier to snigger about how Trump has a small base who will never leave him even if he shoots someone in the middle of the street, yet these super popular activist politicians by online metrics like Sanders and Corbyn have a ceiling of about 30%. Heck, that fellow from TYT proves it. He might post a video talking about how he destroyed so and so, but he got destroyed by the polls.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA

This man has called the state of the race being determined by black voters in the south for Biden for almost a year.

Even when Biden tanked the early states he stuck to his guns saying there would be no shift of moderate votes away from Biden once the race got to the south.

It's probably worth its own thread but at some point there has to be a discussion among prominent socialist/left voices about how there is a ceiling to the support, and a reconciliation that this idea of my way or the highway is wrong. Sanders has had four years to try and build allies in the party he wants to lead yet by his own words he did not try and get the endorsement of the man who instead boosted Biden, because their politics are different, yet he bragged about Joe Rogan.

Furthermore most people aren't bogged down by critical thinking sociological discussions of class structure. The average person in the US would probably not be able to put a name to the face of the Vice President I bet if you stopped them in the street holding a picture. One thing I learned about brexit is how while there was rampant support on one side for another vote, and rampant support on the other for leaving, there was a bigger middle for people who were just uninterested of it all. Life goes on.

Those of us on forums or communities online really do live in an echo chamber but it seems it's easier to snigger about how Trump has a small base who will never leave him even if he shoots someone in the middle of the street, yet these super popular activist politicians by online metrics like Sanders and Corbyn have a ceiling of about 30%. Heck, that fellow from TYT proves it. He might post a video talking about how he destroyed so and so, but he got destroyed by the polls.
Everything is ultimately reducible to the fact that in the US, people rarely approach politics through the lens of class or the power of ideas. They more frequently approach it through culture, identity, and team. This explains why Sanders hasn't been able to build or expand on what he did in 2016.


Full Member
Jul 9, 2013

When hillary didn't campaign in certain states for the GE at least i could say it was out of hubris because of the opponent she had. This guy, i'd actually want kept off the campaign trail. YIKES!!


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Shady is relative here. Ultimately, Sanders is a non-Democrat who is attempting to usurp the party to advance his political ambitions. That is always going to garner significant pushback by actual long time Democrats who have put the sweat equity into developing the party for decades.

oh come on, you make it sound like he's doing this because of a thirst for power. He's one of the few people in politics who really is in it to help people out.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
oh come on, you make it sound like he's doing this because of a thirst for power. He's one of the few people in politics who really is in it to help people out.
The two aren't mutually exclusive. He hasn't been a Dem throughout his entire political career and could've just as easily ran for Prez as an independent, but he instead opted to use the apparatus of the Democratic party to advance his goals. He shouldn't therefore be surprised when actual Dems (aka establishment Dems to Sanders supporters) push back on him taking over the party they have spent years investing in.


Full Member
Jul 9, 2013
['"One of the things I'm proudest of is getting passed, getting moved, getting in control of the Paris Climate Accord," Biden told the crowd. "I'm the guy who came back after meeting with Deng Xiaoping and making the case that I believe China will join if we put pressure on them. We got almost 200 nations to join."']

The upcoming Democratic presidental nominee everyone. Am I wrong in saying that a biden administration would currently have a better/valid reason to invoke the 25th Amendment on a President than the current lunatic you all have? :lol:


Full Member
Sep 8, 2013
And Bernie Sanders has gone down 35% in his home state.

From 86% to 51%. Obviously there's more people but no one else campaigned there, and probably never even visited. So that's an insane swing downwards. Those people know him best, keep re-electing him to office yet in 2020, almost half of them voted against one of their own. To the point Biden has picked up delegates.

I believe Trump will beat Biden in November 2020 because he's lost a step but I always suspected Biden would have beaten Trump in November 2016. There was a severe anti-Hillary sentiment coated in a degree of sexism plus her own "likeability" problems.


( . Y . ) planned for Christmas
Sep 4, 2013
The Royal Kingdom of Trumpistan

The upcoming Democratic presidental nominee everyone. Am I wrong in saying that a biden administration would currently have a better/valid reason to invoke the 25th Amendment on a President than the current lunatic you all have? :lol:
I'd argue though that with as much bullshit Trump has coming out of his mouth Biden by comparison at least seems like he has some credibility. Most people know feck all about what he has or hasn't done as a politician - they just know he s been one for a long time and was a VP and as long as he s saying things that Dems all agree on (like recognizing climate change) - people aren't going to bother to fact check.


Full Member
Jul 9, 2013

Trump ad already out. This reminds me of when Nancy Reagan was overheard feeding speech lines to her dementia-riddled husband. Biden is just going to get worse.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
And Bernie Sanders has gone down 35% in his home state.

From 86% to 51%. Obviously there's more people but no one else campaigned there, and probably never even visited. So that's an insane swing downwards. Those people know him best, keep re-electing him to office yet in 2020, almost half of them voted against one of their own. To the point Biden has picked up delegates.

I believe Trump will beat Biden in November 2020 because he's lost a step but I always suspected Biden would have beaten Trump in November 2016. There was a severe anti-Hillary sentiment coated in a degree of sexism plus her own "likeability" problems.
The Trump v Biden race would be very close imo. It would come down to about 2-3 states, how the economy is doing around election time, and whether the intense anti-Trump sentiment over the last 3 years shows up on election day. It showed up in Nov of 2018 and gave the Dems the house back and it will need an even bigger turnout in November.


Full Member
Jul 9, 2013
The Trump v Biden race would be very close imo. It would come down to about 2-3 states, how the economy is doing around election time, and whether the intense anti-Trump sentiment over the last 3 years shows up on election day. It showed up in Nov of 2018 and gave the Dems the house back and it will need an even bigger turnout in November.
Anti-Trump sentiment could also just run up the popular vote win. Trump is popular with Republicans. Joe Biden will do nothing for GE turnout and whilst Sanders-Backers in 2016 turned out better than Clinton-backers did in 2008, i think you could see some genuine "feck you" movements from the progressive wing. I agree with the overall analysis that Sanders has a lower overall core base than "X generic moderate", but all i'm saying is that core base is consistent across the country and I think a biden outreach will not tackle any of their issues. The Biden campaign to progressives will likely be "vote for me or you're voting for trump". I don't think that will be enough.

I think a genuine scenario could be Biden winning the popular vote by 5% and Trump holds on 270-280 EC votes.


Full Member
Sep 8, 2013
The Trump v Biden race would be very close imo. It would come down to about 2-3 states, how the economy is doing around election time, and whether the intense anti-Trump sentiment over the last 3 years shows up on election day. It showed up in Nov of 2018 and gave the Dems the house back and it will need an even bigger turnout in November.
Fair analysis and I agree with it. But I'd give the edge to Trump because historically it's just hard to beat an incumbent unless something drastic happens and Biden severely needs to up his performance on the stump when voting day gets nearer.

He needs more things like this to appear.

Biden is very good at that kind of thing. He has empathy that can show the best side of him in contrast to the vindictiveness of Trump. That's why I think four years ago the landslide forecast for Hillary would have manifested for him. But now his verbal missteps are jumped on from his left and to his right, his stutter has increased (that happens with age I guess) and he doesn't look like his heart is in it.

I think if elected he will serve one term and pass on the reins to his VP to lead the ticket in 2024. Same with Bernie. If they don't live to see out a term (at their age it's very possible) that's how America gets its first female president imo.
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