SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Testing is particularly important for young people who will actually be the biggest group carrying the virus. If they're aware the have the virus I think the majority will self-isolate. You will get a few who are to stubborn/stupid/arrogant etc. to change their ways but you at least know who has it and who doesn't.

I wish Italy, Spain and the UK would have done this but I think these countries have problems with being able to test so many people.

Why have some countries been able to test large groups of people while others haven't?
America has a sixth of the worlds cases.
It's either the US has been very good with testing and the other numbers are shit or the US response to this has been diabolical. The rate of infection in America is something else.
I know people will cry about preferential treatment, etc, but wouldn't it be an idea to test all the MP's and journalists that have come into contact with Boris, Hanncock. and Witty, within the last week or so, and maybe creating a sort of micro analysis of how many have it but are asymptomatic, and then those who go onto get symptoms.
I know people will cry about preferential treatment, etc, but wouldn't it be an idea to test all the MP's and journalists that have come into contact with Boris, Hanncock. and Witty, within the last week or so, and maybe creating a sort of micro analysis of how many have it but are asymptomatic, and then those who go onto get symptoms.
It would be a good idea. Crazy to think otherwise.
I'm taking a liquid supplement made by Haliborange which has Vit D3, echinacea and all sorts of other stuff in it to boost the immune system. No idea if it'll help, but it won't do any harm!
I guess you didnt watch the explainer video which stated a really strong imune system actually can cause death with coronavirus since the anti bodies attack your own cells as well as the virus.
America has a sixth of the worlds cases.
It's either the US has been very good with testing and the other numbers are shit or the US response to this has been diabolical. The rate of infection in America is something else.
I’d wager it’s some of both. In some manners the response by governance (local and national) was criminal. And large numbers of our populace believe in our dear leader’s conspiracy theories.

But I actually trust to have real numbers reported by medical professionals as opposed to, say... Russia.

I don't know about this. Seems so complacent and incompetent given this was a novel virus. Caution should have been exercised from the beginning. What we're seeing now is the result of head burying in the sand.

Over reacting would have been far better than under reacting. The world is guilty of the latter and nearly 25,000 people have died in around 2 months.
I agree but I think this will also lead to a need to really consider how the NHS is run / funded. Surely this has highlight massive gaps in the system that will really need correcting.

Agreed but from the local information in my county which I reckon would be mirrored throughout all the others the local AE departments are witnessing a large reduction in the walking wounded. Cannot help but think we have abused the NHS for far too long. Certainly it’s underfunded but it’s also true that if we get the slightest snivel these days it’s off to the GP and AE departments for antibiotics, sick note or reassurance.
Difficult to implement the fines at the moment as everybody is 'doing the food shop', exercising or supporting a vulnerable relative. I think in other countries they have implemented a system where you get alloted times to go out and have to give a valid reason. Not sure how it would work but some kind of app or txt system that you could show when challenged.
I don't know about this. Seems so complacent and incompetent given this was a novel virus. Caution should have been exercised from the beginning. What we're seeing now is the result of head burying in the sand.

Over reacting would have been far better than under reacting. The world is guilty of the latter and nearly 25,000 people have died in around 2 months.

On average, more than two new species of human virus are reported every year.

If we did what you suggest, we'd be in perpetual lockdown.
Difficult to implement the fines at the moment as everybody is 'doing the food shop', exercising or supporting a vulnerable relative. I think in other countries they have implemented a system where you get alloted times to go out and have to give a valid reason. Not sure how it would work but some kind of app or txt system that you could show when challenged.
You fill in a form and carry photo ID. If you're stopped and things aren't in order, you get a heavy fine. I can tell you that it works, you second-guess every time you step outside your gate.

On average, more than two new species of human virus are reported every year.

If we did that, we'd be in perpetual lockdown.

None have had nearly the same impact as this one and this had been known about for a couple of months at least before the world started to take it seriously. I would think that we would have a plan for a really dangerous virus to appear if we were keeping an eye on the emergence of new viruses.
How effective is ventilator treatment? Or is it mostly just keeping people alive while they fight the infection themselves? Is there an average time that people need to be on the vent?

You got it. It's a common but understandable misconception about ventilators. Ventilators don't treat. They are not treatment for the most part. (you can make some arguments in some cases) They support your breathing/respiratory system while you recover from your underlying illness.

We tend to keep patients on vents for 2-3 weeks while they get better. Problem is so many of these patients are not getting better and we don't really have anything to get them better. I am not hearing many cases of patients getting better enough to be taken off ventilators. Maybe it's just too early. We shall see.
None have had nearly the same impact as this one and this had been known about for a couple of months at least before the world started to take it seriously. I would think that we would have a plan for a really dangerous virus to appear if we were keeping an eye on the emergence of new viruses.
Read the Twitter thread to understand why we didn't.

We were keeping an eye on the emergence of new viruses.
Agreed but from the local information in my county which I reckon would be mirrored throughout all the others the local AE departments are witnessing a large reduction in the walking wounded. Cannot help but think we have abused the NHS for far too long. Certainly it’s underfunded but it’s also true that if we get the slightest snivel these days it’s off to the GP and AE departments for antibiotics, sick note or reassurance.

No chance! Admissions are down because less people are driving, drinking and are not leaving the house.
I hope this doesn’t swing around to “we are abusing the NHS”. It has been underfunded. End of.
You're making absolutely no sense whatsoever. Do you have a link to this crackpot theory?

Too strong isn't the correct term but you don't want it to be overzealous. I have experienced it myself.
You fill in a form and carry photo ID. If you're stopped and things aren't in order, you get a heavy fine. I can tell you that it works, you second-guess every time you step outside your gate.
It is just taking a while for the admin side to filter through. People who are doing the food shop dont have any form of ID or proof they are on their way shopping or picking up meds etc. I stopped over 50 cars in my local area yesterday afternoon and each one gave one of the valid reasons for being out. Plus the paperwork for giving the fines hasn't been given to us yet in my area. Hopefully it will iron itself out over the next few days and the fact we are randomly stopping and challenging people will make some think twice .
If one good thing comes out of this virus, it’s hopefully that the NHS becomes absolutely untouchable for the Tories and the need for public healthcare is cemented in the US.

People not continually voting in successive Tory governments would be a start.
Too strong isn't the correct term but you don't want it to be overzealous. I have experienced it myself.

I don't believe you can take a supplement which will 'boost' your immune system and certainly not to the extent that it triggers an auto-immune response as described by the previous poster.

I'm not aware of any science to back this theory up which is why I was asking for a link.
You got it. It's a common but understandable misconception about ventilators. Ventilators don't treat. They are not treatment for the most part. (you can make some arguments in some cases) They support your breathing/respiratory system while you recover from your underlying illness.

We tend to keep patients on vents for 2-3 weeks while they get better. Problem is so many of these patients are not getting better and we don't really have anything to get them better. I am not hearing many cases of patients getting better enough to be taken off ventilators. Maybe it's just too early. We shall see.

that's very worrying and must be frustrating knowing that you can't really do anything to help. Are the patients able to feed and go to the bathroom or are they so ill that they are totally bedridden?
I don't believe you can take a supplement which will 'boost' your immune system and certainly not to the extent that it triggers an auto-immune response as described by the previous poster.

I'm not aware of any science to back this theory up which is why I was asking for a link.

Which is something that @Cassidy already said, in the post that you quoted he was talking about the strength of an immune system in general. Supplements in isolation don't strengthen your immune system, your overall diet and it's balance will allow you to be healthier and help your immune system but that's an everyday thing and you aren't supposed to take supplements unless if for some reasons your body doesn't do it's job properly.
I don't believe you can take a supplement which will 'boost' your immune system and certainly not to the extent that it triggers an auto-immune response as described by the previous poster.

I'm not aware of any science to back this theory up which is why I was asking for a link.

I never once said you could
Which is something that @Cassidy already said, in the post that you quoted he was talking about the strength of an immune system in general. Supplements in isolation don't strengthen your immune system, your overall diet and it's balance will allow you to be healthier and help your immune system but that's an everyday thing and you aren't supposed to take supplements unless if for some reasons your body doesn't do it's job properly.

Yes exactly, but then how do you get from there to overstimulating your immune system and creating an auto-immune response, which you both seem to be suggesting is possible?
Yes exactly, but then how do you get from there to overstimulating your immune system and creating an auto-immune response, which you both seem to be suggesting is possible?

No I made reference to a video in this thread which gave details about the adverse affects of an overstimulated immune system and coronavirus. I also stated that if it was beneficial for people to eat certain foods to boost their immune system then some medical expert in at least one of the leading nations would have already given this advice.
Yes exactly, but then how do you get from there to overstimulating your immune system and creating an auto-immune response, which you both seem to be suggesting is possible?

I did not suggest that though. I made the simple point that the immune system being strong wasn't an issue but being overzealous was.
You fill in a form and carry photo ID. If you're stopped and things aren't in order, you get a heavy fine. I can tell you that it works, you second-guess every time you step outside your gate.
There is no official ID in the UK. Passports and driving licences are used as proxies, but not everyone has them.
There is no official ID in the UK. Passports and driving licences are used as proxies, but not everyone has them.
Yes, I know that - I'm British too. Most old people have something, like a bus pass which has your photo on it.

This crisis has made me really come around to having ID. The Italian identity card acts as a kind of passport within the country, and you don't have to be an Italian citizen to get one - just officially resident.
No I made reference to a video in this thread which gave details about the adverse affects of an overstimulated immune system and coronavirus. I also stated that if it was beneficial for people to eat certain foods to boost their immune system then some medical expert in at least one of the leading nations would have already given this advice.

That's the part that sounds dodgy to me.

I didn't see you state anything about the advice re benefits of eating certain foods.

I agree on the second point.
It's never been proven that eating or taking supplements (unless your deficient in a certain nutrient) boosts your immune system so I don't really think there's a danger you can overstimulate it. It sounded like scare mongering to me which is why I challenged it.

Granted I haven't see the video but sure I'll never find it in this bloody thread. :lol:
Yes, I know that - I'm British too. Most old people have something, like a bus pass which has your photo on it.

This crisis has made me really come around to having ID. The Italian identity card acts as a kind of passport within the country, and you don't have to be an Italian citizen to get one - just officially resident.
I've always believed in ID, and having to carry it, but in normal non-virus times I know very few on the Caf would agree with me.